>game set in the future
>capitalism still exists
Game set in the future
Other urls found in this thread:
Communism is dead, kid.
Religion is dead.
Political activism is dead.
Long live to capitalism.
>Game set in post-Brexit Britain
>Government officials all support it while the people oppose it
It's like the people making games commenting about Brexit know nothing about what they're preaching against.
No kidding. Also:
>Game set in post-Brexit Britain
>It's a dystopian hellhole.
Britain is like that already, for heaven's sake.
*SNIFF* Gapitalism is on its death bed
black peoples still exist
wtf animal is that on the right????
The people who aren't uneducated working class bottom feeders in Britain oppose it
>game set in the future
>anime girls exist (irl)
It's more alive than ever, thanks to George Soros, The Ford Foundation, Planned Parenthood and Mastercard.
>Game set in the future
>White people are still a thing, barely any mixed people
>t. milkman
Why would you think posting some fag's 15 minute video instead of the original clip is a good idea.
Capitalism will be even worse in dystopian times. With no regulation everything will have a price.
Why do modern socialist have this much of a class hatred towards the working class of their own nations?
> Middle class deigning to tell the working class what's good for them
Off with you!
Because it's not their money, and it gets them poz'd pussy points to be "open minded".
If you want to see the future look at China.
That sort of totalitarian control over people is already possible via technology, and our (((rulers))) are just itching to incorporate that shit on us as well.
Because they're just puppets of the neoliberal ruling class. They never cared about the middle and lower classes.
This. They obviously only voted leave because they looked at a bus. Dirty stupid non-Londoners are ruining this country. Don’t they know diversity is our strength?
Disgusting traitors, the lot of them.
Stop watching Fox News, socialists have always fought for the working class.
>its almost over guys, for sure this time
Commie lullabies lol
based and codreanupilled
They've always been like this
Not seeing the problem here?
people literally voted for brexit
how can they be against it?
>these filthy monkeys like Brexit because they aren't woke as am I
I'd believe you but everyday I see "socialists" talking about using the UK's wealth to better the lot of people outside of it as they in the middle class have decreed that UK citizens have enough.
Only when they're not murdering them.
>the parasites feeding off the working class are the ones against it
Gee I wonder why
Maybe in the past, but certainly not now.
Socialists are the ones who want to import the third world into my homeland here in Finland. Socialists are the ones who think that the money the working classes pay in taxes belongs to every fucking shitskin who just wanders across our border.
Socialists are the ones who most vocally attack our traditions and way of life which are still extremely fondly held by working class people.
Socialists sneer at the working class when they celebrate our victory in hockey, or show any nationalistic behavior at all.
Modern day socialists are a bunch internationalist fucking traitors, who exist within an academic bubble of indifference or outright malice towards their actual kinsmen. They should all be fucking shot.
The only good form of socialism is national socialism. Heil Hitler.
Brexit is going to fuck over the UK and its trade and destroy its currency. But it's ok, as long you are owning the libtards
Use to think the same thing until I started watching socialists like secular talk.
odd then how the commies arent supported by the working class, defined as people with full time jobs, who supported blomph 70-30
by working class you mean welfare leeches and those leeching off their parents
>Used to think the same before someone told me what to think
Congrats I guess.
It's his channel and he want views so he can quit his job at McDicks and make it big on the internet.
How about you think for yourself once in your fucking life?
That wasn't the point of my post. Leftists pretend to care about the common man until they vote against what they like, then proceed to call them good-for-nothing rednecks. The reality is that leftists hates the common man and only have empathy for their colleagues in (((academia))) and the ruling class.
Because the corporations brain wash them. Remember, unions bad, minimum wage bad, workers rights bad.
Throughout it's history socialism and communism has largely been about gaining the support of dissatisfied academics and the unproductive bottom of society then using them to gain power.
After assuming power they then kill these people off as they are both unproductive and easy to turn as they did.
What they always really want is those actual workers who just want to work then go home for a drink and a meal before doing it again while producing all the useful shit. Not the people that either only consume or sit at their desk being perpetually dissatisfied.
Big oooff
Cheap labor good, destruction of the family unit good, secularization good, abortion good, racial pride good, globohomo good.
Yes? Because frankly unless you're middle class you aren't missing much.
Congrats on the victory. Swedish myself but with enough Finnish blood to cheer your team on.
Kek, good one
Is there a better feeling than being a neoliberal, bros?
>don’t have to look in every nook and cranny to have a politician that supports you (at least in America)
>bbbbuh neolibs took over society!
>infant mortality declines significantly.
>can bomb countries with a black woman piloting the bomber in the name of progressiveness
An appalling majority of tax evaders I know of are self declared socialists. Demanding more taxes must be easy when you don't intend to pay them. They also demand more immigration which absolutely rapes the value of labor, fucking over the working class while benefitting mega corps.
You don't fight for the working class, you just wat in this new "look how progressive I am guys" for social cred. If you where born in middle ages you would have been the most cocksucking religious banwagoner ever for the same reason: the current power propaganda made being hypocritical the safest option.
The EU have no control over national borders, immigration is entirely controlled by national governments. That's typically the kind of comment that made this user assume you were just a low class uneducated retard.
Lmao good impression
Thanks m8.
I hope that someday, your nation will rid itself of the shitskin scourge infesting it. I'd volunteer for the effort if it ever comes.
Actually that's what UK socialists are like, they see it on a global level, less a national one.
Stop this shit. I agree that Brexit isn't going to end well for UK, but acting like everybody who voted for it are dumbass hicks who don't know better isn't helping anybody. Those people have actual legit concerns that were not being given any consideration by people opposing Brexit, so of course they are going to side with guys who tell them that doing this thing will make their lives better.
This is the same kind of retarded shit that lead to Trump winning, with Democrats going AMERICA IS ALREADY GREAT. The fuck it isn't, plenty of people (minorities included) have problems with the system and pretending that those problems don't exist isn't going to help anybody.
Britain is a hell hole because of the caste system and people like you who support it.
If only the diversity hires made actual games instead of things like Anthem...
>implying socialists hate the working class
Nigga are you stupid? Socialists ARE the working class. The only working class people who aren't socialists are boomers who think trickle down economics is a real thing.
>Socialists ARE the working class.
Maybe at beginnings of the 20th century.
Must be nice living off daddys money fellow labourer
wew lad
that's a big miko.
Nice arguments, fellow /pol/lacks!
Are you projecting or just retarded? My parents are poor as dirt.
The UK has an immigration population of 10 million, 6 million of that from outside of the EU.
The EU as Hajnal line tourism and trade club is fine and dandy, but there's a worrying amount of moral grandstanding taking place as to responsibility to developing nations.
rei moo
>Socialists ARE the working class.
Top fucking lel.
Modern day socialists are nothing more than petty bourgeois academics who larp as revolutionaries. I see your ilk every fucking day of my life. Your kind does not work, outside of paper pushing bullshit jobs that hardly qualify as work anyways.
The real working class, or what remains of it, consists of people who weld shit, assemble shit, take care of the sick and elderly, use heavy machinery to landscape, till the soil and harvest wood, build buildings etc shit.
If you have gone to a fucking university for your education, your ass is not working class.
>My parents are so poor they can only afford two cars
What a true socialist you are
You're putting a lot of faith in british citizens
Also lets be real this is a Reddit thread:
The chad r/neoliberal:
>like 40,000 subscribers, there are posts on the front page that get more updoots than this sub has subscribers
>got the fucking Governor of Colorado loosen up immigration laws over a Reddit post
The Virgin r/socialism/chapo/etc.
>couple hundred thousand to a million people gathered across a deep network across the entirety of the website.
>if it weren’t for rules against brigading they’d take over like a third of the site easily.
>still can’t actually do shit IRL that matters for more than like 3 days
It's kind of a thing where in Blighty socialism in the American sense is something only kids talk about because they've never earned anything themselves and have no attachment to it or sense of effort and ownership.
>says uneducated working class is in favor of brexit
>Socialists are the working class!
I know you don't think before opening your mouth but next time try to be less incoherent. Will make you look slightly less retarded.
Indeed. They should hang themselves and leave the control of the country to the educated socialist elite.
It is a thing though.
My parents share a car that they haven't even paid off yet. Again, projecting or just retarded?
>only kids talk about because they've never earned anything themselves and have no attachment to it or sense of effort and ownership.
Millennials and zoomers are literally given nothing and expect nothing.
Oh, you're right, any old day now the trickle down economics will kick in. Can't wait for those multibillionaires to finally give me a couple pennies so that my parents can afford medical expenses and not die before they hit 60.
What flavor does the boot you are licking come as?
>immigration is good for business
At least we don't speak German.
Enjoy licking your boots
video games
organized religion is dying but ideologies have already begun to take its place
The entire West is a dystopian hellhole
>Talking about the UK
>Medical expenses
3000 IQ
How fucking absurd can a strawman possibly get, guys? I think we've reached the peak here. This user is actually implying that literally leftist on the planet thinks China is a well run country.
Should include the transgender movement which is nothing but a front to make people pay stupid amounts of money for botched surgeries and take even MORE pills on top of the psychiatric ones.
>the commies really hate the working class
rly mages u thing
At least they only harm themselves. (((Bisexual))) scum are worse tbqh.
>People outside the UK giving a fuck about Brexit
We're only leaving a trading bloc people calm the hell down
Commie boots when I don't produce enough grain?
>muh bootliker
>being deluded enough to think that a nation can work without leadership.
I am willing to follow those who love my people and kinsmen, and want to see us thrive. If no such people are found, I will not follow anyone.
I am not blindly obedient, if I were, I would be cheering for the fucking EU and the neoliberal corporate ruling class. It is however obvious that these institutions in fact despise my people and seek to replace us with a subservient mongrelized slave class of consumer/workers, who lack any identities besides the ones that they have been sold.
The sad state of affairs however is that the people "leading" us in this day and age are completely against our long term interests and have no loyalty towards us. Thus they should be shot.
>Can't wait for those multibillionares to finally give me a couple of pennies.
And theres the reason why people hate socialists.
So whiny and self revolving.
keep fighting brother
We don't want commies there.We don't want them here either.
Boris is actually going to be PM its such a laugh
The Nazis weren't Socialist in any way though.
>still buying into the 20th century fake dialectic
user pls
Are you lads in for a surprise in the coming decades. Consumer culture has just about run it's course and the only people breeding are traditional, religious people. Thank God.
lmao, learn to read dude. I was joking about how people who believe in trickle down economics rely on/expect economics to, yknow, trickle down.
In a sense, everyone, "socialist" or not, wants the rich to cover their asses. Some of us are just a little more direct about it than others.
>Game set in a totalitarian dystopia with armed guards on every street corner
>People get deported
>People are upset when they're allowed to leave the dystopian nightmare
Ah yes
"the enemy"
Funny how fascism always comes up with a new one after it has defeated the original target
Religion's on the rise, and most of the irreligious in the west aren't having babies at replacement rates.
It's gonna dip and then hard bounce back up.
Amerifat checking in: how pathetic is the current state of UK right now? It looks like you guys are unironically producing the most radical liberal dipshits on the planet, and also apparently the seeds of unironic neonazism are growing simulataneously.
I didn't know things could be any worse than America as far as developed societies go but you guys seem well fucked.
>Consumer culture has just about run it's course and the only people breeding are traditional, religious people.
That's what immigration is for. Destruction of communities and cheap labor to boot. Also, feminism and abortion are great to kill the nuclear family.
Is capitalism even alive at this point?
Facebook aint capitalism
China aint capitalism
Hell,classic capital is dying out
Nobody wants to own fucking factories no more
A bull terrier.
You DO know that a lot of those trannies are actually brainwashed into thinking that because they have a dick and like wearing make up, or would rather learn cooking than hunting, this actually means they need to cut off their dick and poison their body, right? Most people who have body dysphoria aren't even transgender for fuck's sake, but it became a cult, so every person that gets into it, becomes ashamed, and the only way they can cope with it is to try to spread to the nearest gay kid, not even joking.
Ok fascists and commies. If your ideology actually unfolded why wouldn’t you be put up against the wall for being degens/class traitors?
>It looks like you guys are unironically producing the most radical liberal dipshits on the planet,
Such as?
>and also apparently the seeds of unironic neonazism are growing simulataneously.
Religion is pozzed too.
>Y..your projecting
>I'm the real proletariat
Either a Londoner or an idiot
>Government conducted industries with government mandated programs using the conducted industries isn't socialist in any way
Stop being obsessed over being cheated on, this is actually making it more likely that you will be cheated on if you ever get a gf.
>That's what immigration is for.
Yes, that's the financial capitalists answer to the lack of future consumers. Joke is on everyone though, since society will collapse before all people will forget their roots and live happily everafter in a degenerate consumerist "utopia".
>Also, feminism and abortion are great to kill the nuclear family.
Yup, traditional institutions and attachments stand in the way of total consumption warfare.
They were socialists in all the right ways though.
>state funded projects like the autobahn which employed massive numbers of germans.
>social programs that favored the family unit and encouraged women to have large number of kids.
>schooling that taught boys to be strong, virtuous and capable, and girls to be nurturing, caring and good housekeepers.
>removal of the parasitic element of usurious banking practices
>removal of the jewish owned media that was pushing anti-german propaganda on the german people.
>massive public health programs that sought to eliminate both diseases as well as genetic defects.
>first environmental protection laws in europe.
Nazis were based as fuck.
Unfettered capitalism leads to more interesting dystopian settings (ie the world as it is becoming now)
Holy fuck those """people""" are deranged.
Cherry-picking random examples of religion not being retarded enough and pretending that this is the end of the world.
Day of roof soon infidel
No, otherwise Tsarist Russia would also be Socialist. Socialism is the ideology of worker ownership of the means of production, not "government does stuff".
Also not to mention the word "privatisation" was literally made to describe Nazi economic policy
If you add a -ism to the end of this it will make it look more like it was automated.
I am not a britbong m8.
I am a Finn.
the future looks bright, baby
>It looks like you guys are unironically producing the most radical liberal dipshits on the planet
Don't kid yourself, it's not any worse than brazilian socialists from the southeast or commiefornian. They are all rotten in the brain but at least on the US the fed still stops them from fucking everything royally.
and then they ruined it all by getting into wars they inevitably lost
No one would have "things" if capitalism didn't exist. 99% of people would just be filthy and uneducated while the reptilian 1% made amazing things for themselves for fun and all of Africa would have died off from natural selection.
Yup. They'll always say the same stupid shit as well to support their cancerous ideology. "Non-college-educated whites" while they give welfare benefits to refugees that are certainly stupider than any high school graduates.
Don't like my ideology? You must be stupid.
Point out how socialism(turned communism) killed tens of millions in the last century? That wasn't REAL socialism. Because the oh so gracious neoliberal retards of modern society have definitely shown they care for their people, that is, until they disagree with them. Then they'll put a bullet in their backs like their predecessors did in the past.
So this is what happened to those self proclaimed Buddhists
Pic related is your modern day socialist.
Heroes don't always win sadly.
>this thread is still up
Fucking faggot mods
t. Useful Idiot
>religion not being retarded enough
>t. (((Socialist)))
Good luck trying to make a family when a divorce can broke you.
>capitalism, to economics and society what gravity is to physics, ever disappearing
>Surprised by this
Weren't all the smash threads and twitter screencaps enough?
>entire ideology revolces around aggressive military expansion
what did they mean by this
>only my fantastical, non existent form of socialism is real socialism.
Oh, I guess it's just europoors in general.
>society will collapse before all people will forget their roots and live happily everafter in a degenerate consumerist "utopia"
>everyone is consumerist, everyone but me!
>the society will collapse and then live happily ever after
Subhuman retard nazi doublethink is so easy to poke holes in that it's not even funny.
Thanks man, I'm aware. The alternative is to live an unfulfilling life practically alone, not contributing to coming generations, so..
Because capitalism works, socialism doesn't.
>btw i love the working class uwu
>OP doesn't mention communism at all
>all these seethers
Rent free
this shit is pushed by modern lefties
Is Tsarist Russia socialist?
>Stop being obsessed over being cheated on
Nice projection. I hate them because they're abnormal, they promote hedonism and because they are the Jewish sexuality, they aren't straight(white), but can pass as one. Society will be better once we stop giving them human rights.
>Being a cuck for foreign leaders
At least create your own pride, faggot
What's the alternative economic system aside from Capitalism?
>>entire ideology revolces around aggressive military expansion
Nigger, have you even opened a single page in Main Kampf?
Hitler's cause for war was chiefly the threat of the Soviet Union. All of his political manouvers aimed at either finding allies against Soviets in the early days of his rule (he tried to form an anticomitern pact with Poland, and bunch of other Eastern European nations, as well as tried to appease UK and get it to side with Germany against Soviets).
Molotov Ribbentrop pact was basically just a ploy for time and buffer zones against the Soviets. Hitler was keenly aware of how powerful the industrializing soviet union could become and his political ambition was securing the existence of Germany against this growing threat whose stated goal was spreading it's disgusting marxist ideology throughout the world.
it was the Allies who chose to side against Hitler and his goal of eliminating the communist threat.
They're at best useful idiots.
didn't put any thought behind the post. I'm hungry.
>all this fucking seething
>this guy will continue to harbor his regressive world views for the rest of his life, failing to establish meaningful social connections with anyone around him, culminating in him dying alone and bitter
Reading your posts has made my day so much better. Thank you user.
>the only people breeding are traditional, religious people. Thank God.
>"I'm not owned."
Free will is a myth.
Religion is a joke.
We are all pawns, controlled by something greater
Yeah, it should have been North Korea.
>Nigger, have you even opened a single page in Main Kampf?
Yes, have you? What do you think Chapter 14 "Eastern Policy" and his entire second book is about?
Neck yourself, furfag
t. will stay a bitter incel, but would get his gf stolen by a bi chad if he ever managed to stop being a bitter incel
My people have had no worthy leaders in ages. Just spineless cowards and traitors. Even Mannerheim, the man who led our army during the winter war, was not an ethnic Finn.
Hitler's ideology was fundamentally correct, regardless of my own ethnic background.
Don't make me fucking laugh. The left gave up on their class struggle in favor of social justice frontiers. To make the foreign labor feel at home, of course.
Socialism means Government ownership of the means of production, as defined by Marx, it's a stepping stone to Communism which defines it's self as worker's ownership of the means of production.
Private Ownership in most industries was in name only, unless you were a small business, it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive.
The government controlled the means of production and private ownership of any meaningful industry was limited.
the republican party is closest to a "workers" party. they care about the little man, with lower taxes and less government regulations and laws. the democratic party wants nordic-style taxes and to ban people from being christian and capitalist
>how mdo i stop those pesky communists? i know! ill ally myself with them to invide and subsequently divide the very county that BTFO the soviets two decades earlier then weaken the entire central-eastern european block so that they're easy pickings for stalin after i get raped! this should do the trick!
Securing living space for German people from the eastern european nations, especially Russia, just like Germans had been doing for hundreds of years in the past.
Communism has always been a hatred of the rich disguised as sympathy for the poor.
>the republican party is closest to a "workers" party. they care about the little man
This nigga boutta live his entire life in servitude of rich old guys, always thinking they got his back lmao
enjoy dying poor, retard
communism is great at critiquing capitalism but it's alternative is literally facism with euphemisms.
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of rebolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism aggording to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you
all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable
from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as
beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
>Sdage four
Nod real gommunism. Move on to nexd goundry :DDDDDDD
So how the fuck can you say it doesn't involve aggressive military expansion eastwards?
Nice ignoring all the political maneuvers that preceded the Molotov Ribbentrop pact, retard.
>He thinks the Democrats aren't also rich old guys
Big think
transexual-ism is a disease.
The Woke Capital trend is a thing since a long time ago.
chinese assimilation of tibet was not imperialism it was primitive expansionism and a good thing because tibet was backwards and needed to be freed by the revolution
It does, against the Soviet Union, I never denied that.
That however, is not the whole ideology nor does the ideology revolve around it.
The real-politic reason for Germany's eastern policy was the real and present threat of the Soviet Union, that was actively supporting communist movements across the world.
Again, Germany tried to get Poland to side with it and join together against the Soviets until the diplomatic relations between them eroded.
Faggots and dykes will always be superior to (((biscum))). Do the world a favour and hang yourselves.
Okay so they were dumbass hicks who don’t know better but who had some legitimate concerns but were too stupid to realise they were being lied to
You're telling me that the bipartisan system is inherently flawed and neither party actually gives even a modicum of shit about poor people? That's wild. I never would have guessed.
The point I was trying to get across was that there is no worker party. There is nothing resembling one in America. Literally get the fuck out of the country if you want politicians who care about poor people, there are basically none here, and those that do exist will never be given the opportunity or even the power to execute their ideals.
>don't bring up sociopolitical issues at all in your post
>"fuck you tranny" anyway
The nuanced political discussion you can only find on /po- oops, I mean Yea Forums.
>It does, against the Soviet Union, I never denied that.
Not just the Soviet Union, but Poland as well.
>That however, is not the whole ideology nor does the ideology revolve around it
Lebensraum and militarism is literally central to the Nazi ideology dude, it's point 2 and 3 on the 25 point plan and makes up significant parts of Mein Kampf and Zweites Buch
>The real-politic reason for Germany's eastern policy was the real and present threat of the Soviet Union, that was actively supporting communist movements across the world.
Again, it wasn't just against the Soviet Union. See any quote from Mein Kampf about Poland.
>The Völkisch state must under no conditions annex Poles with the intention of wanting to someday make Germans out of them. On the contrary it must muster the determination either to seal off these alien racial elements, so that the blood of its own people will not be corrupted again, or it must without further ado remove them and hand over the vacated territory to its own national comrades.
Probably my favorite scene in Part 2.
I was expecting more silly shitposting itt, even with the OP being blatant bait.
It's so tiresome to see politics everywhere you look. It has even infected my group of childhood friends. I cannot go out with them without politics eventually being brought up. It's nauseating.
>you can't have a good social life if you have regressive views
Are you retarded? Your social connections don't have to center around your world views. It's pretty easy just to not bring shit up or answer question that would reveal you to be a bigot. You don't have to share everything with everyone but I guess a fag like you wouldn't understand. LGBLTs are all about being loud and proud 24/7 and forcing their bullshit on to people that don't care about it. They just don't understand the purpose of having a social filter and think they need to make everyone accept them.
>game is set in the future
>white people still exist
>Why yes! My country has instituted Communism! How could you tell?
only good post ITT
Well, as I am not a Pole, I don't really care if Germany would have germanized them.
you get lost on your way to /mggg/?
/pol/ shapeshifting
Tell that to muslims kek.
Are you actually retarded? "Here's a graph showing rich people getting richer during expansions", you'd have to be stupid to think otherwise. And if you consider 2009-2012 an expansion in the US, you really are brain dead.
is that Hbomb's dad?
I'm sorry to say your presumptions are wrong as far as people in power or even close to it. We have people who LARP as Communists and Nazis though on that you are correct.
Freudian slip there, you fucking lesser-seen reptile Jew,
You do realise that he's saying in the quote that the alien Polish ethnicity should be sealed off and they should not be adopted in Germany. You do realise what that means, right? Especially in the context of what the Nazis did to Poland during World War 2?
God, I hate when that shit happens. Feel free to ridicule me as much as you want for this.
>claims to be purely based on materialist analysis
>is actually completely ethically based and requires a ton of faith
>hitler dindu nuffin he a good boy just wanted to save the world from evil commies!
>"not really, he wanted to eradicate people who were fiercely anti-communist long before his rise"
>w-well i dont care!
>capitalism is followed by communism everybody knows this please follow my doomsday prediction reeee
Most working class republican voters live in rural towns where everything is cheaper than the city. Socialism is a reaction to rapid urban growth which means it will only benefit the people living there. Most of the working class in these places are immigrants trying to find sanctuary cities but the irony of it is that democrats have limited their presence to places where housing is expensive as fuck and can't be bothered to do anything about it.
Nah its good, I didn't know the translation had gotten that far ahead since dargoth disappeared
>everyone is consumerist, everyone but me!
literally what?
>the society will collapse and then live happily ever after
Yea, kinda like hundreds of times before in the history of civilizations..
Are you legit retarded, m8
On the other hand, the Germans also took polish kids from polish parents and raised them to be German.
But yeah, sacrifices would have to be made.
Again, I don't really give two shits about slavs anyways.
>Yea Forums - Politcally Incorrect
Dont mind me
>I didn't know things could be any worse than America as far as developed societies go but you guys seem well fucked.
Didn't know the US was doing poorly. Please enlighten me how we're the worst of these so called "developed societies".
To be completely fair, the communists started a civil war in Germany right as WW1 ended and it lead to a couple hundred thousand dead, on top of the WW1 death toll, so people were pretty rightfully pissed about commies
I think Part 2 is about 70% done, so you might as well pick it up again. There are some stray untranslated lines scattered around still, but nothing too major.
> game set in the future
> humanity haven't been wiped out yet by climate change
Not true socialism. We can make it work this time.
>It's pretty easy just to not bring shit up or answer question that would reveal you to be a bigot.
Like I said, you will never truly connect with anyone because you will just repress your passionate political views for the rest of your life. The world will keep moving further and further towards the liberal social politics, and you will be left behind in the dust. Your own kids would resent you if you opened your mouth even once. It's already happening to boomers and generation X; you think it won't happen to you?
You will die alone. You will live your life bitter and resentful. The world will continue to change while you stay the same. Soon you'll have nobody left. I take so much comfort in knowing this. Thank you again, user, for reminding me that people like you are truly so angry at the world that they will not conceivably lead fruitful or meaningful lives as the world continues to progress further away from your beliefs.
>he cares about this pit of gravel and dogshit to begin with
Sentient life needs to be evacuated from the Universe.
>On the other hand, the Germans also took polish kids from polish parents and raised them to be German.
Maybe, but that's a tiny tiny tiny amount compared to the millions killed in ethnic cleansings orchestrated by the Nazis
>Again, I don't really give two shits about slavs anyways
That's great user, but we're not discussing your feels. We're talking about the expansionism of Nazi Germany and Lebensraum being central part of Nazi ideology. I don't know why you've shifted it to talking about who you do and don't give a shit about.
He did want to save the world from the commies and the jews.
His desire for more living space for Germans at the expense of poles doesn't negate the above.
And Poles weren't so anti-communist that they would even entertain an alliance with Hitler who was also fiercely anti-communist.
No shit, but the consistent economic leftists have started dying out unlike ever before. There's literally nothing for the working man, except right-ish populism.
Yeah we didn't get enough kills last time with our last dictator.
Can you guys stop talking about VIDEO GAMES in this VIDEO GAMES thread please?
and so they invaded the country that previously stopped the bolshevik invasion of europe then divided it with communists, got it
I love fucking up Iron Guard Romania in every Kaiserreich playthrough just to fuck with that wanna be dictator pretty boy
Zizek? He even acknowledges that Globohomo Gayplex is seen as corporate colonization for Africans.
Sorry. This is the
Reddit shitposting
Phoneposter (You) collecting
Pol discussing
Discord crusading
board now
>COMING generations
Please don't use the vocabulary that tries to hide the problem: future generations are FORCED to come here.
>And Poles weren't so anti-communist that they would even entertain an alliance with Hitler who was also fiercely anti-communist
You are aware Hitler publicly expressed sentiments that promoted the invasion of Poland and the seizure of Polish territory, right?
Based communists
Lemme tell you what capitalism actually is, so you understand the crap you're advocating for.
Capitalism is a cork sealing the evil known as kingdoms in a jar, it's an terrible almost unavoidable evil because you and me are PROGRAMMED to want it, but it fucking sucks as soon it scales to the millions of humans level.
But capitalism keeps em from happening because it abuses the greed of all the to be kings and no one ends up a king.
But you can hear the voice of the kings in it, they ask you to pull it, they ask everyone to pull it, they promise you magical things, they promise you a bright future, they promise you socialism, they promise you video games or a new star wars, they have many tricks.
And when you pull the cork, the first thing they do is to just cut your head off.
That fun meme, "communism has never been tried" is not only true but "socialism has never been tried" is as well, because the first thing socialists do is to pull the cork, and get surprised when there's just fucking evil under it.
But that's not the only way to take the cork out, just ask the megacorporations making the US and europe shit.
They could fix their own shitholes. Vietnam did it.
>Can you guys stop talking about VIDEO GAMES in this VIDEO GAMES thread please?
Everything politicizing is a sign of society unraveling. People are getting more and more interested in their actual surroundings.
This wild ride isn't gonna stop any time soon.
>Maybe, but that's a tiny tiny tiny amount compared to the millions killed in ethnic cleansings orchestrated by the Nazis
I don't care.
> We're talking about the expansionism of Nazi Germany and Lebensraum being central part of Nazi ideology. I don't know why you've shifted it to talking about who you do and don't give a shit about.
You are the one who brought up lebensraum etc as central to nazi ideology. I denied that being central at all, as much of the Nazi ideology focused on the German nation and it's social well being, which is what I find appealing about the ideology especially when compared to the utter degeneration of our current societies.
Nazi expansionism has fundamentally zero relevance to me or my appraisal of Hitler's ideology when it comes to the social policies of Nazi Germany.
Misread your comment, sorry about that. Followed the chain and I agree with you.
I believe that socialists ideas have merit and we can introduce them into a capitalistic society to protect the people from capitalism's harmful side while not sacrificing the market economy that greatly incentivices productivity and the general welfare of the common masses
Yes I'm a socdem sue me
That describes literally every board but /po/ at this point.
>Promising socialism
Don't you mix my beautiful monarchies with commie hell holes. Capitalist Monarchies is God approved.
Of course he did. Poland was formed out of land that Germany didn't even lose in a war.
Versailles treaty was a fucking travesty.
Why do retards take the bait so easily here, in other boards it gets a few (you)'s at most and it drops of the catalog, but here it hits the bump limit.
Where the fuck are the mods, they only seem to show up when someone posts a nipple.
>People are getting more and more interested in their actual surroundings.
modern day political discussion is not constructive or well-informed at all. people don't do this shit out of good faith 90% of the time, it's just another vapid topic to clumsily blunder your way through in a vain attempt at winning an internet argument
zizek isn't a political option. He's an eccentric loner with some cult following.
>Please don't use the vocabulary that tries to hide the problem: future generations are FORCED to come here.
Literally what, are you telling me that the parasites can't help sticking to healthy organisms?
>Game set in the future
>Whites still exist
>Technology is super advanced
There is nothing wrong with Kingdoms you modernist swine. The average peasant in medieval Europe had more freedom and independence than modern day laborer does. All he had to do was till the soil of his master for a couple of weeks during the summer and rest of the time he wasn't bothered by the King or his men.
Modernity was a mistake.
>believing reddit memes