Geno is coming

Banjo was a longer shot and he made it in. Geno will happen bros.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Banjo was a longer shot and he made it in.
Was he? I legitimately dont know much about the Smash speculation subsection that dealt with Banjo.

Banjo was a longer shot, but we let Geno fall off between Brawl and 4, all it proves is you gotta be loud.

>Was he?
Absolutely. K.Rool, Banjo and Ridley all made it. People have been requesting Geno for just as long. I think they're saving him till last.

Banjo was a long shot but not longer than Geno, Microsoft can actually benefit from having them in, Square can't really benefit from Geno in Smash.

Geno is owned by Square Enix
Dragon Quest was your rep I doubt they're getting another one.

Sorry bro but he's not coming, Geno is already a spirit.

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>Dragon Quest was your rep
Is there a rule where there can only be one character from each company? The DQ guy being in just makes Geno more likely.

There's no rule but I wouldn't go that far user.

>tfw Geno unironically has more chances than Isaac because Sakurai doesn't give a single shit about us and GS isn't third part so from a marketing point there is none

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How? DQ is more valuable to SE than Geno. If they let the DQ guy in then why wouldn't they let them use a shitty throwaway character like Geno? If Nintendo approached them with money there's no way they'd say no.

Well rumor is that they originally wanted Cloud back as DLC, the Hero being dlc could be how they negotiated Cloud into the base roster if that rumor is true.

I think Square would rather have NIntendo make a garbage shill character before Geno.

>Banjo was a longer shot
not at all user. people actually know who banjo is

His Mii Fighter costume will be back when Hero is released

Dragon Quest rep was supposedly pushed back to being DLC instead of being in base so who knows if Square wanted to be greedy and have 2 DLC slots for Cloud coming back or some shit

>Banjo was a longer shot and he made it in
Last time I checked Banjo had his own games. Does Geno have his own games?

>>Banjo was a longer shot and he made it in.

How so? For one Banjo is still selling toys somehow, and he was only competing with Chief for the spot.

After the Hero, Geno still has to go pass the whole cast of FF characters fans still want, Sora, 2B, the Bravely Default cast, the Mana cast now that they are back, same with Saga, maybe new Drakengard characters, Leneth, Crono, Lara Croft and Adam Jensen, among others. A lot of never evers in this list, but all of them more profitable, and more on the interest of Square, assuming Nintendo ever bothers to deal with Square again for Smash.

Also, as a Mario character, PP has just raised the bar of entry, beyond passing memelord himself, Waluigi, he would have to pass Pauline, King Boo, E. Gad, King Bo Bomb, Kamek, Chain Chomp and so on.

Anyone who doesn't understand that it's strictly Sakurai who calls the shots as to who gets in or doesn't should not be allowed to post in Smash speculation threads. Square has no say in who gets in. Microsoft has no say. No one except Sakurai has any say.

How can you even compare first party, regular main characters, with a one shot side character?

Again, even Banjo has three main games, some spin offs, and a couple of cameos, not to mention toys to sell. By the time Smash 6 is a thing, most people would be asking for Sora, and whatever that's even possible or not, it doesn't matter, the point being, they would have move pass Geno by that point, after all, is not like he is gaining true new fans each passing gen, is just a general support toward his fans, but true loyalty? he is losing it with each entry of Smash.

At this point I just want Geno to get in so rosterfags get BTFO forever.

i wish, but he's not happening
i just want to see him make a return. doesn't have to be smash, but smash is the most likely venue and he's not making it. breaks my heart.

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Kinda, the rumor is that Square fine lending it's characters as DLC, to have a major control over the profits they make, and in general, as long as it's DLC, they have no problem with it. It's not confirmed, but the evidence seem to suggest so, the Cloud DLC came without major problems (The music being a whole different matter), same with Noctis for Tekken, and 2B for Soul Calibur, they even made a deal with Capcom to have Rathalos in FFXIV in exchange of FF content in Moster Hunter, and other similar deals.

Getting Cloud back for the base roster of Ultimate was a problem for Sakurai, but in the end he got him back seemingly in exchange of only using the exact same content of the orginal DLC pack, meaning no new music, nor Spirits, nor other DLC packs like the Mii costumes. Still, the DLC didn't came to be until later 2018, so it's to expect that this was a negotiation between Nintendo and Square way after the base roster was done, to promote DQ XI in the west, and with Square already being onboard DLCs to begin with, it should have being an easy deal from the start.

So Sakurai can put characters in without the consent of their IP owners?

And Nintendo, they were the ones who decide to have DLC to have DLC after all, and they were the ones to include Corrin to begin with. Sakurai is still only a freelancer, a highly respected freelance for sure, and Nintendo surely would rather him to work alongside them if possible, ever since Brawl, they have made him clear they are willing to work in Smash even without him, in a not so subtle treat to ensure he keeps working in the games, at risk someone else mess with them.

All of this season pass was chosen by Nintendo after all, if anything, Sakurai only asked for Joker once he knew ATLUS was involved. but let's just say, if Nintendo and Square truly wanted to promote Dragon Quest, Sakurai at best, according to his tweet, could have chosen a different DQ character than Hero, if he feet there was nothing of interest he could do with him.

That would make sense. DLC makes splitting up the royalties significantly easier than including it in the base game because it's a smaller, specifically directed piece of content. For the base game, that content makes up such a tiny portion of the content comparatively that it makes it more difficult to come up with a fair split that actually comes out to a meaningful amount.

why not?, if the character proves succesful they could release a game featuring him. i know i'd buy the shit outta that

Geno is a total meme.

No, I'm saying that the IP owners don't have a say in which characters Sakurai picks for Smash. Square isn't going to say "You want the rights to Chrono? But what about Dragon Quest?"

They could but the issue is that Geno is so entrenched in "Mario" lore that you can't really give him a standalone game without Nintendo's involvement.

>People have been requesting Geno for just as long

If you were around for the Brawl days, you would know he was immensely popular at the time.

They would benefit if they made a new Mario RPG but Nintendo wants to bland up the Paper Mario / only rehash old Mario and Luigi games

Geno requests go at least as far back as the Japan only Brawl poll where he took 3rd place behind DeDeDe and Diddy, and I think there are some from pre Melee but not a whole lot.

>Another Mario stage
>Even MORE Mario music
Do people even think when they post this?

But nothing prevents them from saying "We aren't giving you the rights for Geno as a playable character".

Geno was massive during the Brawl era.

It's somewhat easy to forget this because for the most part, after he failed to get in, Genofaggotry went dormant and most people stopped talking about him for Smash 4. But then Sakurai acknowledged his popularity in an interview and with the Mii Fighter outfit at the end of Smash 4's DLC support, which reignited the flames for his fanbase.

They do, Konami say not to have Snake back in four, but in any negotiation, is just as easy for the Company in question to say "We are not interested in promote this character... BUT we could make this other deal if you are interested", Whatever Sakurai or Nintendo are willing to take the other deal is up to them, but there are really few scenarios, specially from the point of view of a higher up on Nintendo, were a promotional deal with a third party company, even if it's not the one they originally intended, isn't profitable somehow.

>if the character proves succesful they could release a game featuring him. i know i'd buy the shit outta that
>Genofags actually believe this shit

Even if Nintendo were willing to make a proper Mario RPG not in the brand of Mario and Luigi (and the bastards decide to continue to ignore the Paper Mario legacy), they would most likely make it themselves, not with Square, so Geno wouldn't still be part of it.

Heck, even if Nintendo and Square were to work together, unless is a remake or remaster of the original game, there is no guarantee for Geno to come back, whit the Mario RPGs usually changing it's setting and support cast on each entry... at least, during the good days.

If you read the interview Sakurai did when he put Cloud into Smash, Square was confused by the choice. They literally asked why Cloud and not [other FF character I don't remember]. And yet, at the end of the day, Sakurai got to choose.

Sure? But why wouldn't they? It's free money.

>How so? For one Banjo is still selling toys somehow, and he was only competing with Chief for the spot.

"Only" Chief.

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Fuck off

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Banjo was the main character of one of the most beloved 3rd party N64 games of all time. Geno was a secondary character in a game that has gotten absolutely zero followup, outside of Geno appearing in a minigame in a much more successful Mario RPG game (which he got removed from when said game got remade). Square got their character they wanted to push this game, and you'd be fucking delusional to think 1) Square would get 2 of the 5 reps in the fighter's pass, and 2) that they'd prioritize him over Sora/another FF character/literally anyone else

That was Nomura, and it was mostly as a friend, and in a "are you sure you don't want a character that it is ACTUALLY part of Nintendo history" kind of deal, not in a "No, we are giving you this instead", I think he even suggested Terra, and I think Sakurai said he could have asked for Noctis actually, but wanted Cloud, and neither Nomura nor Square would have an actual problem to sell Cloud to begin with, Nomura only doubt it cause he was under the same impression that we had at the time about which characters can make it into Smash.

I am aware of the... "other", but I still refuse to believe that was ever an option. I am even willing to believe (or want to believe) Marcus has a better chance than that thing.

>Banjo was a longer shot

How many games has geno been the star of? Even steve is more likely than geno.

He was in just about every flash animation on NG related to smash before brawl

Are you fuckers ready for your Crono Mii costume?

Geno in Smash or not, I'm just dying for another good Mario RPG. Paper Mario, Mario RPG and Thousand Year Door are all great, it's crazy to me that there's never been a proper follow-up and Nintendo is just sitting on another potential goldmine.

you people are delusional


>Geno will happen bros.
Yeah, as a mii gunner outfit

The "other" is unironically gonna be a lock for the next game thanks to Banjo getting in and getting Microsoft on board with Smash. Zoomers are gonna come of age by then and Minecraft will be remembered as a classic.

t. dumb stevefag

Well, actually, I was saying that "only" Chief is kind of a silly statement because Chief is a fucking monumental character that is far more relevant than Banjo.

Only Horii likes Nintendo when it comes to SE, he was the one who pushed DQ to be DS exclusive instead of branching to the PSP, he is the one who pushed for the 3DS version of 11 to be made so Nintendo fans weren't out of a version of the game.
But he has no power to somehow help Geno, just DQ.

Based porkybro, the best first party character to be requested

>monumental character

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>genotards are still at it
just stop


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its not going to happen

That just means I'll have to keep shilling for Geno forever

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If he isn't packaged with the Hero as a Mii Costume, he's definitely coming.

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Geno was even planned for Brawl and U/3DS

I think that's incorrect. Sakurai wanted him in Brawl, definitely, but the interview where he says he wanted Geno seems like he was referring to Brawl, not U/3DS

I can kinda see how people could misconstrue "I wanted to add him as far back as Brawl" as the possibility he was still interested.

What most people forget is that he also stayed he was interested in Geno for being a projectile type character, something new for Brawl... then he added Megaman in four. Also, in case he lost Megaman for six, he could add Saki, just saying.

i hope rosterfags realize that g*no is inevitable in smash 6. banjo getting in lowered the bar to the ground. now all that matters is how loud rosterfags can screech on twitter to get a certain character in, which favors shit like g*no.
banjo is going to be remembered as the ultimate monkey's paw of smash.

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At the end of the day, Geno's just a one-off supporting character. Banjo & Kazooie are protagonists and K. Rool and Ridley are reoccuring villains.

The closest character on the roster that I can think of that's closest to Geno, a unique, one-off non-protagonist, is probably Sheik, and she got in just because she's Zelda: she was included as a part of her transformation gimmick back in Melee. If in OOT's story Sheik happened to be a completely unrelated character, she would of never been included.

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True but Mega Man and Geno still fight differently, Mega Man has roughly six moves that use his buster and three of them are the same thing.

He also only said Geno would be cool because at that point he had been asked directly many times about Geno. If Sakurai wanted Geno in hed be in you guys are so dumb about this.

how does M$ benefit from banjo at all? They haven't done anything with him since Nuts & Bolts which was fucking horrible.

He might not get games but they do still release merchandise.

That's a bit of a stretch. I can't imagine Banjo sells THAT much merchandise.

Still it is more than Square does with Geno, I'd love for him to come back but they just don't have a good way to do it unless they remake or remaster SMRPG.

At this point is rosterfagging dead for ultimate? every character people wanted has either been deconfirmed, spirited or is in
personally for the shit show and to get its music I wouldn't mind an Undertale rep along with Doom being the last two pics

Geno is less important to Mario than Dark Pit is to Kid Icarus, the idea of him getting in is actually a bad joke that’s gone on too long.

as well as melee. Geno was heavily requested in japan according to sakurai

no, that was ridley

Banjo was also highly requested if I'm correct. Actually, wasn't he wanted in as far back as Smash 64?

Geno has been requested as far back as the first Smash game as well


King Boo is not some kind of nobody that required Piranha Plant to "raise the bar" before he could be considered an option.

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Lmao who actually gives a fuck about some random npc wooden doll that appeared once in some random spinoff game decades ago

imagine being so triggered by a video game character that you have to censor his name
what is it about this character that makes people either cum buckets or smash tables? holy shit there is NEVER a grey area

Brawl bosses cut:
>Petey Piranha
Piranha Plant's final Smash
Not very relevant even to its own series
Upgraded to character
>Meta Ridley
Alt skin of character
Ultimate has new final bosses

Porky is so fucking in its practically confirmed.
I personally want Geno so I hope he isn't taking his slot.

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Go back to Discord, tranny

Make no mistake, I'd strongly prefer Geno.

>what is it about this character that makes people either cum buckets or smash tables?
The fact that people are vying for a complete nobody of zero importance whatsoever is very annoying, because he doesn't deserve it
There probably used to be a grey area, but those who were indifferent once became opposed when genofaggotry made them snap, now that geno is like the poster child of retarded picks that make no sense and doesn't deserve to be in the game

We're not getting any characters from franchises already in Smash in the Fighter Packs.

that random spin off, is easily in the top five Mario games of all time.

It's the worst Mario RPG out of the entire bunch besides nu-Paper Mario

choke on a tide pod zoomer

that just sounds like being overly buttblasted about people liking characters you don't like
i think a lot of peoples' favorites suck too but i don't go on anger spiels about how annoying they are and censor their names because their existence hurts my sensibilities that much
both people like you and extremist genofags desperately need to touch grass

It’s babbys first RPG dude.

>tfw Laytonbro
>tfw have no face because there's only fucking 3 of us

This is the only Nintendo character to be DLC. There is no reason to exclude him, Giygas, Dr. Andonuts, and other notable Mother characters from the game entirely unless something new is happening with the Mother series and/or Porky’s in the game and the rest are DLC spirits. He’s in.

>banjo getting in lowered the bar to the ground
Stay mad, Stevefag.

>3 Square reps
Doubt it.

>that just sounds like being overly buttblasted about people liking characters you don't like
Rightfully so
Unimportant characters shouldn't take the development resources from important ones just because there are people circlejerking about them on the internet

calm down, child, we'll get you mcdonald's in the morning

never ever again

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Ad hom doesn't make you right

Who’s more likely: Geno or Reimu?




Leakbait him, then people will start to give a crap about him.
It worked for Chorus Kids, Steve, Erdrick and now Undertrash after all.

Either that, or meme him to hell like Phoenix and Ridleyfags did.

But thats not very gentlemanly.

When are we getting the hero update? You never give a vague release date like "Summer" when you're already well into Summer. You give a season when its like a year or more away. COMING SUMMER 2020. Honestly I just want it to drop already. If the costumes back, I'll cut my losses.

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I hate that fucking picture. Use another one next time.

>Costume's back
The stage builder will allow us to make a Forest Maze stage, and we can make a Mii that closely resembles Geno. It's a victory in my book, far better than nothing.
>Mii costume isn't back
It would certainly raise some eyebrows, from my perspective it would improve Geno's chances at being part of the Fighter Pass, maybe even as the last character. I think we can be comfortable in the meantime.

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August 31st

based and newfagpilled

Geno would be competing with Waluigi, Isaac, Rex, Spring-Man and pretty much every other notable absence by the time Smash 6 hits production. Not to mention he would be competing with other big name Square franchises, namely Kingdom Hearts and Nier.

Sakurai could have easily put him in at this point but he's the one he wanted Cloud in 4 and most likely picked Luminary & Friends for Ultimate.

This, Laytonbros quietly added up the clues (no spirits or references in Ultimate, all but Nintendo exclusive despite being 3rd party, represents the DS era of puzzle games to a T)
We'll just sit in the back with our hands on our chins until the possible reveal, upon which we will grin warmly and say "just as I thought"
And if we're wrong, we'll just tip our hats to whoever stumped us

Rex and Spring-Man will be old news by the time Smash 6 comes around. And not in a retro nostalgic kind of way.

Banjo was not a longer shot then Geno
Geno has everything going against him as Banjo did, add the fact that he's also only had ONE GAME whereas Banjo had five not counting cameos.


>side character

Face facts nobody played Mario RPG for Geno at first, he was nowhere except in the game itself whereas Banjo is the face of his own game

t. screeching ashleyfag

I agree, but at the same time Geno got a Mii costume and Banjo didn't. Geno also got acknowledgement from Sakurai and a statement that he's been wanting to include him since Brawl. Of course, it all balances out with the fact that at least Banjo and Kazooie are the titular characters of their own series which got two amazing games, a mediocre one, and an irredeemable garbage one.

>whos more likely in a nintendo game, a nintendo spinoff character or a literally who?

Late July or Late August.

Is it officially confirmed we are only going to see 3rd party characters from here on out?

If not, it’s time to start shilling E Gadd, the Windfish, or any character from an upcoming Nintendo title.

Two* irredeemable garbage ones.
Banjo Kazooie and Tooie were kino
Nuts and Bolts was whatever
Grunty's Revenge was awful
Banjo Pilot... Existed

Tom Nook for Smash
Porky for Smash

It might as well be. Reggie said that Joker was going to be an indicative of how the remaining fighters would be. The stuff that Joker, Hero, and Banjo and Kazooie share in common is that they are all third party characters from previously unrepresented franchises in Smash.
Grunty's Revenge was awful, but I can't hate it more than I hate Nuts and Bolts. At least Grunty's Revenge didn't feel like a huge slap to the face like Nuts and Bolts did.

I am forgotten

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I hope not. I really dont want another light or mid sized fighter. Also literally who?

Summer starts in a week

Okay if Geno costume comes back, what move set is the most faithful in Ultimate?

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Don't compare Geno with zoomershit like Xenoblade, ARMS and Nier. Geno's legacy is huge and these zoomer IPs simply don't stack up.

I just don’t know how many third party characters are left that I feel “deserve it”.

Pac-Man, Mega Man, and somewhat Cloud are all icons of gaming who definitely belong.

Once you add Doom Guy, Steve, Master Chief, who is next?

Kratos? Sly Cooper? Crash? Spyro? Nathan Drake?

The more third party characters they add the cheaper the roster begins to feel. At some point this is a Nintendo game, not a generic gaming game.

Snake was awesome as a one off in the brawl days, but if he was announced right now I’d probably be annoyed.

Might be unpopular, but that’s my opinion.

1312, he was a purely offensive projectile character with an attack up spell, which isn't avaliable.

That doesn’t make make Geno a side character. Do you consider Goombella a side character? To be clear I don’t think he has a chance of being in but he still isn’t a side character.

1, 1 or 2, 1, 2, no good equivalent for Geno blast or boost unfortunately.

If genos mii costume returns will you genolovers still beleive hes in?

If it comes back it hurts his chances but I don't think it'd be a guarantee he's out, unless the costume has been updated in any way.

>Geno’s legacy is huge

Ummm no it’s fucking not

Was there ever any art of Cloud dabbing on Geno?

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I've never understood costumeniggers. Aren't there costumes for characters that are already in the game?

that was before the sony wojak wirr thing happened so probably not

Poll results
Sakurai wants him in

You have all the right to not like the guy, but this is fact

>Not very relevant even to its own series
He could have easily been the Pokemon characters' Classic Mode boss fight.

>Ultimate has new final bosses
Same with him.

And on that subject, Classic Mode should have had far more bosses than just eight for 80+ characters. Sakurai could have easily taken some of the stage bosses and Assist Trophies and modified them a little, just like he did with Ganondorf's Final Smash.

Metal Gear RAY
Dark Emperor
Yellow Devil + Dr. Wily
Burrowing Snagret
bring back Other M Ridley
bring back Duon
Metal Face

The only problem may be that Nintendo may want more companies to have an opportunity to field their battlers.

Square Enix now has 2. So if anything, while the long shot Banjo made him more likely... "The Hero" negates that.

Says the one crying about who's in the roster right now. Tell us which characters you want.

Rayquaza is a stage hazard and a spirit, get your shit together.
And Tabuu is also a fucking Spirit.

Those are first party.

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How is coming in third place of poll results in 2008 and Sakurai mentioning him once in an interview prove that the character, Geno, has any type of legacy to be considered a part of a roster of video game all stars?

Geno fans don’t make any sense. He was a side character of a one-off mario video game that square made. Stop making him a big deal, he’s never getting into smash. Get over it.

>Banjo & Kazooie are protagonists and K. Rool and Ridley are reoccuring villains.
That’s not what you were saying before they got confirmed. Geno isn’t getting in though so don’t worry.

Sakurai said that Banjo-Kazooie have been wanted since Smash 64.

He had to have had some sort of impact on people to still get brought up at all after 2 decades of literally fucking nothing.


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yeah he spoke about them during melee, and there's fuckin Rare items in the game. They probably started working on a model too.

he isn't a big deal, but i still like him and would like to see him again
is that really so wrong to innocently like a character and hope they'll get a new role one day? even if you don't conflate their importance to an unnecessary degree and don't heckle people for their own wants?
also he's CUTE

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>side character
This will never be true no matter how many times you say it
>He’s never getting into Smash
This is true though

>Sakurai mentioning him
>"It's because I wanted Geno to be a playable character"
>"He's very popular. When tal;king about older characters, Geno always gets a lot of requests."

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Don’t you smashfags have something else to do with your time?

Nintendo should just replace Sakurai already, it's tiring to see him constantly kowtowing to rosterfags and their retarded picks than then nobody plays

Geno is my most wanted but he has 0 chance of getting in.

what even is the appeal of geno? smrpg was pretty tight but it wasnt THAT tight

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>what even is the appeal of geno?
He's part of the rosterfag circlejerk.

Mostly nostalgia. Even for people who weren't alive when the game came out, early Internet fads and speculation for Brawl really exploded his popularity. SMRPG is a dope ass game. The fact that he's so different than most Mario series characters I think is what makes him so cool.

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Me too user. It hurts.
When was the last time you played it? I’m not being a smartass I’m just curious.

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That's Porky's statue, not Porky.
Now take a screenshot of the 2D Porky bots that are flying over New Pork City.

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He's cool

Yeah I fucking hate porky, but this point is incredible retarded.


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Pfft Geno. There is more evidence of Steve being in than any character atm. Tough Luck Geno heres hoping he never ever gets in.

His uniqueness is his main appeal to me. A wooden puppet with modern artillery, magic technicolour lasers, and a simple but interesting design. Like with all the concepts he covers, you'd expect his design to be a clusterfuck, especially coming from square but he's a wooden doll with a cool hat, a cool cape, and some orange hair curls. It's simple and it works

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>When was the last time you played it?
prolly back in 2015

The point is this is and will be all the represenration porky gets.
His own stage and mysic

>evidence of steve getting in
geno isn't getting in ever but LOL at your delusions

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It's a snes game. An experienced playthrough doesn't take that long. So when ever I'm craving some Geno, it's my only real outlet to experience him. So I give it a play through every few months, usually approaching smash news cause it's on my mind

If Geno gets in smash I will make it my duty to never let anyone of you live it down.
If he doesn't I will seethe in the shadows like any other Genofag

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maybe he's different because he's square's bitch, not a regular mario character

>rallying for a side character

Every time

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The thing is, if a character gets a Mii outfit added before they're made playable, then they're just going to be playable that installment.

K. Rool, Inkling, Chrom and Isabelle weren't playable in Smash 4, after all.

Hey man, live and let live. If he gets in, go apeshit for a couple days and yell BTFO then just cool it. That's the way it goes

Attached: exasperated.png (88x90, 17K)

>then they're just going to be playable that installment.

*just not going to be playable

>Ridley will never happen, Ridleyfags. Give up hope.
>K.Rool will never happen, K.Roolfags. Give up hope.
>Banjo will never happen, Banjofags. Give up hope.

Boy I sure do hope this holds up

Attached: 1540338017727.png (636x1000, 666K)

I'm just so tired of it all user. No matter how quietly you sit and wait, falseflaggers will cause uproars everywhere
I was called crazy for wanting Ridely
I was called crazy for wanting Banjo
I'm tired of the bullshit

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Attached: gimme geno.jpg (480x360, 15K)

this is exactly why i thought he was likely this time around
never patternfag, bros, it just breaks your heart in the end

Attached: D1MseDSWsAALcVM.jpg (1000x1000, 102K)

Dont worry Isaacbro Geno isn't in either

Then your point sucks ass, Palutena have a stage, her temple, with her own statue, that didn't meant she was not in Smash.
If you want to shit talk porky just say that earthbound hasn't been relevant for 13 years and that Porky is not that popular.

Attached: cdf.jpg (172x176, 16K)

You forgot about absolute bottom of the barrel shit like Isaac. Bet the rosterfags won't cry about that anime swordsman though, because he's part of their circlejerk.

>side character
every time

Aren't the new DLC fighters only for franchises new to Smash?

The absolutely safe capsule is in the game. Porky is in there. I bet it's a fucking joke to them like "Oh he is not a spirit because he is stuck in there but the capsule itself is one"

Attached: Porky.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

>Banjo was a longer shot
Are you retarded?

Except the ASC is using the sprite of when the Capsule is moving, a sprite that is only used when Porky is still not inside the capsule.

Attached: vk9fxux0vbn21.png (3014x1404, 478K)

someone didn't see the leak, WAH is in along with Sans Undertale

Attached: Screen_Shot_2018_10_31_at_8.14.46_PM.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 61K)

Please don't get my hopes up like this.

I thought so since Rare just got K Rool in. Who would have thought there'd be another Rare representative so soon

>3rd party N64 game

god I hate zoomers

>People have been requesting Geno for just as long.
>Brawl era

Banjo was asked for in the fucking N64-to-Melee days you fucking underage b&s

That makes me feel a tiny bit better but i still don't see it happening for this round of DLC. If we get a second DLC i'm on the Porky train but i'm all but convinced we are getting another Capcom Rep and Namco Rep.

Before Hero, Banjo was honestly a longer shot. He had all the problems Geno had on top of being from a dead franchise (which Geno, at least, does not have, as the Mario series and Mario RPGs are still kicking on). Not only that, but Banjo was also from a competitor, not a third party who was cooperative prior (until recently). When it came to third parties, Sakurai never cited characters with no future being a problem, but he did cite franchises with no future as an issue. People used K. Rool as an argument to support it for some fucking reason, even though he's a first party and is nothing like Geno or Banjo.

Now with Hero in, though, yeah, Geno's chances are dead.

Rare was third party you retard, stop pretending that you arent underage

I wanna see him in more than anyone else, but I dont have a good feeling about the last 2 dlc slots. I think the dream is retired until the next smash game, porkybros

Attached: 1552277959575.jpg (1256x922, 199K)

>Now with Hero in, though, yeah, Geno's chances are dead.
I want to believe he'll be in the last two DLC packs. I mean, they're running out of characters that people actually want at this point.

The Hero pretty much disconfirmed him (sadly)

Literally who

Both are extremely unlikely

I think he'd be cool but Banjo was in no way a longer shot than he is. A microsoft character has been teased for a long-ass time and Banjo was the perfect candidate. Geno never

Obviously Reimu lmfao. As if Square is gonna let Geno happen

>genofags in 2019
You guys do realize he's owned by (((Square Enix))) right? Also he's fucking deconfirmed

Attached: english-wtf.png (678x475, 427K)

>Banjo was asked for in the fucking N64-to-Melee days you fucking underage b&s

Yeah, but everyone gave up on him by the time Brawl rolled around, due to, you know, being owned by fucking Microsoft now.

It really wasn't unti Phil Spencer's tweet back in 2015 that Banjo faggotry became prevalent again, because he gave them that first ray of light in over a decade. It came just in time for the ballot, too.

Attached: Phil-Spencer-Tweet-Banjo.png (910x669, 43K)

No he isn't

Attached: cute.png (447x697, 67K)
Greetings Yea Forums, I would just like to say that Geno is a faggot, Steve is a faggot, Doomguy is a faggot, and Reimu is a faggot. Your next DLC fighter is right here.

Attached: 325627584535.png (453x883, 463K)

>just as long

you mean the human

Attached: all frisk renders.png (1153x1638, 114K)

>believing this garbage

Is the main character? No.
Is he the antagonist? No.
He's a side character

>Currently there's a thing called "The Rainbow
Theory" where the background colors of the DLC Fighters + Piranha Plant are comprised of different colors representing their character

>Piranha Plant = Green
>Joker = Red
>Hero = Purple
>Banjo-Kazooie = Yellow

>Remaining Colors are Orange and Blue

Shit, not many other DLC picks could fit the blue motif unless Phoenix Wright was coming

Attached: D6fm3cwX4AYdQkE.jpg (799x600, 101K)

>Reimu and Geno
>Reimu is the literalwho

Attached: english-you.png (281x206, 105K)

In all seriousness, I don't see a MH rep happening considering Rathalos is already a boss/AT.

Sakurai got the OK from Capcom to use Monster Hunter for the base game, and instead of giving it a playable character, he just repped it through a boss battle in the single player modes and an assist trophy. That's honestly all you really need to rep MH.

I could see the MH costumes coming back alongside another Capcom character, assuming we get one.

Attached: Rathalos_SSBU.png (2373x2373, 3.32M)

This is just as retarded as the chairs

According to Nintendo he's a main character.

Attached: HQ question.jpg (701x1440, 132K)

>not posting the Absolutely Safe Capsule

Attached: 1560138123913.jpg (768x767, 70K)

The same was said about box theory

falco sheik zelda lucina chrom dark pit wolf isabelle palutena duck hunt

not including pokemon even though they fit your criteria very easily

You never know, Monster Hunter is now more popular then ever then it was when the project plan for base game was finalized. They might want to capitalize on the success of MHWorld and the upcoming Iceborne with a dlc fighter.

literally who

>the last two DLC packs.

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What would he be classified as anyways? He’s a third-party but also from the Mario franchise.

Combining this with the theory that one of our reps will be Female. I think I can predict our next reps.

Blue: SABER/Artoria Pendragon (FATE)


Alternatively if the Orange rep is female.

Blue: Pheonix Wright

Orange: Amaterasu (OKAMI)?

We are getting characters that represent new 3rd party IPs.

Sorry OP, not happening. Doomguy has a better change.

They meant the last two challengers, as they’re individually referred to using “Challenger Pack.” Joker is Challenger Pack 1 for example

>a porn character
You guys make reimufags look sane

He's still classified as a 3rd party, he's just in a weird situation because he can only exist in a different company's franchise.

Falco is a side character, but a recurring one.
Dark Pit and Palutena are Sakurai characters, and shouldn't have been added if it were up to me.
Zelda is the titular character of the series.
Sheik is the remnant of a gimmick.
Duck Hunt Dog is the central character of Duck Hunt.

Shilling Geno is the equivalent of shilling Goombario, they're both one off side characters. Hell, Goombario at least has the benefit of being first party

>party member in an RPG with ties to the plot
>not a main character

Attached: listen.png (1230x859, 1.33M)

Spring-Man yeah, but Xenoblade 2 is easily the most successful entry in the Xeno series and the demand for Rex has not gone down despite Sakurai's apology. We don't know when the next Xeno game will come out anyway so I could easily see them keeping him in mind for the next game.

Nice bait. Geno's "legacy" is being a popular oddball choice during Brawl's development, when rosterfagging wasn't a total free for all like it is now. Ask anyone who didn't spend their childhood on Gamefaqs if they would rather have an ugly, one off Mario character or Sora/2B/Lara Croft/Agent 47/Adam Jenson and you will always get someone from the latter instead.

Blue and female would 100% be Jill Valentine

You know to be fair, Palutena's the titular character of her series in Japan as well

Over there Kid Icarus is called "Light Mythology: Mirror of Palutena"

you think they know that? they used a fansprite of the masked man for gods' sake, they probably just took whatever one and used it.

Enjoy your 25$ mii costume rexfag, there's your "apology"

>Shilling Geno is the equivalent of shilling Goombario
Sure, but the fact of the matter is that Goombario isn't requested whatsoever, whereas Geno was requested enough to the point of getting a Mii costume and acknowledgement from Sakurai, so they're not exactly that equivalent.

>nintendo sponsored that quiz
side characterfags btfo so fucking hard

I'd like to see the "MUH SIDE CHARACTER" retards argue against this one.

You'd think Yea Forumsirgins would realize this.

Geno could very easily be given his own sub-series the same way Yoshi was, given that SMRPG is unique in that it is a Mario game not developed or owned by Nintendo.

It’s unknown, so far that’s been the case but there aren’t any quotes that confirm this

>orange hair curls
Shit I thought they were part of his hat

That'd be stupid because it's not like Geno headlines Mario RPG like how Yoshi does with his games

Enough already. Every new excuse you create is more retarded than the last.

I think he's saying that if he was a first party it could happen, and while Square could make Geno games, the character's backstory is too involved with a company they don't own for it to stay the same character if they did.

Nah, I'm not arguing from the notion of whether a character headlines in games or not, it's exactly this What excuses? I'm merely offering food for thought, don't be so triggered by everything.

I wish this keychain wasn't more expensive than the FF7 1st Class edition.

They could be. Idk. It's open top interpretation

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tooie and kazooie are on the XBLA

they and (i think) nuts & bolts are also on game pass, plus there's rare replay

I always thought he was a weird raccoon-looking motherfucker.

>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/.

I'd rather have Geno come back for Mario Kart over Smash tbqh, Banjo too

Attached: geno-xiiivn.jpg (1280x1312, 307K)

The main character? No, but he’s A main character, along with Mallow, Peach, and Bowser.

How does a company benefit from their IP getting exposure... uh well idk

>Falco is a side character
No he isn’t.
>Goombario is a side character
No, he isn’t.

Oh SHIT. don't think...?

Attached: X_MMXLC1.png (895x840, 131K)

Why the fuck doesn't he show up in Mario Kart? Seriously, you'd think they'd try and get him in given how much they pad out the roster.

>me trying to read this funni comic

Attached: dumb_wojak_2.png (645x729, 58K)

Too expensive when they can just recolor Mario some more.

Played banjo and kazooie growing up literally who is geno and why should he be in??????

>I'm tired of getting exactly what I want
>samurai is a hack if he doesnt check of literally every character on my personal request list.

You got pandered to. Let another fanbase be happy now

not as easy as just slapping in a variation of an existing character or putting in some nobody like Honey Queen who has a model lying around
>tfw Wart never ever

Attached: feelsbadwart.png (599x435, 122K)

This is the SFxTekken we deserve.

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What does playing Banjo-Kazooie have to do with anything? Also, Google is your friend.

Read the op dumb fuck

>Square Enix character is already DLC
>Mario character is already DLC
Geno isnt happening. Not to mention Lara Croft and Sora come before Geno

Wart is unironically a top tier Mario villain.
So is Smithy. In fact, pretty much all Mario villains are pretty good.

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong

>Lara Croft
Too western
If getting Geno's rights is a fucking nightmare, Sora's are even worse.

Don't worry friend, you may have your chance with the Link's Awakening remake

>Laura Croft
Please no

Attached: 34CCBBE8-965F-45A7-A034-E5E97107296D.jpg (900x539, 90K)

Isn't this shit like 200 usd?


I don't mind that there are Square pics ahead in line before Geno, but come on dude Lara's splash screen subtext would read "Lara Croft: Said No One Ever"

Attached: IYwJW3x.png (171x160, 23K)

Who says getting genes rights would be hard at all?

And western characters are allowed now

I did. No one, not even the OP, asked whether you played Banjo or not, attention whore.

>western characters are allowed now
Name a western character that isn't from Rare.

dark samus

Lara does good in polls though, and she'd draw in the 10 million normies that still buy her games. How the fuck could you say Lara Croft isn't wanted when we just got Banjo-Whooie?

Dark Samus is from a Japanese franchise.

>Lara Croft to complete the 90's platformer reunion
>Sora because he has action game boomer nostalgia and cause he's the absolute most left field crazy character they could choose due to his ties to disney
Both of them would be great picks

>If the character isn't some fucking cereal box animal then it's a bad choice
The fuck? Lara even has ""boomer"" 90's appeal. Do you guys seriously shit your pants if Sakurai adds anything that isn't a 90's animal mascot?

>video game all stars
stopped reading there. you're a dumbo.

Lara Croft is a video game icon, Geno's a nobody

Sora's a zoomer pick, not a boomer one.

>stop talking about games I don't like

Lara Croft does a lot better then you think. She's usually in the top 20-30. She even beat fan favorites like Dixie Kong and Leon

This is some weak bait. Sora is only 3 years younger then Banjo. If Banjo is boomer then so is Sora

Are Genoposters the next Steveposters?

>zoomer pick
Sora is straight up a lowkey 90's mascot. Hence why people love him so much.

Attached: Duckdisgust.jpg (375x375, 39K)

...And Dragon Quest characters are "video game icons"?

So he's next right?

Agumon is as boomercore as you can get

Attached: Agumon.jpg (1200x1185, 119K)

no one is the next Stevefag, Steve was a case of retards buying into satirical shitposting of rosterfags and actually wanting minecraft man in.
he will always be a unique case

>conviniently ignoring the violet color
this theory is bullshit

I can't wait

Attached: geno.jpg (1274x710, 200K)

In japan they are. What's that have to do with anything?

>Shilling Geno is the equivalent of shilling Goombario
hat goomba fags exposed

Yes. In Japan. Japan, which votes far more for Geno than Lara Croft. Japan, where Lara Croft ISN'T a video game icon.

Besides, it'd have to be old Lara for her to be good.

ah yes, an easy to replace element of the stage

I personally feel they shouldn't be adding Nintendo characters as Fighter Pass DLC, they should just be added for free. Save the DLC for third-party games. Bring Geno and Waluigi!

i think you meant to say the indigo color, user. still, it's just a different tone of blue, so the theory still holds up

>Japan, which votes far more for Geno than Lara Croft
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>Japan, where Lara Croft ISN'T a video game icon
Lol of course she is. Her games and movies all to great in japan. Hell Tomb Raider 2013 is the second best selling game in Square Enix history. It almost outsold FF7. Also the top 10 SE games are all FF and Tomb Raider.

>Banjo was a long shot
No he wasn't.

I seriously doubt it. But I'll keep supporting him regardless. If there's another dlc pass then maybe but we're 100% out of the running for this pass at least. I am glad banjo made it though, Geno is literally my last request and then I can die peacefully.

Attached: 1560659017655.png (600x538, 196K)

Genofags have been a thing way, WAY before Steveposting was ever conceived.

Of course he was. He still is. His chances of coming back next game are a complete crapshot

It's not going to happen, but how would you, yes you the person reading this, feel if the last two DLC fighters were Geno and Waluigi?

Attached: 1481226058699.png (107x290, 60K)

I may not like Waluigi but I don't care, Geno's the last character on my list.

Geno isn't an icon anywhere.

>Can easily have a forest maze track
>Can have a bike called the "Star Road Warrior"

Attached: 1559490533268m.jpg (855x1024, 101K)

Based but just for the reaction. He could be fun too I guess

I'm not saying Geno's an icon. I'm saying Geno is popular in Japan, according to Sakurai himself. You can dispute this fucking reality all you want, but at the end of the day what matters is Sakurai's own words.

Would unironically kms if waluigi got in before geno. If they both got in im fine, but nintendo unironically listening to the memers and essentially flipping off geno and not letting him in would be the fucking worst.

Newfag detected

And? That doesn't mean he's going to get any priority.

im happy, man

Attached: 81DmHHk7xpL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 139K)

It does, because there's literally no fully western character in Smash completely unrelated to Nintendo. There's no Steve. There's no Chief. There's no Gordon Freeman.

And to be honest, that's good. They'd be horribly out of place in Smash.

Geno, as well as Dixie, Ashley, Bomberman and Waluigi, are being saved as newcomers for the next Smash

>Banjo was a longer shot and he made it in
Banjo had the cooperation of Phil Spencer/Microsoft.
Plus he's a protagonist of an IP, so the suits can now capitalize on the surge in popularity.

Geno lives in Square Enix's cuckshed.

>because there's literally no fully western character in Smash completely unrelated to Nintendo
Banjo, a western owned and western made character
>B-b-but he was on Nintendo!
So was Lara

Attached: 287=628715308.jpg (500x750, 70K)

I'd be happy. i like both characters and if waluigi is promoted then maybe Isaac has a shot if there's more DLC!

Attached: IsaacPromo.jpg (250x286, 25K)

>And to be honest, that's good. They'd be horribly out of place in Smash.
Fucking HOW? Because you didn't grow up with them? How the fuck does Bayonetta fit but Gordon Freeman doesn't?

Bayonetta doesn’t fit.

Because the vast majority of designs are Japanese. There's something called consistency.

Bayonetta is practically a Nintendo character now.

Bayonetta is a stylized animu character, just like all Fire Emblem swordies. Freeman is just a normal guy with guns. Bad fit design wise, but so is Snake

Let's be honest, Isaac will never make it out of Assist Trophy hell. There hasn't been a Golden Sun game in what, 10 years?

Attached: 1529576298375.png (315x265, 138K)

>Bayonetta is a stylized animu character

>Banjo and K.Rool and Diddy Kong are japanese


Nearly 9 years now, but I refuse to give up hope!

Not him and I hate Bayonetta but how is she not stayalized or animu?

>Banjo was a longer shot
Wrong, retard.

>b-b-but he has been asked for since Brawl!
Wow by this logic I guess Claus and Krystal are likely too. Fuck off.

Attached: HYrNIxj.png (2368x2332, 1.18M)

>Chief is a fucking monumental character
you only care about MC because you grew up with halo, most people, specially nintendo fans, don't really care about him

Actually, expect to see that very image in a direct this Summer.

I admire your persistence. Good luck GSbro

No, I mentioned MC as a monumental character specifically because I DIDNT grow up with Halo. I never played any of the games growing up, but I still know perfectly well who Master Chief is because he's that iconic.

You're incredibly naive to think Nintendo fans wouldn't know who he is, as well. I was a hardcore Nintendo fan my entire life. My first game was fucking Super Mario Bros 1. My childhood was snes emulators on a shitty pc. My first console was the Gamecube.

>my dad works at Nintendo

Well it'll probably show up when his Mii costume comes back this summer user.

Scorpion is even more iconic, doesn’t mean either of them should be in.

Genofags are so delusional

Attached: IMG_0525.jpg (960x960, 56K)

>There hasn't been a Golden Sun game in what, 10 years?

There hasn't been a Banjo game in over 10 years either

Banjo and Lara are literally the same situation, western created characters for an original IP that were at one point owned by a Japanese corporation.

Thanks. Good luck to you too on whoever's your most wanted. Ironically enough, Isaac's been my second most wanted for years, with #1 being a Dragon Quest rep so I made off pretty well.

Attached: 13e184fea956a5b0f9f21fe302b8e8a9.jpg (384x384, 26K)

>stevefags calling anyone delusional

>they will do another SE character
>its not Sepiroth or Sora
the last 2(one if plant counts) are gonna be Sega/Capcom reps.

plant doesn't count and we already have a sega rep (joker)

>You're incredibly naive to think Nintendo fans wouldn't know who he is
he never said that, you fucking dumb ass

Gordon Freeman isn't.

Oh, I guess he didn't. My bad. Sorry for making you angry, user.

I just want Ninten

Attached: 51bd597334a62b05cdff16271099ad9b.png (480x640, 86K)

I still don’t understand the shouts for this irrelevant side character. Especially when the hype comes from underageb& who never even played SMRPG. The only arguments I hear for Geno are “he looks cool” and “Sakurai wants him”. At least get someone with mass appeal like Doom Slayer.

Steve is getting in one day. That's just something you gotta cope with.

We're not getting Geno, we're only getting reps from the most popular franchises in the world.

It's happening.

Attached: official leak.png (1967x1107, 2.9M)

Attached: 2028579A-C019-4781-A1AB-C2300ADCBF87.png (1330x758, 220K)

Autistic zoomer screeching is not an argument. DOOM is coming.

At least you faggots are working towards a good character this time, I don’t think he fits in we’ll but it’s whatever Soccor Guy wants in the end.

>banjo was a longer shot
>a dearly beloved iconic duo from previous generations
>vs a side character copy+paste from a type of game neither square or nintendo even makes anymore
delusional but lets be honest, fuck smash fuck ultimate and fuck all the hype to have a character in a shitty binary fighting game with no depth

Ninten would be the least exciting reveal, he's best served as a Ness skin

Geno would be a massive waste of development time and would legitimately make me angry

based user dabbing on the genocucks

>mfw when people say Geno ISN'T going to be in Smash Ultimate
People who are anti-Geno are literal subhuman zoomers.

Attached: whatever kid (geno).gif (903x500, 3.55M)

Ok retard.

Attached: geno calling genohaters pathetic.png (2358x2165, 455K)

Nobody said there was ever a rule. Hell, Capcom was the first to break that with Ryu in Smash 4 and Ultimate's third party characters have all come from companies with existing stakes in Smash Bros with the exception of Banjo and Kazooie as the first Microsoft rep and Namco who hasn't had their second rep revealed yet though safe to say its coming one way or the other.

That all being SAID however, what makes you honestly think user that we would get a third Square rep let alone a second Microsoft rep so soon? Namco hasn't had their second slice of the Smash Bros pie yet for starters and not to mention it would make no sense for Geno to be the final DLC addition when its very likely going to be a wild card pick nobody sees coming.

>a type of game neither square or nintendo even makes anymore
What type of game are you referring to?

>Namco who hasn't had their second rep revealed yet though safe to say its coming one way or the other

Attached: Aguman.png (200x283, 43K)

Good to see Geno is back to being a laughingstock.


Attached: Top 10 PSX games.png (699x385, 37K)

Who is this Geno you speak of?

Attached: dunno.png (939x690, 624K)

Give it up Pinocchio rip off!

You would have taken the place of the DQ hero if you were planned for at all! Now enjoy the rejected characters bin alongside Steve, Ashley, Isaac, Undertale characters, and ya boi Waluigi for all eternity while us DQchads get our Smash on later this summer. ;)

No, he wasn't. Banjo is the main character of a franchise that sold like 3 times as much as Mario RPG, and Geno is just a minor character there.

I’m not a discordfag, bud.

The entire Banjo series only sold 5 million. Mario RPG sold 10+ million

Geno was a mii costume

Fucking Gif aged poorly its based off a fake image leak LMFAO. loser. Your faggot puppet will never stand a chance.

Attached: fakeleak.jpg (984x677, 76K)


>Mario RPG sold 10+ million
In what universe?

Attached: 1560738704630m.jpg (1024x576, 104K)

Traditional turn based RPG's
>inb4 octopath or bravely aren't complete garbage
I love geno but he's not getting in smash before more favored side characters like waddle dee or another generic swordfag MC that fans can't stop circlejerking over.

The original release barely sold 2 million. Source: Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association.

Seething banjo cuck. Geno is more likely then your forgotten bear so hes in

Joke's on you, I don't even care for Banjo, and I'm not

>discordfags trying to pit Banjofags and Genofags against each other
For what purpose? Also anyone who is old enough to have played SMRPG is old enough to have played BK, I don’t think this strategy will work (then again, none of your strategies have).

not hardly. polarizing, yeah, but not a laughingstock. he's pretty evenly split in terms of fans and haters

Give me Vivi or Zidane

Attached: Magic user 8.png (400x469, 142K)

>he's pretty evenly split in terms of fans and haters
lol no.