Name a better girl to wife up in Skyrim. Protip: you can't

Name a better girl to wife up in Skyrim. Protip: you can't.
>tall, stronk, and fierce, yet feminine, caring, and beautiful
>ditches the orbiter that saved her life for you
>is a pure, saintly sweetheart
>openly antagonizes that Black-Briar bitch and the Thieves Guild
>can't die
>enjoys being your battle buddy by day and snuggle buddy by night

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Aela is a close second. Only caveat of hers is that you have to Yiff in Oblivion if you wanna see her again after death.

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The argonian slave girl from the docks under whitehelm

Jordis. It's not even close.

>Lydia with bleached hair

>Only caveat of hers is that you have to Yiff in Oblivion if you wanna see her again after death.
thats a positive user

Dude, if you marry her that beta orbiter still follows her around.

Yeah, but you're royally cucking him.

For me, it's shahvee.

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>Share voice with Brelyna

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>racemixing with tundra apes
I don't think so, n'wah.

I prefer Altmer women

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Skjor's used goods


Muiri. She's sexually experienced and I don't have to hidey assassin activities from her. She understands me.

Granted I first tried the vampire loli in the Dark Brotherhood

Now post her vanilla version.


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>>openly antagonizes that Black-Briar bitch and the Thieves Guild
We could have gone all the way and wiped them out with her, but Bethesda cut 90% of Riften's content for some reason.

>ywn mount Maven's head on your wall
Feels bad man

>She's sexually experienced
You mean used goods?

Rostie loving bitch



People have more than 1 sex partner in their life and it's a good thing, incel.

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There's also a positive correlation between having lots of sex partners and unstable/failed relationships.

Now the ingame mods

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don't have any
you'll have to find those yourself user

Cannot find this girl on the wiki

Overly jealous men cause failed relationships, not women that had sex with someone before. Learn to deal with jealousy, it's not the woman's problem.

You also get your own cuck to roam around your house!

for me, it's Serana

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Lmao, this
I do feel a bit sorry for her
>used by both her parents
>rawdogged by the meanest, cruelest Daedric prince

i hate you have to baby even if you decide not wanting to be a vampire.

>Mounting maven's head on your wall
>Not mounting maven after mindbreaking the evil out of her and turning her into your loving wife
fuckin normalfags I swear to god

Begone, cuckold.

She's ugly.

Have sex, incel

Don't you have a bull to prep?


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Based and azurapilled

None of them are good. That's right, they are all shit.
>Do small favor for women
>Now they instantly want to marry you for life
The fuck?

mod that shit

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She's aged like the finest of wines.

My top 5 gals in no particular order are;
Sylgja's mom

>not just asking sanguine to turn into a slutty aureal or whatever you feel like banging that night
Aedra worshippers are such fucking plebs.

She's annoying, but I'm into vampires, so this.


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