What's your fondest memory of Yea Forums?

What's your fondest memory of Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


shitposting not being just "hahaha i like thing ironically because it pisses off people hahaha cuck cuck seethe dilate cope"

off topic threads that reach 300 posts, always comfy

The bro culture of 200..9? I can't quite remember the year but that was Yea Forums's cultural height, even more so than GAL-O Sengen.

have sex/dilate

Yea Forums died with me when lol threads died

brown n bloom, 599 usd and tf2 eras. i don't know why i still come here.

this, we had a nice spider thread today. Pretty much everything else on Yea Forums is pure aids

Netplaying Mario Party with Yea Forums

Playing Mario Kart 7 and 8 with Yea Forums right when they came out. Probably the most fun I've had in those games.
Oh, and I can't forget the Shazbowl.

This is now a rage thread
Post things that make you rage


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>Yea Forums posters

people that rage when i spawncamp

The one time we talked about videogames

Yea Forums

People getting mad over trivial shit
I'm so tired of it all

>dragon ball fighterz threads pre-release when people just discussed the latest ep of Super, posted spic memes and those videos of in game animations vs the manga
>sonic mania threads
>watching the absolute state of the entire board the week before BOTW released
Whenever there's an offtopic thread they are usually good as well. Anime threads here are comfy as fuck.

Either my first few months on the site in their entireity, when I found practically every thread to be side-splittingly hilarious and lol threads reigned supreme, or the Turnabout Goodbyes larping at the end of 2016.

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I liked the day Yea Forums discovered Pannen and the wonders of 0.5 A presses

As embarrassing as it might be to admit, you have to go to communities dedicated to shitposting now. General forums like Yea Forums are just too broad now, and peoples' sense of humors have shifted too much. I see maybe two or three funny threads per day here. Nobody really posts for fun now, it seems like everyone just wants to be mad.

Might be a generational thing, I think zoomers are just cynical retards and their sense of humor reflects that.

Unironically women and niggers

How sad you fucks got when Yea Forums was split into two boards and going on about how it's the end of us fuck you guys for being so negative
The nightly GameCenterCX threads
Tribes Ascend
Rip Roarin' Boogerpenis and the subsequent TF2 get together

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Kind of miss babby.

I rarely see people calling out the bait nowadays

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The copy that meme

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>long cat
>left 4 dead
>missing source engine texture
>rage guy
>darkest dungeon

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CWC threads
Wish newfag mods still allowed them

>What's your fondest memory of Yea Forums?
Before people born after 9/11 were allowed to post.

when i get this

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it was always a shitty /vg/ meme

Yea Forums humor threads that are actually good
vocaroo threads of video game characters
times when user actually gave good advice about a game
off topic porn threads
bad devs getting bantered hard threads
collaborative vidya multiplayer threads
"complete the picture" OC threads

I would love to see people sage again. But that is against the rules. Because shills can't sell off banjo threads and similar are getting saged into oblivion.
Speaking of which, Yea Forums used to be good when it was not full of marketeers like it is now.


Spam bots. I miss the spam bots that would flood the boards with madness. It was a good way to keep the normies out since they can't deal with something like that.

Second memory is the day Lenny washed over the entire website

You still have them, now its only shill threads though.


Sound threads
Exploring Worlds.com together
Pressure threads
"Well coordinated and heavily practiced reddit team beaten by a ragtag group of Yea Forumsirgins run by a furry and a BR with 140 ping"

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When Doug TenNapel came and did an interview with Yea Forums.

"Take a number"

I liked it a lot better when it was a single image, some stupid copy pasta, or colored boxes.


I miss when people didn't take it all so seriously.
Yea Forums isn't that important. The internet isn't srs bsns.

Gay stickies. Like ME ones.
Recently? That one Gwen thread with 700+ replies.

>What's your fondest memory of Yea Forums?
GTFO faggot

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Literally the only reason I'm here is because of the weekly vidya rumbles, DMC, Risk of Rain, and Fallout threads.

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There was a bunch of threads in the span of 10 hours like 8 years ago where we tried to find a very specific JAV. We failed, but the treasure was the memories we made along the way.

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>the surgeon is inspired

>599 usd
still makes me smile

The Fendippitous Eggmen are coming.

TF2 release. I don't think I came to Yea Forums much before then.


suck a dick fagtron5000


Tortanic, easily.

This but with cunny threads

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When people are actually legit talking about a game and the things you can do in it and a thread isn't ruined by random buzzwords.

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums now except with the implication you probably shouldn't get people promoted but they do anyway.

Americans clapping jokes was a comfy time to be on Yea Forums

When mods wouldn't get their tranny panties in a knot and move threads semi related to politics to boards that either gave fuck all about them or dumped them on Yea Forums or /trash/.

When threads about games with lootboxes in them were bashed and nothing more.

When reddit socialists didn't flood the board demanding and then bitching about censorship.

Lurk for two years before posting.

Every time Yea Forums is down.

Its always been that way.

Everything up to the death of Yea Forums - The Vidya. Honourable mention to Yea Forums - Animu & Mango's death too

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You say that but this isn't true at all. Way back in the day it was actually a video games board. The only people who think otherwise have only known Yea Forums as Yea Forums-lite and think that is how it always was.

I was gone for a month then came back and everything was upside down.

the era around 2011 was legendary, current Yea Forums is too whiny without actually being funny
the goodnatured bullshitting of yore was contrasted by actual nerdshit discussion
people now just larp masculinity/political agenda/outrageculture under the guise of irony but not having the selfawareness to not kill all fun like feminists/r9k do.
how anyone ever on this website can call something degenerate is beyond me

speaking of wich, can anyone dose me? its been a while and I don't feel so good.

The first year we watched AGDQ together. Before it became popular. Top comfort.

Sage died with mobile phones and nothing will bring it back. If you see your thread sliding off the board you just pick your phone and bump yourself.

pretty cool, user

>Complains about political agenda
>Advertises his own political agenda

please describe my political agenda

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>Being this much of a newfag
You had mobile phones in the past too. There were several threads saged into destruction if most anons didn't like it. Like the Banjo spam for example. Anons would've been able to take care of that themselves without the help of mods. But since mods want to sell rather than keep watch over the boards certain content stays while the rest dies and the average user has no power to decide over anything.

Yea Forums was always racist/sexist or whatever. People constantly used racial slurs and made fun of all sorts of people. I remember custom maps made for warcraft 3 where you had to play as a black guy raping white girls, while other players were the cops that had to shoot you. That was way before /pol/ got popular.

How about (YOU) fuck off. U don’t care if I’m “seething” or “being BTFO’D”. I’m fucking SICK and TIRED of these replies. They aren’t original and are fucking clogging up the board even more than Rosterfag posts. Now shut the fuck up and go back to masturbating to your degenerate fetishes.

Feel free to make this a copypasta.

Also. Have Sex and Dilate. Because its a common saying now.

You pretend like Yea Forums is like any other "forum" full of normal people trying to talk of hobbies and other everyday occurrences. When it is still a site full of people that are outcasts of the extreme kind and extreme illegal kind sometimes.

2010-2014 back then i tolerate cancer but now i just can’t

What about based

Yeah , those that feel when no gf threads made me connect with another poor souls gave me comfort and solace but its gone now and forgotten

They’re unironical retards

2011 was the best

>outcasts of the extreme kinds
Not everyone that is an outcast is a blood thirsty beta that wants to be remembered
Some of us just want somewhere to be while we wait for the shitty rollercoaster of life to end

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Ah so you can't describe my political agenda, good, because this is an anonymous imageboard.

But to closer describe what i was getting at. There's a difference between endless complaining about too much or forced blacks or vaginas in your videogames and upholding (larping) your epeen within an echochamber of sorts and a couple of afro donning black guys making swastikas in an 'aidsridden' pool. The sheer ridiculousness of the latter was the point, because our mantra above all else was 'for the lulz'. I hardly see that as genuinely politically motivated like tourists around 2016 saw this website as a ground for cultural rebellion or some shit.

I never pretended that this site is 'normal' or try to pass myself off as such. Hence why i'm baffled by people outing their disdain for 'degeneracy' in my post. However, even if you're a fucked weirdo, i will scold you for being a faggot and or not funny. and not talking about videogames because i can be hyporcritical about that, i just hope someone reads this and tries to up their anonymous imageboard ettiquette. sefl-regulation and control is what makes or breaks a board like this

Despite that they still manage occasionally discuss things in normal and wholesome way. It sucks you never experience those or you just ignore them

must've been fun

that is correct. 2012 was okay too

japan time...

>be me
>5 years old
>got a ps1 for chrimbus
>9 yr oldcousins stays over
>we stay up all night playing
>wake up in morning
>cousin makes us full breakfast at like 6 am
>keep gaming all day

Its not about being remembered, its about realizing that this place is a place full of people that have extremely different opinions, sometimes not quite legal opinions. The more time somebody spends here, the more he can be considered to be such a person himself. Be it a racist, a lolicon or whatever.
>Ah so you can't describe my political agenda, good, because this is an anonymous imageboard.
You try to portray this place as your average website full of regular people. With no specified political views. Which is clearly not the case.
>The sheer ridiculousness
Not quite. You had people who only were in it for "the lulz" but everybody knew back then there were a lot of legit neonazis and KKK tier racists in these threads who participated in those pranks. Nobody minded it however unlike you do, for example.
>I never pretended that this site is 'normal' or try to pass myself off as such.
Yes you do, by portraying things that are a regular thing here on Yea Forums, so racism/sexism/antisemitism as something that is unwanted. Which is quite the contrary.
>i just hope someone reads this and tries to up their anonymous imageboard ettiquette. sefl-regulation and control is what makes or breaks a board like this
I will make fun of black people till' the day I die and there will always be a place where I can do that. If anything you should self-regulate yourself and go somewhere entirely different if you can't handle that.

It was alright

>legal opinions
eat dick

almost everything in this pic

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Nigger do you not remember Yea Forums actually taking down some neo-nazi guy's radio show only to find out he was an FBI plant?
Nevermind you're just some retard who talks about things he has no idea about.
Go drink paint asshole

I will always have memories of Japan Time because you could tell when something big happened when the board started to lose their shit.

I fucking miss 2011 so bad

I miss the days when newfags were just clueless retards instead of the social media-bred, buzzword-vomiting faggots that now inundate the board. Cope seethe dilate le wojakface has been accepted as commonplace when it should get your ass thrown to the fucking curb.

Where did time go?

>fondest memories is of a dying Yea Forums
I'm sorry that you never saw Yea Forums at its peak, Nathan.

There were a lot of pranks, not just directed at one kind of people and not always the same people doing those pranks. I sure remember thins like Jessi Slaughter though. Or camwhores that Yea Forums blackmailed.

People do have different political views, but as you mentioned. the legit KKKfags could get together with others of different ideologies to have some fun together.
racism/sexism/antisemitism is fine as long as its funny, (though if you actually believe in it i will call you a faggot and look down on you for the most part)
as soon as this place becomes a monoculture/echochamber of one agenda trying to take over thinking it's 'their' website (at the cost of fun shit we used to do together, at the cost of varied original content and at the cost of discussion in a discussionboard) shit'll be fucked.

So no, i will continue to discuss videogames, play videogames and let my perspective be heard. What I won't be doing is spam YASS QUEEEEEN and YIIIKES and 40PERCENT tier threads all day. Discussing shit like i would person to person, but with more cute anime girls and heinous internetporn.

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The earliest I remember being on Yea Forums is 2008 and that was when I was 11 years old

Working at a game store around 2007 and having some of you faggots actually call and ask me about preordering Battletoads. Told one caller we were actually taking preorders and the bonus was a live toad, then they hung up.

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"going into games machine", but just because how hilarious it was.
4pm threads were comfy, too bad mods dont allow them now

That night when Katawa Shoujo finally got released and everyone was waiting for the download link to appear. Anons posting about download speed being too low because everyone trying to download at once. Also got favorite girl Hanako on my first try.

I love these threads they’re always comfy reminds of good times

Yea Forumsermin threads

>Nobody posts for fun

Browse more threads you fucking retard plenty of people do post for fun when talking about a specific game or something that shows up across games. Stop being such a pessimistic faggot and start participating in good Yea Forums threads and maybe the problem you have with it will stop

As long as you don't start crying just because somebody called out a greedy kike its fine by me.

>no "splatoon is new meme"

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You groove you lose threads

baiting is weird now. people think as long as you get (you)s its fine, even if its someone calling you out for being retarded. Someone could reply to this post with "have sex" I could just say they fell for my bait.

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My shazbot folder has gone largely unused for half a decade.


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this comes to mind:

Fuck I remember accidentally opening this dab twice and having splatoon music blasting in my ears



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>took over 100 replies
absolute fucking state

have sex

Demon's Souls (Japan/Asia) release
Dragon's Dogma's release
MGRR's release
That entire period of shitposting DmC

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Back in the late 00s I frequently got tons of recommendations for games that I still absolutely love and there was frequent threads with Megaupload/Rapidshare links for Dojin titles and such.

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Fallout Online with Yea Forums

I miss it so fucking much

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Every high level discussion i had here.
It's a shithole but from nowhere some very techy people just appear and make me dig the hell and back to find things to actually keep my arguments.

>"complete the picture" OC threads
>Spam bots (when you actually had to be wary of what you downloaded from here)
>nogaems/PS3 SUX
>visible sage
I'm sure there will be more as a read on, but I can't take this. I want to go back.

tribes beta
fuck hi rez

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when I triggered a bunch of faggots with my shitty OC

mosiac threads were always fun.

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>implying hurt feels laws aren't enforced on bongnet and leafnet nowadays.

>that time when YouTube links would auto play and every thread had sanic/sengen on vibrate/guy screaming/etc

Damn this is some good shit. Thank you for providing OC even if it was 2 years ago. Threads like this need to happen more but I don't watch enough media to really get anything good.

Anyone remembers pc gaming is dead or bro op ps3/pc threads?

you too

>the era around 2011 was legendary

That was around the time I started coming here myself, so I'm probably biased, but I do miss how Yea Forums was back then. I already feel completely out of place on Yea Forums these days, mainly just because I have no interest either way in all the outrage and politics on Yea Forums these days.

4 am threads before mods killed them
lol threads when people still made edits or dumped manga
dealposting just because of that fucking autist who made it his life's mission to shit on the mods all for it to culminate into an accidental sticky.

When this blocky peice peice of shit and the whole "bUt MuH rElEvAnCy AnD sAlEs" faggotry was BTFO'd to its last atoms when Banjo Kazooie came in and disproved every preconceived delusion people mistook as actual arguments against the bear and bird. I even heard that the pathetic zoomers on that PapaSteves discord have cried like little bitches since then. So yeah a top banana absolute win, one I will cherish for a decent amount of time. Even though it barley just happened last week, Its still something huge to remember.

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I think I remember this. Wasn't that around 2011?

guy you replied to, what games you play senpai
always up to play with some older newfags

>ywn call Toady a dogfucker again

So right now? Kids born after september aren't 18 yet you god damn retard

>that legendary user who edited dicks onto his avatarfag posts

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We need filters for

>have sex
>oh no no no

What else?

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What happened to all the tripfags?

I miss besiege threads.
When we discovered chaos engine and everyone started to tame the new technology was some of the best times i've ever had on Yea Forums

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Problem is that's an actual word, and isn't it already used as a filter for "basedboy"?

>Sanic, Tribes,ISHYGDDT and Katawa Shoijo was 8 (EIGHT) year ago

help me Yea Forums...

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probably went to reddit and twitter, they have a natural proclivity for those sites


my nigga.

Filter them out via Yea Forums x, if you put site filters on them /pol/ and trolls will come out with new lingo and wojack memes

It’s the most overused word on this site. Come up with a less NPC way of saying you agree with what someone said. Watch, the robots will respond to this very post saying “based” just to appear funny.

yeah those threads were comfy.
I bought the game and never looked back at it, what did the game add in the last few years?

>he can't imagine being at computers

Mainly just PS2 games and stuff these days. I have a laptop from 2010, and I get a bit nervous about playing games on it these days, because it's getting old. I really need to stop being a NEET.

>It’s the most overused word on this site.

What I mean is that it's a legitimate word, like "The Shin Megami Tensei series is based on various mythologies.".

hunger games threads

I was in the original Mr. Bones Wild Ride thread.

For me it was the ROB and GB threads, if anyone remembers those

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Is it just me, or does Yea Forums not really use "HURR DURR" anymore?

Hardly any multiplayer games anymore. PSO2, SplitGate, and a shitload of single player games.

What do you think this guy is thinking right now?

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- original Japan Time
- Tribes beta, especially the Shazbowl
- Minecraft alpha, cumilating in Yea Forums getting shout out on the minecraft title screen
- Yea Forums playing wum
- Yea Forums playing Freelancer and creating a mod with BR ships shouting like monkeys
- dedicated Yea Forums TF2 servers
- Yea Forums visiting GabeN for his birthday

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Reposting an old Japan Time thread I saved years ago

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Then perhaps it will only get filtered if posted by itself or with “and redpilled” after it

I miss the feeling certain Protomen threads elicited.

On the other hand, other such threads were garbage. Hmm.

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I still see it often

I remember that from 2012, all the threads that were ">mfw Americans clap at the cinema" or ">mfw Americans clap when the plane lands".

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I remember them but I never really liked them. Never shitposted in them though.

cool, i play a lot of doom and old quake games.
my secondhand desktop i bought around 6-7 years ago. toasty for life

if you guys still care for some games hit me up steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198178267555/

2011 was amusing, but the quality curve had definitely taken on a downward slope even then

Pic related; a contemporary comment on what 2011 Yea Forums was like

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Radical Larry before SCP shit

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based ROBposter made things real comfy

Those were the days

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playing cube world till 5 am

>Vaguely remember being on Yea Forums around 2011
>Got malware which forced me to reformat my computer in summer 2012, so I lost all the Yea Forums stuff I had from 2011

>- dedicated Yea Forums TF2 servers
Party Van? It is still operational.
And last summer Worms games were also comfy.

I have lost several HDDs, and also have short term memory loss... I don't know

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Fuck, I miss dubs threads.

The final one that was a huge Neon Genesis Evangelion reference was amazing.

>Actual MS Paint drawings instead of just recycled meme templates

Still better than current Yea Forums.

>All these meme replies
Smooth brains

DMC 5 OCs.

The 1 million get Pong post.

I miss the Gary Oak shitposting. The Chad meme is basically the reincarnation of Gary

Boy, do I have a treat for you.

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My early days on Yea Forums were spent on Yea Forums.
I can't visit that board any more without feeling sad, it's a shadow of what it used to be.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are following it on the path to ruin.

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>Was born in 1992
>Barely remember anything before around 2010, and even that time is getting foggy and distant to me now

wait was this a long lasting thing?
I caught a few of them but forgot about it

the shazbowl and bf3 reddit match


Most excellent(e).

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The time everyone was working together to find out what Xbox 360 game was in a blurry image. I think it ended up being UFC or something, if someone has the image they should post it.

Fighting against Yea Forums in the swastisky as Yea Forums in the original 4craft server and /pol/ joining in the defense, also invading /tg/'s dwarf burrow and getting rustled was pretty funny

Or just implement /r9k/'s post rules.

Hearing that the fan translation of Mother 3 was finished

>when using Yea Forums easily required you to know some basic commands
Fuck man. Just take me back.

>Yea Forums playing wurm

truly the best FOTM game Yea Forums ever had

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>sage is le downvote
but I agree, invisible sage means that newfags never learn it and now that invisible sage is older than the majority of posters the majority of posters dont even know what it is or how to do it

Prerelease DmC shitposting

I honestly don't mind the shitty direction Yea Forums is going. The more time I spend looking at this site, the less I play video games.

When was it that noko stopped being a necessity? I vaguely remember having to use it.

Yea Forums bingo threads were great

Less dub-y, more pseudo get-y

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This was great for how simple and straightforward the OP was.

And him fuckin over the OC fag.

Remember how DmC vs MGR threads used to be on Yea Forums before both games came out?


The pokemon threads were pretty fun. The one I remember the most was where we started adapting pokemon names into famous book titles and covers. Sadly, I've lost most of my images from that time.

any thread where we all wanted to fuck something. those threads are/were great

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At least they’re drawing at ms paint

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Nobody is going to remember this, and I don't even remember when it happened, but one time we were watching a Nintendo Direct and they showed one of those Art Academy games and the stream died during a tutorial for drawing a Goomba and everybody just posted their mspaint goombas until the stream resumed.

That was a good thread.

-The Toy Story comic creator
-Japan Time

I am of the firm opinion that v hit the point of no return when Dark Souls was originally ported to PC and the inception of "artificial difficulty"

>All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

>Was around the age of 18 or 19 when I started going on Yea Forums
>Going to be 27 later this month

It feels strange that I'm now older than a lot of other Yea Forums users, due to how I remember being a youngfag on here myself.


When we had different memes that were forced for a month instead of just the new flavor of wojak

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Same here

Konami E3 2010

Never had such a good laugh since.


This one time I played some io racing game with Yea Forums. that shit was fun as fuck, god i need friends

Remember how Yea Forums went absolutely nuclear because of Reddit's recycled rage comics, and how Yea Forums made all those "le monkey face" images to parody shitty Reddit memes?


According to this site
>tanasinn.info/wiki/Complete_History_of_Yea Forums
Some time after 2013 because that is the last time it's mentioned in their history.

I agree with this sentiment but I'm also not gonna knock the guy if he's the only one cranking out OC as shitty as it is.

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"Going into games machine". Not that it was the best thread in Yea Forums history or anything, it's because I read it in a college library and had to restrain myself from bursting out laughing. Probably made it a lot funnier to me personally.

Probably when 4chanX added quick reply. Like I can remember. I nokosage'd all the time anyways.

>you lived long enough to see wojaks become more cancerous than frogposting

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I remember someone dumping Houkago Play, back when it was still about the leggy girl in tights. It went over three or four threads and took about 4 hours in total to get through but for some reason those threads are burned into my mind. I'll never forget Yea Forums's reaction when they finally banged. Everyone seemed sad but optimistic about the future, or maybe that was just me.

I've been here since musashi days

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E3 2014.

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It wasn't supposed to be like this.

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Something I miss is when those "MLG 420 SICK QUICKSCOPE" parody videos used to be popular on Yea Forums around early 2012.





I think I used Yea Forums X for a while, but then the default Yea Forums added quick-reply.

archive.org/details/Yea Forums_threads_archive_10_billion

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That time user was waiting for his game to be delivered and the thread made OC about his deliveryman.

I kinda miss the days of when

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>back when flimsii was funny/did anything at all


oh man that takes me back.

Wasn't this the old template for "video game trope" threads, like the "Enemies can open doors" thread template?

>Oh there's a review section! Lets see what's there!
>there's only one review
>"It's shit"
You know, I wouldn't have it any other way.

>An ancient evil awakens
Also filename

>tfw I remember how they both used to be just sadfrog and tfw no gf

Ahh.. parody videos.
They don't make them how they used to.

I migrated over from Gamefags in 2006. Now I’m fucking 33 and still browse this rotten shithole looking for diamonds in mountains of shit.

I want to go back.

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that time moot played gee on Yea Forums, and then that time he played the remix
too bad neither hiro or Yea Forums know how to have fun so shit like that will never happen again


I honestly don't remember what I was on before Yea Forums.

I remember.
I was browsing some Guild Wars forums. But as talk about other games was medium there, I moved here, thinking that: "hey, a whole board about video-games, no strings attachted. What can go wrong?"

t-there's things other than Yea Forums?
I think I just went to game specific forums, like the ones for UT

Same, except it was 2005 and I'm 32.

I was poor so I only got my first computer when I was 17, and within two fucking months I was here. Talk about a baptism of fire. I remember typing replies to people jabbing at keys on the keyboard very slowly with one finger.

I think I remember going on Encyclopedia Dramatica for a short while around 2010, though I can't remember if I started going on Yea Forums from ED.

dolphin porn

Wasn't he found out to be samefagging?


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Remember when Yea Forums was the boogeyman of Yea Forums?

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I got a laptop of my own around 2010, and I think it was around late-2010 or early-2011 when I first got here. The oldest specific thing I actually remember is everyone on Yea Forums losing their shit over MML3 being cancelled in July 2011.

I remember stumbling upon this in the early days of YhwhTube.

>The oldest specific thing I actually remember is everyone on Yea Forums losing their shit over MML3 being cancelled in July 2011.
...Its been that long?

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The fact that this isn't a yearly tradition prove that Yea Forums is dead.

That was also back when Yea Forums was actually the random board rather than just being a wasteland of porn and camwhore threads

Yeah. I don't have it myself, but I remember that comic from around 2012 of Yea Forums going into a room representing Yea Forums, and bringing stuff like Jimmies, pizza tipping, etc into Yea Forums.

My best memory of Yea Forums is prior to 2016 before all the r eddit faggots came here to cry because some random anonymous person said nigger on the internet.

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believe it or not, Yea Forums is trying to take that back. Porn threads are being derailed right now

>no john, you ARE the cancer

They're losing steam. The catalog isn't as yellow as it was a few days ago

Yeah. If I remember right, people on Yea Forums actually liked Inafune back then, and hated Capcom. How things have changed.

please god tell me you have this all typed out in a text document that you can paste here so i can put in my filter