Which side is the best for the wasteland?
If you pick Yes Man you're a faggot
Which side is the best for the wasteland?
If you pick Yes Man you're a faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
>kill house
>Kill Caesar
>Kill ranger for Armor
>Tfw no allies
Very Bad = NCR
Bad = Mr House
Good = Caesar's Legion
Very Good = Independent Vegas
they're all yes man you fucking fool.
Dude anarchy lmao
Dude bureaucracy lmao
truth is
the game was rigged from the start
Does it matter?
Like really, it's clear around after what, 30% of the main quest, they ran out of ideas an realized they need to let you join any faction in the ending so fuck it, let's just give you a clean slate if you do a few quests.
Hierarchy you fuckwit not bureaucracy.
Despite "LMAO TAXES" NCR is the best choice for a stabilized populace. For the player the best option is House since you're going to live the pampered life.
>Which side is the best for the wasteland?
I picked yes man and I'm here to receive my hate.
This game is shit anyway, vanilla sucks when you know modding exists and modding sucks because you're constantly re-investing time in checking load orders, compatibility, 3rd party softare and other shit because new mods are constantly being made.
Fucking vegas i'd rather entrust all my life-time revenue to biz than spend anymore time playing new vegas.
House>>>>>>Everything else
They can barely afford the Legion war.
so did everyone else. why does nobody get this?!
What will you do when our modern civilization collapses within the next 10-20 years?
Have fallout and other survival games taught you anything?
I'm on the side that gets me everyone elses stuff to hoard in my house
>SSS+ tier
>good tier
Yes Man
>acceptable tier
Using the cloud to kill everyone.
>low tier
>unga bunga caveman tier
the uninstall wizard
god what an awful game
Independent Vegas, though i would prefer if the MC stayed and ruled over the place like the new mr house instead of disappearing
Yes Man if the best option but Caesar is a close second
Only literal cuckolds go with House or NCR
my friend LOVES fallout (but only 3, nv, and 4). he unironically started a bottle cap collection because he thinks they'll be money if the civilization ends.
Yes Man
How is Yes Man and Caesar contrarian you fucking idiot?
dude anarchy lmao
did you tell him he's fucking retarded?
>only bethesda fallout
absolute trash brain
Its not anarchy you dumb faggot
You can mold NV the way you want it
House obviously
>being a bootlicking slave to a greedy ancap warlord when you can easily just overthrow him
Imagine being this fucking cucked
Humanity has no future on a radioactive shithole covered in deserts and mutants. House's space travel plan is the only hope for humanity's future.
Especially since Fallout 3 put an alien mothership in orbit for House to discover and reverse engineer from.
A 10 INT good Karma Courier is better than House but is also wish fulfilment self-insert wank.
>not extorting House at every turn
>not embracing necessary change
Its Hegelian dialectics, I wouldn't expect you to understand.
>not embracing necessary change
that why Rome failed in the first place dipstick
>caesars legion
>anything at all like rome
Only redditors choose House. Too bad House only gives a fuck about the city of New Vegas. Everything else can die for all he cares.
Only an absolutely retarded and edgy teenager would say the Legion is best. You fuckers would be some of the first to be nailed to a cross and the ones that weren't would be enslaved.
>*exists for unbroken thousand years*
lol what a failure!
House is the best ending.
The strip is safe and the courier ends up in a life of luxury inside Lucky 38.
Still, the coolest ending is obviously siding with Yes Man.
Everything else is low tier.
>siding with the faggots who want to rebuild the nation that ended the world
>edgy teenager
I'd say this is projection
You only think they're edgy because you didnt bother to talk to Caesar and find out why he does what he does
the legion is a transitionary government you mong
Caesar is every wannabe megalomaniac in every political science program in every university in the world.
Planning on complex interactions of social values and political systems to always go a certain way is what ends up getting you shit like the USSR.
If the Legion was a more orthodox form of authoritarianism, it would be better than all of Caesar's esoteric bullshit.
Should have emulated pic related rather than Shaka Zulu to be honest (the Roman aesthetic is superficial, the Legion is more like the Zulu Empire than Rome).
>someone out here that actually knows about pragmatic dictatorialism and Salazar
Holy shit, aint that something. You from the country or an outsider? Legit curious, as few people know about him.
NCR is pure reddit.
House>Yes man>NCR>Legion
no it's not anarchy. it's just that there's no such thing as a real functioning government in the game beyond the player. so the only choice is yes man, whether you pick the legion or ncr or house.
>overthrow him
the courier doesn't rule New Vegas after Independence
The legion wasnt fully developed, they rushed it out the door
Avellone said he wanted the Legion to be quite different and more realistic instead of pointlessly "evil"
And you can clearly see that by talking to Caesar, his philosophy is sound, but the Legion its self doesnt reflect that
>people here think there is any right option when in reality all empires collapse.
The only real option is to finish what was started and nuke fuck the rest of society.
House/yes man
Wow epic edgy nihilism bro
Let me know when you finish high school!
fuck off Ulysses
I work in a university, that's all I'll say.
Enlightened despots like Salazar, Peter, Frederick, etc. are rare but ruin the "muh liberty or authority" paradigm in a way that doesn't involve faggot communism.
>his philosophy is sound
He's building an empire designed to break and create a synthesis with the NCR's institutions.
Except you can't rely on that being the outcome of what you do. It's too complex a thing to occur. The Southwest could just as easily fracture back into tribalistic communes when he dies. Or worse, some kind of sick man empire that keeps the NCR's corrupt bureaucrats in place and establishes a pampered elite "warrior" class at the top like the late-stage Ottoman Empire.
>he's building an empire designed to break
Wut? Why would it break?
>it would fracture when he dies
This is getting into wild speculation territory and its not even worth discussing
You can't possibly know what would happen, he may have a successor just like real life Caesar had Augustus. I think its pointless to assume what may or may not happen. He is still the most pragmatic and realist choice of rebuilding anything close to a proper society.
*ahem* malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium
>retarded spear chucking slavers vs NCR
It's not really supposed to be a hard choice unless you're some kind of contrarian edgy faggot.
>picks the least popular choice
>calls others contrarian
Sasuga Yea Forums
He's explicitly designing the Legion to be an exercise in Hegelian Dialectics by combining with the NCR.
This means he's deliberately making aspects of the Legion in a way that they'll break when the Legion controls the whole Southwest, so they can be replaced with good elements of the NCR or new institutions inspired by NCR ones.
He's trying to crowbar politics into a Rube Goldberg machine that's too complex to predictably work in the way he wants it to.
Also his succession in the game is totally fucked. Lanius, Vulpes, the head of the Praetorians, and maybe more Legates would more than likely end up in a power struggle that cripples their government and might even splinter the realm into a civil war worse than the NCR-Legion wars.
There's a reason hereditary monarchy and representative democracy have as many successes as they do while other weirder governments have spotty records at best.
>Which side is the best for the wasteland?
>If you pick the side which is best for the wasteland you're a faggot
I don't get it.
Fakes who never played Fallout 2 wouldn't pick NCR.
My post implies I didn't even consider the least popular choice.
NCR>House>>>>Ceasar's legion>>>literal dogshit>>>>>>>Yes man
Legion should have been Enclave tier aka not being allowed to support them at all
>I work in a university, that's all I'll say.
Fair enough user. Its interesting to see a piece of history from my country be mentioned here. Despite his flaws, even those fucked by him respect what he did, and he stays popular even to this day. Its odd, but in a good way.
What a cuck. And I fucking chose NCR.
yes man is just a robot doing what you tell it, and im closer to tony stark than house is. tldr; you are the faggot, independant vegas best vegas, fuck ncr, fuck legion, fuck house, and fuck the edgy guy who wants to nuke both sides.
Fuck that faggot. Even if a faction is cartoonishly evil you should be allowed to join them if you want.
>passing off your own failure to deliver content as the faction being irredeemable villains due to muh soggy knees
I think you mean legion needed more quests because it was too short on an "evil" playthrough.
tfw grenade machine gun on the dam, accidently legion even though im with them, fuck not given.
i mean seriously, I once quit an RP server because they codle to the "good" even when they are being zealot and dickheaded. (nwn) why do people think you can only write game storys for good and neutral? you know thats why fallout 4 was shit right? go do this that and everything for everyone, and "raiders" as DLC, and tute arnt really evil. its a fucking cop out.
Yes Man is the only option, unless you like bending over backwards (and forwards, like a big gay) for any sort of """leader"""
Independent Vegas is the true Vegas
>no redeeming qualities
>ignoring all the redeeming qualities and talking about a supposed negative
holy virtue signalling, batman!
>wanting no leader at all
>g...god's dead m*BUURP*mORTY