Meanwhile on Yea Forumsenus

Meanwhile on Yea Forumsenus...

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Other urls found in this thread:,_produced_by_SXS_project).webm/Warped_Space_and_Time_Around_Colliding_Black_Holes_(Courtesy_Caltech-MIT-LIGO_Laboratory,_produced_by_SXS_project).webm.480p.vp9.webmötes_void–Corona_Borealis_Great_Wall

its a little hot here boys

could there be life on venus? or in that icy moon that nasa is interested about

who /cloudcity/ here

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>200° hot acid gas atmosphere with deadly winds
looks like it's just as horrible as regular Yea Forums

⟟⋏ ⋏⟟⋏⟒ ⟟⋏⟟⋏ ⊑⟒ ? ? ?

>⟟⋏ ⊑⟒

¬ƕ¬ŀ Ɣ|

oi where da fuck is my pool pass? which one of you mugs took it?


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I don't know user you tell me.

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Hide Heechee threads

Ignore Heechee posts

Do not reply to Heechee posters

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Well, we have these things...
At least they look sexy, right?

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The temps are about 462C, not 200C. Perfect for baking pizza.


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>russians send rover to venus
>it takes one photograph and sends it to earth
>melts and dies from the heat and acid
idk bros

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>mfw earthtards obsess over 0.4% CO2

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>being a sub-cloud layer nigger

I'd like to be on Venus if you know hat I mean

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Sounds like australia.

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Boy, I sure do hate living on a planet named after a dumb whore. Oh wait, I'm not, I'm actually on a planet named after a Chad. Brb gonna eat some dry ice.

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The dense atmosphere below and comfortable climate within the clouds has some astronomers believing we could live on there if we had floating balloon cities in the upper part of the atmosphere. Many say this is significantly more practical than terraforming the moon or Mars. Don't fall though.

Hoo its hot in here...

>swimming on an ocean of gaseous not-lava

>size of our solar system
jesus christ
that thing is bigger than the distance traveled of every single thing we've sent from earth, physical or not. Really goes to show how insignificant human accomplishments are in the real grand scheme of things.

We're mostly still one of the only planets that have life so HAH SUCK IT NON-EXISTANT NERDS

>At an altitude of 50 kilometres (31 mi) above the Venerian surface, the environment is the most Earth-like in the Solar System – a pressure of approximately 1 atm or 1000 hPa and temperatures in the 0 to 50 °C (273 to 323 K; 32 to 122 °F) range. Protection against cosmic radiation would be provided by the atmosphere above, with shielding mass equivalent to Earth's.

Isn't that Earth's name? Why would anyone name a part of Venus that?

>there are people on Yea Forums right now living on beta

>The central elliptical cD galaxy of this cluster hosts an active galactic nucleus, which is powered by a central supermassive black hole. The central black hole has an estimated mass on the order of 20 billion suns.[2] This makes it one of the most massive black holes known in the universe, 5,000 times the mass of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. The diameter of the black hole's immense event horizon is on the order of 118 billion kilometers, 19 times the distance from the Sun to Pluto, and has the mass equivalent to that of two dwarf galaxies. The central black hole is devouring matter and growing at a rate of 60 suns every year.

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>リJℸ ̣ ᓭリ⊣ ℸ ̣
i shiggy diggy

>american education

is shiggy posting back?

>tfw no future vidya with a terraformed Mars and Venus and comfy space travel between all three inner system planets, and travel on their surfaces in their cities
>venus would still have cloud cities too like

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that will be our final boss as a race

What happens if two black holes collide?

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>tfw no three-way shitposting wars between Earth,Mars and Jupiter's shitty moon Titan

>he didn't get his directorate issued portable atmosphere generator
fucking earthian tourists

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Best planet
Best soundtrack

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It could be worse, you could be living on the suburbs of a megacity in a mostly covered by water planet named after literal dirt.

They merge into one big black hole while spewing shit that was orbiting them.

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>tfw eventually everything will die, even the Sun and the universe itself
Let's enjoy life while it lasts, lads.

>The first observation of stellar mass binary black holes merging was performed by the LIGO detector.[14][19][20] As measured from earth, a pair of black holes with estimated masses around 36 and 29 times that of the Sun spun into each other and merged to form a 62 solar mass black hole (approximate) on 14 September 2015, at 09:50 UTC.[21] Three solar masses were converted to gravitational radiation in the final fraction of a second, with a peak power 3.6×1056 ergs/second (200 solar masses per second),[14] which is 50 times the total output power of all the stars in the observable universe.[22] The merger took place at 1.3 billion light years from Earth.[19] The observed signal is consistent with the predictions of numerical relativity.[2][3][4]

Pressure and temperature don't mean anything when the atmosphere is 97% carbon dioxide. And good luck building a balloon city.

you get something called a 「R I N G D O W N」
and it's fucking fierce
>The first observation of stellar mass binary black holes merging was performed by the LIGO detector.[14][19][20] As measured from earth, a pair of black holes with estimated masses around 36 and 29 times that of the Sun spun into each other and merged to form a 62 solar mass black hole (approximate) on 14 September 2015, at 09:50 UTC.[21] Three solar masses were converted to gravitational radiation in the final fraction of a second, with a peak power 3.6×1056 ergs/second (200 solar masses per second),[14] which is 50 times the total output power of all the stars in the observable universe.[22] The merger took place at 1.3 billion light years from Earth.[19] The observed signal is consistent with the predictions of numerical relativity.[2][3][4]

Dynamics modelling

>「R I N G D O W N」
Thats a powerful stand, who wields it?

>named after literal dirt
Please user, go and read a book

Best women

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>which is 50 times the total output power of all the stars in the observable universe

fucking hell

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You could live in Uranus

>Three solar masses were converted to gravitational radiation in the final fraction of a second, with a peak power 3.6×1056 ergs/second (200 solar masses per second),[14] which is 50 times the total output power of all the stars in the observable universe.
Imagine being unlucky enough to be near that shit

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>unironically believing all this garbage "seemannsgarn"

>t. buttblasted Dirtling

The universe will only die after an extraordinary amount of time, we are talking in like 10^106 year.

Define "near"

idiotic, Neptune is so far from the Sun, it would be too cold and dark for any life. You're infinitely better inhabiting the moon or some asteroid closer to the sun for free energy. Jut dig in. A tunnel network under the moon could house billions of people, sine you're using its volume instead of surface.

It's obviously not immediately habitable but changing the upper atmosphere composition when all other factors are Earth like is way easier than changing the atmosphere of an entire planet where nothing is earth like.

Enough to feel the repercussion

It will also be constantly bombarded by asteroids

Named after the best Sailor Senshi. Fact!

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>which is 50 times the total output power of all the stars in the observable universe.
How in the world,_produced_by_SXS_project).webm/Warped_Space_and_Time_Around_Colliding_Black_Holes_(Courtesy_Caltech-MIT-LIGO_Laboratory,_produced_by_SXS_project).webm.480p.vp9.webm

What would they eat though?

>Best anything

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Not giving your bait any (you)s

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Shit farmed on balloon farms.
As long as there is light, water, CO2 and microelements like phosphorus, life can be farmed.

each other

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Space is not real, wake up

Sex is though, have sex

>most stars in our universe are these pathetic red dwarfs


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Imagine what could be at the other side of a black hole
assuming of cource there is a way out
assuming of course you somehow SURVIVED this

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*farts in your general direction*

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Is this Star Citizen?

You wouldn't see anything that's past the event horizon of a black hole.

we are inside one big dark hole
those are just holes to the outside

Really though earth-like planets are very difficult to detect with Kepler since they don't cause the star to wobble as much and don't lower the brightness of their star as they transition like the "super-earth"s and gas giants do. We just need better equipment to detect them or some other method that is more accurate at detecting smaller exoplanets

>RTS/FPS/TPS/space sim/whatever
>Mars, Earth, Venus terraformed and fully inhabited
>MEV coalition
>war breaks out
>pick a side
>fight wars
>in space
>on terraformed worlds
>in Martian, Earth, Venusian cities

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>Unitologists still digging
Lads, it was a stupid game, time to let go

what could have been..

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>tfw no game where every single celestial body in the inner solar system was terraformed (except mercury)

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>assuming of cource there is a way out
Literally impossible.

>The event horizon marks the point where space has been warped by gravity to the point that no paths exist out of it. What this means is that no matter what direction you look, you will see the singularity at the center of the black hole. It's in front of you, behind you, above you, below you. Any direction you move will bring you closer to it. If you had a physics-breaking engine that could give you infinite power, there's still literally no direction you could point your spacecraft that would lead away from the singularity. By "timelines," he means "possible futures." By "light paths" he means "spacial directions". In this case, the singularity is both an inevitable thing in front of you, and an inevitable thing in your future, and there's no real reason to distinguish between the two concepts.

Spacetime inside a black hole's event horizon is so curved that ALL possible future roads you could take are directed towards the singularity.


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Or we could be part of a simulated universe run in a super-advanced futuristic computer
Or we could be something akin to a microorganism living inside some bigger organism's body.

The possibilities seem endless.

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I wonder if there are any bigger ones

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goatse was pretty big.

You could actually do mercury if you found a way to alter its rotational speed and gave it a stronger magnetic field.

with some suspension of disbelief.
Space Engineers
or Populous the begininning if you just want a solar system that is a chandelier of live bearing planets

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For me it's blue hypergiants

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He is a big guy

fucking christ, what a horrifying thought.

No point living on the surface on most of these bodies. The future is volumetric.

>tfw no green stars

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What about Universe Sandbox?
When I play this game, I really feel like I'm playing God.

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Where are the sexy aliens? Don't tell me we're the only living things here.

for you(r planet)

We're considered so disgusting alien hotties avoid us like plague

What honestly worries me more is where does everything go?
Black holes are constantly succing in matter and infinitely acquiring mass, but what happens to all that matter?
And if the universe is constantly expanding how much do black hole matter in balancing this supposed expansion if it's even happening?
Do they have a breaking point?
What happens at the end of time?
Just a universe sized singularity created by millions of black holes merged into one?
>inb4 user don't worry you'll be long dead by then

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it would be great if you could combine Universe Sandbox and Space Engine

though Space Engine also has a custom solar system builder I guess, just not as physics heavy and dynamic as Universe Sandbox

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Enjoy your space aliens bro.

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No, this is an actual game.

Hawking radiation happens and all black holes eventually dissipate over the aeons


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but how is hawking radiation even possible if all future paths lead towards the singularity? How does the mass escape?

Hawking radiation answers all your questions.

They take a very, very long time to evaporate. Bearing in mind the age of the universe is only 1.3x1010 years old. This is from wikipedia:

Black holes evaporate under Hawking radiation, a solar mass black hole will evaporate over 1064 years. A supermassive black hole with a mass of 1011 (100 billion) suns will evaporate in around 2×10100 years. Some monster black holes in the universe are predicted to continue to grow up to perhaps 1014 suns during the collapse of superclusters of galaxies. Even these would evaporate over a timescale of up to 10106 years

Just to make the comparison a bit more visual:

Current age of the Universe:

13800000000 years

Expected time for a supermassive black hole to evaporate:

20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years.

The merger had that much power output for an extremely short time, that's how. For a small fraction of a second it radiated strong gravitational waves, like an explosion in the fabric of spacetime.

yo where all da women at?

>What honestly worries me more is where does everything go?

Hawking radiation happens OUTSIDE the event horiozon, not inside it.


>What happens at the end of time?
All matter turns into black holes. After aeons^aeons, those black holes evaporate, universe is entirely made out of photons. After even more aeons, those photons lose all of their energy, shit goes dark. Temperature of the universe is an exact 0 degrees K

The Universe is infinite so its impossible for there not to be a planet like ours although its likely extremely far away from us

Here you go bro

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>The Universe is infinite

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Imagine that xeno slut wrapped around your dick.

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From the thumbnail, I thought it was that painting of that old dude with spooked eyes holding wounded dude

Cool cool. I only have one question, where's do I stick my dick in?

But isn't all the mass in the singularity? How does the radiation happening outside the event horizon affect in any way the mass of the singularity inside the event horizon?

good luck keeping all that water on the moon from getting blasted off into space

that's Ivan the Terrible holding his son, for future reference.

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its a videogame

Maybe, but probably not by a whole lot. Beyond a certain point, supermassive black holes grow mostly through collisions with other black holes.
But as time progresses, they will only become bigger. It's not impossible for SMBHs to eventually reach trillions of solar masses, but we have a long way to go until then.

>Just drain the gases out lmao
Terraforming is a fun concept in theory, but I’d like to see this guy’s idea on how we would terraform Neptune of all planets.

shes the one who's going to be sticking the dick into you

>tfw xeno gf never ever

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They are out there, waiting for us!

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Venusians on the left, it was my destiny

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I fail to see the problem here fellow gentlemen


>he wasn't born on Earth
lmao cucks

There is no evidence that the universe is infinite. We can only see as far as the observable universe goes. Anything beyond that, we simply don't know (and probably never will).


It's to far to be habitable to earth life. Also:
>you drain all the gases

Fucking how?

with a fuckton of vacuum cleaners duh

>ywn create an empire spanning the entire solar system

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This is terryfying.

There MIGHT be life above the clouds, but not below them.

>he doesnt even have a mountain taller than the planet's atmosphere

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Pump the gases into big tanks and launch them off the planet.

>ywn first genocide all non-white, non-asian races to ensure purity of the empire

>they had to slow it down because of how fucking fast this part of the process is

Can't reach thema anyway so what's the point?

Jovian master race, eat it up you low-gravity plebs. High gravity gives you big bones and a chad body.

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also turns you into a manlet.

>Proud of being Belter scum

This is why Mars need to civilize these chalk-boned savages.

and makes you a manlet

Plus you can fly to Europa and eat the fish there. They're better than the fish Earthfags eat.

>wipe them all out
>target other "races" because you need new enemies (humans born in microgravity for example)
>your shit gets so retarded that you're eventually overthrown
Stop being so obsessed with genocide

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This is so stupid I'm not even going to argue about it.

>he actually went outside

if it works, then it's not stupid.

>ywn fight imperialists and throw unavoidable rocks at their worlds
hold me bros

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3 2 3 4 4 2 3 and

My bad. But the universe is still huge so there has to be at least one planet that has similar conditions to ours

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I know it's stupid but in principle I think it's one of the only ways to get the gases out of the planet. Of course the tanks would take huge amounts of material, and you wouldn't want to burn rocket fuel launching all that shit. Maybe electricity could be used to accelerate the cargo on one of those circular launch tracks of the future to send them off.
Some gases could be terraformed away in a more natural way by growing plants or making the gases react with some other stuff to form liquids / solids that would be stored in the planet's crust.

Where would you even get enough material to make those "big tanks".

I could break you twig-boned human giraffe faggots in two

just hollow out some asteroid and you're golden.

>making the gases react with some other stuff to form liquids / solids that would be stored in the planet's crust
I guess. It would take like milion years tough.

OK. There's really no point going further.

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Do you think one day we'll shed our moral coils and travel the vast expanse as apparitions?

you sound hellbent on sounding reasonable, at the risk of sounding like a condescending cunt in a discussion about science fiction.

Scientists calculated that there are at least a billion earthlike planets in the Milky Way alone.

So, I guess objects without mass like neutrinos or wavelengths can escape black holes? But in that case why can't light escape?

They chance that there is even intelligent extraterrestrial life in the galaxy is extremely small. Water worlds like earth usually have far less land mass then we do.
Aliens in the galaxy, at most are probably basic water insectoids, maybe even dolphin-like but they would never evolve out of the sea.
Interdimensional beings on the other hand...

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Death brings nothing except eternal darkness. No conciousness, no memories, no existence.

Is it even possible for habbitable planet to have rings

earthlike in that they might have a similar mass and be within the habitable zone of their star. dont know much beyond that

>could there be life on venus?
Nope, the surface is too hot
>or in that icy moon that nasa is interested about
Which icy moon you're talking about? Be more specific

Sure, it's just a destroyed moon at the end of the day.

Yeah. That's what happened on Earth with algae growing in the sea and spitting out so much oxygen it changed the atmosphere. It's slow.

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Black holes affect the causal structure of spacetime in such a manner that all future light cones within a black hole lie within the event horizon of it.

Although photons are massless they have energy and have to obey the geometry of a curved spacetime. Since all future lies within the event horizon, photons are trapped inside the black hole.

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>how to make venus habitable

build a giant straw from its surface to space
pump all the gas out

One thing I think might be interesting, you can siphon gases out of the planet and use it to create an artificial star the size of a moon, so that it won't be so damned cold around the gas giants.

do you get to the cloud district very often?
oh, what am i saying. of course you dont

>actual semi-intellectual discussions on Yea Forums

You guys make me proud.

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A star the size of the moon wouldn't have enough mass for gravity to keep it together.

why is existence so terrifying?

Ah, I see, so anything with energy is trapped within a black hole, but stuff without energy can escape because they don't have to obey the geometry of curved spacetime.


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well, what I mean isn't a star powered by fusion in that sense, but rather just a big ball of gases that you light on fire. Similar to that "hell pit" in the Karakum desert, you could keep it burning for tens of thousands or even millions of years depending on its size and how slowly it burns.

imagine if you dropped that water sphere over the United States haha people would get so wet

Sounds good. You could also siphon the gas out of the atmosphere and burn it to heat settlements. Assuming the planet isn't terraformed yet and everyone has to stay inside.

>tfw you'll never be a part of a comfy crew of delivery people/mercenaries who travel between the newly-terraformed Mars and Venus, and the colonies on the gas giant moons and deep-space stations doing odd jobs, deliveries, and the rare lucrative but dangerous contracts like escort missions or general raids
>tfw you'll only be able to play vidya with other people when in acceptable range of your target planet because of the 5+ minute lag
>tfw you'll never go on vacation with your coworkers/friends to the great ocean of the Martian Northern Hemisphere or visit the gigantic tropical jungle island of Olympus Mons
>tfw you'll never stare at the Jovian Moons lining up in front of the gargantuan mass of Jupiter as you come into dock at a station in orbit of Ganymede
>tfw you'll never go shopping in the floating metropolises of Venus and deal with vertigo when you look down into the endless cloud layer below you

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he probably means europa

I love those retro exoplanet posters NASA made

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Imagine how deep that sea must be.

terraform mars

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Is there any good sci-fi books, tv, movies about humans going out and colonizing the solar system and killing off xenos? Tired of the diplomatic human bullshit tropes

I sometimes wonder what kind of creepy shit lurks in the frozen moons like europa. I bet there is some kind of life down there.

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Nobody here will be alive when the Earth dies, and by then humanity would've already found a way off this rock.

then the whole country would be full of wetbacks lmao

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>Best soundtrack
I'm going to stop you there

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Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.

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Things without energy AND without mass maybe.

Venus more like benis :-DDDDD

Can Space Engine be used to simulate terraforming?

Starship troopers.

Fuck off /pol/

Your waifu is in a black hole.

Can't name any specific books but the Warhammer 40k universe is pretty much that. I'm sure if you go to /tg/ and ask in a WH40K thread about a book they will be able to give you one

Fuck off Carl

>still no Dyson sphere being constructed to harvest lots of star energy

Mass is a form of energy.

haha yeah

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Venus more like penus lmao

>gets eaten by dark gods
imagine actually being free navy scum

I fucking love space engine and universe sandbox.

Wish there was a mod for space engine that terraforms all the solar system planets

Yes, but things in either state can't escape a black hole.

10 miles, according to some estimates

what clown ass scientist decided to name something on venus "Dswonka", or name a mountain "beta"

haha yeah, wouldn't that be something

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The first one is probably the name of some slav scientist.

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Neutrinos and wavelengths are not really objects. Objects are material things that can be seen and touched.

>tfw 3 planet comets

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What kind of KSP mission should I attempt Yea Forums?

Near-future is so much more interesting than galactic shit.
We need more games and other media set within the Solar System. Like Cowboy Bebop.

Space is so cool but also horrifying. Like Bears.

Never played it so I don't know what you can do, but how about landing on Pluto? Or is that too easy?

how are they going to show how fucking weird and creepy those "events" are? I don't see how they can do them justice in the show

Fuck bears. They're the only scary animals in our forests.

Tiamat's Wrath was pretty wild, I don't think they can do any of it justice.

Imagine sticking your dick through the event horizon but nothing else. Imagine the succ.

>What honestly worries me more is where does everything go?
Into it.
They're ultimately just an ultracondensed ball of stuff. Shit gets freaky because of all the gravity but that doesn't mean they're literal holes no nowhere.

>Physical insight into the process may be gained by imagining that particle–antiparticle radiation is emitted from just beyond the event horizon. This radiation does not come directly from the black hole itself, but rather is a result of virtual particles being "boosted" by the black hole's gravitation into becoming real particles.[9] As the particle–antiparticle pair was produced by the black hole's gravitational energy, the escape of one of the particles lowers the mass of the black hole.[10]

>Not mountain lions
Theyre fucking lions, user

I don't live in a place with mountain lions but sure, those are spooky too. Where I live there's literally nothing that could hurt you in a forest expect for bears.

i prefer mons pubis if you understand what I am trying to tell you with my text-based language :)

Cougars aren't lions, though, they're a different cat species

>get rid of the acid in the atmosphere
>plant trees
>CO2 levels diminish
fuck elon musk

You should look up breakthrough starshot. Send a few probes like that with the means to decelerate themselves and with a payload of nano machines you could build a colony

Is it sex? I bet it's sex.

>look up virtual particles
What the fuck, so the smallest units of matter aren't even real and only exist as an abstraction, but that abstraction can be given physical form by a black hole. Jesus motherfucking Christ.


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man fuck this planet why's it always got to be raining molten metal

>it's extremely hot on Venus
>don't ask how our machine managed to parachute into the atmosphere without catching fire

>you then add a moon

fucker says that shit so god damn casually

You can't catch fire with no oxygen, dipshit.

>wiping them out
>not sending them to other planets so they can evolve and become empires themselves so you can wage war with them

>>wipe them all out
Right here is where you leap to assumptions based on pop culture.
>>target other "races" because you need new enemies (humans born in microgravity for example)
>>your shit gets so retarded that you're eventually overthrown

Relativistic jets arise from dynamic interactions within accretion disks (quasars) which is outside the event horizon.

>In quasars and other types of AGN, the black hole is surrounded by a gaseous accretion disk. As gas falls towards the black hole, energy is released in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which can be observed across the electromagnetic spectrum. The power radiated by quasars is enormous: the most powerful quasars have luminosities thousands of times greater than a galaxy such as the Milky Way.[2]

Quasars are the brightest things in existence.

>Quasars emit energies of millions, billions, or even trillions of electron volts. This energy exceeds the total of the light of all the stars within a galaxy. The brightest objects in the universe, they shine anywhere from 10 to 100,000 times brighter than the Milky Way.

>"Quasars are capable of emitting hundreds or even thousands of times the entire energy output of our galaxy, making them some of the most luminous and energetic objects in the entire universe," according to NASA. For instance, if the ancient quasar 3C 273, one of the brightest objects in the sky, was located 30 light-years from Earth, it would appear as bright as the sun in the sky. (However, quasar 3C 273, the first quasar to be identified, is 2.5 billion light-years from Earth, according to NASA. It is one of the closest quasars.)

Visual representation of a quasar.

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My Themis niggas where we at

the final frontier

ayy lmao

Space stuff like black holes feels like the closest thing to real-life eldritch abominations

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>he doesn't enjoy the awesome view of a gas giant

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I thought blazaars beat them

The closest things to eldritch abominations are what is outside of the observable universe

>We'll eventually have flags for planets on Yea Forums
>Earth will be the most common, for poorfags and people that think Earthlings are the masterrace, full of manlets due to gravity, all live in mega cities
>Mars will be the chads, love war and beating the shit out of each other
>Venus will be the fags, think they're better than anyone else because they live on a fucking
>Europa will be shitposters, the Aussies of space

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>big red spot
it gets even scarier when you see it moving.

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Blazars are quasars pointed directly towards Earth.

A blazar is an active galactic nucleus (AGN) with a relativistic jet (a jet composed of ionized matter traveling at nearly the speed of light) directed very nearly towards Earth. Relativistic beaming of electromagnetic radiation from the jet makes blazars appear much brighter than they would be if the jet were pointed in a direction away from the Earth.[1] Blazars are powerful sources of emission across the electromagnetic spectrum and are observed to be sources of high-energy gamma ray photons. Blazars are highly variable sources, often undergoing rapid and dramatic fluctuations in brightness on short timescales (hours to days). Some blazar jets exhibit apparent superluminal motion, another consequence of material in the jet traveling toward the observer at nearly the speed of light.

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Guys stop being scared of black holes, they're not gonna hurt you.

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I think it's beautiful, I mean it's the size of Earth, thats incredible

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So what happens when SCP-2399 fully repairs itself?

Yep my point exactly, its way more comfy when humanity is occupying every single corner of the entire solar system, with maybe only a few ships that left for Alpha Centauri to attempt colonization there.

But otherwise something like 5 trillion humans in the entire solar system from the solar research and observation facilities in the deep interior of Mercury to the secret experimental research labs and outposts in the Oort Cloud

Much more impactful and familiar when you are roaming terraformed, breathable Europa, when you see all the human presence on world and in orbiting stations around familiar worlds, and much more inspiring to see worlds we're familiar with like Venus, and Mars, terraformed and Earthlike.

Such a shame Mass Effect barely explores all that in our future solar system, theres only a single mission on the Moon, etc.

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The black hole makes it look like a giant eye

Minako is cute! CUTE!

no good game*

>making a thread in the middle of Tethus shitposting hours

>tfw the universe will just be blackholes and dead stars for billions of years

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my ass

>after countless eons, most matter in the universe will turn into iron and nickel because those are the two most stable, lowest-energy elements
>literal balls of steel

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There's so much BS in that pic but this:
>the big ones won't even kill you if you fall into them
Takes the cake.

>In astrophysics, spaghettification (sometimes referred to as the noodle effect)[1] is the vertical stretching and horizontal compression of objects into long thin shapes (rather like spaghetti) in a very strong non-homogeneous gravitational field; it is caused by extreme tidal forces. In the most extreme cases, near black holes, the stretching is so powerful that no object can withstand it, no matter how strong its components. Within a small region the horizontal compression balances the vertical stretching so that small objects being spaghettified experience no net change in volume.

>Stephen Hawking described the flight of a fictional astronaut who, passing within a black hole's event horizon, is "stretched like spaghetti" by the gravitational gradient (difference in strength) from head to toe.[2] The reason this happens would be that the gravity force exerted by the singularity would be much stronger at one end of the body than the other. If one were to fall into a black hole feet first, the gravity at their feet would be much stronger than at their head, causing the person to be vertically stretched. Along with that, the right side of the body will be pulled to the left, and the left side of the body will be pulled to the right, horizontally compressing the person.[3] However, the term "spaghettification" was established well before this.[4] Spaghettification of a star was imaged for the first time in 2018 by researchers observing a pair of colliding galaxies approximately 150 million light-years from Earth.[5]

You'd literally be torn part down to your most basic sub-atomic elements. Big black holes only take longer than small ones to kill due to tidal forces, but you're still doomed. That's all.

needed a sweaty forehead

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>Venus thread
>no pics of Venus
What the fuck Yea Forums

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>billions of years
boi the Stelliferous Era aka from the big bang until 100 billion(longscale) years into the future is but an infinitesimal blip in the life of the universe.
gaze upon the bleak and endless future
and listen to this

What game? EVE Online?

watch this if you're into Jupiter and jovian related stuff.
we all get laid.

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Worse, Stellaris



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I know it may be childish to believe, but I always like to think that humanity can break through any boundary with enough scientific research and shit. Whenever we are faced with an insurmountable obstacle we find some shitty ass loophole and abuse the fuck out of it.

this pic is mind fucking boggling to me. The ground looks like ground, but the atmosphere has that creepy piss filter on it and then you realize it's 400 degrees C and the air is sulfuric acid. You almost feel like you could be standing there but you would experience a completely different world, alongside agonizing death.

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I watched that a few days ago. It's been killing me the past 3 days

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Imagine being near a Magnetar, the most powerful magnets in the Universe.

>Magnetars are characterized by their extremely powerful magnetic fields of ∼109 to 1011 T.[6] These magnetic fields are hundreds of millions of times stronger than any man-made magnet,[7] and quadrillions of times more powerful than the field surrounding Earth.[8] Earth has a geomagnetic field of 30–60 microteslas, and a neodymium-based, rare-earth magnet has a field of about 1.25 tesla, with a magnetic energy density of 4.0×105 J/m3. A magnetar's 1010 tesla field, by contrast, has an energy density of 4.0×1025 J/m3, with an E/c2 mass density more than 10,000 times that of lead. General relativity predicts significant spacetime bending effects due to these huge magnetic fields, but quantum considerations suggest otherwise[9]. The magnetic field of a magnetar would be lethal even at a distance of 1000 km due to the strong magnetic field distorting the electron clouds of the subject's constituent atoms, rendering the chemistry of life impossible.[10] At a distance of halfway from Earth to the moon, a magnetar could strip information from the magnetic stripes of all credit cards on Earth.[11] As of 2010, they are the most powerful magnetic objects detected throughout the universe.[5][12]

>As described in the February 2003 Scientific American cover story, remarkable things happen within a magnetic field of magnetar strength. "X-ray photons readily split in two or merge. The vacuum itself is polarized, becoming strongly birefringent, like a calcite crystal. Atoms are deformed into long cylinders thinner than the quantum-relativistic de Broglie wavelength of an electron."[3] In a field of about 105 teslas atomic orbitals deform into rod shapes. At 1010 teslas, a hydrogen atom becomes a spindle 200 times narrower than its normal diameter.[3]

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I love the captions for this

If you don't have a xeno harem by now what are you even doing with your life?

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Long time i don't see one of the UFO game mentioned, it is on of my favorite XCOM like series despite the rough edges.

So if you got too close to one it literally turns the atoms in your body into noodles?

>people seriously get depressed over things that won't happen for quintillions or sextillions of years from now
>Even though they can't comprehend that amount of time whatsoever

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so no rebuttal. ok

>tfw no open world space travel RPG in a setting in the far distant future where humanity has terraformed and colonized and spread out up to 80 AU of space but interstellar travel remains elusive and more difficult than expected so humanity hasn't really gone further
>total human presence in the solar system - ~4 trillion
>Earth has eco cities, arcologies and the most pristine and natural land remaining
>the moon is a massive industral hub of shipyards and manufacturing
>Venus has floating cloud cities and tall towers jutting from the planets surface
>Mars is concentrated on super cities a relic of the time before terraforming fully finished, think Judge Dredd megacities, cyberpunk atmosphere and government
>countless numerous space stations, outposts, space colonies at Lagrange points for all these worlds
>the asteroid belt, full of stations and industry, Ceres and Vesta, colonized, hollowed out, livable
>Jovian and Saturnian moons colonized, some terraformed, some used for singular purposes and controlled and owned by a single megaconglomerate
>Pluto - Acheron station
>player can choose their starting world- Venus, Earth, Mars, Pluto, or their space colonies etc..
>there are even supermassive mobile colony ships that tour the entire inner and outer solar system containing millions of residents - those can be visited too
>free form story, players given tons of freedom into how to explore, travel and exist in this solar system

Fuck why can't we get any interesting settings like this? I'd much rather a more contained solar system size setting if it means everything can be fleshed out with maximum depth and variety compared to the usual cliche of spreading things out across multiple disparate systems.

The possibilities for this kind of setting are limitless, but to this day I don't think there exists a single game where Mars and Venus are both terraformed, and you can freely travel between Venus, Earth and Mars in your own ship

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Pretty much yeah.

Quality thread.
I feel dwarfed & I learn a lot of stuff. Not the kind of quality you expect from Yea Forums!

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Space and deep sea threads used to be a thing on Yea Forums until zoomers came and filled the board with smash threads.

how are these monsters even made

its crazy how in some ways these are way more terrifying than black holes, due to their immense active power and influence over a much longer distance

what happens when a magnetar meets a black hole btw?

Any Jupiterbros in here?

This. Yea Forums used to be pretty cool. We had Ito threads too.

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>no gravitational lensing on the post or computer as it falls into the black hole
Step it up.

Deep sea ocean vents regularly get to be 400c and life is found there.
Not hard to imagine it being on Venus as well

Fun fact: the larger in diameter a black whole, the closer you can get to it without the tidal forces ripping you in half.

This sounds like hell desu.

We dont matter at the scale of this universe, we are just some bacteria, even if Humanity reach the stars and take somehow over the Galaxy. And now Think about Many World Theory

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>ito threads

I wish someone would bring them back

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>what happens when a magnetar meets a black hole
you don't want to know.

Always remember when Ito almost became vidya related.

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Someone give this user a dunce hat

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Red dwarfs will live on far past the death of all other starts though

The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, meaning light can never escape. Therefore we are in a black hole.

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>we never got a Yea Forums Yea Forums /x/ collab game


>could there be life on a planet with 500C surface temperature, crushing pressure and an atmosphere made of sulfuric acid
Yes, of course there could be life there.

i fucking hate black holes
I was once really into them and read all the theories (for dummies of course) but somehow they have awoken some primal fear inside me with time

its okay, its mostly white

>ywn escape the universe

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gee I wonder what happened

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the magnetar would break up just before the event horizon, given the intense density. Tidal effects would act upon the neutron star like any tidal effects.

When you have tidal effects, your planet/star/moon/other random astronomical object stretches and collapses. The Magnetar would do this too. But it wouldn't go quietly.

As you would expect, stretching something makes it crack. A neutron star is not as large as, say, a planet or such, and it is definitely much more dense. So much like what happens to the earth when rocks stretch to the point that they break, this neutron star would have Starquakes, and when you bring in that it is a Magnetar and not just a normal neutron star, then starquakes will be unimaginable.

And to add on to the idea of starquakes, remember that it is spinning extremely fast. So the closer it gets to the black hole, the more it is worked on, and soon, it begins to releasing so much energy, possibly comparable to supernovae.
Every time a starquake occurs, it releases a burst of radiation seen across the galaxy. We would probably know about it by then.

As soon as the magnetar crossed the event horizon of the black hole, everything would calm down. The black hole's event horizon would expand by quite a bit, and all the magnetar's matter will become part of the black hole.

Also, there's Gamma Ray Bursts like the other post mentioned.

tl;dr: The black hole will win.

Why would you be scared of them? You will literally never in your life be in any kind of danger or threat caused by a black hole. They are too far away to do anything to Earth in your lifetime, and if Earth was close enough to a black hole there wouldn't be any life on it anyway.

Why would you leave Earth?

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>that one episode of Stargate where they open a vortex to a planet near a black hole and can't close it because of time dilation

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why wouldn't you leave that backwater

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See this

Who /spaceengine/ here
In The Expanse there's Magnetar-class battleships which blow shit up by unmaking it with magnetic fields, pretty cool stuff
>what happens when a magnetar meets a black hole btw?
Nothing can beat a black hole, the magnetar would eventually be swallowed into the singularity. The only way you can destroy a black hole is to wait unimaginable amounts of time for it to evaporate

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Ito isn't Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is for western cancer.

you mean Yea Forums Yea Forums /x/

Del Taco is Yea Forums

Hmm off the top of my head you would probably need a big body like a moon and accelerate it fast enough that bit by bit the atmosphere is flung into space.

I think those still pop up very occasionally. Or someone dumps manga in an unrelated thread. I might do that some time when the jannies are sleeping.

Oh ok. I thought he was a movie director.

Mercury already has a partially liquid huge-ass metal core, you can't really do much to give it a stronger magnetic field, it's just to close to the sun

Hey guys, can i come play?

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Wow everybody who replied saying no is a fucking retard.

It's too hot for us to live because we evolved on a planet which isn't that hot so we aren't adapted for that kind of heat.
Life which evolved on a hotter planet would be adapted to more heat.

Jesus christ we've got some fucking retards here, thanks for the wisdoms you worthless brainlets. Meanwhile even Earth has a few extremophile organisms which would survive there.

Anyway to answer your question, user: yeah, it's very possible. It's chemically interesting enough without being outside the range of plausibility, with plenty of energy to support biology. While it seems caustic and nasty to us, we live on a planet covered with the universal solvent, water, and breath an extremely antibiotic oxidant for our primary respiration like it's nothing, so that shit is all relative.

Also the whole planet is probably colonised by the ancient dinosaur scientist civilisation who project the cloud layer as a hologram and kill our probes to throw us off the scent so

Carbon star

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Too much diversity.

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theres probably life, no ayys or complex but unicellular or microscopic lifeforms

At most there could be basic as shit unicellular stuff floating high in the atmosphere

Yes. Rings aren't anything special and are basically everywhere. Even Earth technically has a very thin, faint ring system.

It's more just like a pain in the ass, but I'll do an Eeloo (pluto) landing. Maybe I'll finally try a gravity assist or two.

You don't understand perspective, dipshit.

Why would a ring make the planet uninhabitable? It's just dust and ice floating way above the surface.

You have no imagination and should shut the fuck up. Nothing about life restricts it to being similar to us.

I think you should chill the fuck out, friend.

>tfw Saturn

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Head directly the fuck back to rebbit if you want a hugbox to post bullshit in you useless faggot

Do we have rockets today that can escape Jupiter's gravity?

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Saturn sounds so fucking ominous, I don't know what the fuck is his problem.

You're right user I'm sure there are uranium-based aliums on Venus who thrive by breathing 400 degree sulfuric acid and eating rocks.

>Current age of the Universe:
>13800000000 years
Does this bother anyone else like it bothers me? That one day the universe started existing and we've found a way to measure that?

someone's trying a little too hard to fit in on their first week here.

No I think it's pretty cool.
*dabs on christkikes*

why would knowing more about the cosmos we inhabit bother you?

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A small object made up of broken down foundational particles
Reminder that black holes are objects, not holes
Just objects with enough mass to stop light from escaping within a certain point

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Our concept of time started existing 13800000000 years ago, give or take 10^-43 seconds. We don't know what was before that because there was no before in the traditional sense of the word. Laws of physics didn't even exist before that point.

Because there's no way to know what happened before the universe and a beggining implies an end

Alternate idea is a game like this + all these stars and their systems are available too, maybe as an expansion pack that advances the setting several thousand years

Or as just part of the base game, but "end-game" content, less populated, less things to do, but the furthest extent you can go in game

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Makes as much sense as being sure there aren't, idiot.
Really not sure why this is so difficult to grasp. You're made of soft homosexual Earth shit because you evolved on Earth, where soft Earth shit is readily available.

On Venus the most common resources are hardcore Venus shit, so life there would be metal as fuck.
What matters is chemical self-replication patterns which eventually support increasing complexity; the medium doesn't matter much.

And if you think sulfuric acid is some super scary omega acid then you don't know shit about chemistry.

"please don't be mean to me on Yea Forums" - you



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It's a region of space that you can fall into and never escape, literally a hole where every direction leads to the bottom, which is also infinitely far away because space is warped into itself and it doesn't matter anyway because if you're in there you have been not just physically destroyed but basically deleted from existence

>a beggining implies an end
No it doesn't. Infinity can be unbounded, but it can also be singly- or doubly-bounded. Having a beginning only implies a single bound.

Like the number system. We start at zero and count away from zero infinitely. There's an origin but no outer limit in any direction.

It's the gate to hell

oh no they di-int..they did not include the outrider in this shit..

lucasarts deserved what they got..

Oh no, it's not about being mean. It's just that your posts are so poorly constructed and argumented that your hostility seems just gratuitous, in a comfy and civil thread about space that has been going on in good fun for 400 posts. But you'd know how to read a room if you weren't such a giant faggot with zero concept of biology or human interaction.
tl;dr lurk more, you fucking abortion of a man, you stick out like a sore thumb and nobody wants you here.

>life can happen literally anywhere bro, in literally any medium and any conditions bro, just cause it doesn't happen on earth doesn't mean it's not happening everywhere else
Is there life in the rings of Saturn too? Or maybe on the surface of Mercury which is virtually a vacuum?

Holy shit you're a pussy. At least pick one thing to whine about. Am I too mean, a poor writer, or a newfag? You're all over the shop and clearly it's only because you're a little bitch.

At the root of the issue is the fact that you're undermining the discussion by not knowing what the fuck you're talking about and are trying to distract from getting called out on that with these weak redditor tactics.

Brainlet here, aren't ring systems impossible(improbable?) for rocky planets? Mostly because they were created from the remnants of leftover gas/rocky material of a solar system that bigger gas giants hoovered up leaving nothing else behind?

If you want a discussion try not sperging out at people who disagree with you. Try growing up and coming back when you stop being an angry teenager.

last (you) you're getting from me, now fuck off.

Guys, humor me, what are the most recent discoveries about space? Like, 3 months ago max

Here's a fun little thinker
The sun shrinks down and becomes dense enough to be a black hole
What happens to the orbit of the earth?

It's just a matter of there being enough shit orbiting around a planet that eventually will come together into a ring. I once read why and how matter in orbit eventually settles into the same plane and forms a disk but I can't remember how it worked.

If our moon were to blow up into dust, whatever remained in orbit would probably form a ring after a long long time

I think in the case of Saturn it's speculated it was a moon that got BTFO by tidal forces. Either way, accretion disks can happen anywhere around a body with enough gravitational pull. Argument against rocky planets would be that they are not massive enough, but that doesn't mean impossible.


First photo of a black hole. It was a pretty big deal, how did you not hear about it?
Nothing. The problem for Earth would be going dark and cold

nah, it can happen with any planet, you just need some smaller object like a moon to be torn apart by gravitational forces of the planet into even smaller chunks which continue to orbit the planet, creating rings. Obviously this is much easier with gas giants because the gravity is much stronger and the objects can be bigger.

jackshit, nothing happens to the sun's center of mass

When you find a nice looking planet but can't tweek the setting to make for a good picture

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Hey dreamboy, still thinking about leaving this rock and explore space? Too bad. lightspeed is still slow as fuck and literally IMPOSSIBLE to withstand anyway. But don't you worry, in a year or two you will have a chance to preorder STARFIELD, the space adventure game made by me. Smell ya later, kid.

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Apparently, the magnetic field around the quasar in the center of our galaxy is keeping it from growing larger in size. Also, pic of a black hole.

i'll take a flashy and conclusive end over an endless void from ~10^100 years from now.
besides retardedly unlikely quantum "anomalies" like an entire star suddenly appearing just because there's a non-zero probability of it happening if given enough time of course, but that's kinda fucked to think of in itself

Quantum physics is the weirdest shit. It's basically
>hm okay this is reality and what we think we know about how it works
>ima shit on all of it

based Todd letting us live our dreams.

None of those are particularly extreme environments, so yes: very possibly.

Why couldn't life live in a vacuum? There are a bunch of extremophile organisms from Earth which can live in a vacuum. Mercury is energy an mineral rich and in many ways more similar to earth than Venus, and planetary rings have plenty of water/volatiles/minerals and tidal energy plus the benefits of microgravity, so so why wouldn't they be a good place for it?

I've read speculative stuff about the potential for life in plasma or even more high-energy media, so why not? What do you think life is, user? It's not terrestrial cell biology.

It's so fucking ironic that you tried to play the "civilised thread" card only to continue to shit it up with this kind of white-noise posting and blatant samefagging in an attempt to save face.
Don't let the door hit you, pussy.

Even Mercury would leave unscathed. Would probably be better for it too, what with the extreme shiftsin temperature it experiences today between dark side-light side of the planet.

Could have changed the lens flare type and then used the editor to give the planet some pretty atmosphere

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at least you're mature enough to admit that you were wrong and have calmed down. Good for you, user.

The only planet with life that we know of is our own, and based on that its impossible for that to be life on venus. If you want to belive in some crazy type of complex life form existing there then be free to do so, just like you are free to belive in unicorns

>There are a bunch of extremophile organisms from Earth which can live in a vacuum.
Not really
They get dehydrated completely and only "rez" when brought back to liquid water, which can't exist at very low pressures.

>Space is empt-

Attached: How many things really are out there..jpg (1068x2048, 1.08M)

>The only planet with life that we know of is our own, and based on that its impossible for that to be life on venus.
That's nonsensical.

Learn to read. It's sad as hell that you have to invent shit like that to feel like you win, somehow.

They don't die, though, which is the definition of survival.
There's nothing implausible about low-pressure or vacuum adaptation.

Then why is the sky dark?

I tired that now my dick burnt off

wait so is it from left to right
(our) moon

i thought you were leaving you turbo-faggot

>that time Hubble telescope looked at a tiny "empty" patch of sky for days and found thousands of galaxies

>>because they live in a fucking
Took me a few seconds but well done user

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Light in Earth like the ones in cities blocks out all the light coming from stars.

that's just because stars are bright af. Most of it is dark energy anyway.

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seeing our planet dry is kinda depressing.
to see our natural blue gone and replaced with sand

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>take a shit in my backyard
>poop bursts in flames

>There's nothing implausible about low-pressure or vacuum adaptation.
Except for the part where you need a liquid solvent for all the chemical reactions required for life.

Yes, we could theoretically make a rocket out of nuclear bombs and we could probably reach 1/10 of light speed but not for to long

it's just cycles m8
go far enough back in time and earth was a giant ball of lava
then it was a ball of ice
some day it will turn into a ball of desert, but give it enough time after that and it will probable get water again

>This is what plays as you see our galaxy be enveloped by a black hole

>tfw I learned about Bootes Voidötes_void

>At nearly 330 million light-years in diameter[3] (approximately 0.27% of the diameter of the observable Universe), or nearly 236,000 Mpc3 in volume, the Boötes void is one of the largest-known voids in the Universe, and is referred to as a supervoid. Its discovery was reported by Robert Kirshner et al. (1981), as part of a survey of galactic redshifts. The center of the Boötes void is approximately 700 million light-years from Earth.[4]

>According to astronomer Greg Aldering, the scale of the void is such that "If the Milky Way had been in the center of the Boötes void, we wouldn't have known there were other galaxies until the 1960s."[6]

That's why these images and vids that show the planets realistically are so fascinating.

Attached: jupiter surface.webm (706x400, 1.04M)

Too bad some of us will probably live to see it disappear as it is shrinking at very high rates.


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Even if that were true and not just a naive extension of terrestrial biology, existing in a vacuum doesn't mean you can't consist of things with an internal higher pressure.

In fact the DEFINITION of vacuum means that's the case of anything in a vacuum which isn't itself vacuum, you fucking unbelievable retard.

Your own human skin, exposed to pure vacuum, is sufficient to contain all your internal chemistry just fine. Your problem would be the inability to respirate, although honestly I don't think that would be a huge problem overall and highly recommend you cease respiration immediately.

No. Venus has an enormous atmospheric pressure that would literally crush you to death, plus sulfuric acid rains all the time. Whatever drones we sen die within minutes.

As for the moon, I've never understood why nasa says we could thrive under miles of ice and no life. Shit makes me laugh, who came up with this shit? For that matter, we can't terraform Mars because it has a waning magnetic field, which is required if you want an atmosphere and water (life). Mars needs a moon to stabilize it.

T. Aerospace engineer.

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fuck me, that's amazing

It's rather ironic that you'd have a better chance surviving dropping into a supermassive black hole than a smaller one. Gravitational tidal forces are evenly distributed across the entire entity to the point where they're sparse enough that you won't get spaghettified to death in an instant.

>hurr ur retarded u can't pretend that there is something that I can't describe but it surely can be!
>naive interpretation! there surely must be something that magically maintains life in places where all rules required for known life do not work!
>I can't describe it but you're fucking retarded if you don't think I'm right!
>b-but human skin can maintain conditions for limited time so it must be possible to do it indefinitely!

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Nigga if you're falling into a black hole of any sort you're deader than Elvis.

>I've never understood why nasa says we could thrive under miles of ice and no life.
Send energy from panels above, live in massive underground shelter that recycles everything and grows plants for food.

anyone know what would happen to a planet with a 99.2% O2 atmosphere at 1atm pressure?
found a planet like that with life on it in SE

You are dead no matter what if you cross the horizon.
It's just a matter of time.
Remember that inside a black hole spacetime is bent, moving in any direction means moving towards the singularity.

Virtual particles are not matter but rather energy. They exist as a distortion in a field as far as I can tell. We model them as particles because our models are insufficient to capture magical quantum memery well. But yeah, the relationship between mass and energy gets messy in black holes regardless.

You wouldn't want to light a match there

It would become a ball of fire at the first sign of volcanic eruption.

i shouldn't have read this

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We could live much closer to earth if we did all that. It'd be more efficient to throw sulfur eating bacteria to clear venus then cianobacteria to transform co2 into oxygen. Eh, I guess it makes for cool sci-fi.

That's nothing compared to the Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall, the largest structure in the Universe.


The idea is Venus used to be like Earth in the distant past when the Sun was younger and smaller. As the Sun begins to transition into a yellow/red giant and begins to grow in physical size, the Earth will meet its demise and become like Venus.

unfortunately that's our planet's fate
in 1 billion years the solar output will have increased to the point that water vapor becomes a greenhouse gas
at this point every bit of water that evaporates causes temperatures to rise resulting in even more water vaporizing
in the span of a few thousand years all water on our planet will evaporate leaving only the most extreme of extremophiles to survive on the tops of mountains or inside the depths of the earth
the earth will be like that for the next 3.5 billion years it takes for the sun to swallow it

Does oxygen itself burn, or does it simply make anything that can burn go much faster?

Yeah, but its still sad. It's just a bitter reminder that not even Earth itself is a permanent fixture in life.

uh oh...

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Earth has gone through a lot of rough patches.
This is how it looked like at the beginning.

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fire is a chemical reaction, oxygen is one of the reactors. Shit can't burn without oxygen (unless there are other elements that can make shit burn, I am not a chemist)

>It'd be more efficient to throw sulfur eating bacteria to clear venus then cianobacteria to transform co2 into oxygen.
I wish I could just hope that you're joking, but I have seen to many brainlets who say shit like this completely unironically.

In one other thread I have opened, some literal pedophile is saying that spreading CP will help to stop child rape.

I feel like being on nu-Yea Forums is actively lowering my IQ.

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Oxygen wouldn't burn by itself, but whatever that planet could have would be massive. Just during the dinosaur era when we had more oxygen, there existed MASSIVE insects.

Oxygen oxidizes things, so when things burn the oxygen reacts with them to form new compounds. If a volcano were to erupt in a heavily oxygenated atmosphere, the heat would cause all of the oxygen in the vicinity to react with any oxidizable material to form new compounds, essentially turning the whole area near the eruption into an inferno.

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and then for about 30 million years the earth was a giant snowball

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earth was poorly photoshopped?

I suppose lighting a match in high oxygen would be pretty safe then if there's nothing else to burn close to the match. Just throw the match away.
Fuck insects.

This has been a quality thread minus a few shitflingings.

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Why don't we go to Venus at night?

watch this its 30 mins last star dies 4 mins in

It was pretty much our depiction of hell.

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while the oxygen itself wouldn't burn, the multicellular life on that planet would have one hell of a case of spontaneous combustion wouldn't it?

The act of ignition would cause all of the match to ignite instantly, probably setting you on fire as well.

You need Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen to make fire.
CH + O2 -> CO2 + H2O
CH being just some Carbon-hydrogen molecule. Take methane for example, CH4.

This pic is proof that clothed women

Organic life requires specific conditions to be maintained to even evolve in the first place. Any life at all would break down due to so much oxygen.

Just make sure you're at a safe distance from your match

>You guys are all retards for thinking life on Venus is impossible
>mUh SiNgLe CeLlUlAr OrGaNiSmS tHaT tOlErAtE eXtReMeS
Yeah thanks for reminding us how organic carbon compounds can't exist at those temperatures, fuckface

Always knew Jupiter was a quick shooter

Life is tenacious, it might find a way to survive regardless. Algae changed the entire composition of the atmosphere, it's not unthinkable to imagine that something that sucks up water vapor from the atmosphere could explode in quantity under those conditions.

We won't see any of that shit realistically.

It would take over one hundred thousand years to terraform Mars.

And don't get me started on Venus.

>shitposting with several minutes' worth of lag
sounds fucked. i want it.

Glad we live in a lower oxygen time period.

The life would exist away from oxygen.
In underwater vents, deep caves etc.

sure but all the higher order kingdoms would be extinct
no more animalia, no more fungi, no more plantae

now imagine this but with two supermasssive black holes with a mass of 20 billion + suns


wow didn't know buckley's kid had a planet named after him

why couldn't an animal or plant be the one to suck up the water vapor? The main problem, as that other user said, is that water vapor will start acting as a greenhouse gas and cause a chain reaction. But if something evolves to suck up the excess vapor, the chain reaction doesn't happen and higher orders of life won't go extinct.

>Life is tenacious, it might find a way to survive regardless.
Carbon life absolutely requires liquid water.
Rock-melting acids can be tolerated, corrosive bases, pressures in hundreds of atmospheres, energy being only in form of sulfur and hydrogen, presence of mercury, presence of radiation - all can be tolerated by earthly life in some way.
But take away liquid water and it all stops and waits until there's liquid water again.

My favourite space game is Outer Wilds. Do you know other space games as beautiful and terrifying as this one?

What happens here?

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There's actually an old astronomical paradox asking that very question, from like 19th century. Why isn't our sky always bright white due to all the stars in space? Turns out it's because our universe is constantly expanding due to big boom being a thing. If our universe was just hanging in place then yeah, the sky would always be bright.

It's where most of Yea Forums will go to finally get laid once we reach venus. Venusian aliens await us there.

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Due to time being bent even moving forward in time moves you closer to the singularity

anyone good at astronomy know what the effects would be of having a true double-planet system
shared barycenter, mutual tidal locking etc.

would have been really cool to have a moon you could actually colonize

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Thanks for stealing my thread idea faggot

>first, you drain all the gasses
>You then add a moon
Only thing that's missing from this list is a "Don't try this at home!" warning

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guys I'm getting worried about this runaway greenhouse effect to the point where I can hardly enjoy vidya anymore



The fact that we've accomplished all that we have, when faced with the impossibly small chance that we even exist at all, compared to the vast nothingness all around us is the greatest achievement of all

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What if my waifu IS the black hole?

>What honestly worries me more is where does everything go?
To the core
it's just a star, more massive to the point where light no longer escapes the gravity.

I too welcome oblivion and the end of things. My biggest wish is to be spaghettified by a thicc black hole

>continues destroying stuff with giant dump truck

it's not a star, heck whatever it's made up out of doesn't even count as matter anymore

Isn't the earth too big in that pic?
I thought it fit like 3 earths.
I guess maybe I just imagined it wrong by lining up 3 side to side and they wouldn't go over the sides, while that pic you have there is actually correct if you just triple the amount of earth pixels and you equal the amount of red spot pixels.

I like that scp overall, maybe to heavy handed with the results even though it's written by a faggot.

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>Doesnt want to wear fancy exo-suits to hop around its surface.

Attached: OO-mission-spacesuit.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

>black hole
>not a nigger

>tfw some people think that it will start over again

Time is a flat circle and I want out.

Good thread

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>not a cosmic being with pitch black skin and a insatiable appetite.
Its shit.

then we wouldn't be able to see anything

Is it? Then how come i can't have it?

pretty sure it would be cheaper to build a planet from scratch (scrapping together the asteroid belt) than to get all of that mass out of neptune's gravity well