Why can't Bioware into making video games?

Why can't Bioware into making video games?

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Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

it's not already dead?

>Warframe, Division 2, Fallout 76, Borderlands collection and Borderlands 3
Anthem couldn't hold a fucking candle to any of these looter shooters
There's nothing left to discuss
People have jumped ship
Anthem couldn't even go a month, let alone 10 years

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>try doin' something they've never done before
>fuck it up
>use a studio that doesn't know what they're doing and which is more interested in bushing whatever the fuck else than vidya
>fuck 'em both up
that said, i've heard rumors that Dragon Age 4 is gonna be an integrated online mess
>that Battlefront 2 controversy

Bioware hasn't made a good game for literally a decade (DAO 2009), how is it news that their latest game is also ass?

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all these futuristic shooters feel identical to me

Tailspin? It fucking crashed and burned

>complimenting Fallout 76
What the fuck? Last time I heard, the game was a fucking trainwreck disaster. Did they actually fix it?

Anthem is a disaster that I'd consider even worse than FO76, despite me finding it more playable at the time.

>Why can't Bioware into making video games?
Because it ain't Bioware no more

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Nah user, it's still a dumpster fire

All of these looter games get "fixed" every new update. Played 76 with my buddy for the free trial just last night. It was still trash.

because all the people who could dont work there anymore.

The better question is: why does EA allow respawn to work on a single player title but force bioware "A-team" to shit out a live service multi-player only title.?

Makes no sense to me.

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Hopefully so they can sack the entirety of Bioware for good.

The weirdest thing to me is how hard EA was trying to push this. Like this is a company that's been kinda spotty with their last couple games and who have never done anything like this before and yet they were pushing this as their biggest future title for YEARS and planned on it carrying their Q1. You would have thought they'd be more careful with it and release it in the same quarter as some other big title or not push so hard for it. I wonder what would have happened had Apex Legends not taken off so hot when it released and saved their asses.

no, some things are worse than every before,
and no, anthem at least works on a technical level most of the time, so it is definitely better than 76.

Not him it still has the ID Software polished gunplay that carried 4. Anthem doesn't even have that to fall back on.

My guess is that within EA, there are certain studios that they stop touching after they've proven themselves profitable enough, when they have a good enough fanbase, or when the has high morale and can put games out without needing any intervention. Considering Bioware is bleeding talent left and right, has been struggling in pre production for years resulting in games getting rushed, and their games have been underperforming for years, they probably got demoted to following market trends.

But even then there's better loot shooters with better gunplay like Destiny.

>I wonder what would have happened had Apex Legends not taken off so hot when it released and saved their asses.
not much, their stock price would probably have recovered about as much as it has deflated since the launch of AL.
big companies simply existing and not crashing and burning is already much of a mitigating factor, apex legends did not do all that much in terms of profit for them, compared to the constant torrent of money coming from sports game lootboxes, and as long as they are still legal, EA will linger and provide reliable revenue; that alone will always make up a large part of their value.

to be fair Respawn's game looks like absolute corporate dogshit too

>Borderlands 2 just got new free DLC, nearly 7 years after release
>Anthem is already dead

They're into "DIVERSITY!" instead now. The two things aren't really compatible.

Name the last Bioware game with even passable gameplay. All I can think of is Shattered Steel and Mechwarrior blew that one out of the water.

>buying bioware shit
>after Andromeda

>buying single player games
Do you buy the DLCs too? LMOA

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>Buying Bioware shit
>after Dragon Age 2


should I buy this?
is there romance?
are there mods with romance?

>should I buy this?
>is there romance?
>are there mods with romance?
Yes. In fact there are whole modules (with and without romance) made by the community.

Both NWN1 and 2 have a lot of high quality custom campaigns and NWN2 has a good general campaign, particularly the expansion.

NWN1 is a contender for the game with the best player made content there is imo, Literally dozens of good full length campaigns and tons of other shit and yes many have romance.

If I have 1 do I need 2?
are the engines different?
does 2 run better than 1?

The writing in this game really is atrocious. Its Yiik tier but I never hear anyone bring it up.

>Say a statement
>reddit quip
>reddit quip
>reddit quip
>Answer statement
>well not exactly you know X

I've never wanted to kill everyone in a game before.

Fucking end it.

Can they at least not make it f2p? I actually had some fun flying around the place like iron man in the beta

Is it’s really modules? I always just assumed it was modifiers. You learn something new everyday.

>Buying Bioware shit
>after they shoved divershitty into their studio over integrity and talent
Let's not pretend it's about the games.

Post the webm of some 4/10 asian rejecting a guy giving her roses in game.

>Is it’s really modules?
Yeah, that and online were the strong points of the first NWN, the single player campaign is awful. The expansions are sightly better, but noting to write back home.

They're different games, 1 is much older.

The only time you'll require another game in advance is expansions. Most NWN1 stuff you get now is 'diamond edition' or whatever which has all expansions anyway though. For NWN2 Mask of the Betrayer is the good expansion.

It is. skeleton crew, no "content updates" AKA no real updates, just bug fixes and dumping in whatever content was half-baked when the team got fired, if it doesn't crash 100% of the time. There's under 3,000 unique players daily across all platforms by leaked dev admission on discord, which is atrocious considering even the division 1 has nearly 20k players on ps4 alone.

Still don't understand why Anthem was made in the first place.

Hell, Destiny was the final kick in the ass I needed to NEVER preorder another game for as long as I live, so why did EA decide it was a good idea to try and make their own?

>Still don't understand why Anthem was made in the first place.
"Product" is selling so the marketing overlords wanted their own "product".

then I guess the question is, is $10 too much for a 13 year old game


There's no gamers at bioware. No passion either. Just a bunch of college grads collecting paychecks and making games for people who don't like video games.

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npcs never learn

That seems like a bigger deal than people are willing to admit. Like Blizzard - a lot of the guys who made the old games that turned huge were just like the guys who played them. They had a pretty good idea of what the guys who bought their games would like, and made bank giving it to them. Nowadays, it doesn't feel like the people making the decisions at that company have that connection anymore, which leads to them getting blindsided by some dude in a red shirt despite having every reason to suspect the crowd wouldn't be receptive to what basically amounts to a mobile port of 3.

they got rid of all their devs and hired twitter activists instead

did Andromeda have a season pass of sorts?

>which leads to them getting blindsided by some dude in a red shirt despite having every reason to suspect the crowd wouldn't be receptive
I'm still convinced they pulled straws to decide who had to make that announcement. Only a diversity hire in a meme field like marketing would have expected for that to go over well with the crowd.

No. They drew minor media attention specifically because they broke with the tripe-A trend of the time to issue season passes, but it ultimately worked in their favor, since they axed their plans for future Andromeda content after the game's disappointing reception.

makes sense, can't imagine it not having a bigger shitstorm if it sold a season pass and decided to cancel all of it's contents

Probably. Given how poorly EA's handled refunds in the past (like the disastrous SimCity launch and its ensuing PR debacle), it would have just made a bad situation into a catastrophe.

According to some former devs, those are the only kinds of people left running the show. There may or may not be some sour grapes involved, but it supports the increasing disconnect between developers and the people who made them successful in the first place - at Blizzard, and in some other big-name studios.

Get woke...

Because they most likely wrote Bioware off with Andromeda and are looking for their next SP workhorse.

Theyve got retarded managment, and recruited retarded employees

>at Blizzard, and in some other big-name studios

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That seems to be what we're looking at, yeah.

I thought it was completely DOA, how are there still articles about this trash?

I think mainly because Bioware was a huge deal for PC gaming at one time.

>Destiny was the final kick in the ass I needed to NEVER preorder
>Preordering a game from a company that has NEVER actually made a good shooter before
Jesus, at least Bioware did a few good games in the far past, but bungie is the definition of derivative dumbed down console shooters

>how are there still clickbait articles about this trash?
Because "people" (see: subhumans) who actually click on clickbait articles love Bioware games.

The game was dead before it even released. No one asked for it. Mass Effect is dead and Dragon Age isn't going to save them. EA will pull the plug.

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>har har my behavior in a web browser makes me an ubermensch
You can't possibly be more than 20 years old.

>friend goes about how much he liked the beta
>he ignores all criticism and buys it
>stop playing after 2 weeks

Now that's a non sequitur, you must suck dicks.

Its worse than just having Bioware make a shooter.
They had Bioware, the company famous for RPGs, make a shooter. They did this after getting the Star Wars license. Bioware made one of the most well received Star Wars games ever.
At the same time they had Respawn, a company ONLY known for making shooters, make a single player Star Wars game.
EA is run by retards.

It doesn't look like corporate dogshit. It just looks boring. It doesn't look like it has the usual meddling from EA. It just looks like its completely uninspired and the devs didn't really have any exciting ideas for the gameplay.
That is what happens when you stick your biggest license behind a company only known for making one kind of game.

big oof

I wonder if the masses will ever catch onto live service games being a scam.

Because muh women and diversity

you are covering your eyes and ears here.
it looks like and smells like coorporate bullshit.
soulless colorpalet. coorporate clean main character. forced groid. probably lobotomy tier writing. pg13 "action" etc.

Because the business idea is that your a-teem are the best, and can handle the project