What's the best way to make friends in online video games?
What's the best way to make friends in online video games?
Call them niggers
Be my cute and funny friend
by posting more Illya
exactly if you become a faggot and chop your dick off or insert a pole into your cunt then people in video games will make friends with you instantly because you become part of their little group and then you all join together to destroy video gaming and society!
Seriously though, you will get people encouraging you to become a trannie. Don't take the bait.
Stop doing gay shit, use a mic, and don’t take the game too seriously. Judging by your post, you can’t do any of those things.
Listen to them OP. The world needs more lewdposters
be nice in dota and people will add you just because they're used to dicks
forget that, I just wanna know how people manage to get a gf after high school/college, I’m so sick of the crippling loneliness.
Who is black haired Illya?
Miuy Edelfelt
Those are the bodies of adults. Fucking pseudo loli bullshit.
>use a mic
so people could make fun of my accent
everyone thinks im boring and they stop talking to me
Using a girl character and pretending to be a real one
It depends, what accent
Communicating in any game that isnt an mmo is a surefire way to make friends. The more you talk into lobby/general/all chat the more friends/haters you'll have. It's impossible to have one without the other. Just dont use binds or spam the same shit, "nice play!" and "how's everybody tonight?" will go a long way.
I will be your frien
Get really clingy
Stalk their usual sign-in times, so you can passive-aggressively message them when they sign-in as offline
Initiate ERP at every opportunity
Tell them you are in love
Post sad anime girls in Yea Forums when yet another romantic partner quietly unfriends you
you don't want friends you little bitch
you want a cock to suck
More importantly, what games should I play if I want to make friends easily?
Tabletop sim, there are hundreds workshop games
Play TF2, call out degenerates in chat
Team oriented games that aren’t MOBAs. Foxhole is great, you can be a logistics trucker and shoot the shit with people while winning your team the game, or a frontline grunt that jokes around on the frontlines. The local chat with enemies is also very entertaining.
how old are these girls again
It gets boring after a few rounds
>wanting friends
Brown Illya is better
10,000,000 year old dragons by the looks of them.
I never get tired of top scoring and my team refusing to kick me for that reason while trannies and furries seethe that they won't, while calling me Hitler
Is her older brother a faggot? I would have impregnated that cunny.
The perfect age
Yes, this is true but they're more than likely just as boring as you. Why else would you be playing a game? Why not study stand-up comedy and try making some one liners for the game you're playing. It's likely more fun for you than just playing the game and will garner some responces in chat.
is illya's anime worth watching
i'm a fucked up psychotic lolicon and i love fan service, but if it's just naked lolis for half an hour i'll watch something else
As long as they're flat I won't judge
Probably, they're not even related by blood
It's the best Fate property since Carnival Phantasm.
It's actually an okay plot and decent action scenes and god-tier fan service. I would recommend, doubly so if you're into the rest of the Fate franchise (which im not)
it starts as mahou shoujo that slowly turns into regular fate battle royale in last season
definitely worth watching for its characters, cute moments, fanservice, story and action
Hmm, Kuro...
yes. Cute, funny, and full of fanservice. Other than that another Fate spinoff
Nothing lewd happens here user, she was just stealing mana
>it's another cunniya thread
Tell them they're a bunch of dumb faggots. This will endear you to them and break the ice.
They killed millions
Trillions at this point.
I need more cunniya in my life.
>friend is ignoring you
Ask them if Ilya is cute and funny. If they say yes then you can be pretty sure that they're based and lifelong friend potential.
double tan is delicious
>friend is offline
>friend is online and ignoring you
>friend intentionally goes offline to avoid you
>friend is actually in invisible mode
>friend isn't ignoring you, but rather didn't think about you at all
>in fact, friend was never your real friend
but what are they then
oh no
Just run around killing people until someone asks you to join their guild.
they pick someone from their existing social circle or expand that social circle. Usually by going to some type of event where people similar to themselves socialize. Be it a party or a con or a LFGS game night. Do note that the farther you have to travel the less likely it is that your social contact will be living nearby you.
If after work you only have the energy to browse the net for a bit, your chances of connecting with someone are drastically slimmer, and even slimmer that you'll find someone located near you. Especially if you're on some big platform where everyone's anonymous or you don't bother memorizing names or avatars.
It's easier to connect if you seek out small communities where all the regulars know each other, like forums or community servers, but those are rare nowadays. If you follow content creators, maybe check if they've got a little Discord going.
How do I get cute anime girl posting sissies to be my friend?
don't use machi for your shitposting purposes
embrace the truth
for a second I was thinking about IRL and it seemed as quite a good idea
but I watched kuma miko
This artist makes some good c*nny
guess I'll just isolate myself
Nice stealth loli thread.
To answer your question put on your damn mic. Nobody really cares what you sound like. They might crack a few jokes but that's just playful banter. Play team based games. Drink a bit to loosen yourself up and just say what comes to mind. Made some solid bros on Dying Light awhile back and we'd play just about every night. Recently met some people through Apex and now we talk shit even if we're playing different games.
that's a good idea, godspeed, fren
If it makes any of you feel better it's probably not because of you exactly
don't tell us lies, a-user
no, it's because of me
But I'm not??? In fact, they've probably seen you post and replied to you!
What makes you say that???
Maybe even I've seen you!
Those are some dangerous thighs
god I want to fill he with so much cum
no u dont, faget
Not just that.
Tits too big.
>friend never starts a conversation but always seems eager to talk whenever you start one
Do they not like me and are just too nice to tell me to fuck off?
She's so fucking hot
Talk to them.
come back online
pink nipples!
You need big tits sometimes to truely appreciate the beauty that is flat chests
Is that a...
i have troubles with starting a conversation because im affraid to bother people too much
video games