PlayStation Home... Home...
PlayStation Home... Home
this thing was so bizarre
I miss it bros
Yet the best thing ever made.
Shame they shut it down. The Wipeout Museum was cool as fuck.
I miss it bros...
I miss folding@home
I miss it so much, Yea Forums. Why did Sony never decide to make a new one for PS4? Literally kino game and I spent so much time on it. Nothing but comfy memories
I do miss this shitty game
Didn't make them any money. Im sure it's because there was nothing on there worth buying.
Would be great if they made a new one, it was a great concept but just not executed well.
This was the first download for me that was multiple GB's, I remember downloading big DLC's that were like 100MB so this immediately stood out to me. Then getting into the game it just blew my mind, I could customize an apartment and then walk around a big map outside. It just felt like a genuinely massive simulator. The fact that I could see other people walking around and talking in real time just took it to a whole new level, I saw people talking about a game I play and I joined then we all ended up playing the game in a full party, and I could hear their voices making me realize they were actually real human beings that I just met. It was pretty wild, I would love to see it again. VRChat is okay but it's not what Home was at all
While I can't speak for everyone who played it, I wasted more money then I am willing to admit on the game. But I did know my limits.
For example, who at PlayStation thought it was a good idea to sell a Mansion that is split up into 5 different rooms, each costing $20?
It was a bad mistake to remove it
No game could ever replace what Home did. Not only was it a big interactive social hub for all PlayStation users, but the amount of content, licenses, rooms, apartments, things to do, and just everything else really set it up to be a perfect online social experience. But a lot of things counteract what could have been. The prices of some things, constant server maintenance, the fact that hackers were a rampant thing, etc. Other than that, Home was amazing and irreplaceable. Here's to hoping that Home gets a new game on either what's left of the PS4's life span or a launch title for PS5
What did the hackers do?
I know I encountered people who had items that just straight up weren't meant to exist. There was some catalog people hacked into the game that if you changed your system's IP address and a bunch of other stuff, you had access to this hacked item catalog. I never did it and I only vaguely remember some of the items. But there were other hackers who were able to fly freely through the air, go through map bounds and limits, and other things like that. They didn't do any harm, but they existed and nothing was ever done to patch that stuff
was this like those shitty non-Second Life social games like There?
PS6 should ship with a sequel
>You will never be invited to CWC's Sonichu party in Playstation Home
Why live?
Imagine if they made a Home 2.0 with a PSX and PS2 emulator built in, in the form of consoles you could keep in your apartment. Then you could collect games for them by doing various tasks or through events.
Dunno about it being like other social games. The best parts of it were game zones like the mentioned Wipeout Museum or Siren hospital. Even cooler was when dev studios had their own worlds like I remember Irem had the coolest shit if you were a fan of their games. Basically they were social hubs with integrated arcade games or world build platforming levels or theme parks.
>catfish the game
Why didn't Nintendo make something similar by expanding Miiverse and combining it with NintendoLand?
I was pretty fond of the LittleBigPlanet hub area. Had a background wallpaper designer in it as well as some other mini games
Because nintendo is shit at everything requiring actual effort and investment.
I remember this being one of the main games I wanted to play back when the PS3 was still current.
I don't know why stupid social games like this are interesting to me. probably because i don't have friends
all those free items
lost to the void now
All of Home is lost to the void and it is depressing. God I miss it
How can we ever recover
Only if Sony makes a new Home from PS4 and PS5. Maybe even one that plays across both systems since PS5 is coming soon enough
Anybody buy rare items?
I fucking miss all the first-party lifestyle bullshit from that gen.
I miss the Wii's news channel and mii shit.
I miss the PS3's Home thing with all its PS Exclusive tie-ins
I miss the 360's fucking Xbox Live Avatar shit.
It was stupid but it was kind of cute and gave each system a little bit more flavor
it was literally just a music visualizer though.
>didn't make them money
it absolutely did. The issue was it was developed around the release of the ps3, and they upgraded and touched it up as much as they could, but eventually the hardware couldn't sustain it anymore. It made them ASSLOADS of money, even towards the end there were people spending thousands of dollars a month each. But the team got pared down so much by sony because it was such an R&D hog, and so shunned by potential sponsors who were afraid of the pedo shit that began plaguing it that it just faded away.
PS4 had no reason to have it when actual MMOs can exist on the platform, because that's ultimately what it was. It was billed as a social hub to launch all your games from but it almost never worked out that way, and the few games that did have that functionality almost all died and had servers shut down months after launch, leaving their PS home worlds barren and pointless.
the xbox live avatar still exists, they just turned into a diversity play and you can ahve an avatar in a wheelchair or a gimp with one hand or a blind retard and all that stupid shit. It's still completely useless though, their attempt to make them viable a la miis went down the toilet with the kinect.
I love hanging at home and just eavedropping at conversations. Sucks that this sim reminds me i am fucking poor
Sims chats are weird and cool
Hey guys remember me?
Man, we all complained about this non-game stuff at the time, but looking back, it was fucking neato. The Wii/360/PS3 truly was the last gen where all 3 had some character. Now it's just Nintendo being nintendo, and 2 pc-lite platforms.
Playstation Home is the closes we getting a Oasis from RPO in real life
you are like baby
only the real PS3 OGs had this
This was like SL for PS3 except you couldn't voice chat with anyone and typing anything out without a keyboard took forever. The promo minigame for Dead Island ended up being more fun than the actual game. PSH was riddled with microtransactions and profited off of people with no lives. If I'd spent as much money on this game as some people did just to see it get shut down halfway through the console's lifespan I'd probably kill myself
i remember watching e3 in home, shit blew my mind at the time
>Second Life: no porn edition
No thanks
Yo same. I had the Hollywood Hills resort house that everyone always bought and me and a whole bunch of friends would watch it there. It was so much fun
I loved playing the Harry Potter world, duels and all that, I miss it.
Hackers were probably only once who really enjoy this sim/game