He was a hero

He was a hero

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A true patriot.

He died for our fathers' sins.

Should had just join the 'Eco-terrorist' and do terrifying eco stuff

His death hit me way harder than the Mary Sue from MGS3

>used Child Soldiers

negates him being a "hero".

He was a bad guy, it's that the Patriots were a bigger bad guy

The entire thing with Jack and Liberian war was pretty fucked up but you'd have to admit that all his actions in the big shell was pointless considering that it was actually just a big shadow moses simulation

He was an artist

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>the patriots were bad

This is why kojima can't make a game.

Is it really brainlet if they were proven to be evil in MGS4?

really kojima?

Man I forgot how stupid and terrible the writing was in MGS. The whole s3 plan is beyond retarded.

He was a villain, his intentions and end goal just weren't villainous. But he was willing to sacrifice the present in order to protect the future. Solid on the other hand wasn't going to sacrifice neither.

>Cruel and egocentric like every Metal Gear villain
Still a villain.

>collect a bunch of money and resources to control the world
>lose all the money
partriots were fucking retarded is what they were

>negligently rams Arsenal Gear into Manhattan killing thousands of innocent people without even a shred of thought to them
>claims he loves freedom and America

George Sears deserved a worse death.

That wasn't him that directed Arsenal Gear into Manhattan, disphit.

>>negligently rams Arsenal Gear into Manhattan
That wasn't his plan in the first place.

>>collect a bunch of money and resources to control the world
>>lose all the money

The Patriots didn't lose the money, the Philosophers did.
The Patriots found that money and used it to fund the AIs

It's my personal headcanon that Solidus training child soldiers was before he turned away from the Patriots and realized that it was bad that he did there. He just isn't the guy to ask for forgiveness. This why it makes more sense to me.

>the witcher 3

I see you never actual understood s3

He's a great character and a tragic figure, doesn't make him a hero. Somewhere along the road he started justifying to himself that the ends justify the means, and this a telltale sign that he took the wrong path. In a realistic sense, maybe this could be understood and forgiven, however in a literary sense this is not what people aspire to be nor the uncompromising hero figure that stands tall in the face of adversity.

there's 2 S3 pans at work.

Solid Snake Simulation
and that Selection of Social Sanity or whatever the fuck the AI called it's World Manipulation plan.