Why isnt there a multiplayer anti-bullying enforcement agency yet?

why isnt there a multiplayer anti-bullying enforcement agency yet?

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>fucking two week all boards ban for steveposting

Fuck tranny jannies
Fuck mods
Kill yourselves
Have sex op

he cute

Like, the bully hunters?

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Why isnt there an "bully hunter" hunter guild? PKK's for life my niggers.

There was. They turned out to be unskilled hacks who couldnt do shit and just wanted to drum up publicitty to sell junky merchandise
There are no bully hunters to hunt. That's it
I swear to god, if the bully hunter idea had taken off, Yea Forums would've just started specializing in triggering and hunting those cunts. Wouldve been too much fun

you should definitely start one

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>ywn trigger a dick snipped kike by repeated owning him in Smash with a Jigglypuff

Why are we here anons?

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cute girl

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there is no way this could work in reality, but I really wish they tried just to see for themselves


I'd bully that pussy.

women can't understand the attraction to traps

I want to sniff his butt


cope closetfag

>suddenly starts whining about women
yep, you're gay

take your roast beef somewhere else

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come out of the closet already.

what closet?

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I'm not whining about women, that pic you posted is a women explaining why traps are gay, yet she don't have a dick and don't feel attracted to women, how the fuck is she supposed to know what's gay or not? we should ask a woman if she feels turned on by traps, if she says yes then it's gay

I'm going to come out of the closet of your room in the middle of the night

>is a women explaining why traps are gay,
No, it was made by a straight guy. Women don't browse Yea Forums

>No, it was made by a straight guy
then why did he draw himself as a girl? isn't that a little gay?

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really makes you think

Have you really never seen that meme before? The top one is always a girl, he just changed the words

Freeze! TOSERS! Get down on the fucking ground!

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Because you faggots secretly love being bullied. Worthless sissy cunt.

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