What a piece of shit

What a piece of shit

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Other urls found in this thread:


have sex


You will regret your words and deeds

Childhood friendship ended, I'm marrying the twins instead

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Meiya best girl

I rather have Chizuru

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For me, it's Tsukuyomi

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Why does that roach have fans?

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For some bizarre reason Japan still likes the childhood friend cliche.
She seems considerably less popular elsewhere though.

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I hate the childhood friend trope but she has soul


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Best taste


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She is the best girl and childhood friends are great.
Also she's really what keeps Takeru going in Alternative.
What's not to love?

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hey i fixed sumika

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I love Meiya

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Kill yourself

Call me boring but I enjoy the childhood friend trope.

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>Also she's really what keeps Takeru going in Alternative
Yeah because she fucking wiped his memory of falling in love with literally every other member of the cast before her

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how do i convince my friends to play through this
getting them to even boot up the first muv-luv is unexpectedly hard

I can't wait to get a Twizzler and chomp on it!

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Who Yuuko here

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but meiya is the true childhood friend


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She's not even the best hag in the series.

Meiya is best girl

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I love how dumb this is with the sword

>noble confidant

For me, it's Mikoto

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What did they translate this to in the steam release?

I cried

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I want to read this again but
>over 50 fucking hours of reading
>already know all the plot anyway

What's this from

Guiding light

Meiya's ultimate route ending.


Same here.

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Mikoto with huge boobs!

Tamase is the high IQ choice

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>Alternative chapter 7
It's like the writers took out their pent-up anger on the MC.

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Which half?

Any idea if the Photonflowers/melodies delay in Steam is caused by those recent vn bans? Or are the people managing KS being incompetent idiots again?

I'm in love with this dumb sword autist

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they dont make VNs like they used to

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It's really true in this case. Or all the good translators just quit because it's been forever since I saw a release that wasn't some moege trash

>Sekai Project
What do you think?

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have sex

How come the BETA never conquered Africa?

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go back to your moege trash


They got pushed back at Suez canal. I could come up with some meme answer too like with south america too.

Not even murderous aliens want to live among niggers.

I don't know how anyone can get scared at that scene. The camera panning gives you enough time to understand that shit is going down before they even show the face.

cringe but also based

>NTR bait
piss off retard

christ how old is this image, someone needs to replace them with pepes and wojaks and bring it up to date

they dont want AIDS

it already has pepes and wojaks

Imagine being brain Sumika and sensing Takeru having sex with Yuuko in the room next door haha

Anyone have the vocaroo of that user from /vn/?

But the Suez canal has the width of a medium sized river. The Nile is multiple times wider.

>played strike frontier only to get all meiya lewds there

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Are there any more games where humanity is hopelessly outclassed and has to desperately struggle to buy itself more time? I finished Alternative and I need more.

>more The Day After never
>uncensored English Altered Fable never
>TSF Forefront never
>FromSoft-made Muv Luv game never
no hope

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well it's not a game, but read the sidonia no kishi manga


Arnored Core you piece of shit

I thought they just made dark souls but thats cool too.

>From Software is reduced to just shitty souls games
They made maybe the most intricate mech simulator game of all time for the Xbox.

Armored Core 4 would have practically been the perfect starting point for a Muv Luv shooter but From fell for the Souls sales and now there's literally no one left that could do it.

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>lets translate the fandiscs
>lets also cut out all 25+ H-scenes from them
What's the point and why?

miyazaki said that they're working on another armored core like 2 years ago

What are some other VNs that could fit this description? I love the whole gorey alien invasion stuff but it doesn't seem a popular genre

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I like the themes of racial, class, and nationality based divisions within this series. It's nice.

It wouldn't be so bad if it came out if someone just copied the text and did the H-scenes for the original release of Before the Shimmering Time Ends but anyone who does anything related to Muv Luv anymore is just going to get DMCA'd


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Is it worth playing AC4 on my 360 as a starting point for the series?
I never really played any other mech game.

Can EDF be considered a Visual Novel?

Yuuko is literally the only redeeming quality about Alternative. If not for her I would've probably dropped that excuse of VN halfway through

If your computer isn't a potato I'd recommend emulating the PSP version of AC3 and Silent Line, they're the perfect entry point to the series. Sega published AC4 in North America but took down the servers that provided patches so you're stuck on the default regulation, which frankly feels awful, and 4A is an improvement in every way.

Yeah, Sekai Project is one shady company, they DMCA'd Baldr Sky and the guy who made 18+ restoration patches for Grisaia and Co steam version even though they aren't selling and haven't made patches for those titles.

How do I into muff luff

But user, Steel Battalion was made by Capcom

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Actually nude maker

Will there ever be another VN translation that takes over the board like Muv Luv and Umineko did? Those were fun times. Maybe Baldr Sky or Muramasa will.

Certainly Rance if you are into the series. A shame it got banned on steam, so less people will know or play the series.

Muvluv extra is one of the most boring generic school harem VN I ever read the sex scenes arent even that good. Why does reading about Takeru getting pissy about cute girls waking him up have to do with enjoying aliens and robots in Alternative?

>generic school harem VN
that's the point

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Did you actually read Alternative?
It's shock-full of foreshadowing that is impossible to spot on a first read. A lot of it is pointed out directly in Alt, some of it you only get by looking back on it yourself.

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Photonmelodies when?

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the whole point is that it's a generic romance VN
muvluv was originally not advertised as a alien/mech game at all
people only found out after the game came out and they finished extra

Isn't Muramasa some ultra gritty political thriller with a handful of chuuni action moments

never ever
the backer version of flowers came out three months ago and everyone who wanted to read it already played the rip on Sukebei

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I only remember the shoe scene though

>the backer version of flowers came out three months ago and everyone who wanted to read it already played the rip on Sukebei
I mean the steam version will be 100% the same, minus a few QA spelling errors. Unless you want to support censored fandiscs, there's no reason not to read it right now.

What did they censor from Photonflowers?

I've heard there's NTR in this game. Is that true?

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Sumika isn't my favorite. But I don't hate her like a lot of other people seem to. Reading her diaries where she was trying super hard to not forget Takeru crushed my soul.

Kashiwagi best girl

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Probably Meiya's CGs from her stories. No idea about the stuff on the Alternative side since all of that is from years later, maybe the bath scenes in Isumi's story? I can't find stuff from Supplement anywhere so I can't confirm the Extra stuff.

AFAIK all the adult content from Muv-Luv Supplement should be removed.

There was nothing to censor in Photonflowers. Its the same one Japan got on PS3.

How was that streamer feeling at that moment?

Turned on, like anyone who read that scene.

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Anyone else start reading theses for the sex scenes, but then when you get to them you're too attached to the character and just skip through them because they're cringey?

Warming up Meiya so she doesn't get hypothermia!

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Not me and I only liked Meiya's sex scenes in Extra and Unlimited. Before the Shimmering Time Ends is pretty much only ML release with great h scenes.

Torrenting at the speed of light

Yuuko also writes down Takeru's name on his own hand using a permament marker to know when he manages to completely merge with Takeru from her world.

I didn't even feel anything but amusement at this scene. Tentacles are so 1995.

No, I'm not American, sorry. I like sex,

You have this. Stop viewing sex as a terrible, desecrating act that debases a woman, instead of the natural and healthy communion that it is.

So sad leymei is dead.

Don't remind me

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I was hoping the end of Muv-Luv would be a "The aliens didn't know humans were alive/suffering/etc." misunderstanding, not a "The aliens are a magic evil weapon and they are infinite like tyranids!!" ending

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What are you talking about? The BETA literally think the humans aren't alive and can't suffer. It's exactly what you said.

...but it is the first one. They persist because they don't recognize carbon base life forms, and they're creators have likely died out, leaving them to spread through the universe infinitely, and they'll never get the "recognize carbon base life form" patch.

>"The aliens didn't know humans were alive/suffering/etc."
Is that not how the BETA see humans?
Carbon based=not life according to whatever made the BETA.

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Have the fantranslation version

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Post ooto


photonmelodies when?
A-3 when?
baldr sky when?
Rusalka route when?
Dies Irae Pantheon when?

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>dies irae creators went bankrupt
I feel age is about to die too with all their silence. Their only tweets in their twitter this year have been about ML Alternative Phantasy Star Online 2 collab.

Don't forget this happened
we live in the worst timeline

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What's the point of waifuing any of the girls if they all die at the end?

Because there's parallel universes where they don't die

>two collabs
>both mainly market best girl meiya
I like it, but fucking age. Please announce something already that isnt some collab.

That's just wish fulfilment for self-inserters
>Everybody is dead, the world is still fucked
>Lol I'm just going to fuck off to alternative waifu dimension and pretend that nothing bad ever happened.

How do we fix childhood friends?

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And your hope was answered, the former is true. Only the "infinite" part is true out of the latter.

Their new parent company wasted all their money chasing western buyers and now they can't afford anything
enjoy this future instead

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Or maybe just visual novels are shitty unprofitable genre that nobody except the lowest of weebs plays?

The only future that poofed out of existence was the branch of Extraverse that got fucked when Yuuko sent him back. The Extra worlds his memories were pulled from still exist, and humanity goes on the offensive about half a century later in Alternative.

sure VNs dont sell a lot, but they also dont require a large budget
basically the only thing that costs money is the voice acting

What are they even doing nowadays?

They were supposed to have some New Year stream, but it was cancelled. Apparently because not enough new things to show yet. They are doing something, but no one knows what. Kouki just tweets about random shit in his twitter and their main artist just tweets about mobile games he plays. Mostly FGO.

That's why when a big vn bombs the studio is completly fine, right?

i never said that

Has age put out anything new in years though? Last thing they teased IIRC was the Kimi Nozo remake but who knows where that is

>sure VNs dont sell a lot, but they also dont require a large budget
>basically the only thing that costs money is the voice acting
If only voice action would costs money, vn industry would be still thriving and not be just a wasteland full of dead companies and nukiges for virgins.

Last thing they did was the Kimi Nozo Muv Luv crossover thing to my knowledge.

just because they dont require large budgets, doesnt mean they dont require any budget

and no one is going to buy a VN with no voice acting these days

Nobody is buying VNs these days except fujos, otomefags and horny neets. Can you tell me when was the last big non-eroge VN release?

They do get that patch in the mobile game though, it results in them aggressively exterminating humanity

With steam releases more people started buying them though, especially in the west. And those versions are for all ages.
For big new non eroge releases, there's going to be When They Cry 3 ithis year.