The person who did got called a fucking moron and was forced to apologize.
>white washed
>obvious brown skin
but its ok to make fringilla black in witcher tv series by cuckflix
Wait, I thought the person who first did the whitewash said it was a joke?
It’s just a washed out color palette. What are trannies on these days?
I know
but making an article out of what a random retard on twitter does is extremely stupid and does nothing but give that person visibility they shouldn't have.
Doesn't matter anymore, someone else made an article about it.
It begins.
Glad that Japan will someday know how rotten the state of western fandom.
>Artist solves the problem like an actual adult
>Outrage culture on both sides will make a storm out of it
Man don't you love modern internet
(bush did 9/11)
Why do the west have to turn everything into politics?
leftists are mentally ill
>some rando edits a drawing
What did the artist do?
If you like Nessa you are a literal racemixing goy
It's the ebst.
Told the person who edited his drawing to remove it, and once it was removed, he told everyone the matter was resolved and to stop making a fuss over it.
>pokemon "artist"