Is this game worth $20? I don’t really like cinematic shit, I just want a good, fun game
Is this game worth $20? I don’t really like cinematic shit, I just want a good, fun game
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if you play it on hardest difficulties you see its full combat centered and challenging game, le Tlou is just a meme.
>I don’t really like cinematic shit
Then you wont like this
Been wondering if I should get this too. My friend told me the spiderman game was awful so I passed on that
I have it. Its pleasant to look at, the cinematics are pretty cool, stoic Kratos is pretty fucking cool as well but the combat just isn't satisfying to me, but the old GOW missed the mark for me too.
Your friend tricked you
Dunno about that
He said he platinumed the game in only 10 hours and the sidequests were godawful. And that the combat was an arkham series ripoff but worse
its repetitive and too long for what it is, but a good value for 20 bucks
It is.
I'm a Nintendie, and I love this game, I'm playing it right now at 2nd max difficulty and it's really hard but fair.
My only complaint is that parrying seems to just be a cool animation, more than something useful in combat, but it's an amazing game, much better than RDR2 for me.
>I'm a Nintendie
no one cares
I don't think you can wallrun in Bamham but other than that, it bears some resemblance yeah.
Doesn't mean the game is bad. If you are a fan of SM it's a decent 7.5-8.5/10.
Spiderman is a good game its just easy. Matter fact don't get it you dont deserve good things
Hes kinda right, its like arkham but a bit faster with the jumping around. It's got a cinematic feel because Sony and its a short game. I had fun till the city got filled with the asian demon guys thats when my honeymoon period ended.
Name one game you like.
all of sony's exclusives this gen have been overhyped trash
I really like monster hunter, tetris, and katamari damacy. There’s 3
Then you'll like GoW.
It deserved the GOTY last year, i literally have only one complaint, if you are going to play on the hardest difficult the enemies are going to be ridiculous sponges in the beginning of the game, they fucked up the balance. But when you get the runes it becomes fair.
Its not a bad game but it isn't the hype game Sony and friends paraded. Had good console graphics with the hdr hidef option decent performance and was much more polished than spiderman 2. The problem is the game is just a more AAA spiderman 2 & that while fun and novel at the time was not the greatest experience. It needed to be its own thing from the ground up but Sonys thing is grabbing something that was successful --> balloon the budget ---> make it very cinematic --> profit.
You think so? Those games don’t have much in common besides maybe monster hunter, but even that’s a reach
here's a solid spoiler-free video if you want someone to actually go into the game with any depth
inb4 bitching about the channel. the video maker is the site's one exception and he knows his shit
The camera is terrible for melee combat. Too zoomed in and at a weird angle, makes fighting distant enemies shooting projectiles a ballache.
fuck are you on about. its a new story with some new characters. only "cinematic" thing is the cutscenes which literally every game has. your basically complaining it isn't a new ip. fuck off brainlet
None of your games have much in common with each other.
It is cinematic shit. I found it boring. There are cool parts where you get to explore a pretty big location, but everything else is boring to me, especially the combat after something like DMC5.
That’s fair I suppose
it alsohas all the flaws you expect of modern AAA games (forced walking sections, braindead climbing platforming and puzzle solving, pointless rpg elements etc)
it looks good and tbat's about it
>combat centered and challenging game
Is it though? I'm playing it on normal and combat is just boring button mashing garbage. And there's barelly any enemy variety, it's either a generic grunt or a gimmicky USE A SPECIAL ATTACK TO BEAT HIM kind of annoying shit. Granted the second weapon is much better than the axe but still not as good as the combat in 1-3. Also the puzzles are a braindead waste of time. Look for a glowing stone is not a puzzle, it's just a waste of my time. When I'm looking for my keys, I'm not solving a fucking puzzle you braindead gamedesigners, looking for keys is not a fun video game.
>I'm playing it on normal
Fucking idiot lol
Your opinions are completely invalid for picking the retard difficulty. These AAA Sony games like God of War and Uncharted are always balanced like
>Easy: Game might as well play itself
>Normal: Incredibly easy
>Hard: Actually kicks your ass consistently
>Very Hard: Total DMD tier bullshit
I didn't like GoW, should I try Spider-Man?
I feel like I kind of wasted my money buying a PS4 Pro since the only exclusives that I liked are Bloodborne and Persona 5.
>visit hub lake
Woah that's cool, let me explore it fully
>good job goy, now explore it again, we slightly changed it
Umm o-okay I guess this is still fun
>explore it again you little shit, twice wasn't enough
C-can we please stop mr game designer
There's reusing assets and then there's this shit
>s-snoy games are actually h-hardcore you baka!!
>play CoD on hard mode, it gets good
get a Yakuza game or Gravity Rush 2 instead. Spiderman was ok, but it's kinda like a polished Asassins Creed or something (focus on exploring a map that's filled with a shit ton of samey activities)
Kek I got a pro a month ago and the first games I bought were bloodborne and p5.
It's worth $10. There is no replay value. This game is a cuckhold simulator
Spider-Man is really generic. It's technically well made, but if you've played any AAA open world game in the last 5 years, you've played Spider-Man.
>I don't like hack and slash should I buy an open world spider man game
How did this even make sense in your head?
its nioh/bloodborne ng+tier on hardest
totally worth it, gmgow difficulty is too hard in the beginning due to no skill points available to you, and the game is like C grade until 15 percent in when you get access to open world mode. The game finally upgrades to an A once you get your 2nd weapon or item upgrades.
>guy qualifies by saying give me god of war difficulty
>retard mentions normal
I will play Yakuza, but I was thinking about playing those games on PC. As for GV2, I think they'll give it away with the PS4+ at some point, so I'll wait.
>but it's kinda like a polished Asassins Creed or something
I don't like huge open world games with tons of side quests and activities; I like exploring though
I feel like those are the best exclusives for most people over here
I don't really enjoy big open world games. RDR2 was fun though, I think I spent about 20-30 hours just autistically exploring the world/hunting/finishing etc.
I don't know, user, I decided to ask to see if people who liked GoW liked Spider-Man.
Is this game open world???
Spiderman is better than gow. It's actually fun, the city is huge, you have a lot of freedom with all the swinging
GoW is claustrophobic cinematic shit in comparison. Shitty ass camera, slow movement, shit combat etc
no, there are parts where you get to explore a pretty big location, but for the most part it is a corridor kind of game
Played the game on hard and thinking of replaying it soon. Should I do fresh save GMGOW or NG+? The idea of having to start with a tiny moveset sounds lame, but so does starting with a bunch of OP runic attacks.
I liked Spider-Man but it played it too safe, mechanically. Just like every Insomniac game.
It does sound fun, thanks for replying user
>but it played it too safe
do you mean easy difficulty?
Play some multi plats
None of the problems I talked about have anything to do with difficulty. How does hard increase enemy variety? Is every boss not the same ogre with two flipping combos if I play on hard?
No, you’ll spend hours with cutscenes, walkie talkie bits, and climbing which are just hidden load screens. If you don’t like cinematic games then this will be a big no for you.
I have PC for that
What's the difference between playing on hard and playing without upgrading your gear? There's no difference right? Because I hate that looter element, I'm not an OCD child, I don't need to open lootboxes in every room.
Better than fucking Horizons. I mean at least it has its own identity and has a decent and satisfying combat system
>climbing which are just hidden load screens
Honestly sometimes it felt like I was going through like 10 minutes of hidden loading screens. That's how boring game got at some points
why play a game with RPG elements then?
play something like DMC instead
The commonality is they are gameplay focused with little to no focus on story or cutscenes.
Thanks user, I'll just go and play the new non-RPG God of War game than. How silly of me.
>do you mean easy difficulty?
Sort of. I mean that swinging and combat just feels too shallow. The swinging skill ceiling is low, which makes traversal not as exciting as it looks.
GMGOW lets you unlock moves however you want, iirc, you don't need to slowly trickle down the tree
it's more fun because it's tougher than the other difficulties but the fun is limited because it doesn't feel organically or rewardingly tough. it's genuinely only so difficult because kratos becomes a glass cannon and the camera is so shit it obfuscates potential danger till it's too late.
it's horrible, continue playing fortnite now that's a game.
Only if you're not a fucking 12yo retard who's going to bitch every time he has to read something. Yeah, from the sounds of it you'll probably hate it. Dont buy this game OP! TRUST ME!
Literally no text in the game though what the fuck are you on about. You can literally be illiterate and beat this game.
imagine thinking you're cool for playing a cinematic shit like GoW and shaming someone for playing fortnite
2 > 1 >> 3 >> nu
Read what? Those two-three sentences about a new enemy, which you can completely skip and beat the game without any issues?
There's text if you turn on subtitles you daft twat. So you really play games/watch films with no subtitles on???? Fucking pleb
But how are you going to know where the boss health bar is then?
Why is The Boss Health Bar capitalized? Is that a trademark?
So what side content is actually good? I've released one dragon, that was fun. But I've also done some retarded side quests that were boring as fuck. Which ones are a must?
none they're filler to make the game seem longer
Have both. Spider-man was really better than GoW.
This is just a lie though. Enemies are sponges on gmgow difficulty and while you can vary combat, you'll likely end up spamming the same moves. The game does have some cinematic moments too. Overall I'm glad I got it for $20 though.
all the side content is good if you want more combat, but the valkyries, ivaldi's workshop, and muspelheim trials are the best.
Why introduce shallow, unnecessary RPG elements in a game series that never had them?
Stupid fucking cuck
Even on normal difficulty I sometimes wander into shitty areas where the's enemies 4 levels higher and can one shot me. It's becomes some slow grind to chip away at enemy's health.
It's a fun game and def worth $20. Anyone here that says otherwise is a retarded nigger and I curse them to die.
Because the combat in the new game isn't good enough by itself
>completing an optional challenge to get a blue orb that gives you +10 HP
>spending points to get new moves off a skill tree
dude whatever it's like zelda and zelda isn't an RPG (for some reason)
>completing an optional challenge to get a breastplate that gives you +10 HP
>spending points to get new moves off a skill tree
this is literally dungeons and dragons, i'm shaking
>I sometimes wander into shitty areas where the's enemies 4 levels higher
The game is a big corridor, what are you talking about?
Yea, at the start once you get access to the big corridor lake place, there's a few of those dimension hole looking things where Kratos puts his hand inside and sometimes enemies pop out from them. They're like level 6 while you're still level 2 and one hit from any of them will instantly kill you.
Found two of those so far and their health bars were purple and they got some skull icon next to their healthbar. And yes they do kill me in one shot. Had to do some trial and error to not get hit once to kill them off. Basically slowly chipping their health until they're dead.