Fortnite is dying. Viewership down 72% YOY

>With E3 officially ending on Thursday, Epic Games kept the party going this year by hosting the first-ever Fortnite Summer Block Party on Saturday and Sunday in Los Angeles.
>But while the world’s most popular battle royale game is still big enough to warrant its own two-day post-E3 party, declining viewer counts for this year’s event should be cause for concern and not celebration for the team at Epic.
>On Day 1 of this year’s Summer Block Party, Fortnite’s new Creative Showdown event peaked with only 200k viewers on Twitch – a number much lower than the 300-400k viewers Fortnite typically peaks with on Saturdays as of late.
>Day 2 featured a bigger lineup of popular streamers and celebrities competing in the game’s main battle royale mode during the Pro-Am, but with a peak of 427k viewers, Fortnite’s stream on Sunday saw a 72% decline in viewership compared to last year’s event.
>With Fortnite’s average viewer count on Twitch declining by 41% since last July, Epic really needed the Summer Block Party to help bring back some excitement to the game… but, with less big name celebrities and streamers, Fortnite’s $3 million charity event wasn’t able to top some of the bigger gaming news earlier in the week during a rather slow E3 such as Keanu Reeves’ surprise appearance during Microsoft’s stream that peaked with 1.5 million viewers.
No wonder Epic is trying to push their game store so hard. Fortnite is completely cratering. What will zoomers move on to next?

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give john wick your energy
sing it with me, Yea Forums

Fortnite is literally just a fad. Like Pokemon Go and LoL.

>Fortnite is cratering
So can we pretend to like it now?

Good riddance

>Apex Legends comes out and is actually more fun than Fornite for a while
>Now everyone is just tired of battle royals
Gee who would have thought


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>What will zoomers move on to next?

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>literally every vidya company trying dumping their own BR clone onto the market in hopes it catches on
>everyone just kept playing Fortnite and PUBG instead
you'd think the industry would think twice now about dumping all your eggs into one fad
but who am i kidding

>fortnite declines
>Chad microsoft puts all epic store exclusives on gamepass
>chinks lose faith and pull out
>tim sweeney commits sudoku
things are going to work out in the end, arent they?

Theyre literally just eating food
What the fuck is the appeal

this but unironically

>What will zoomers move on to next?
Actually playing video games instead of watching people on twitch play them?

You'd think they'd learn something from all the COD clones that flopped hard back when COD was a big deal.

>What the fuck is the appeal
Don't ask me. I'm 30.
Maybe they want to learn new cooking recepies?

|AAA industry never learns because investors are the most braindamaged people to exist

Eating fetish.

same shit with all the failed COD clones and failed WOW clones. stop making shitty clones goddamn, this hasn't worked ever in decades.

Epic Game Store won't have funding to pay for exclusives anymore.


Same with Apex Legends. Same with the upcoming Cyberpunk (you'll see).
You can't say the same about Witcher 3, Smash Ultimate & BOTW though,they're here to stay the test of time.

ill have Sweeney in chains by 2020

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Did people really think this was going to hold the normie's attention forever?
I must say I appreciate it's existence keeping all the normalfags away from me

Assfaggots are still popular.

yo I got a Yea Forums lobby up lets get in on this

Reminds me of Pokemania or the hype around Minecraft. It's every for a few years, with tons of merchandise trying to capitalise off of the fad, but it can't be on top forever.

I'm excited to see what the next big game is going to be if Fortnite's time in the sun is indeed over.

Imagine playing mobas and battle royale games.

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> fornite
40% tencent
> lol
100% tencent

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Press D to dab on epic store

I still don't get the appeal of this game or "genre"
Like how did it even get to this point

>yfw Fortnite finally dies and Epic can no longer shit up the gaming marketplace with their Chinese faggotry

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Koreans are opressed bugmen, so they watch others eat and talk to the camera for friend simulation. But this shit can't get traction in the west because people are embarrassed to eat on camera.

>mfw epics chinese faggotry never affected me because I don't pay for DRM licenses that I don't own

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I want fortnite to sputter on for a little longer
Imagine if its popularity dies just as the exclusivity contracts of other big project games like Metro and Borderlands 3 ends. Just imagine

>>I'm excited to see what the next big game is going to be if Fortnite's time in the sun is indeed over.
I really dread to imagine it. I think it's probably going to be fucking auto-chess, if someone comes up with a version that's somehow entertaining for spectators they'll make a boatload of cash.

The "big" game every year has been getting more and more garbage every time.

Is this why Valve doesnt worry too much over EGS? Since they know how it'll all end?

Based pirateposter

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Zoomer fags, enlighten us on this development.

How does league have so much staying power? I just don't get the whole dota thing.

>auto chess becomes a "big game" type
>Esports commits sudoku because everything becomes a snoozefest

sunk cost and it was the first pc game for the xbox generation

I wonder where they're all going.

same reason why sc1 is still a thing

on this site where else

Thanks to retards like you PC gaming is dying.

what's the link between EGS and chinks anyway?

And then Smash will live on as it always has, without any sponsorship from their creator

everything is a fad, every game comes and goes
it's delusional to think you can remain number 1 in the spotlight. except for LoL and Minecraft

What's even more tragic is that the shitty clones are tacked on or mutations from established franchises that get butchered in the process, Titanfall 3 dies for APEX, Battlefield's corpse got desecrated even worse, ... entire licences thrown into the trash.

>Everything is a fad that passes except for these two specific games that started out as fads and never passed

Owned by Tencent, the Chinese Google that's controlled by the CCP like every big companies in China.

Something like 44% of the company is owned by Tencent. They sold that large share to Tencent to get help because of how they make a shit ton of money from F2P model games in Asia. Tie in how China requires Chinese based companies to be in cahoots with the Government.

>minecraft a fad


Its mostly due to Tencent owning a large share in Epic, despite the company already having Wegame in China. Whats interesting is that from some South Morning China Post article I read that Chinese gamers were more pissed than Westerners since EGS wasnt in China before, and Steam is currently this legally grey area where they can get games uncensored.

What happens the le epik games store when they run out of zoomer money to pay for exclusives

Can they fix it fast enough

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For a fad, it sure stayed relevant for a while. While Fortnite has finally peaked, it pretty much helped set the trend for any future BR games

it will probably become like uplay

i will always be mad about losing titanfall 3 so they could make some dead-in-a-month BR game. and I know when they do get around to releasing it respawn will have gotten the full bioware treatment by EA and the game will suck

Good riddance.
Here's hoping it dies quick so Epic can fuck off back to consoles where they belong.

>For a fad, it sure stayed relevant for a while
Did it?
It's only been 2 years.
Fortnite gained relevancy after PUBG got big because it was F2P and PUBG wasn't on consoles at the time.

They're probably losing money RIGHT NOW with their store.
If you consider how many guaranteed copies they promised every dev in there and how it needs double the amount of promised sales for Epic to see a profit from this, they don't look in a nice spot right now.
I hope they crash and burn.

offer unreal engine discount for egs timed exclusivity

I'm pretty sure Sweeney confirmed they were losing money on EGS due to signing exclusivity contracts. He implied that it would run at a profit otherwise.


good riddance

>singleplayer game
Okay retard.

No wonder Gaben makes no moves.

i still don't get after parties

going through all that stuff from Cons or original parities is already enough. Don't need to go through it all again.

>Epic will die in your lifetime
Thank god.
Fuck Epic, fuck Tencent, and fuck Unreal Engine, that turd's produced almost nothing but trash outside of a handful of games over the past 15 years.

Actually tencents owns 48%, tim Sweeney is a swine

Imagine being a faggot and watching streamers play BR and moba games

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Wonderful pic
Fuck chinks, sweeney the swine, kill all trannies and niggers, exterminate the jews
And pirate all games

Epic eventually won't be able to afford exclusives.

It got to soccer, basketball or football status.
Question is if it stays there or fall to tennis or golf status.
Sc is already tennis status.

League is still the most popular game in the world, tho

Wait is that the same forsen who was playing starcraft2 and got buttraped by MMA in eu league and whined like a baby on stream I ONLY LOST CUZ PROBLEM WITH MUH KEYBOARD and left Sc2?

This Reggie sneezes on stage during e3 and Nintendo loses 250 million dollars in market value because an investor was afraid Reggie was gonna die.
Complete fucking retards


2 years for a video game to stay relevant and popular is an extremely long time. Remember, this is Fortnite peaking, not suddenly disappearing. They still have a few more years before their numbers drop down to 'normal' levels.

>mfw Overwatch outlives Fortnite

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>kids would rather do "politics" (aka FUCK LIBTARDS AND NIGGERS XDD HONK HONK NORMIES) than play videogames
Where did it all go wrong?

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They still have Tencent money

The blacks and the chubby chasers have moved in on it. Would the zoomers follow them?

Imagine how Blizz must feel stupid with LoL.

Check out PC gaming E3 2019 video. We saw that chink, who is the REP of Epic Games Store speaking gibberish on the stage. Almost no one understand him, but we now know that Epic is totally owned by chinks.

>Remember, this is Fortnite peaking
Mmm no, Fortnite peaking was last year.


Blew my mind when I was talking with my 15 year old cousin and he literally talked like your typical /pol/tard.
Even moreso considering we're black.
Kids today are growing up in a world where SJW stuff is the norm, so the counter-culture is /pol/ and similar stuff.
This wouldn't be an issue if SJWs would just fuck off for a bit, but they're too stupid for that.

>when they run out of zoomer money to pay for exclusives
they start paying for them with their central planning money. based sweeney cannot be stopped.

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Inb4 they'll annouce Fortnite 2.
That's what Blizzard is likely planning with Overwatch right now.

really? thought he was just the dota autochess guy

Why is this popular? This shit disgust me and these autist eat like pigs

how is this not obvious to everyone? the retards were the same with pubg

>make an epic mockery thread and bugmen crawl all over the place
>make fortnite thread and not an insect in sight
I guess even filthy chinks have limited shilling programming in their souless husk

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I miss paragon...

Playing the long game, no doubt he's analyzed Epic's business practices and realized that they have no solid bedrock of a foundation, merely rickety wooden sticks on which they keep piling more and more bricks

league has lost players in the west but dont underestimate the power of stacked addiction loops. they keep comming back like a beaten prostitute.

obv the revenue is nowhere near as high as it was season 2-5

people played pokemon go for 3 weeks, Fortnite has been the most popular online game for two fucking years. How long do you think it should be #1 to be no longer considered a "fad"? it's a fucking video game not an architectural movement

Competitive fortnite is the funniest shit to watch because it shows how fucked it is when it's not 90 retards and 10 good players in a match. Every match is 50 to 80 people lasting until the very end because everyone is hiding in boxes never attacking since defense is way better than offense.

League is just a fad? It's been the most popular game in the world for like 10 years dude.

pokemon go is more profitable now than in its first year though

>What will zoomers move on to next?
Watching youtube, dancing and wearing clown fashion. They don"t need a video game to replace a video game.

some phone game is my guess

>He's too much of a zoomer to even remember PUBG starting this autistic trend or how Fortnite just copy pasted its gameplay

>people played pokemon go for 3 weeks
Any data to back that up? It was popular longer than that, even if it was just a shitty reskin of Ingress.

seriously? It's a brainwash method, based on the fake sensation of belonging and imitation of social life. Just like ASMR it's doesn't "feel good", but once you are suck into the process, you will say it 'feels good", just to fit in.

>for two fucking years.
More like a year and a half.
Fortnite didn't get super big until late 2017.

>What will zoomers move on to next?

>people played pokemon go for 3 weeks
>genuinely believing this

how does epic store knows what shopping cart is?

So exactly like Pokemon Go then. Nobody cares about gaynite anymore

>What will zoomers move on to next?
something that requires less activity, that put everybody on the same level, even if oyu don't know shit about playing game.
My guess is a form of autochess, or some autoplay shit.
alternatively, something that uses "comunity size" to create interactions and victories, but yet against requires no form of active control.

Yes, he now babysits zoomers on Twitch.

But it's not?

He sounds based

Kids are a numerous but very fickle audience.

Your little cousin sounds based and redpilled

It's already been shown that Epic's cut isn't sustainable in the slightest. Prices for games are even higher in most foreign countries because the cut Steam takes is supposed to be used for several things like transaction costs which Epic doesn't handle. Meanwhile they're also spending millions every other day trying to buy out indie devs to make their store look more relevant. They're intentionally losing money because they're trying to kill Valve and establish a monopoly and are only being held up by their Fortnite money. Valve isn't budging the in the slightest though and their exclusivity deals are only bringing negative PR to their store, so Gaben probably was right to just wait them out

They're still popular but they're not the big mainstream superpower they were at their peak.

Makes sense, games been around for a while and with every kid binging on it of course they#d slowly start getting bored. Its no longer the new "hip" thing and within the year or two well have the next big thing that everyone is gonna hate cos its popular.

Played it for some seasons and man it was getting stale and pretty shit cos of how solved the game was. You either was a god at building or you lost.

looks like the era of epic store exclusives is over without even beginning

BR competitive scene is a joke so it's pretty normal that it's dying.

Fortnite is fine and still big as fuck.This thread is nothing more than steam drones grasping at straws

>the fad reached its plateau
it had to happen sometime, it happened to league of legends
Fortnite will always be a success. They saw an original change in the industry and improved on it, and in that sense, they really did earn where they are at.
Epic will probably be around for a long time, but they will never be that popular again.

>and within the year or two well have the next big thing that everyone is gonna hate cos its popular.
Will properly laugh my ass off if it ends up being something on Steam, suck on that Sweeney

Hell, he's probably gathering all these exclusivity deals just so that doesn't happen because he knows it will be the end of his greedy store

>Have a major tournament
>Host another event on the same day for ecelebs and celebs playing together
>Everyone wants to bail out of the celeb event to play tournaments cos thats how most make a living.

Sometimes epic are fucking thick as a stone. Especially when they keep doing major changes the day before a tournament... Looking at you sword.

Ironically only Ubi managed to resist this

You do realize that epic is working on new fortnite entire game modes right? The birds are singing about mmorpg and some other new game mode.
Epic hired literaly thousands employees this year alone. And no, they are not working on shopping cart sadly

>They've gone for the mobile meme instead

Yeah, see you in 2020. Assasin creed battle royale is in development.

I know Yea Forums can't help itself circlejerking against Fortnite but you seriously can't see the forest for the trees. Kids don't fucking care about Fortnite itself, they care about ecelebs.
That's why almost all of Youtube trending is 95% Fortnite videos but almost none of it is pro/competitive stuff.
At the same time absolutely nothing special was happening in Fortnite, it was still comfortably shitting on Overwatch during OW having its League streams.
Twitch viewership of a pro-am should hardly be the basis of any diagnosis, and in any case, even with the decline, that still gives it a userbase/viewerbase that most other shooters would kill for.

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This is why Valve, Microsoft, and GOG is aiming to be thr infrastructure of gaming. So whatever the next fad will be, they will always use them as the foundation of everything.

>Fortnite tanking so hard even League of Legends looks popular in comparison

Yes, this happens with every game that blows up.
Unlimited growth is a huge meme.

The way user announces games living and dying mirrors /biz/ user's understanding of the stock market.

Unless a game flatlines like how Lawbreakers did, it's not dead.

I don't even play Fortnite btw but this thread is stupid.

Valve already has a strong solid foundation though

Fortnite? More like FARTnite amirite?

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Fortnite have creative mode so that Epuc can steal modders idea to be their next fad game.

Like how they stole PUBG idea.

Fucking chinks

Which clearly show that even they don't care about competitive scene.

Battle royals fucking suck and are a dying genre. They lasted not even 1/4th as long as MOBAs. If you wanted to be an esports BR fag you are a moron. Imagine being good at a dead genre. LMAO

still has a huge playerbase, still consistently the most watched game on twitch, still makes tons of money. stop hating on the game of the generation Yea Forums, it's not fortnite's fault you suck at it

This. Fortnite still has a couple more years in it before you spergs can party

>Dying anytime soon

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What about Dauntless

Is popular?

Based zoomers, turns out seeing your dad turn into a cuckold and having allergic reaction to boobies tends to turn them off from wanting to be like them

Fortnite is the only game I constantly come back to now because of how frequently the game updates. I have a reliable group of irl friends that play this shit almost every night and squading up is fun as shit. Yea Forums autists can fuck right off

Most things that shoot up incredibly fast in popularity also tend to have a sudden but steep drop again after some time.

What the fuck are you talking

Was a developer "showing" his game

it's f2p monster hunter
of course it's popular
doesn't stop it from being garbage tho

it's because the stupid devs kept ruining it by changing the good things and keeping the bad things

They don't know how it will end but they know better than to engage in this little crusade Timmy here decided to create. Like Napoleon said, Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. And all Epic is doing is mistakes.

Bring back MMOs.

It's less garbage than monster hunter, so that is a very small archivment at least.

It's survived a surprising amount of time, and frankly I still enjoy it now and then with my friends, but it's not something I can sit down and play more than, say, an hour of at a time, because of all the stupid changes they constantly make, making it impossible to adjust to the meta (outside of SPAM 90S)

>Kids don't fucking care about Fortnite itself, they care about ecelebs
>That's why they didn't watch the official e-celeb event

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>They saw an original change in the industry and improved on it
No, what they did was launch a shitty game that bombed so bad that no one even remembers it pre-BR, then the game studio was brought in as support to help with their UE4 with PUBG, saw the shit PUBG was doing numbers wise, and did a turnaround mode in less than a month and marketed it to the moon. They didnt improve anything. They modded their unplayed game and tried to make a quick buck, but because marketing, eclebes and kid friendly graphics and silly forced memes. They stole and got caught, but they earned so much cash it doesnt matter, even though theres even a lawsuit about it.

especially since this isn't the first time. they kept pumping out MMORPG after MMORPG when WoW started printing money and all of them died pretty quickly.
If you aren't the first or second to make it big, don't try to jump on the train. Everyone is already playing that other game and it will be incredibly hard for you to steal their user base.

Everything is a fad

the e-celeb event was garbage competitive shit which everyone hates because it's boring as sin and involves camping all the time. That's how it's been since last year when they held this event and everyone complained and epic did NOTHING to fix it. Of course people didn't want to fucking watch people jerk off in the last 4 circles again, while NOTHING happened.

I'm sure every other big time hits tried the same and 9 times out 10, that stuff bombed. It's not like Fortnte even has "characters" or story to be able to expand to any interesting capacity. You really think some 10 year old kid is going to buy into a mmorpg about Fortnite? A card game?

Yea Forums is the only board to reject fortnites popularity

Pro Am isn't the eceleb event, it's the actual celeb event. It's where you see pro athletes(as in real athletes of real sports) or musicians play the game.

yo are those pyrohy?

>Kids don't care about the e-celebs, they care about the gameplay

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>Pokemon Go
How can you say LoL was a fad when it's lasted for nearly 10 years. Sure, it's died down in popularity, but it's still popular as shit and important in e-sports, whereas Pokemon Go is never talked about and barely played except by 40 year old soccer moms


They remember how they got so huge and know Epic's shit the bed right out of the gate. All they have to do to weather the storm is remain unobtrusive and put the consumers first and they can sit back and laugh as everything epic gets swamped by pirates.

Why would they watch an "e-celeb event" where you at best get a face cam, with no voice, no donations for them to read your name out, nothing but seeing them play the game?

Only because the games are free and people have massive inferiority complex. Players will be hooked for years because some idiot said they are bad at the game and will play nonstop until they realize how much time they have wasted.

they don't know how it will end, they only know that engaging in that game is a bad move.

Notice these games are all free?

Actually, it'd be H1Z1 which was a subgenre of survival games the predated it in DayZ Mod.

Only blizzard tried to do this with warcraft, and each time it was a huge succes.

And average fortnite user is 19 years old.

>Why would they watch an "e-celeb event" where you at best get a face cam, with no voice, no donations for them to read your name out, nothing but seeing them play the game

Because I would be an autistic child who likes watching Fortnite streams? We're not talking about actual quality videogames here user

pretty much. these fads explode out of nowhere, creating a huge amount of profit in a short time.
but at the same time their popularity is mostly a feedback loop - everyone plays it because "everyone plays it", not because it was actually such an amazing game. so they also die off fairly quickly again (apart from some exceptions like WoW which managed to survive for quite a while)

That's why they went balls deep in card games years after they were relevant, and now they're going balls deep in some meme mod for dota 2 that's already irrelephant too? I don't think valve particularly cares about EGS one way or another, EGS, live or die, will take years to actually scrape users away from steam and valve. though I will say valve is trying realy fucking hard to make steam as unappealing as possible lately with all the anti-consumer shit like censoring reviews.

If they like watching fortnite streams then I refer to my previous point. Why watch competitive fortnite where it's 90% sitting around in the final circles waiting for someone else to move then punishing them? competitive fortnite is as much of a boring campfest as PUBG competitive, blackout competitive, fo76 nuclear winter competitive, all of them.

The ingame story telling is the most interesting thing about fortnite. No other game has made a major map change over the course of multiple months purely so they could reveal a vault where they keep weapons that were removed from the game and people entered it at the same time to vote for which weapon should be brought back.

The most recent thing they have done is revealed that the giant ice mountain had a sea monster inside of it then it broke out of the Ice and carried a castle that was on the mountain into the ocean where you can see it swimming around with the castle completely intact

Fortnite is literally the most developed game in the current history. No one can deny that

Meanwhile at dota...

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>the most developed game
what did he mean by this?

>Viewership down 72% YOY
Who is hurt more, Epic or Twitch?

Valve don't care

Where is the new hud

I wouldn't say they had total inactivity when they end up with the most popular IP Microsoft had, which is scary considering how much valve seemed to hate windows with all the Linux push.
In the end its just more of the same

couldn't give a fuck about either
if you're still playing mobas in 2019 you're mentally slow

Valve didn't hate microsoft, they hated that they were getting an actual competitor they couldn't just "co-exist" with, because MS had exclusive games. But MS knows the xbox brand is dead in the water so they're doing their licensing shit now and making sure every platform has MS games on it.

But I've seen a couple of videos of fat black women eating random food so it must be catching on.

Warcraft has an actual story, lore, a world full of characters, etc.
Fortnite has random cartoony characters that don't even fit with each other. It's basically like seeing TF2 cosmetics taken to their logical extreme, without the story, lore, world full of characters, etc.
>And average fortnite user is 19 years old.
Really? Honestly wouldn't have guessed

>important to esports
Doesn't Riot pay for everything and their scene dies the day Riot decides esports marketing is not worth it?

twitch obviously, but it still isn't good news for epic. the fad games are mostly about the community, if you lose your primary twitchwhores because viewership sunk too much and they moved on to another game, the community loses their focal points, fragment and eventually leave.
just look at what the dungeon finder and cross realm parties did to WoW. completely diluted their server communities to the point where it became just another game rather than this kind of pseudo-society.

By the low viewership? Twitch. They pay fortnite and host this big arena hoping the celebrities draw a crowd. Epic still has the players. There's significantly less overlap between stream watchers and people who actually play the game. Especially versus even two, three years ago.

No. Its 40%. Youre just a retard who cant read.

You should work in PR. That's the most empty statement I've seen in a long time.

Could be worse, could be like BF firestorm that EA forced them to make and absolutely no one plays.

Attached: firestorm.jpg (960x607, 96K)

>The ingame story telling is the most interesting thing about fortnite
This is the one thing I'll stand by. That actually takes effort and it's a great way to keep people engaged. Serious stroke of genius.

And it still the most popular game in the world. Go figure

People want more of the shit they like.

Whats the new hip thing anyway, or is it still a transitional time?

Not true. When Summi1g quit fortnite cold turkey (he finally admitted he hated the game and only played it cause of high views), his views dropped like a rock, but he was happy.

Now after playing other games for a long while and being happy to stream the viewership bounced back, but the people watching him aren't the same fortnite kiddies that used to.

>look at what dungeon finder and cross realm parties did to wow
nothing? Or hell, I'd argue made it MORE popular. It's only really recently, as in, BfA and legion that wow's actually begun to see a serious decline. It was just as popular as ever up through mists. WoD was pretty shit but it held stable throughout that mobile garbage. The reasons people hate it is an overreliance on RNG to have progression. Being able to find people to play with if you're a night owl is far from a bad thing, and you're a stupid cunt if you think sitting outside of a dungeon spamming a macro to find a group is any different than just automatically having the game pair you up.

I don't disagree but that idea only gets you so far. I love TF2 but I doubt I'd play a TF2 card game, outside of the quick novelty. For Fortnite, I just think they found a good way to keep players around. If other BR games did the same, you'd actually see significant drop in players.
Just my opinion.

Black Ops 4's Blackout mode and Apex Legends are genuinely good BR's that I could play any day.
I didn't like Fortnite from day one ironically cause of its sole defining feature, building.

>spent millions trying to grab timed exclusives
>at the biggest sale event, the most interesting games were pull back or tried fuckery to not be subject to the sale
>fortnite is fucking dying
>tried to cash on E3 to shit on the rest of the market, when this E3 was one of the worst ever made
>the most memorable pc game of the moment is a dota 2 mod
>refusing to release games on epic is now a legitimate marketing tactic encouraged by everyone
>after shitting on absolutely everyone, epic is now the laughing stock of the industry, even worse than EA or Ubisoft
>fortnite "dances" and "memes" are now seen as ridiculous since the children are growing out of it and pretend to not knowing about it
god it feels so fucking good to see them burn

>his views dropped like a rock
I mean that just proves his point. A huge portion of all viewership on twitch is on fortnite. Moving away from fortnite is just stupid from a financial perspective. Of course you'll recover if you're large enough, people will always find you, and you can easily snowball by being #1 on any game, especially mid-sized games like apex right now, or blops 4 blackout, or that BF5 whatever, or even destiny.

League is like 7 positions above Dota in the msot engrossing games of 2019.
Pretty sure it's still the msot profitable game on PC.

place your bets lads, What will the next genre be that's dumbed down for stupid people be to create the next meme game be?



>Microsoft game studios becoming SEGA 2.0
Fitting in a way

I find it almost ironic that a WoW clone (FF14) is doing better than WoW itself these days.
I guess that's 'one' way of looking at it. If the #1 sucks, there's always #2.

It's not only that. The left had willingly taken the role of the censor deciding what's appropriate and not in the popular culture. The position traditionally held by right-wing holier-than-thou nutjobs who were traditionally always despised by the young generation.

>it can't be on top forever.
Pokemon is literally still the most successful, well known and profitable media franchise in the history of planet earth.

but user we already have mobas

autochess gaining popularity

why would valve care? I dont personally know anyone who's stopped using steam to go to egs, I don't know anyone that's done it to go to origin, uplay, whatever. I know plenty of people who have entirely stopped using any number of these launchers though who still use steam, launchers come and go but steam actually has some use to it.
People aren't just going to stop running steam idle like they have been for the past decade.

>Why watch competitive fortnite where it's 90% sitting around in the final circles waiting for someone else to move then punishing them

This is what 99% of your zoomer games matches ends up being retard

oh no, now how will the epic ga!e store jew games

>I dont want solid gameplay mechanics, I just need constant updates that doesnt change core gameplay in a meaningful to keep my goldfish brain entertained and happy.
Imagine having this mindset

Both of those franchises are still incredibly popular, pokemon in particular wasn't even at its most profitable until mid 2010's.

It's just really fun and brainless and it's really easy to watch thanks to the RTS camera (which were also really popular streams back in the day)

>cooking food in your fucking bedroom

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Right now Pokemon and Minecraft are even more popular than their "hype period". Minecraft's monthly active player base exceeds Fortnite's currently.

What kind of sick fuck cooks in their bedroom. Disgusting

Minecraft was one of (alongside dark souls) the most iconic games of the 2010s, shut up idiot

It's a Korean thing

>not living the dream in a 4.5 tatami
ok gaylord

>boogie2988 doing mukbang

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I honestly watched some of it last year. I didn't even know that they were doing another one this year, this is the first time I heard about it

weaboo pls go

>hurr durr durf without fortnite epic would die
Are you stupid fucking cunts forgetting they sell UE4 and get royalties on every single title sold with the engine? Like half the games that come out these days run on UE4, that is still their primary moneymaker.

>game went from fun as hell, casual, chaotic BR that didn't take itself seriously to pseudo competitive shithole where only building and shotguns matters, skill gap got insanely big, and casuals are bleeding out, while new players get completely shat on even by worst remaining players in the game, all because epic insist on catering to buildautist reddit population
>popularity and viewership declining

gee, I wonder why.

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it doesn't make me a weeb just because I pretend to live in a country that hates the very idea of me you fucking gaijin

pic related. w-what do you think happened afterwards bros?

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>Riot is owned by Tencent
>Tencent also owns the biggest share of Epic who own Fortnite

Literally unable to lose.

>dumbed down
>different approach is dumbing down
as shit as the state of the game is because of THAT mechanic right now, I dare you to go and jump into the game, and not get completely stomped by 10 year olds. At least on other shooters your skills carry over across other games you play. This is different entirely. You will get stomped even if you have lightning quick reflexes and good aim, solely because building is autistic 4d chess.

The last four circles is literally when everything happens. You expect high level players to walk in the open and get shot like a fucking normie?

The difference is Dota will be forever

Ja/ck/ should do it.

Imagine being so thin that you look at a computer and see food.

I think that's something neither you or me can say, can we?

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Literally this. To all the Yea Forumsoomers who don't know, this weekend was supposed to be the final week of online open tournaments. The pro-am had almost 0 advertising and no one who just plays the game knew about it until they tournaments were postponed. I imagine many dedicated players were a tiny bit salty, maybe too salty to turn on twitch. Or maybe they were hyped to play so they did just that.

I wonder what would happen if someone streams himself eating that dessert ramen.

Fortnite is a shooter for people who're bad at shooters. Building directly counter-intuits everything about skillful shooter gameplay.

It isn't hard to predict that Epic will flop

>Auto chess
So you pit two AI's against each other in Chess?
Sounds fun.

how many of those minecraft "active players" are kids at daycare centers or at schools?
I'm pretty sure every school in america by now has minecraft licensed as an educational tool

game lacks any political statements and progressiveness, of course it's dying

>falling for the confirmation bias meme this hard
No, that was an autochess developer you dumbass.

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They go back to relying on Unreal Engine money.

Nigger I still as of yesterday sees an entire hall in mall full of middle aged people playing pokemon go

That's still 91 million players. And besides, why would kids using it at school not count?

this gets me so annoyed. the way normal faggots ruined video games. imagine now the industry has to cater to normal fags and their “fads” and other lame ass interests.

this is why we dont get quality games anymore the whole industry is pandering to people who know nothing about true gaming.

meanwhile the old pros are left out in the cold waiting for our slow inevitable deaths

Well they don't need fortnite anymore now that steam is dead.

Cope harder steam fags

gamers rise up, the post.

The family meal is a dead concept in most of USA-aligned Asia. Someone to eat with at night helps people function at their jobs the next day
USA is headed down the same path

No game rules forever, my son.

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The industry has been catering to normalfags since the 90s. From all the animal mascots to the brown/green war shooters.

dead meme the post. Do you have anything to add or will you just reply with more brainlet buzzwords like "cope" or "have sex"?

asians who watch that shit for years shouldn't count as the world

Hey man, i’m just having fun with my friends. Hate all you want lol

this may be partially true however we were still receiving quality games even as late as the early 2010s. the past 5 years or so has really seen the decline in original content. which if you line it up makes sense. this is when gaming really became “normalized”.

If you look at google trends you can definitely see fortnite is in decline

2/3rds of their board of directors are Chinese, so it's actually 66% lol

Well yeah, even the boomers got bored of it. It's a thing. Nobod cares anymore. It's not a segment on the nightly news or an article in the culture section of the papers.

Everybody knows what it is. People stopped talking about it or googling it to find out what it's all about. I already had the "what this whole 'fortnite' thing about?" conversation with my mother. Back in 2017.

>New hip thing is Pass time
>TF2 Pass time.
>"It's like Rocketleague and fortnite TOGETHER!" says Billy, 13

Mukbang is literally just an excuse for porn-starved koreans to look at hot women. Nobody actually wants to watch some middle-aged roastie stuffing her face with pizza.

I don't really want to see Muk fuck.

We'll never bury it until fucking ninja and his ilk play something else for once.

They really don't know shit about Epic, they just get paid to reiterate what they're paid to say whenever somebody raises any legit critique against EGS in the OP.

This is actually better, streamers ruined the game by making it a pro simulator and deleting every fun item there was in the game like planes while also scaring the casual audience who just want to have a good time and don't sweat alll the time

>the success of vidya is now determined by viewership rather than quality or community


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I already added what needed to be said, normal fags didn't ruin video games. Video games weren't always a niche market and always have appealed to the masses, that's the entire point of how business works.

So yeah, gamers rise up, the post. Be smart and just give up on anything Triple A, the more niche games exist in a vacuum of difficult to learn and difficult to find.

No, his point was people care about fortnite because of ecelebs, an eceleb dropping fortnite and tanking his viewership proves the viewers are there for fortnite not the eceleb.

Battle royale was a quick phase, Going to be awkward looking back at all the games trying to cash in on it

Rip /parag/

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>pays devs the cost of 100-250k sold units upfront for exclusivity
>gives them a larger cut of whatever they sell

Without fortnite money backing them up they're in the hole

I wonder what all those fortnite streamers like ninja are going to do when the game falls out of relevance


halo, final fantasy and other brs if you are asking about ninja

Fucking good, maybe now Epic will have to actually try with their shitty store instead of operating it at a massive loss because they've always had their Fortnite kiddy money to fall back on

but that's wrong, though, it's back to being the top dog multiplayer game. since 2011 i've been hearing from you faggots that the game is on its deathbed but it's thriving

kek I keep forgetting that porn is banned in Gookland

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I don't miss that cause of that one fag

Unless you're a 10/10 kpop star, having a benis will be banned there next. Korea is super feminist.

holy shit

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>The popularity of the game is based around e-sports number
>for a game that is popular because of its nonsensical fun
I fucking hate zoomers. Twitch and e-sport was a mistake.

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their softcore is better than western hardcore though

Hardcore sucks after a while anyway, softcore gives me that nice buildup

Thanks Yea Forums
you reminded me to play Fortnite™

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When Fortnite craters, so does the absurd levels of money that it prints, and in turn craters the ability for EGS to keep buying exclusivity.

Epic is worried about fortnite failing, because it would prevent them from monopolizing Steam's marketshare through "bribes".

>fortnite dying
>Minecraft being revived
We are truly living in the best timeline

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>tfw I bought 2 season passes

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Oh, you have no idea.

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How much has changed in 3 years?


He won't be able to tell you anything, his entire world view is shaped by pictures he sees on Yea Forums bro

I can say the same for twatter and faceberg faggot

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That user posted again later, talking about a scandal that I think briefly made the news even over here, where it was revealed that the president was having her every move controlled by several extremely powerful corporate figures, to the point where they told her exactly what to say, how to dress, and what her policies were going to be. Only one of the figures was named, and I think she escaped to Germany after the fact, but nobody knows the identities the other people doing this were. It ties in with the Megalia thing because the sole named figure had ties to Megalian groups and was using it to boost the political influence of those groups, among other things. I can't remember everything because I don't have any other screencaps of his posts saved unfortunately, but it was quite a read.

What's your point?

get out normalfag

destroy ass

So you have no point, got it

Valve does worry over EGS but unlike the faggot Sweeny they behave like professionals which means we won't even see any underlying agreements and changes they are making. I doubt Microsoft has just randomly decided to support Steam for example.

If they're celebrities how come I never heard of them?

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Chinese government buys them out and uses chinese taxpayer funds to prop it up like everything else

Pokemon GO is actually really popular now. Nothing like the peak, but every normie around me is always playing that shit and on weekends if you go to any densely-populated metro area, you see a bunch of them doing raids or something.

As for League, it's been the most popular game of the decade. Shit I thought it was dead in season 6-8 like the others, but even my loser ass came back to it for Season 9, and they apparently have seen an increase in viewership this year. People bought in to the "NA is good GUIZE" hype.

To flex on North Koreans

Epic does try to say that "X amount of people have said they stopped using steam" Which makes their intention obvious, to replace Steam. Valve doesn't care because they obviously know it's a lie and that their user base hasn't decreased at all, but trying to call out Epic for it would make them seem weak.