Does BoTW actually work on PC?

Does BoTW actually work on PC?
I keep seeing "Yea dude its the best, runs like a dream"
And "fucking stupid retards no it doesn't".
So does it ACTUALLY work on pc and how well does it run?

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Other urls found in this thread:

how about you download cemu, botw and check yourself?

Yea dude its the best, runs like a dream


If you got the hardware and download the over 9000 precompiled shaders it's alright.

I tried making it run last weekend and couldn't get passed 17 FPS making the game unplayable, sad cause it looks like a fun game.

fucking stupid retards no it doesn't

Get the fuck out of the thread right now.

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>Hateno Village

In what section if you don't mind me asking?

Yeah, I ran it at 60fps with a 1060 and a i7 4770k OC to 4ghz

I couldn't get past the boring console gameplay though. Playing a third person game with a camera which has a set speed and no acceleration is a big no no.

fucking stupid retards no it doesn't

if your PC is at least decent, you'll be fine.
I'm using an i5 and 1030 with 16GB of RAM and get 30FPS at 1080p. before i upgraded my RAM from 8GB and CEMU got optimized, i was getting 30FPS at 900p, which is how it runs on Switch.

there have been minor graphical glitches here and there but nothing a restart doesn't fix

are you using any specific guide? or certain shaders?

not OP but I got a question about this
do you all rip your own botw from disc to play?

Starting area, It still ran like shit when I managed to get outside the cave

Cold hard facts OP:
>higher resolution
>up 120 fps (albeit with game issues, 60 is way more stable)
>4k internal res textures
>any controller you want
>much better graphics, proper colors
>much higher LoD
>mods like Linkle with sounds, completely redone armors and shit
So what are the issues at this time?
>runs a bit shitty on AMD because AMD's openGL is trash, works better through Linux
>there are a few(!) shrines (which are optional) that require gyroscope trash, can awkwardly use mouse, your smartphone or ds4 gyroscope for this

it's a the definitive way to play this game and there is absolutely no doubt about that, as long as you have the hardware for it.

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just the general guides from BSOD Gaming on Youtube

of course otherwise it would be illegal

>"you picked the wrong portal, fool!"
tf are you doing in zeldaland, CJ?

>bought a 1000 dollar PC to play nintendo games

beats buying a 500 dollar console to play shooters

only if you sell it.

>Plays REmake 2 etc. while also running better than Switch

depends on your country friend
gonna guess you're from switzerland like me, since here it's completely legal to pirate shit, as long as you don't make a single buck out of it or keep uploading pirated shit
so torrents are a bit in a grey zone but nobody cares really

>spend XXXX on pc
>built it myself
>can play whatever I fucking want

I just got it through CEMU yesterday. I get a good 50-60 in the overworld, and a constant 60 inside shrines which would be higher if i didn't lock it to 60.

Got the ISO from here. Comes with all the updates and DLC

But instead of following those instructions just follow these.

If you don't set it up properly it'll most likely run like shit. The most important thing is downloading the shadercache, the people who don't are the main ones complaining about the game constantly stuttering. Others claim 120fps so I'm probably missing something considering how heavily your own optimization affects things.

>nintendo games AND Remake2, DMC5, Ace Combat 7, Sekiro, etc

my niggah, cheers.

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With a lot of tweaking and a good shader cache it runs very well.

If you've never used CEMU before, you won't be satisfied. It will be annoying to get it running. Most people who run it well have been following CEMU's progress for years.

On my laptop, gtx970M, 8gb ram and i7 worked quite well. The thing is to choose good shades pack and patches for yourself and then play. The game will lagg a little while making new shaders but after that, you have nice game to play user. Just follow the tutorials and you are good to go.

but how ?

after optimizing everything according to forums and all I can't get the fps to steady 60, it drops to 50 at hateno village

I have a 6600k oc to 4.1 ghz and a gtx 1070

I have two mixed ram sizes though (one 8 one 16, same company, timing and mhz speed though)

I tried this and only got 14-19 fps, tried with both shader packs ( one was 9000+ other one was 11000+ IIRC)

Runs like a dream

Dumb PS4/xbox faggot detected


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4.5ghz or bust nigga. I have the 6600k too, this shit is on its last legs. Going to get a 3900x

As long as you have a decent PC with no AMD parts in your system then yes, it will run fine.
AMD will get better when they add Vulkan to CEMU but they are lazy fucks are taking a decade.
Vulkan is the main priority atm and apparently coming in the next few months but I wouldn't bet on it.


Download the shader cache online first; the frame rate stuttering is your CPU trying to compile the shit mid game as it's discovered. If you load the shader before you begin, you'll get a comfortable 30 FPS

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>bought 1K PC to play 2-3-4-5-6 gen games almost all arcade boards and obviously triple-A garbage
keep crying for PC, noob.

AMD? Wait for Vulkan or dualboot Linux.

Did you download the Shader Pack

I ran it on my PC 2 years ago, practically flawless with shaders and everything. It fucking works, anyone who says otherwise is a moron with a shitty PC. Also, CEMU has progressed leaps and bounds since then. It probably does run like a dream now.

There's also occasional quick white flashing around the bottom area of the display and it mostly happens when it's raining. I haven't played the CEMU version in weeks, this might be fixed.

How? I have the same processor and have no problems emulating or playing recent games


would it help on the fps?

because I don't have stutter issues

but it runs good enough on every other game

>dl rom install cemu
>i7 8700k @5ghz
Don't play emulators on a toaster.

Yes, it boosted my FPS by 40

It runs well for me. Certainly better than the switch can ever do, lul. I can get stable 30 if I want, with better graphics than switch. Or I can do pretty stable 60 fps, still better graphics.

Probably not gonna play botw 2, which is a shame. I'm not buying a console for ONE game.

what I'm gonna test it now

btw where can I download the botw update only?

>So does it ACTUALLY work on pc
>how well does it run?
1080p 60fps minimum, upgrade with graphic packs as you see fit. I've seen some people run it at 4k without problems.

I have a laptop
i5 at 1.9 8 GB of RAM and an nVidia 970m
Would it work?

>tfw Metroid Prime could have had quake style combat

why would you even want to play this piece of shit game

>when the dumbest kid in the class copies off the smartest kid

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Probably not very well, but you can try. You have to remember that emulating is pretty tough business. I have emulated it very well with a 1080 and a 1080 Ti. But laptops aren't exactly on the same tier with your specs. I think your cpu especially won't handle it.

Runs like absolute trash on my 2080ti,4790k,16gb ram

About 14fps in the overworld, so I bought a switch.

It runs well even on a toaster if you have a GeForce GPU, get fucked ayyyyymd fags

I ran it silky smooth 30fps with a gtx960 and i5 4690.
Not joking when I say silky smooth either, the 30fps is fine, it must have counter-measures for the low framerate considering it's a console game.

I have a 144hz monitor, the 6600k caps me around 90fps in most games. There's no game I can't get 60fps in but I want more, nigga.

Plus, modern emulators use more than 4 cores. Zen 2 is going to be an RPCS3 beast

Primehack, nigga. It's real.

The counter measure is analog sticks and a slow max turn speed. 30fps is unplayable on PC because it feels like ass when using a mouse.

So the game is only shit because it's on a Nintendo console and not because the game is shit itself?

>mfw have rx480 on desktop pc
am I better off playing this on my laptop which has an nvidia card?


I got
A 970GTX
an i5 4430 or some shit. The haswell refresh I think

Runs at about 45fps outside the shrine of Resurrection

Make sure to apply all the patches and optimisations

It’s not worth the money. PC has the option for Mods and much higher graphical fidelity. Also I doubt anyone here is paying for the game

Unironically yes. AMD has fucking abysmal opengl drivers on Windows, it's pathetic.

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Is this supposed to be funny? Because it's not.

Unless you wanna install Linux, then yeah.

Switch emulation is coming along nicely, don't think BotW2 isn't going to be priority #1 for those nerds when it comes out

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What is Vulkan? I'm an AMDfag, is that some software that helps emulators play nice with amd cpus? Dolphin runs like shit for me

My laptop runs the Witcher 3 at 30, Tekken 7 at 60fps and lots of pre 2015 games.
I know emulating is not like that, but you think I might get at least 30?
I have a hacked Wii U, but my SSD died and can't install BotW anymore

cemu works pretty well but it depends on your hardware obviously

I have a 2600X and have been curious how it would do emulating newer stuff. I might have to give this a shot now even though I don't really want to ever fucking replay all of BotW.

It ran well when I played in cemu 1.12. Glitches at 60fps, a couple of visual glitches also that got annoying so I stopped.

How is 1.15?

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By the time it comes out, they'll probably have the switch emulator up to snuff

A different rendering method. Like DirectX or OpenGL. Works best on AMD

literally no fun allowed

if you have a modern PC (fast i7, 1080) it's playable

Well alright then.

1.15 has way less glitches and performs marginally better. No reason not to update. Have to follow new guide for set up though since the need for some settings has changed.

It took them months just to get Mario to run decently 1 game

That's literally not fun, though. Fun is allowed. Cringe low effort meme attempts aren't fun.

Yes? What's your point? When it comes to emulation, a few months is FAST.

I managed to get stable 60fps even with GXDrawDone() enabled. But I had some odd bug where, the more photos I took, the slower the game became until it turned unplayable. If I saved and exited it'd go back to normal though.


is it hard?
I read you need a Wii U to do it

You need CEMU, cemuhook and FPS++ (for stable FPS), and a shadercache (to prevent stuttering when a new shader is discovered).

Cemuhook, FPS++ and the shadercache are optional. If you don't have Cemuhook and FPS++ you will have a lower FPS, though if your rig is powerful enough you won't care. If you don't have a shadercache then all new animations will stutter the very first time the new animation is rendered, which is gratting for the first 2-3 hours, but playable.

It's really easy. CEMU, Cemuhook + FPS++, shadercache.

Yes, I finished it on a PC a year ago.
You have to configure a lot of stuff and download mods for it though. It ran smoothly @ 1080p 60 fps and I didn't bother trying higher resolution or fps. The only problem I had was slightly buggy lava texture. I even configured DS4 motion controls so I could finish couple of trials that needed it.

How'd you get metroid prime to play like that?

Honestly no one is missing anything by not playing BotW. I have never seen a single person finish that game and still claim it is the best game there ever was.

>only game worth playing is the best game ever

There is an Ubershaders mode with recent versions that fixes stuttering at huge performance cost

Whoever says it is the only game worth playing on the Switch is absolutely retarded. There are dozens of games better than BotW available.

How do I delete someone else's post?

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Yeah Im getting 1440p 60fps in BOTW
So far anyways


How low is your IQ? Pretty low, I figure.

>get at least a 7th gen intel i5 or ryzen 5 1600
>get 16gb of ram
>download cia file for botw
>download wiiU emulator

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>too stupid to know how to use PC
>buys premium parts

You can't make this shit up. I was getting 40fps using a 3570k and a 980.

Holy shit even the music is a beat-by-beat rip of the BOTW trailer. It even switches to showing you climbing and flying at the same times. God damn - literally no shame.

This is the guide I used.

Very recommended for CEMU.
Works a treat.

It's ok, I got like 20fps. Which I tolerated for great game, and better modding.

DS4/procon gyroscope works flawlessly

Nice ant picture faggot

Thanks, user. I know what I'll be doing with my free time this week.

Unless it's something that's 100% perfect like SNES then no. Emulation in my experience has always been shit

I have the following setup, and I get a pretty solid 50-60fps with frame limiting on. It's honestly all in how you properly set everything up, mostly the shaders:

Intel i5
RTX 2080 8GB

Stutters a bit in the beginning, i assume because its loading everything in as you get to it, but after like, 15 hours it ran like butter.

How does this play with KB+M?

I played it on my brother's Switch, and the control scheme took me some time to get adjusted to. It feels super awkward and clumsy at first.

It won't run that great but I think it should run at 720p/30fps just fine if you set up your emulator properly.

You can play using any type of controller just fine. I think you can even get it to use DualShock 4's gyro for aiming, I know it works for Switch Pro controller.

Ah ok. I was hoping I'd be able to just map it to my keyboard, but I forgot about the Gyro controls. I'll just use that DS program to sync up my PS4 controller then.

Any titty mods for Linkle? I want her to have cow tits

you can literally see niggas playing this at like 60fps+ 4k res on youtube

They're both right.

The latter is either playing on an older emulator, a shittier PC build or both.

Wait until it's playable on Yuzu, Cemu is going nowhere

Well not just to play Nintendo games, but the fact that I can is pretty sweet.

>any emulator running anything perfectly in every form on a PC
No user, literally no and never. You dont need to ask anyone else or make any other threads, understand that PC users in general especially on Yea Forums are desperate to seem superior but they aren't and their platform is pure shit in every way apart from raw power. If you want to play it buy a switch, if you dont then dont.

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i5-8400 2.8
16 GB DDR4-3200

Played at 60fps at 1080p (Monitors max res) perfectly smooth. Likely able to run at a higher res if I could. Used Wii pro controller, with full motion control. Zero bugs, glitches or problems.

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You can custom map your controller so the scheme is less awkward.

Fuck off shill

Jesus Christ that looks like shit

all the people who say it doesn't work are probably just jealous nintendo fans. BotW easily attains 60fps on CEMU and looks way better than console

There's also mods that change UI buttons to those of PS4 controllers.

I mean its easier than ever since the games are on SD cards but no one does that. Just torrent it.

> their platform is pure shit in every way apart from raw power.
but raw power is exactly what you need if you're interested in running BOTW non-natively.

>Buy 1000 dollar PC to play pretty much any game I want better than any console, including Nintendo games that are supposed to be exclusive

it objectively is trash
ps3 & ps4 both have gyro but no games use it because every console ships with a much better input method: buttons

Switch Pro requires a program called BetterJoyForCemu

Gyro is objectively better than analog sticks. Try playing Splatoon with only analog sticks see how good you do, fucking retard.

Specs? You need a really shitty toaster to get 17 fps in this game

This but unironically

Gyro is a console's solution to precision aiming that you get with KB+M.

I've played games where it works excellently, and others where it feels clumsy. Ultimately, KB+M will always work more smoothly and feel tighter.

Probably too retarded to follow even single guides for retards. Probably got some half assed shader cache, probably didn't enable dual core threading, probably doesn't have triple buffering enabled, probably has an AMD GPU.

>Yuzu is implementing Vulkan
>obviously going to polish BOTW emulation while waiting for BOTW2
>inb4 it will end up runnin better than CEMU

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Kay. Until then, I'll keep using CEMU.

I should hope so, since I'll want to play BOTW 2 on it.

You actually made me laugh with this disaster of a thread OP. Jesus christ well done.

How was this thread a disaster? OP got solid and constructive feedback and advice on how to get the game to run better, and many others learned so as well in the process.

This gives me something to do / look forward to this week.

This is a pretty solid thread, there's actual discussion and people are asking for and offering help.

This was more complicated than I expected, but still not as fucked as PSN. BotW seems to play between 60 and 45 fps which is perfectly fine. Whatever happened to double clicking rom files and .isos? *sips*
Anyway, fuck your Ubisoft open world trash, I'm going to try to get Fatal Frame 5 running.

I tried it like a year ago and it was "playable" but having an AMD GPU is suffering so I was running that shit at 20FPS most of the time. And that GPU died, and I only had some spare change, so I bought... another AMD GPU.

Is an RX570 too weak for it? I want to do this shit again but aren't there more issues downloading them games nowadays? Maybe I'm wrong but if freeshop got blown the fuck out isn't that tool to download wii u games facing the same issue?

Layer console framework became more complex. PS3 isn't even worth emulating because of how absolutely retarded it's framework was. So much so that it was actually almost a deterrent for devs looking at developing on the PS3.

Aren't there like 20 different versions of that cache out there by now? It's a mess because last time I did this I downloaded one that was old because of this guy that makes the guides linking to it instead of the good one.

Someone already provided a link at the top of the thread with the most recent and up-to-date shader caches and instructions.


Last time I checked MapleSeed still works perfectly fine.

MGS4 doesn't even boot up in the PS3 emulator.
Persona 5 works fine on it (I played it on that), God of War 1 and 2 HD work fine, but GoW3 all Uncherted games and TLOU aren't playable yet and there doesn't seem to be a lot of advancements. Other than that I don't know what is there to play on a PS3.

Yea dude its the best, runs like a dream

If you have ayyymd cpu, then you are fucked.

PS3 genuinely doesn't have much. I didn't buy one until 2013 during a late-winter sale for $250, and only owned a handful of games.

What if you have an Incel CPU, but AMD GPU?

I love Kass! It runs great!

Attached: 190.jpg (3840x2160, 404K)

>ayyymd driver
Incel CPU > Ayymmd cpu
Green > red

What kind of frankenfuck setup are you running, user?

You'll have to run CEMU on Linux because AMD's OpenGL support on Windows is dogshit.

GPU you retard, i get 30+ fps on an 8 year old amd CPU, if I had amd GPU I would get half fps of that


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Follow some guides if you wanna use cemu, otherwise you probably wont get it running well.

i5 4460 + RX 570

That sounds like too much effort

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I played it to completion over a year ago on a i5 3570k + GTX 560, worked just fine at 1080p with minimal drops and some stutter here and there. I assume it's going to be even easier to emulate now. I had to overclock my CPU to 4.2Ghz to get stable 30fps with drops in the 20s in villages, and use the speed hack from plebbit which may be unnecessary now.

>Literally the worse option for both CPU and GPU
Why are you doing this to yourself?

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i have a secondary laptop with a literal gtx 950m and it runs fine.

Cann I run CEMU botw reliably on i5-8400 1060/6gb
what about ps2 emulators, those used to be completely assfucked
Asking for my dad's son-in-law
I'm gay btw if that matters

I got the CPU ages ago
I got the GPU for like 80 bucks
Don't judge

I beat it long agu when struggles to run at 30 FPS on my 1060 and 4590, but when i was about to finish the game some patch emerged that fixed some shit and then game runned at almost solid 30fps. Now it works better than on switch i think

Are you actually retarded or what? Read my fucking post again and try to fucking understand, there's barely any difference between amd and Intel CPU, you could get like 100fps if you have the best one on either side but if you have amd GPU you're actually fucked because of shit drivers, get this through your thin skill you idiot

>emulatorfags get their greasy hands on a game
>reshade + complete global saturation mod
>girl mod
>funny meme mod
>horse cock mod

You fags need to stop shitting on the creator's original vision, buy a Switch to play the game the way the creators intended, and seriously have sex you incels.

It works fine, nintendies just say it doesn't so you'll buy a switch and pay for the game.

It's just an intel shill/retard. ignore them.

I have a AMD FX 6300 Overclocked to 4.5Ghz, GeForce GTX 950 GPU and 16G Ram.
Stable 30fps everywhere.
Could run its at 60fps but makes the cutscenes fucky for some reason. Capping the fps to 30 fixes it for some reason

I just changed game resolution to 1080p and made it run at 60fps.
Everything else is shit so far. Saturation mod actually makes the game look uglier because parts of it are too saturated. Almost all girl mod armors look like shit and link is cute enough as is.

Both are garbage at running the emulator.
Intel/Nvidia get it perfect for long time. That's why I lost interest in Ryzen cuz I am told it is not good as Intel for the emulators.

I emulated it and got bored and uninstalled it after while. Had about 6 hours in and could not for the life of me see why this game was so praised, especially with that awful combat. It wasn't bad, just did nothing amazing outside of it's admittedly really good physics.

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Emulation is piracy, it should be made illegal, none of the companies get money if you just download ROMs, it's too easy

Wii U USB Helper is pure goddamn magic, holy shit clean pirated games at fast speeds. Is this actually downloading the games from Nintendo's own servers? How can they be this incompetent? I mean I love them for it, but still, whoever designed this probably all got fired.

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My fellow bargain shopper

>None of the companies get money if you just download ROMs

Oh. Nice! I'll go download some of those ROMs.

lel go back corporate dick sucker.

Just enjoy it, I wish the same thing worked for 3DS.

30FPS or 60? I have that exact same loadout except I got a 1070, and I couldn't run over 30 to save my life. Personally I felt that was the whole point of playing on PC, hopefully once I change CPUs my new i7 8700 is enough

I got about 150hrs on my CEMU save.

Feels good dabbing on you console noobs.

I cry whenever I'm reminded of freeshop

60. I dunno why you'd not be able to hit 60 with the same set up. Maybe an older verison of Cemu? Or a later one that fucked something up.

Imagine a freeshop, but also with injected ROMs.

I did try like 2-3 months ago, did anything change? I had the most up to date shader cache at the time too


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I played way before that. Were you using any of the fps boosts?

I think I was using FPS+ or whatever the name of it is, but I'm not 100% sure. This is all sounding really weird, wonder if one of my components is fucked up

it did, but nintendo actually cared for the 3ds unlike the wiiu

>Incel CPU

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