So which Tifa is the sexier one in the end?
So which Tifa is the sexier one in the end?
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Requesting Tifa and Other Tifa flirting with Cloud who just looks impassive.
>So which cartoon character is the sexier one in the end?
have sex
Never got why the Tifa boob nerf was a huge deal. Most lewd artists draw off model anyway.
Obviously the one that isn't a chestlet stick with too much clothes.
They are both very cute
Which one has a better tummy?
Left Tifa's skirt should be higher, almost covering her navel.
i like both
>giant breast Tifa was off model.
Fuck off with this meme already.
Original. The "new one" is just a gutted version.
The one without the stupid black undershirt that makes her look like a censored Snoy character
If she's wearing shorts with thigh-highs...
why not just wear leggings?
In-game models don't count.
>giant breast Tifa was off model.
Didn't say that, I meant if an artist wants to depict Tifa's original bust (which I assume most of them would) they can. The tit nerf means nothing porn-wise.
>literally no shitmake defender can post nu-Tifa with tits as big as this
god I can still fap to this
The original, obviously. Even fanart can't save nutifa's design
Joke's on you, this comparison pictures only make me like her new design even more
Nu-Tifa really disgusts me.
Fans like the old stuff because that's how the franchise got presented to them when they became fans. They don't like to hear "my standards have evolved"-like arguments from their favourite artists/creators.
i lol'd at this baitpost. i have achieved maximum jadedness
I didn't realize that evolving standards throw off color balance. I'm glad isn't a pair of legs with a woman attached anymore, but the new outfit blows.
They're both good but the old one has more meat so my vote goes to her
Yea Forums will give me shit for this but I love every change Tifa has had with her remake design. I love how slim she is, the black hot pants, the black under top and better proportioned boobs for her body. The thing that I was always worried about before her reveal was is SE was going to turn down or even completely remove her iconic sex appeal but thankfully SE not only maintained it but exceeded it in my book.
Fanart immediately saves Tifa's new attire simply because they don't make the stockings and undershirt pitch black. When they are of a lighter shade and the pleated skirt isn't a fucking stiff model hovering over the legs, it looks like it comes together.
Tifa's color scheme should be white and brown with a lot more red, not white and black with barely any red.
>PS1 era no sag even though she's only wearing a tank top
To even pretend to be a milkers fag and think this means anything shows how little you actually know about tits, the fact that people keep bringing up the inconsistent models and flip flop between her battle one and the CGI one when the concept art is the closest to what she should have looked like, because, surprise, PS1 era visuals are fucking trash and relying on them for any definitive argument is fucking retarded.
>Joke's on you, I have shit taste!
I've never been a fan of pleated skirts, and I don't like that her gloves aren't red any more. I don't really care about the stockings or two shirts look, though I don't understand why they'd give her that rather than actually giving the poor girl a real sports bra after all these years.
That pose makes me fucking rock hard. I can't wait to get my hands on this game
I like Tifa's new stockings. They make me look at her upper thigh, the one piece of exposed flesh there, and they just look damn sexy in their own right. I want to peel them off as I kiss slowly down her legs.
I want to suck the pussy juice out of her spats
Rude, Lewd, and crude (formerly Sneed's)
How could anyone prefer new Tifa? She's garbage. She's a garbage sack.
>garbage sack.
Social media push didn't pan out for you buddy?
Why would you be hated for telling the truth?
Although Aerith still has the superior design
>No BS Sports bra
>No Spats
>Tight Skirt
Old Tifa of course .
That IMG is Bad to say the least .
I can't wait for the SFM artists to get their hands on the models
She looks like a stubby, midget, fat chick
Imagine being this autistic.
Yeah, okay, but with which of the cartoon characters?
The skulls trigger me the most.
>No spats
>A good thing
Abhorrent taste
Nomura is a 50 year old manchild and needs to be stopped.
No (you)
Panties > spats
Fuck off with your fucking meme fetish clothing
Zettai ryouiki purposes.
Not when you're cage fighting. Spats and a loose skirt are phenomenally better for movement than a tight pencil skirt and panties
I should know I've fought in both.
Tifa never showed her panties though. Spats make sense because her old skirt would get in the way of her kicks, and her new skirt would result in panty shots.
Original Tifa has
>tape on left hand
>extra armor on left shoe
>heavy duty suspenders to hold up the heavy thick leather of her skirt (this is why it does not ride up on her)
>heavy punching gloves to protect her hands from the incredible power of her attacks
These are all aspects of her appearance that clue us into her character.
New Tifa lacks all of this.
>and her new skirt would result in panty shots
So? Does Tifa seem like the kind of girl who would give a damn about some random monsters or Shinra mooks seeing her panties in a fight?
Maybe if she were fighting alone, which she doesn't do
I tweaked her colour palette to be a bit more appealing but anyway here's you Tifa redesign bro
Time for autism
>meme fetish clothing
What did he mean by this?
Is that supposed to represent a shoddy remaster?
We get it, you don't want to accept the fact 20 years have passed but the underlining and red lettering is really fucking annoying
I feel like I'm the only one that feels like her remake tits are absolutely perfect. They're still big enough to shove the suspender straps out of the way and that was the main appeal of the original to me.
Her SD tits would look absurd on the new model and people (fags) would complain that her legs were too long instead.
It may be autistic, but it's also correct.
Spats seem to be used like censorship shorts fairly often, and there's always a bunch of people who still post that they love them, whereas I'll never understand how they beat a panty shot. Just one fag's opinion
picture sums up how i felt better than i could express. remove the leggings and she's fine. they look so fucking stupid it triggers my tism something hardcore. get that moe shit out of my tifa.
Would she care if Barret or Wedge saw her panties?
Probably, I'd imagine Wedge is a fat disgusting pile of shit that wouldn't shut up if he saw them, kind of like the trite virgins bitching here
Called the FBI. Pedophilia is not allowed around these parts.
Do people not remember that Tifa was actually the shy girl of the group despite being dressed like a slut? Yes, she would concerned about it. There's literally a scene in the game wear she's not happy you're going through pairs of her underwear.
Red gloves Tifa.
Skirt and emphasis on bigger tits wins it.
That's because she's attracted to Cloud, you fuckin dummy.
>Do people not remember
None of them played the game, they're literally porn secondaries
You're on a Yea Forums FF7 remake thread. No one here has ever played the original game.
keep seething, it does nothing but fuel my future boners
Considering there's a scene in the original game where she freaks out and makes Barret go up the stairs before her for this exact reason, I'd say yes
Panties seem to be used like censorship underwear fairly often, and there's always a bunch of people who still post that they love them, whereas I'll never understand how they beat a naked crotch shot. Just one fag's opinion
>Called the FBI
So she does wear panties.
>if your argument isn't under a 280 character tweet then you're autistic.
fucking zoomers man
new ones should skip out on the white shirt, suspenders and skirt. just a sports bra and spats is great.
that's only around cloud though, I know you're an ugly virgin so you've only ever experienced hostility from women but they act differently around people they like
new tifa because she's hd
>shy girl
>spends the night alone with another dude
>not a slut
nah, she just wasn't a whore about her sexuality. doesn't mean she's shy.
wtf bro you don't like an artist's interpretation of an obviously shitty 1997 model no one ever draws her as unless it's a fucking joke?
Old good new bad bro you can't like new stuff for practical reasons
>ok with cloud's AC outfit
fucking neck yourself you enormous faggot
>an obviously shitty 1997 model no one ever draws her as unless it's a fucking joke
what did he actually mean by this?
You can't be serious, the in game models for FF7 suck rancid horse cock and every bit of fanart you see never depicts her as her in game model, but an idealized version of it.
The new game's Tifa will actually look like a human being and not a bunch of blocks stacked on eachother with eye decals you rampant autist
I've never seen the spectrum flare up in such fantastic effect over some fucking thigh highs and a pleated skirt.
Different user, I'd be ok with AC Cloud if it really did look like it does in The problem is he spends 90% of the movie with his left arm covered because of space aids, that's what fucks the outfit for me. Funnily enough, he takes it off once he's cured so you'd think he wouldn't wear it in Dirge but then you look it up and get pic related
Do you have brain damage
Skirt some more, gg no re
You are literally angry that a character is not being drawn as a literal interpretation of their model from the Playstation in 1997
the stuff Max explains sounds like it could go really good or really bad. For instance the style switching sounds bad making materia seem pointless and just there for flashy attacks but if said style is a materia loadout that can be made by the player would make that amazing. Imagine being able to replicate something similar to DMC's royal guard or Quicksilver using various materia tied to Counter or Time materia.
Quite literally made fun of people that actually believe her original model doesn't look like dogshit and will defend it against her new one but okay.
Most the goalposts so we know you're barking up the wrong tree
Her entire character is supposed to be the opposite of the outgoing Aeris. She's shy and bottles up her feelings. Play the game retard
>She's shy and bottles up her feelings.
when cloud is around
Also the waist skirt serves no purpose ever and looks gay as fuck with all the extra belts, the zip up popped colar is awful, and his baggy pants that sag over his shoes look like shit.
She's wearing several of my visual tics in the new outfit - stockings + spats, pleated skirt, visible tummy, long gloves - but i just don't think the new outfit looks very good at all when in the game. good for fan art and probably porn, but the old design is just cleaner, simpler and better. also, huge tits are a big plus, especially when talking about the original vidya tiddy monster
Aeris is a huge upgrade, though. can't wait to see yuffie in 4 years, although i'm sure they'll tone her down since shes a loli
The guy is ok with AC Cloud in the context of AC, but the point is having Cloud wear his AC clothes in VIIR would be wrong, and Remake Tifa is wearing AC tier clothing
I wasn't aware that Spyro skyboxes autists were final fantasy fans too.
This teefa would be really cute with short hair
>Remake Tifa is wearing AC tier clothing
She's not
AC outfit is shit no matter what it's in.
> standards have evolved
bad bait
Because in game notably big boobs are extremely rare due to it "being weird" and making it harder to animate the character, so it would have been a nice change to have a significantly large breasted character in a semi-serious game for once.
There's 95% chance her classic costume will be included in some form anyway. The biggest problem with Tifa is the fact she has been skipping meals.
> my standards have evolved
> standards are much worst than what they were
why does it keep happening has it ever been a case where the person to state this actually got better standards
"My standards have evolved" can usually be translated as "I've been drinking a lot of soi and watching a lot of Hollywood movies in the last years".
The shoe?