Saturday night on Yea Forums

>saturday night on Yea Forums

why are you here?

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It's Monday lad

It’s Monday morning. I’m here because I’m on the shitter procrastinating going to work

Fuck, my time machine works.

It's 2pm on a Monday

monday night here
im only here because i dont know what else to do
i played some new vegas but im just not enjoying it anymore
some of my friends are online but they keep talking about how happy they are and how much sex / money / fun they've been having recently so i dont want to talk to them :(

I'm always here

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You're two days behind, bro.

How's the weather in Australia, mate?

It's 15:21 Monday

13:22 to be precise

based neet forgetting what day it is

It's actually 14:23

It's yesterday here.

raining spiders again

For posts like these of course haha

>tfw still february in my timezone

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It's 3:33 monday evening

It's monday though

>having normalfag bragging “friends”

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It's Monday morning and I'm at work.

hi user
how you doin

it's tuesday

A stealth pedo thread, I see.

because ive done sex and the effort isn't worth the reward, i want romance and i aint getting that on a saturday night.

done gambling was fun but dangerous as fuck.

done drugs was fun but dangerous as fuck.

done alcohol was fun but boring now.

listened to the music but its crowded, warm, sweaty, everyone is wasted, and its expensive as fuck.

ive not made friends in a while.