Smash Ultimate DLC

What are your predictions for the remaining DLC fighters? Choose any two.

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4 edgy manly dudes and a loli

Green is already the plant, isn't it?

I'm just hoping for Yuri from Tales of Vesperia as the Namco rep.

Plant isn't part of the fighter pass.

Where do these colors come from?

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Sorry Ninja fags and Touhou virgins
The final two are Doom Guy and Wonder Red

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Phoenix Wright would be cool too

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Nobody wants to fit into the smash autist crowd, though. You are literally obssessing about a children's party game to the degree of constant, year long shitposting.

He's still a dlc fighter though

made up by template user

Isaac and Rayman.

Not part of the fighter pass, thus not on the image listing the fighter pass contents.

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I want Doomguy and there is nothing you can do to change my mind.

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Where did the Doomguy meme come from? Like how did people delude themselves into ever thinking Doomguy will make it into Smash? Because Sakurai talked about John Carmack one fucking time?

Doomguy’s never getting in. Japan doesn’t know who the fuck Doomguy is, he doesn’t even have a proper name, and is from a series that rivals Mortal Kombat in the blood and guts department.
>But Bayonetta! But Snake! But Joker!
If you bring up any of those three, you’re fucking retarded. None of them come close to Doom in terms of graphic violence, and Japan cares a lot less than sexual content then we do over here.

Travis Touchdown and Phoenix Wright.

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Doomguy is a gaming icon, popularized the FPS genre, and has an easy shillpick for Doom Eternal. It's not like he's a stranger to Nintendo consoles, and we know Bethesda talked to Nintendo about Smash.

If Bethesda’s getting a character it’s most likely the Dragonborn. Skyrim was actually popular in Japan, unlike Doom.

>not Sora
Good decision on not picking Sora and his gaping mancunt


Oh, you're retarded. Carry on, here's your (You)

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Even Sora has more of a chance than Memeimu.

Is Touhou really popular/influential enough to warrant inclusion? Wtf is with this meme

I bet you also thought Ryu would've been the first Capcom character.

Marco will come with the rest of the team as skins, and I would insta main Eri. May could be Sol Badguy or any GG character, I just want the music pack

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thats the adhd gamer starter pack

>Guilty Gear in Smash

Too bad in smash he just won't work work
>teehee what if doom guy smashed in Mario's head Lmao xD *pulls out hyper realistic shotgun*
Doomfags are retarded

>hyper realistic gun

>only has explosives
>magic guns
>toy gun turned functional because lol metaverse

Literally the biggest indie franchise in the world

May I remind you guys Reggie said the characters in the dlc pass are going to be new to smash Bros in general. And so far it's been completely true.. joker, Banjo and the hero have been nowhere in any smash game.. not stickers.. nothing.

Sylux and wonder red have been trophies and Geno famously a spirit. We will not get Rayman or shantae or any character you remember from any smash game.

They'll all be third parties for sure

Snake doesn't use guns in smash

Bayo's guns shoot purple magic

Jokers guns are airsoft guns that only work because of retarded metaverse magic.

>Reggie said

Well Reggie isn't at Nintendo anymore, fuckwit.

We live in a timeline where the motherfucking chosen undead is more likely to get into smash than Wonder Red and it hurts me

Only absolute zoomers shill this ugly literally who faggot instead of V Joe. Fucking kill yourself
>le diplomacy has failed xD
Stop trying to fit in. He can't even fight without the other blunderful no copies sold crew.

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Wow you sure told him.
he said that when he still worked for Nintendo

Doesn't mean that what he said suddenly stops being true

It doesn't matter what he says anymore. He doesn't work there. Why would you listen to some guy who USED TO work somewhere?

Because he said it when he was still employed there

-Astral Chain cop + Legion as another dual fighter
-I feel like the last pick is either something Sakurai saved because he knows the hype it would generate, or it's just another pick from Nintendo to promote games. So maybe Crash if the former, and I guess Travis Touchdown to promote NMH 3 if not.

Though the 2 I want are Isaac and Adol Christin.

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Reread the posts you're replying to

Reimu is clearly the only one on that list who fits the cartoony aesthetic of Smash. Do Smashfags really have no one else to latch onto?

Would you listen and blindly believe to someone who worked at some company in the past? Just because Reggie said something while employed doesnt mean we should listen to him now that he's NOT employed there.

>Cartoony aesthetic
>Solid Snake is part of the roster

Are you a fucking retard? Go back to jacking off to lolis

Ops pic is showing what edgelord picks are. Though I don't think reimu fits it. I'm really warming to her too.. I wonder if she truly has a chance.

Personally hoping for her and crash desu

>the cartoony aesthetic of Smash
Those characters are not more "realistic" than Snake is.

My dude you might actually be retarded

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>the poochie of video games

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>Jill Valentine/Leon S Kennedy alts of each other
>Chosen Undead

>can't refute any of my points
>just calls me retarded

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When he said it he would have had insider info.. which wouldn't have changed considering how far into development the characters would have been. THEN he retired.

What's not to understand? He was the face of Nintendo at the time in America for NOA. it's gonna be solid info.

You're being weird user. Are you okay?

I think he's fairly unrealistic, but not impossible. 3? Doom games are on or coming to nintendo consoles, Bethesda/id have been showing Switch a lot of support, and he's definitely a gaming icon, far moreso than Master Chief or Sora. I personally think Dragonborn is more likely too, but Doomguy has a chance.

>muh toy/airsoft!
The ratings board doesn’t care if it doesn’t fire real bullets.
Tons of the original Doom guns were traced off of literal toys as well and only fire a fucking muzzleflash.

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But what you dont understand is that *he doesn't work there anymore.* All of his info is now *not reliable* since he *doesn't work there anymore.*

Skyrim was nowhere to be seen at Bethesda’s E3 and Doom dominated their show.

Kazuma Kiryu and Saber

This tho. His moveset would likely be gimped as hell

I just want her in for the potentially GOAT music remixes we'll be getting.

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Commander Keen and Jazz Jackrabbit

>user steps on the scales
>The scales say user is 400lbs
>user steps off the scale
>user thinks he doesn't weigh 400lbs anymore because he's not on the scales anymore

Have sex fatty

Yeah, cause a new Doom game is coming out, and a new Elder Scrolls game isn’t. Banjo wasn’t anywhere at Microsofts E3 presentation, retard.

Just remove the blood
>inb4 muh guns

Your image is missing Hatsune Miku and Saber.

Idk, I just personally don't see it in my head. But I mean, if he does get in more power to you.

An opportunity to make money AND gain faith.

>Reggie said something while employed
>while employed
user. He was employed.

not all scales weigh things the same, user. even though I stepped on a scale and it said I weighed 400 lbs, I could step on a new scale and it could say 200 lbs. that means you don't trust the first scale, you absolute fucking moron.

A bullet hell rep would genuinely be interesting though. There's a lot of game mechanics that can be brought over.

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Elder Scrolls: Blades was at E3 you retard. No one cared about it.
Peter Hines also said that they have fun surprises for Nintendo fans when talking about Doom.
Sure, Skyrim sells, but Bethesda sure as fuck isn’t focusing on it anymore and have another mainline TES in development.

If people were annoyed by Westerners' underwhelmed reaction to DQ getting in I can tell you absolutely nobody will recognize Reimu

You’re really dense, you know that? Reggie was employed when he made those statements, he’d be in the know. Just because he left doesn’t change anything.

I legit want to see Doomguy and Dante though.

I'm sorry user, the chickenbones tell me she's in.

it *does* change everything. because now that he isn't there anymore, we can't trust his previous statements.

just because you want to trust Daddy Reggie doesn't mean his word is gospel, user.

Elder Scrolls Blades is a port of an already existing phone game, yeah obviously nobody would give a shit. But that second point is interesting, about him talking about Nintendo fans in particular. It could just be version exclusive content, however. What was the context there?

Also, Banjo’s not Microsofts focus any more, and he still got in.

Fortune telling is for pagans and that is NOT allowed

yeah I dont know why the retards who make these images think people are just pretending to like these characters

Okay you’re either trolling or literally actually retarded.

I think with DQ getting in we can probably count out all magic swordsmen for the rest of the pass. That means no Chosen Undead, no Dragonborn

It's going to be Dante and KOS-MOS
Dante is almost guaranteed and KOS-MOS has had a good chance since sm4sh, which only increased with Ultimate.

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Peter Hines got an interview on the Nintendo Power podcast.

Snake is obviously the exception to the rule--part of what made his inclusion so novel and goofy in the first place was that he was such a stark contrast to the aesthetic of the rest of the game. Overall, the aesthetic of the game is undeniably cartoony. Contrast it to something like Playstation All-Stars, which is a horrid mishmash of cartoony characters and gritty, realistic characters--it's what you'd end up with if you just started adding a ton of Snake-like characters. Although, Snake also fits the tone of the game well since Metal Gear is pretty goofy and Japanese-y as a whole. In contrast, I don't think Doomguy or Chosen Undead are good fits.

That being said, I don't think Dante or Ryu are outlandish, but I do agree with him that Reimu, generally speaking, fits in better with the Smash aesthetic.

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He's in.
Hayabusa's fine too

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Reggie was CEO of Nintendo of America, it's not like he would lie about any info surrounding DLC.

that doesn't change the result. Reimu is in, 99% my sources say

Okay, and? Doom games are coming to a Nintendo console, yeah. It makes sense he’d get on the Nintendo Power podcast.

In any case, the biggest strike against Doomguy is that no one in Japan knows Doom or gives half a shit about Doom.

Bro you made a mistake.
That dude is called "Ninja Gaiden Ninja".

doom gun designs are mostly based on toys and have been updated to scifi designs, no worse than snake using an rpg-7 or joker carrying what looks like a deagle

You heaven...!

Doom is goofy as fuck, especially the original games. The new ones might have tons of blood and rough textures, but he shoots himself through a cannon like Mario in the first level of the new game.



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Nah dude Doomguy is totally a cartoon looking dude, look at him he's so silly.

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I'd be interested in Reimu but what's the basis of the representation? Literally no normie I talk to knows about Touhou but all of them at least know what Persona 5 and BK are, or is she this popular with Jap smashers? And at that point, isn't Arle from Puyopuyo also a strong contender?
No clue what other reps would fit if we're flat-out looking only at new series and non-indies.

I mean, sure, PSASBR was a mish-mash. But Smash has always been better with making character designs fit in. You can’t say though that stuff in Smaah doesn’t clash, for one example simple cartoon dragon Charizard and more detailed designed dragons Ridley and Rathalos are weird seen next to each other.

I'm right and you're wrong.

>Anyone besides Doom Guy and Ryu

I love Dante but he ain't getting in. Dark Souls is just stupid. And I don't even know what weebshit kawaii uguu crap that bitch is even supposed to be.

I feel like Ryu is the only likely character in the picture. He’s one of the big NES guys still left out.

Don't you mean


Ryu is already in Smash

I hope Dante gets his DMC5 design as well when he is finally in.

Ryu Hayabusa, little zoom zoom.

Nintendo is going to help out NIS with their financial troubles and will put Asagi in smash!

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Why don't people just call him fucking Hayabusa? That's what he's called in DoA, and his armor in Halo 3 is the Hayabusa armor. I fucking hate rosterfags.

>Rathalos with multiple shades of colors
>Vs Mario, toon-shaded colors and all
>All of Rathalos' animations and effects are cut making him appear jokingly cartoony but his mesh and shading completely don't line up
Oh man that fight got a lot less impressive when it actually started

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Of course.

Because we’re not autists who can’t grasp context?

Pretty obvious which Ryu they were talking about if you looked at the thread for even a second.

Characters who have literally no fucking chance
>Master Chief
>Any Mortal Kombat character
>Anyone not from a video game (Goku)

Characters who actually have a chance
>New Capcom rep
>New Bamco rep
>Another Nintendo character

There's no arguing with this. Ask me to elaborate and I will.

Don't shoot the reaction image weeb



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Nice try Nazi, BJ Blazkowicz is in and you'll have to deal with it

Had me until
Come on man.

Stevey Stevey cope and seethey

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Imagine being this braindead retarded

>touhou is obscu-
>reimu is literally wh-

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Can't happen, she debuts in a porn game
Can't happen, extremely violent games are very controversial, restricted and censored in Japan.

Touhou is an old franchise and is absolutely massive in Japan. There's a bi-annual convention dedicated entirely to it. For many years, Touhou has been the face of the doujinshi industry, which encompasses the amateur production of video games, music, comics and anime. Indies wouldn't be a thing in Japan if Touhou didn't popularize doujinshi. I don't know if Touhou deserves to be in Smash, but it does represent a huge part of the Japanese gaming industry.



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Yknow that's barely anything right, and that it actually hurts your point

This please

Yeah it's not like a character that literally tortures her enemies is already in smash

I literally only see people asking for Touhou if they are either weebs or Japanese, but given that was the same for DQ, the only thing I'm curious is what connection Touhou has with Nintendo that seals the deal. Every char so far has had some connection, even Shillsona thanks to Persona Q/Q2.
Mind you I don't even care who gets in at this point, I only care for Nintendo reps and they are 100% not getting in anymore, I'm just curious what the arguments are in favor of Reimu instead of say, Agumon / a digimon rep or Arle / a Puyo rep

>And I don't even know what weebshit kawaii uguu crap that bitch is even supposed to be

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>Can't happen, extremely violent games are very controversial, restricted and censored in Japan.
You're close to the actual reason but it's actually because Doom is very niche in Japan. Doom itself has Japanese releases of course.

It says DreamWorks

DQ is niche in the US, didn't stop them

Thanks but that still leaves my question what the connection is with Nintendo. We've seen great potential reps delegated to being spirits/trophies/assists before (e.g. Rayman).
>Inb4 Assassin's Creed rep nonononono

Touhou has games on the switch retard, hell, reimu appeared in the same game as fucking KIRBY.

James Bond, Steve.

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>smashfags complain about general may mixups because it's "bullshit", or if sol gets in: Dragon Install
Post more of everyone's favorite 22 year old while you're here.

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And she's a proper representative of traditional Japanese culture as a shrine maiden, that gets the hearts of all those old Japanese businessmen going dokidoki.

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There have already been a ton of Touhou fan games on the Switch, and a mainline fighting game has recently been announced for the Switch. Right now, she has a stronger connection to Nintendo than Persona.

This too

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Not to the extent that Doom is niche

Listen, I love Guilty Gear. But there’s no chance of it getting into Smash. Can’t you go post in the general thread or something?

Nintendo connection doesn't matter anymore.
Still, multiple fanmade games have appeared on the Switch and an official fighting game is heading there too.

Yeah, but Nintendo cares more about Japan than America. Something being niche over here doesn’t matter as much as it being niche over in Japan.

The Japanese release of Doom was uncensored tho.

Nothing against Doomguy, but the implications of a japanese game introducing a massive character/franchise from there that is niche in the US as a guest are very different to introducing a western popular franchise that's niche in Japan.
Talking about third party only of course, Punch Out is far more popular in the west than it is in Japan yet Little Mac is still there, but in the other hand, there's characters that weren't even present in the west at the time of their introduction.

But isn't it /fun/ to consider some outlandish characters?

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Take a chill pill, dude. Swearing's not gonna get you your rep any sooner.
Cool, thanks.


Also Doomguy because I love Doom.

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If anyone's interested in checking out the Touhou series, I recommend trying out the games. All the official ones are available here.
EoSD, PCB and IN are the usual recommended starting points.

Doom is a niche cult phenomenon.
DWANGO (an online service that debuted with Doom and was mostly used to play it) died last in Japan. The original Doom also became freeware to an extent so its actual sales are a mystery. Finally there’s things like the Jap Community Project megawad.

He’s still in my most wanted regardless tho.


you are talking about the faggot from DmC, and neither the dark souls boy is edgy more like you are him

A team from KoF is the best choice to represent video games in this children's party game, prove me wrong.

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I swear Smash is just some big autism clusterfuck since third parties were introduced.
The fans don’t see any identity in the game. It’s just a big mess now.

We know Blue will be Saber, and I think the last will be Reimu. The shadow, doom guy, steve, and goku tears will keep 2hu fags alive for years

I think he kinda surpasses Doomguy when it comes to extreme violence so he has no chance but I still want him

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Here is all you need to know

People still see smash as a game that celebrates videogames. Rosterfags who want only their favorites and/or totally unrelated characters aren't people


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Are you really this dumb?

Why do people think that Doomfabs think he’s 100% in? They always went ”oh cool” whenever he showed up in a leak, and never held their breath for him. It’s pretty much the same now, just some more people. Maybe a bit more wishful too, but the majority of us only think it’s a possibility and nothing else.

The only ones I'm rooting for are Doomguy and Reimu. They're pretty much the only characters that can redeem the fighters pass for me.

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If we all pray together, we can get Reimu in Smash. Everybody hold hands.

Metal Slug is a pretty cool series, I can respect your opinion. No idea why pick May over Sol or Ky though.
With Yoko on the team, they would need to make as many remixes as possible. Imagine Yoko fucking Shimomura and ZUN collaborating.

>Coy greentext trying to act intelligent
>Smug image
>Still avoid the actual point
Can you be more of a bitchboi NPC my dude?

Points for Steve
>Minecraft is one of, if not the, best selling game/s of all time
>Big in America
>Big in Japan
>Big in the rest of the world, too
>Sakurai himself loves it
>Plenty of moveset potential
>Microsoft and Nintendo are buddy buddy now
>New game getting released soon
>Generally just a popular, relevant franchise

Points against Steve
>Microsoft can’t get two reps in the same game!
Capcom got two in Smash 4, though one was DLC, yeah. And I think Banjo can be seen as more of a golden age Rare rep (their trailer was one big Rare reference), while Steve can be Microsoft/Mojang. Plus, I think an exception can be made for the star of THE biggest game ever.
>He’s got no personality! He barely has a name!
Well, the DQ heroes don’t have a name. They’re so interchangeable, they literally just interchange them. Same with Villager, really.
>How would they animate him?
If they can make Game and Watch work, they can make Steve work.
>I don’t like Minecraft! The fanbase is cringe and Steveposters are annoying and unfunny!
Irrelevant. Yeah, the fanbase is cringe, but it’s not any worse than the Sonic fanbase. And Steveposters are annoying and unfunny, I agree, but that can’t really affect the game.

Because rosterfags have conflated popular with likely and have been throwing him into their predictions.

If Reimu gets in Smashfags will get their smelly paws into the franchise while only playing Tasofro games at most.
Do you people really want this.

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She's unironically the edgiest of them all except maybe Doomguy

Although i like Doomguy too, i have a soft spot for Crash. And Reimu is that dream pick that i always had but didn't think it was possible until recently.

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It may be a niche cult phenomenon in Japan, but it can't be understated how much Doom impacted gaming worldwide. Doomguy is an icon, and would fit into Smash.

I really hope he's in, and think his chances are good, but I can't say anything for sure until the last 2 fighters are revealed. Even if he isn't in, I'm sure the other fighters will be fun to play.

>>Still avoid the actual point
What point? You haven't refuted Reimu having connections to nintendo through her appearance on the switch.

Doom guy is a literal who more so than Slyro in Japan. Of all Doom games released in Japan, the total sales is about 30k.

I don’t know why, but I just don’t see Crash or Spyro getting in. Their franchises are just way too spotty. They’ve both had a return now, but I doubt it’ll last long.

If there is any Microsoft Rep getting in after Banjo, it's the character that allowed the console to be a success. I wouldn't even count on being the third MS DLC if they even get to have one.

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>what the connection is with Nintendo.
Smash has ascended to "video games: the fighting game" at this point. Indies are pretty important to Nintendo, providing content to fill their libraries and smaller companies who don't have a horse on the realism race. Touhou isn't the only franchise that could work as a representative of Indies in general but it does stand out for being so old and influential. Reimu even doubles as a shmup rep, which has been strangely absent considering how Sakurai likes shmups.

>If they can make Game and Watch work, they can make Steve work
Game and Watch has the luxury of being the first game Nintendo ever made. There's no excuse for Minecraft's dogshit animations other than the fact that the character does not matter, and it's only the world, and personalizing it like a virtual Lego toybox that is interesting. You'll get your Steve Mii costume when Banjo is added and you'll like it. Steve also isn't even in the new Minecraft Dungeons game

The only thing of value in the Touhou community is Japanese anyway.

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Talking about sales of a game primarily known for being shareware is a bit meaningless innit

>What point?
The needless insult. It wasn't my intention to refute Reimu's potential to be in in the first place, I don't care who get's the 4th and 5th spots since all the ones I'd want to be in are immensely unrealistic or lack interesting moveset potentials. If you get Reimu, good for you guys, I'm happy for ya. I was merely curious what the reasoning was, not everyone follows Nipponnews and Yea Forums smash threads 24/7.

The original was freeware tho

Leon is interchangeable with Jill/Claire
Agumon is just a personal pick I can't really see it happening.

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Honestly, if DG doesn't make it, I could hope for Chief. Doom may have popularized FPS, but Halo modernized it.

Smash wasn’t initially about celebrating video games. It was about celebrating Nintendo, specifically. It’s still a Nintendo fighter imo and I don’t think it should strat too far from that.

Whats the point when the nips aint buying the new shit

Japan actively hates the Halo series. And Japan comes first, sad to say. Love Chief, but he’s never getting in.

Doomguy is not an icon.

>Touhou gets in
>More Americans start to pay attention to the series
>Hey, this is sorta like the dodging sections in Undertale
>Post yfw

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imagine unironically thinking doomguy or reimu have a chance LMAO

Honestly I feel like the demand for Doom guy and Reimu is too sudden for them to be a consideration

That's fine, i can see what you mean. My favorite game was of a franchise that was missing for 25 years and even it came back seven years ago it looks like i'll have to wait another 18 years to see the sequel.

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>Grandfather of the FPS
>Not an icon

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You know Reimu would be a fine addition when she's the only one that actually stands out among the others.

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>Japan actively hates the Halo series
They really don't, it has a cult following and is one of the more popular Xbox games (not counting indie stuff they own) and Halo 3 was at least able to top Japanese sales charts when it released. And if Japan came first we wouldn't have Ridley.

Villager doesn’t matter, he’s just the customizable player character the player projects on while playing the game. Same with several other Smash characters.

Sakurai usually creates characters in a way that they represent their home series. Yes, Steve is ultimately not a character who “matters,” but that doesn’t mean he can’t be used to represent Minecraft, in the same way Villager represents Animal Crossing.

Yeah, I guess. At least 東方@ふたば will be around no matter what.

Alright out of 10

Then why would you say "still avoiding the actual point" as though you were referring to a point you made earlier?

Besides, would I be posting as user on Yea Forums if I wanted "rep"? Get over yourself.

Travis Touchdown

Master Chief/Doomguy
Pokemon SS rep



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>Bill Gates himself impersonated Doomguy and effectively made Doom the PC’s killer app and got MS interested in games to begin with
>popularized and codified FPS as Wolfenstein’s spiritual successor
>more installed than Windows
>shaped the current market by making PC a gaming platform, convincing devs like Gaben that gaming was the future of entertainment.
>pioneered online and modding
Doom is iconic and legendary, but not the most popular game in existence. Simple.

>New franchises in Smash
>"Leaked" fighters are Metroid and FE

Not sure about that one.

It’s one of the more popular xbox games in a region where the xbox sells very, very poorly. So, that’s not saying much.

And yeah, Japan absolutely comes first. Ever wonder why we got Ridley and K. Rool five fucking games in?


What the fuck would Reimu even do? Im aware of 2hu existence but never bothered with it

Digibased and Digiredpilled

Attached: terriahentai.png (637x478, 124K)

>Dead furbait game
>The sacrifice Microsoft was willing to make


Step outside your box for once, you might view things from a different angle and not get instadropped.

I like Klonoa but feel like Banjo beat out Cheif

Fuck you, i've wanted Hayabusa from the get go. Chosen undead would also provide a knight character so he would be pretty cool.

What about him?
I know he's part of pacman taunt
but he could be great namco rep
Just suggestion
Dont know he's a spirit

Attached: Don-chan.jpg (300x226, 7K)

>Think about who I want in smash now that my pick is in
>3/5 of those
I guess I need to start pushing Frogger or something to be different now.

you're neat user

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Yeah, it managed to top Japanese sales charts in a region where the Xbox doesn't sell well. Plus it was on the 360 which actually sold better than normal.

And you don't think in this same game where the US has gotten pandered to that we wouldn't get a character that panders to the US.

Really any Soulsbourne rep would be fun. It’s a niche, quality little series that’s got a shit ton of love and praise, and that’s something you just don’t see that much anymore.

If your most wanted wouldn't bring music as good as the Ace Attorney games they don't deserve to get in.

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>shitty memes like Sakuya's pads and 9999 baka making a return
>people endlessly comparing the games to Undertale
>Undertalefags and Cave Story fans getting asshurt because their game didn't get the same treatment
>retarded activists trying (and failing) to hijack the franchise to weaponize it
>SJWs whining about the lack of minorities
>casuals on Yea Forums bitching about the games being shit because they can't get past Meiling on easy
>gaming journalists in general
>"it's just like dark souls" fags
>trannies latching onto Miku and Wriggle, claiming that Touhou is trans positive
>shmupfags going nuclear because babby's first shmup got in over their favorite obscure spaceship from the 90s
>lorefags needing to work fulltime because dumbasses think that memories of phantasm is canon
>that one gay guy on steam with the anime avatar roleplaying as Kogasa (and only Kogasa for some reason)
>people with a generalized hate for anything anime needing to cope
It would take a miracle for her to get in but god damn, it would be something to behold.

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Villager still gets more characterization than any MC avatar. One of the most important aspects of the series is the relationships you form with the other villagers in your town, which wouldn't be possible if there was no personality on your end. You choose how to respond to villagers questions, sure, but even then you're choices are limited to what the game gives you. Every activity you perform is animated to express the simple joy of fishing or catching bugs or getting stung by bees. The MC avatar has none of this. It is effectively a tool with which to interface with the world, which is the impressive part of MC

I looked into that “topping the charts” thing. I don’t know if you know the context or not, but it’s pretty pitiful.
>Could this be Microsoft's big turnaround in Japan? No. But Halo 3 did, improbably, land at the top of the Media Create sales charts for this week. Mostly because nothing else of note was released, and its strongest competition was continued sales of Crisis Core and Pokemon.
It only moved 59,000 units in total. That’s pretty fucking bad lol. And yeah, this game pandered to America a fair bit, but Master Chief... I just don’t see them going that far. Especially with a Microsoft rep already in the game.

To be fair, Joker was never a highly demanded character either and he still got in. I doubt that a character being popular or not with rosterfags matters more than their feats, but I can see Reimu (not Doomguy) not being at the top of the priority list when it comes to DLC options.

>curly and edgeworth skins
would get a heartattack

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I'd prefer echos instead. It's not like The Hero where they all can sorta blend together.

Honestly I im still hoping for Shantae... outside of that dont care at all who get in

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You’ve really done nothing to disprove my point. The world of Animal Crossing is what’s impressive, not the amazingly written character of Villager. Same thing with Steve and the MC overworld.

Plus, you’re focusing on one singular thing, and not looking at any other reasoning.

I mean in a realistic sense. Echoes are for newcomers and not DLC, and it's not like Curly and Edgeworth have different heights from their counterparts.

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Joker got in because Sakurai loves good UI and P5 has the best UI of any game I've ever seen. You can see from the victory screen and the final smash how much Sakurai loves P5's aesthetic

Easy mode: Pick any 2
Hard mode: Pick 2 that have never made any kind of appearance in Smash

Attached: 5mash wishlist_for DLC or every successive entry_.png (2854x1500, 1.1M)

why do people think doom is defined by glory kills, are they zoomers?

That wasn't so hard

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Apart from Steve, this is good

I wanted Doom Guy since the ballot.
I could really go for any of those other characters. But I guess I'm most interested in what Reimu could bring to the table.
If anyone has any moveset images for Reimu, I'd love to see them, I don't know much about Touhou but I am interested in how she could play.

I'm not saying that Villager is the end-all-be-all of video game characterization but my argument is that Villager DOES have characterization, whereas Steve does not have any

>Square Enix
>Bandai Namco
Yeah, I'm thinking Bethesda/id and Sony are next.

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Attached: Reimu moveset 2.0.png (2776x2365, 2.71M)

If they can give characterization to a plant and G&W, they can give characterization to Steve.

Doomguy and Dante

Bethesda/id: only viable choice is someone like the Dragonborn.

Sony: Who do they have again? Crash and Spyro barely count anymore.

Those are Nintendo first party IPs. Sakurai loves his wildcards and G&W was melee's and PP was ultimate's. Steve Mii costume, best I can do, friend

arle would be cool but you made yourself look like a fucking retard putting crash in.
see above
Lloyd would be cool but youre retarded if you think metroid guy is getting in
confirmed pedophile
GOAT, reimu deserves a spot more then anyone in this thread tied with doomguy
you're retarded
absolutely based
absolutely based reimu bro. don't worry we'll get 'er in.
ive never wanted to strangle someone more then people that want or even think for a second CRASH would get in LMFAO
Klonoa is a terrible character from a shitty game, hard pass faggot.
Quote would be the perfect indie rep but fuck off with random lawyer guy, he doesn't have a moveset and is unilaterally uninteresting. there is nothing cool or hype about him.

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>one is an assist trophy the other is a boss from brawl
are you fucking retarded nigger?
doomguy is the only decent pick there.

Yes, nuDoom is more in your face with the violence so people think this is all that matters. It's not a big deal since the comics were also over the top like that but it can be troublesome sometimes.

>Sakurai loves his wildcards
In a way, wouldn’t Steve be the ultimate wildcard?

>Yknow that's barely anything right

Attached: touhou is obscure-min.jpg (4454x8569, 2.49M)

It's nice how compatible this series is with smash.

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Ryu Hayabusa and Jill from Drill Dozer

No that was PP already

Not even a stevefag, and I don't disagree with you. I'm just pointing out how much character was given to PP and G&W through Smash, and how it's not impossible to do the same with Steve.

Not that I think he'll make it in, I have little faith in that regard, but I think it's possible to give him character should he be a newcomer.

Ryu Hayabusa and Nightmare so the Sword Jokes will never end

Ryu Hayabusa and the Dragonborn

This fag has never played the OG Doom for sure. It’s far less violent than Bayonetta.

Ryu Hayabusa and WonderRed because we need those incredible levels of Nippon style

Who says there can’t be two wildcards?

Ryu Hayabusa and Mike Jones so we can blast to the past and play games that don't such ass

Ryu Hayabusa and an SNK dude so we can bring back attitude

Poor dragon quest

I'd play it

What the hell is going on?

Did you seriously spend the last hour making this just to blow him the fuck out?

Ryu Hayabusa and this user right here will be the greatest characters of the year

Ryu Hayabusa is just cool

>Klonoa is a terrible character from a shitty game, hard pass faggot.
Nice shit taste there fag. Also I'll be sure to think of you when I'm playing as Chief in Smash.

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Armpit Touhou and Bunny loving Space Marine have my pick

What would happen if Doomguy saw the moon rabbits?

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Yeah, some Yea Forumsermin just don't believe there's any sincerity left. I'd think it would be cool to see some characters but if they don't get in? Oh well.

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He's in.

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Cole from Infamous, Helghast, Aloy, Kratos, Saber

Klonoa (not likely but wouöd be the best choice)
Crash Bandicoot (pretty likely)

>popularized FPS
>popularized gay weapon limits and regenerating health

Chief wouldn't be the worst thing but Doom's a better choice.

the Sony character is Joker

last night I Bond Burgered your sister

My bet's on either a Namco, Capcom, or first party character

I can tell you who will be in the game with these simple hints

>The first character would have had their debut game on an early gen Nintendo console (Nes, Snes, N64, GB/A)
>Relative success early on in the series life cycle that fizzled out as time went on. Hasn't been had a breakout hit in years but the main character is still known by most who are game savvy.

>The second character is Ryu Hayabusa

So many stage possibilites to use from the first two games

So Ryu Hayabusa and Ryu Hayabusa?

Cloud is the Sony rep, needs SNK to complete the console group since Konami owns Hudson and PC Engine

I don’t really want either, but I’d prefer MC because at least he’s a character with a personality and a story. And a name. With Doomguy it was clear that the character doesn’t matter at all.

I don't doubt that whoever gets in will get the tender love and care that all Smash characters get that makes them feel great to play as. But Minecraft getting in doesn't seem like a big deal or that exciting at all, it's the village bicycle and everyone has had a ride with it

I'll never give up hope on an smt rep. it's seriously unlikely now that gaysona man is in though

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>from a series that rivals Mortal Kombat in the blood and guts department
Is your only experience with the franchise Brutal Doom or something? Doom's gore has never been on Mortal Kombat's level. Even in the newer Doom titles the games' director pushes for most of the gore to be intentionally unrealistic to maintain that comic book-esque charm.

Yes and they will also be replacing dark pit with a third Ryu Hayabusa

My fellow, it's time to let go.

it's solaire, screencap this

I love how there are zero (0) legitimate points against Steve.

I wish Reimu, but I'm not delusional or retarded enough to think she would ever appear in a nintendo videogame.
At the very most in a 0.001% chance as an assist trophy, but lets be real she is just not popular enough. You might think otherwise but no matter the number of otakus that are in a niche, touhou is still a fucking niche of otakus

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>Which DLC character I want for smash next? Why Isaac from Golden Sun of course.

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Alex from Eternal Darkness.

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I know you're shitposting but you're basically describing the perfect requirements for the Ultimate Smash characters

>K. Rool
>Banjo Kazooie

All fit and those are the characters that have really made the game so far.

This timeline has only gotten weirder. I doubt she will be DLC but I can see it happening on the next game.

>I'm not retarded enough or delusional
But she already is in a nintendo game?

She's in.

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I'd say Cloud and Joker were both decently praised and they don't meet these

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that's terrifying

Can't handle a true CHAD character choice for smash?

Attached: GigaVLAD.png (3141x2216, 1.8M)

No they do.
>FF debuted on the NES
>SMT on the SNES

Cloud's just the face of the franchise like Ness and Joker is SMT's Luminary.

>Dark Souls is just stupid.
it unironically has one of the highest chances out of Bamco's IPs

Reimu and Doomguy.

Andy or riot

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>Lawyer with no moveset potential
>Irrelevant character that most people don’t even have nostalgia for

Shit taste. Oh, and Sakurai wouldnt copy off of MVC3.

Prediction: somebody from a game I never played
Want: Doomguy

I'd rather a weird hybrid of units as a fighter than a CO

Not to waste any moveset potential, Masahiro Sakurai (the genius himself) decides to make Ryu Hayabusa into two different characters, one modern and one retro.

>Easy mode
saki and captain syrup
>Hard mode
doomguy and travis touchdown

So Ryu Hayabusa and Tony Hawk

>His first game was on the N64
>Great success with the first few entries, defined a genre of videogames that completely fizzled out as time went on
>Only people who played the videogames know who he is today and would go apeshit if he got in Smash

>Ex Aid

Attached: confusion rider.jpg (167x243, 6K)

>reimufag thinks he can call anyone retarded

I say add in units and other COs as assist trophies. Think bomber assists, Grit shooting from off-screen, and infantry rushes

I gotta believe
I'm here to shill my Yea Forums poll again you niggers

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There are tons of characters that were spirited or otherwise put into the game who now have no shot. The only logical assumption at this point is all characters in the fighter pass will be characters with no spirit, or possibly characters who have never even appeared at all which is a horrible shame considering even if we only consider the bipedal assist trophies and Poké Ball Pokémon that could actually be fighters there's tons of untapped potential

I'd be most happy with Leon, but Jill and Chris would be good too. Hell, pretty much every Capcom character they could add would be awesome especially Ammy and Phoenix. Now that The Witcher 3 is coming to Switch, I'd also love him as the last DLC

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>with no moveset potential
he would obviously punch and kick and shit but could also use psyche locks, evidence, the actual objection and hold it speech bubbles and probably some other stuff I haven't thought of. he definitely has potential

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Is it weird that out of all the characters, Ryu and Doom Slayer feel like they're the most likely?

Tony Hawk would be no joke based

>Blocks your path

Attached: Eric_Sparrow.jpg (300x225, 9K)

Post 2 possible reps of the genres that aren't represented in Smash bros

>Survival Horror

you act as if they gave doomguy no personality whatsoever

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Dr. Mario

Doctor Mario and Luigi's Mansion both exist so post a Sport and a Rhythm Rep instead




>survival horror

I honestly forgot doctor mario existed. Can you blame me?

Only two characters i care about

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I already got joker so I don’t care who gets added
Would mince dante tho other can fuck off

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just postin my wishlist instead

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>four (4) anime swordsmen

Realistic but interesting:

Monster Hunter

>Doesnt even have a proper name

You mean like how we literally just got a character called "The Hero"

For the based and Retro Pilled, these "two" are the ultimate choices:

>Ryu Hayabusa
>Jimmy and Billy Lee

For reference:

Smash Attack: Greatsword
A Neutral: Rapid dual sword slices
Directional A: Longsword arc slashes
B neutral: Bow shots, can be charged
Left/Right B: Lance charge
Up B: Glaive jump
Down B: Hammer pound
Block: Uses SnS as part of the animation
Final Smash: Cart of prowlers charge forward, whoever it hits is shown tied up next to a pile of large barrel bombs that are then detonated


Next character is 'Marine'
There are Master Chief, Rookie, Emile, Doomguy and Classic Doomguy skins

Screencap me if you don't believe me

Attached: 45657436.jpg (571x320, 89K)

>>Jimmy and Billy Lee
Same developers, but Kunio is more likely and far more deserving than Double Dragon

Attached: kunio_k_portrait.jpg (250x250, 18K)

it's the kind of autism i can get behind


Duck Hunt Duo and Starfox

Attached: implyig dog.jpg (540x540, 48K)

Wouldn't mind this, or another version with CJ Johnson & Kazuma Kiryu.

Reimu's final smash?
Everyone turns into clones of her.

>Implying they don't pull a DQ and put them all in due to the very similar move pool

>none of them come close to doom in terms of graphic violence

bayonetta kinda does, it's just that it's not the point as much.

I can dream.

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Your "joke" is bad and you should feel bad.

this board is dead.

What if I told you I don't think there will be a next smash?

Something tells me this is the last one and that sakurai wants to be done with it

Most characters with Mii costumes will be playable fighters by the next game user.

I doubt Nintendo would let him pull the plug, even if Sakurai retired, someone would step up to continue his work. A reboot is inevitable.

who could it be Yea Forums?

I can only think of 2B and Amaterasu.

Attached: probably_a_lie.png (604x233, 20K)

This is the objectively correct fighter pass. prove me wrong.

I wonder if the whole Undertale/Waluigi thing has any truth to it


>Switch Logo
>trailer starts in a torch-lit dungeon cell
>Yes, indeed. The Darksign brands the Undead.
>And in this land, the Undead are corralled and led to the north,
>where they are locked away, to await the end of the world... This is your fate.
>Camera pans up, Mario Silhouette drops a smash invitation into the cell.
>close up of hallowed one clutching onto the invite, cue Smash_hype.flac
>HUMANITY RESTORED, The Chosen Undead garbed in Elite Knight set revealed

Attached: solaire sweat.jpg (325x358, 41K)

he would probably be dissapointing but I want him in lads

Attached: soma.png (770x750, 546K)

>Alt skin that's full red invader
I want this so bad.

based somabro. i want him in too.

That's pretty good and I hope they add Edgy Mario Silhouette as an echo.

Attached: m.jpg (1080x600, 28K)

Just play classic mode. He's already in!

I would like all 5 of these to be in. Also adding Travis Touchdown.

were the dqbros echoes or 3 separate characters?

the game is iconic, not the character

Skins. Like Alph

>most likely

Monster Hunter
Dark Souls rep
Travis Touchdown

>could be
Master Chief
Phoenix Wright
FE rep
Pokemon rep

>not happening
literally anyone not in this list

inb4 rulefags bring up some made up rules like "no double dipping" or "muh too violent". these are the most reasonable inclusions atm. deal with it.

>doomguy isn't iconic

Attached: 1546960205139.jpg (838x587, 56K)

This has a already admitted that he doesn't know the fighter pass characters.
Though the tweet you posted is from a later date. Who the fuck knows who Mr.H is, or how trustworthy he is as a leaker.

But if we just blindly assume that this is indeed real, Reimu has her Yin Yang orbs as flying weapons.

God I want to motorboat Reimu's cute tummy

Attached: 1529691435677.png (752x1062, 465K)

who is this guy?

>doomguy isn't iconic

>indieshit even on the table

His claim is that he doesn't know the character, his friend "Mr. H" saw the character but didn't recognize them.
Sso he only knows what Mr. H told him, "like a fighting game female character"

>making up rules
>not knowing how fucking huge undertale is in both the west and japan


Duck Hunt only loosely fits the FPS connotation, it has more in common with a rail shooter than anything like Wolfenstein.
Starfox isn't like a shmup so no

how the fuck does a female from a fighting game even look like? it could be literally anyone, what a shit description, it's all bullshit.

I don't know man, maybe you should play the game and find out why you're wrong.

Attached: Doomguy vs a 'character'.jpg (662x878, 116K)

I'll never get Isaac but god dammit, give me Ammy.

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Attached: praise the watt.png (525x426, 12K)

this just proves that your sample is full of retards. most likely this board.

cute underboobs

First I'm gonna say that I don't believe this supposed leaker at all. But just for fun I'm still gonna argue this.

While touhou is mainly a bullethell game, it also has official fighting games.
The latest one, AoCF, is coming to the Switch, so it's not impossible that he might have seen Reimu in that game and assumed she is originally from that game.
Though I don't know how in the fuck he couldn't have recognized a character yet could tell that they are from a fighting game.

Or it proves that effective body language and passing mentions of previous things you've done are greater at building character than a poorly thought out character arc.

Attached: Doom is pretty silly.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

He said it's not Reimu.

what the fuck are you talking about 'rule'? compared to well established series there is no way some indieshit fotm character whose hype is long dead is getting in

You know this still doesn't really help since touhou has been out for 10+ years and those videos comprise a variety of games, while persona 5 has only been out for 2 years and is halfway to surpassing it.

>what the fuck are you talking about 'rule'?

>compared to well established series there is no way some indieshit fotm character whose hype is long dead is getting in
this bullshit rule you just came up with, retard

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Want: Doomguy and Phoenix Wright
Expecting: Doom Guy as there are hints he could be a possibly and a Shill pick like someone from the new FE game.

Aww, he really did. That's too bad.
Well, not gonna believe a leaker no one has ever heard of anyway, so whatever.

I don't think either of their chances are that great at the end of the day, but it certainly feels like they're much better off now than they've ever been before.

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There is no difference between a rail shooter and an FPS except the ability to control movement which is negligible as that is not the main mechanic it is testing.

Shmups usually see you flying through an area, dodging projectiles and shooting things that are shooting you. That is literally all you do in Starfox

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I hate fucking brainlet takes like "Starfox isn't a shoot em up" just to be persnickety.

Just because it isn't a bullet hell doesn't mean it isn't a shoot em up.

tell me how that is a flawed argument and I'll fuck off. just saying "durr but dats booshit" is not an argument

>There is no difference between a rail shooter and an FPS except the ability to control movement which is negligible as that is not the main mechanic it is testing.
Too bad that is the exact difference between rail shooters and FPS, in FPS you have total control over where your character looks, goes and shoots. On rails, you don't.

Duck Hunt is apparently a Light Gun Shooter (which uses peripherals) according to wikipedia.
Star Fox is more of a rail shooter, and admittedly an STG too, if we're going by wikipedia again.

Star fox is a Rail shooter with shmup aspects. When people generally think of shmups, they think of 2d top-down or side view autoscrolling games.

There's a reason why FPS was often referred to as "Doom-clone", and that's because it and Wolfenstein codified it into a genre. If your shooter game doesn't have movement and shooting somewhat likened to those two, then it's not an FPS.

because you don't know the criteria for DLC, retard, it's that easy. you're just assuming shit and taking it as fact. for years everyone has been trying to come up with the qualifications for being a newcomer in smash only to be btfo by sakurai time and time again. you fucking never learn.

never ever

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Keep crying you giant fag. No one bought a wii u.

Jill Valentine/Leon S. Kennedy
And the guys from Contra for 8 bit madness.

that sounds like a load of cope to me, louis.

Attached: 220px-Peter_Griffin.png (220x320, 59K)

Here's the criteria for first person shooters
>Are you in first person and shooting

Here's the criteria for a shoot em up
>Do you shoot em up?

By that logic so is Touhou.

>According to wikipedia
Unbelievable brainlet

>A genre is completely different if you swap to 3D
Literal youtuber takes.

>here's my made-up criteria for first-person shooters
Yeah, I'm sure a genre that was initially called Doom-clone would be as loose as possible.
Listen, if it can't be likened to Doom and Wolf 3D on at least a base level, then it's not an FPS.

>A genre is completely different if you swap to 3D
But it is you dumbass. The extra dimension makes a completely different game and allows for completely different mechanics.

Attached: Untitled.png (1496x1868, 2.83M)

>All these people coming up with 1000 different names for "Shooting games"

Y'all the kind of fucks who think WRPG and JRPGs are different kinds of games too just cause they were made in a different country. Shut up already


Yeah, we should just call every kind of game a "game" since they're all games and how they play doesn't matter.

It's almost as if there are many different types of game genres that are distinctive enough to be further classified into their own genres
Opinion discarded

>Give the most literal translation for first person shooter
>"made-up criteria for first-person shooters"

Attached: ed boy face.png (124x123, 36K)

>likely: Sora
lol no. You think Nintendo wants to deal with the Mouse?

>could be: Master Chief, Reimu, Undertale
Remove these and its an okay list

>literal translation
I'm sure every rail shooter features rails and tracks too.
Nobody that's a fan of FPS games would call Duck Hunt an FPS.

I already do, you should do the same.

Attached: let it die.jpg (400x400, 72K)

>Being this seething

Attached: I imply through my depression.jpg (320x320, 37K)

I think Steve has a good shot. There's clearly plenty of people that like him, and his game is very popular worldwide. I don't understand why him not being announced at E3 was seen as a death sentence.

>he has nothing to say
Have a nice day then.

there are literally no sources that prove that dealing with disney is a hard thing. it's all baseless rumors.

Because for some reason people think that if a company already has a rep in then it's impossible for them to have another one.

>Doom and Reimufags shit up topic with why they deserve to be in more

Attached: life is not daijoubu.jpg (500x326, 20K)

Jesus Chris people always get this wrong for their imaginary rules
Listen to this, print it, tape it right above your monitor, frame it, keep it as your desktop wallpaper
He said it would be characters new to the series. Translation: no veterans
>Why would he say that
Not everyone knows that everyone is here, or at least at the time. It's just a way to tell people they won't have to pay for Mewtwo again. He's just hyping it up because it was his job

Most of the people claiming Steve’s chances to be dead are saying that because “no, Microsoft can’t have 2 reps!” Even though Banjo is really a rep for classic Rare more than anything else

Like when I think XBox I don’t think “Banjo Kazooie.” I think Halo and Gears of War. In any case, Capcom got 2 reps back in Smash 4, and if you want to stretch it Konami also got 2 extra reps on top of Snake in Ultimate.

>I don't like it when people want two characters who have been Yea Forums memes for a decade and a half
Where do you think you are?

In any case if Sora was to be in the game, he’d barely be Sora if he couldn’t have Donald and Goofy. And I really don’t see that happening

While it's not necessarily wrong to say that rail shooters are a subgenre of shmups as a whole, I think the 3D perspective and difference in free maneuverability relative to enemy fire or formations are big enough distinctions that they're probably not what people are referring to when they say want shmup representation. Things like Gradius or Radiant Silvergun arguably color the genre image a lot more than say, Panzer Dragoon.

What I want: Reimu and Dante.
What I expect: Fire Emblem protagonists.

Sadly, we probably are getting a FE three houses character.

>he’d barely be Sora if he couldn’t have Donald and Goofy.

he doesn't need donald and goofy to be his own character, that's bullshit.

In that case, couldn't the last slot be green or yellow?

Doomguy has more personality than Master Chief despite never talking.

I just want Doomguy. Anyone else would be a bonus at this point (like B&K). I used to think he had no chance whatsoever, but now he actually seems somewhat likely. It's weird.

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Three Houses will be out for months before the next character is revealed.

Reimu is from a bullet hell game. We literally never had a bullet hell game character in smash. Shut the fuck up. I don't even want Reimu in smash.

DLC promotion. Sakurai will find some way to stuff in more FE characters

>"Rail shooter ain't a genre"
>"Lol, it's a first person shooter cause you're like in first person and you shoot things"

You've taken every piece of low tier bait this thread has had to offer because of an obsessive compulsion to categorise just to fit the very narrow limitations of an.

Also the term you're looking for is gallery shooter. Since "rail" shooter refers to being on a set track that you follow and progress through a story or sequence to complete while Gallery shooters are completely randomised within each interaction of gameplay which is why they are seen more as arcade games than directed experiences.

I know English ain't your first language pal, but learn a bit more before posting on these kind of boards alright?

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nice bait

"I am interested in seeing who guys think would be good candidates of famous games from these specific genres."
"No we are going to reply to you and post the same characters that are posted in every roster thread."
"Why don't you just make your own post instead of replying to mine?"
"Because everybody posts them."

I get that my original post may have seemed open ended to post other genres which aren't represented but in all honesty I just wanted to see what Rhythm game characters people think would work in Smash since Nintendo doesn't have the most famous choices.

Master Chief in Halo's 1-3 has a pretty consistant peronality, despite being silent a lot. He can be snarky and have some banter with Cortana, but he also doesn't over do it to break from the idea that he is a soldier raised for war. If we are really going to take Doomguy shooting himself out of a cannon as proof of his personality, Master Chief literally jumped from a ship in outer space onto earth.


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All Light Gun games are FPSs but not all FPS games are Light Gun shooters.

Here's your rhythm rep bro

>durrr popular picks bad

>People arguing that reimu should get in because she's a railshooter

We all know Saki should get in centuries before her because both Treasure and Sin and Punishment are more based than the whole Touhou series combined

Yes but that's a completely different argument. You're essentially agreeing with my point.

Miku, Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan, Don-chan, maybe Commander Video?


>This thing should objectively get in before that thing because of my opinion

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Saki isn't the face of the indie scene in Japan. Also Sin and Punishment didn't drive the industry forward by sparking the emergence of self-published and amateur game development, and neither does it have a biannual convention dedicated to it.

I was never shitting on Chief's personality, but Doomguy has plenty of personality. He's righteous, but people wouldn't know that if they haven't played his game.
There are small details that build a lot to his character, like e.g in the intro of Doom 2016 he goes into an elevator. Has Samuel Hayden talk to him, guy says he did this in humanity's best interests and it was worth the risk, Doomguy looks at the corpse of a guy in the elevator, smacks the screen to bits and the game properly starts.
He's got plenty of personality, and it's displayed mostly through body language. Thing is tho, the game isn't supposed to revolve around him. Doom lore and Doomguy are things in the games that add character to it all, but it's only there if you really feel like caring about it and not really integral.


Everything about this thread is absolute shit.

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>getting mad about CHADstuck posting

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But the epilogues were good

On paper yeah, but the thing is Duck Hunt and a game like Doom are completely different. In Duck Hunt you point at the screen and shoot the ducks. In Doom and other FPS games you move through a level, fight with different types of enemies, collect ammo and health and use a variety of weapons. You can't say Duck Hunt is accurate of the entire genre.

Not necessarily predictions, if Hornet didn't make that obvious

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As long as I get Doomguy I couldn’t care less about whoever less they add

Shovel Knight (note: Main character is an Assist Trophy)
Cave Story
Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight

Why isn’t Shantae indie?

Cave Story is not technically an indie anymore either. Also add note to Shantae for being a spirit too while you're at it.


Steve should really be here, they’ve already got Microsoft stuff in the game.

Thinking about it, Minecraft should be in the Nintendo history category too. It’s been on more/as many Nintendo consoles than those other games, if memory serves.

based Kiriyafag

pc port/4
yakuza can't even run on the switch

Yup, I'm thinking he's in

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We need chosen undead.
Sakurai is a hack for snubbing shovel and black knight then adding more anime swordsman.
Id be fine with nightmare or male monster hunter in rathalos armor too.
We just need a knight archetype character.
Also doomguy cause hes the father of the unrepped fps genre

Reminder that color theory is retarded

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I've told all of you fuckers already. IT'S WALUIGI REEEEEEEEEEE so fuck off with your wishlists and FUCKING BTFO with Masterchief and doom guy. Those characters are so bland and unoriginal that it BLOWS MY MIND THAT ANYONE THINKS THEY SHOULD BE IN SMASH. Literal garbage.

Waluigi is in. *saged* /thread

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Reimu was NEVER even rumored. Stop showhorning her on your DLC expectations, even fucking Shantae has better chances.

DoomgGuy, Ryu and Chosen Undead have good chances.

It's not even a theory, it's just 2 colors that I used for the template with the idea that people who used it would change the hues.

Based and redpilled

Shantae is already a spirit bro. And Shantae is microscopic compared to how huge Touhou is. The fact that you think Doomguy has "good chance" tells me everything I need to know about your opinions.
>Inb4 I-It doesn't count

The only ones that make the most sense are Doom Slayer and Ryu. They're both very iconic and staples of video game history.

>Wonder Red in smash
>when the whole gimmick of the game is "all for one and one for all"
Wonder Red without all the other Wonderful Ones would be retarded.

>he doesn't like both games
I'm older than you are and you're a massive faggot, zoomer.

This. If masterchief or doom guy get in, it will be so sad

and? yakuza has been on JP wiiu, so technically you can't say he's never been on a nintendo console. theres a reason i called it a dream dlc, since kiryu's already been deconfirmed

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Fuck off, bike.


taste so fucking based

>purple meme man calling anyone bland
back to gaia with you

>The "Do i fit in yet?" Starter Pack
>No Goku

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I'd like all of those to be honest but Reimu and Doomguy are my top picks.

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You mean
>no waluigi

At least he has a face instead of just a gun. :P

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If I had to choose two of these, Doomguy and Dante.
However Sora and Frisk/Kris would be better

You mean
>no Steve

Wow, big muscle military guy. How memorable...

I'd rather have Pocky and Rocky than Raymoo desu

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Friendly reminder that Min Min won the ARMS tournament and will be the 5th character along with the ARMS 2 reveal

Doomguy and masterchief would be just as boring as fireemblem shit.
>guy w/gun = anime w/sword

Fucking end me. Plz let it be Waluigi.

Pocky and Rocky would be cool I guess but Natsume doesn't even really exist as a company anymore

You see, the difference is that there arent 87 guys with guns in Smash already.

>Erdrick instead of The Hero
Thats an oof for me captain

isnt toho the company that makes the godzilla movies? thats the only toho i care about

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I'm not a huge Master Chief fan but I do genuinely think he's be a better choice than Doomguy. He does have a voice and shit, I've never seen him as a completely blank slate. Plus he's got some pretty unique weapons


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