People play a game known for its difficulty

>people play a game known for its difficulty
>complain it's too hard

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Other urls found in this thread:

kys incel
have sex

Literally everyone I know in Poland loves genuine extra spicy shit so this shit weakness must be an Amerimutt thing.

Do people actually do this?

>Dragon ball hair
every time

You know what would be nice? If you at least tried making it video game related. Here's my terrible OC.

Attached: brought to you by tim buckley.png (1228x620, 979K)

You're not white


no it's a nigger pretending he knows white people

It's not, it's a bad meme.

Why are you talking about spicy food? This thread is mocking people who buy games known for being difficult then complain it’s too difficult for them.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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why do colored folk love dragon ball z so much? do they want to transform into golden haired aryans?

good pic

at least he's not bald

All the restaurants I ever ate at in Poland warned me to be careful whenever I ordered hot sauce or extra spices, but it never was spicy so I doubt that, Kurwanon. The average Polack eats bland as fuck food as far as I could tell.

Post the porn.

Don't look white to me

this is a really good picture

Literally everyone liked DBZ. North Americans of all ethnic background, West & East Europeans, Latin Americans, Southeast Asians, and Middle-Easterns. It’s not a “colored” thing”.

Now shut the fuck up and talk about videogames you pasty thinskin

I swear this comic is getting out to people. I got a burrito this weekend and asked for it to be spicy. They put sriracha in it, weak ass sriracha. I'm not one of those white guys that does crazy shit like eat a Carolina Reaper just for the hell of it, I just wanted it to be spicy because they put so much rice and beans in the sucker almost all flavor gets sucked out.

if its too spicy ill eat it up anyway, if its too difficult i will finish it anyway, this is what i signed up and payed my money for

a lot of americans prefer spicy foods, OPs post doesnt happen. what usually happens is a bunch of Beckies go OMG THIS TAKIS IS SO SPICY xD

>you can’t talk about the OP pic on an imageboard

It's really not, it's more of a
>we can't buuld a functioning society, but at least we can eat spicy food


Sure thing mutt.

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I'm fucking tired of the food racism. I went to a curry place and ordered the hottest spice they had, heat level 10. They look at me and go "Uhhhhh are you sure? It uhhhhh it'll take a long time to cook, we can make it much faster if you get less spicy." I tell them no that's fine, I'll wait, I want spicy level 10. I eat super hot peppers all the fucking time, I enjoy it. After waiting half an hour they serve me the food and I can barely feel it. I swear to god they just sat back there and then used some weak ass shit.

Give me my spicy food you fucks, I guarantee I eat hotter shit than you do fuck off.

Hahahahaha you're not helping your argument with that image

the guy who made this comic is a white manlet
he's just projecting his own dislike of spicy food on all the white people


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Uhhh user, those chicks are white. Or are you one of them, >jews cant be white, kinda anons.

>Wahhh I'm being oppressed because I can't get spicy food

You're god damn right you fucking shit sucker.

They're not white, they are slavs

Who are you quoting?

Is he suppose to be wolverine or some stupid shit?

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welp they can't


Here's the fucking real talk lads. You may talk big, you may order your food extra spicy because you can handle it. I can eat chili peppers and down it with some hot sauce too.
Nobody says a thing about it, but deep down in your heart of hearts you know, that it's not about handling the spicy taste.
It's about handling the shits you'll get after it. My mouth can chug tabasco sauce 24/7, but I'm not a fan of jungle fire with a chance of brown rainstorm that happens in the toilet afterwards.

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Oh that feel.

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Shut the fuck up you slack jawed faggot.

>body cant properly digest food
get better genetics

I have short bowel syndrome, so I get the shits after drinking a bottle of room temperature water. It's not uncommon for my ass to crack and bleed because, as my shits are often 100% liquid, the leakage causes the skin to dry out and tear open.

Attached: pickapeppa_sauce_label.jpg (576x850, 181K)

I know that its not really what you're trying to say, user. It's just your sphincter crying out in pain and fear, making you lash out at people like that.
I really suggest you try milder sauces.

Some of those people I swear think you're going to sue because something is too spicy. My main issue is they load the dish with starches/carbs because they're cheaper so they save money on their meat, which half the time comes from a can. Those starches tend to deaden any flavor the dish has so super hot is the only counter.

I had to go full Burger and conceal carry hot sauce in my work bag because Hector and Pajeet leave me hanging.

I think about killing myself every day. The only thing keeping me going is a morbid fascination of the possibility of things getting worse. I am curious to see how bad things truly get. It's a strange form of mental masochism, I think. My therapist says go with what works.

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why cant non-whites handle milk
that's like the least spicy thing there is, yet they cant handle it


Sometimes I'll just not eat for several days. The happiest I've been in recent memory was when I picked up salmonella poisoning after eating gas station fried chicken. It gave me an excuse to not hang out with anyone and go eat. Everyone I know builds their entire life around food, so it was nice just not eating for a week. Didn't have anything at all to eat. I felt great.

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Pretty good.

t.Bernie Sanders

All people can't handle milk, user. Ask anyone around 40 and they'll tell you how gassy they get. It's just shit human genetics in general, our digestive tract loses the ability to break lactose down at some point. It's just that some people get more time to nourish their inner skeleton to make it strong and healthy.
I mean have you seen at least one black skeleton? Most of them are too old, because black people leave none since they can't handle milk these days.

So? Complaining is not a crime. Stop getting emotionally invested in trivialities. It'll make you die early.

"I can get spicy food" is LITERALLY some people's argument for importing in a bunch of immigrants.

And if "not getting the food I want" isn't oppression then let's go back to the time when you could ban blacks from your restaurant. Oh but that's oppression in that case isn't it?

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Poland is 99% white sweety

It's literally not a thing at all.

why do memes against white people all suck ass and have no impact? the only one ive seen thats been true is the "this is the face white people make when you pass them in the street" one with the weird half smile and that was funny.

>nourish their inner skeleton to make it strong and healthy.
As opposed to their outer skeleton?

>tfw can't handle that spicy milk

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(o´ω`o) very nice OC

Nah white people can handle dairy just fine.

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>whining about getting more money out of someone being an idiot

thats sad man that kid has a nice face and smile

Careful that you don't break your ankles with that large of a leap, user

Haha yeah of course humans don't have outer skeleton, user.
Sorry that was a joke.

This. You cant just act like not giving a white customer the spicy food they ordered is okay, and then go full ape shit when a white guy dosent want to make a gay couple a (specifically gay) wedding cake because its against his religion. There nothing i hate more than a double standard leftist

A more apt comparison would be him returning it because it was temperature-hot instead of spicy-hot. A comparison to shitty artificial difficulty games that is.

You guys have any recommendations for hot sauces? I usually eat eggs, steak, and sometimes pork.

>implying the guy will pay for it and not expect it to be free, then raise a huge stink when it isn't.

you wish

>he takes internet memes seriously
oh no no no

Slavics are sub humans.

white people that come from the city. literally texas is all about spice, southern people layer that shit on. However city white people are fucking weak pussies, but see a lot of people meet these city whites who cant hold their spice.

What is it about the topic of spicy food that makes white people seethe and stumble over themselves to prove they can take it?

When did that post mention oppression? Oh right it didn't you're just a dumb nigger lol.

that's ok, I wouldn't want to be put under same category as americans

I don't understand this. I eat spicy stuff all the time and my stomach is fine. It's overly sweet shit that gives me stomachaches, not spice.

We have to prove ourselves in culinary combat or some shit

I'm persian, though. Shut up, pablo.

>food racism

what is it about brown people that makes them murder and rape constantly
cavemen were more civilized than you

obsessed rent free etc

>It's the dark souls of video games

Attached: 253.jpg (1260x1782, 342K)

is not a meme
americans are not white

What is it about white people standing their ground that makes shitskins seethe and stumble over themselves?

Reminder that you have the Aztec, Maya, Olmec, and other Mesoamerican civilizations to thank for your spicy food/chili peppers, alongside Corn/Maize, Tomatos, Beans, Chocolate, Advocado, and Squashes (zucchini, pumpkin, etc)

And the Inca, Chimu, Moche, etc for Potatos, Peanuts, etc

In general you have Precolumbian civilizations to thanks for the vast majority of the world's crops

Attached: new world crops.png (1457x840, 113K)

Right on cue

>he can't digest it
Sucks to have had shit ancestors like you.
I bet you're lactose intolerant too because you're from some fringe subhuman caste that didn't evolve lactose digestion through thousands of years of drinking milk.

>tabasco sauce
white people lmao

>hurr hurr they did what i said they were gonna do look mom
Imagine being this fucking groundless in your argument. Go back to eating your artificial vinegar spice, shitskin

funny how brown people were the ones who invented civilization indepedently the most then, wheras whites didn't do it once and got all their shit from egyptians/mesopotamians

Attached: independent civilizations.jpg (960x720, 122K)

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bruh fo real wypipo cant handle black pepper haha no pepper fo whitey xDDDD

Even if they're 100% European, most Americans are so uneducated and culturally retarded, they really don't count

What game?

based and darksoulspilled

See Every non-shit human being in the world descends from ancestors that drank milk for thousands of years and so has no problem drinking milk thanks to evolving high lactose tolerance through countless generations.
If you can't handle lactose then that means you're unironically subhuman as you come from a gene pool that didn't evolve something as basic as lactose tolerance.

>I-i didn't even want your spices anyway, b-baka!

Can someone post the wholesome water edit?

>we wuz kangz n shiet, we wuz makin pyramids while wypipo wuz in caves, den dey came outta de caves 'n' enslaved us wid tricknology

>brown people

I eat and drink shitload of dairy products and am just fine, get fucked lactoselets.


Attached: british ancient cities.jpg (1897x3252, 1.67M)

Jews can't be white, user. The Polish are white, though.

Yeah and look how that turned out for them. One half of their home country is still sacrificing babies so that they can be granted fresh water to drink by the dietys. Real civilized

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So does this guy have like a food joint I can go to and Alton Brown his shit up?

Holy shit, fucking THIS.
I once ate hot sauce in a kebab place that was made of these weird fermented/pickled peppers, and it was bitter like crushed-up antibiotics.
I couldn't eat any piece of the food that touched it because it just tasted like ass.

Why do people think that spicy=tasty?

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This but unironically. I literally dont want the shit excuse you have for spices, baka.

>travel the world for spices
>Proceed to use none of them

>white people cant into food
>yeah they can
every thread.
just someone talk about food for once
video games I mean. Imagine being so fat that you look at Yea Forums and see /ck/

It's just a really bad blackie meme. Blacks can't meme.

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Not even sure which people you are reffering to here, user

Look man the blood sacrifice worked to get them good crops before. The whole area only went to shit AFTER the Spaniards came in and stopped the blood sacrifice. Really makes you think.

>tfw ascended and don't use any condiments on food such as ketchup or mayo
Those who are pure, the time has come to rise.

Attached: pp.jpg (322x356, 21K)

holy FUCK

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One of the Armored Core games, probably Last Raven

The lack of condiments make you weak

Which ever one offends you most

As an agnostic i would have to agree, that is thought provoking.

Whatever you need to say in order to cope.

I am the true pure.
I eat my hamburgers completely plain, just meat and bun :^)
Every time I do I hear the anguished wail of a million souls condemned, of a billion more butthurt

It's the other way around boyo, by avoiding them you make yourself weaker as your body no longer tries to evolve even better tolerance and digestive functions for them.

Mein brutha!

>fucking white people!
>e...except white women...I like them...