Nobody wants your fucking gay indie character in smash
She has a shit design and what would she even do? Shoot beams?
Is this a fucking meme or something? Do people really want her. I haven't even heard of her before all this rosterfagging shit and I'm guessing most people here haven't either.

>b-but Japan wants her!
Pic related. List of Japan's most wanted characters. SHE DIDN'T EVEN MAKE THE FUCKING LIST

Attached: Untitled.png (1366x676, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>majority deconfirmed except for Crash and Banjo
Based sakurai

Reimu will be in Smash and there's nothing you can do about it.

Attached: reimu.gif (190x190, 182K)

See you in February weeb. I should start a screencap of this reimu delusion

>I haven't even heard of her before all this rosterfagging

Attached: fd504a14162c278e0762e9ae2c3ade6b.png (916x482, 51K)

>durrrr i'm dumb so character bad

Attached: dxl2ui5v2r611.jpg (900x900, 83K)

>Reimu fanart and hentai doujins in the tabs
Yet people will fall for this. Because that's just how retarded rosterfags are.


There's already a Microsoft rep in the pass and Sans can't get in over the main character of his game

Gotta love how out of all the newcomers we got for Ultimate, only 2 are part of this list

And the game sucks. Thanks sakurai

Neko miko Reimu.

Wasn't that list actualy the "most expected characters" from Japan, not the most wanted?

mimikyu would be pretty cool desu

Ai shiteru

So what you're saying is that in order to surprise everyone, new characters shouldn't be on this list? Reimu confirmed, Japan agreed, don't bother them about it.

Sakurai only puts extremely requested characters in Smash like Piranha Plant, ROB and Pac-Man. Everybody wanted and even expected those characters to get in.

Takes me back

So we had a characters from Sony, a character from Microsoft and a character Japs wanted. I think that we are getting an indie character next since they didn't have any representation. I thought that Undertale would be the choice for them but after Cadence it feels like they are really hitting it off with those devs,also Undertale is dead and the sequel won't be coming in this dev cycle. Steve and Chief are out since the Microsoft rep is already in. Maybe a bethesda rep? We can choose between dragonborn,Blazkowicz and Doomslayer.

If we do get an indie rep (which we most likely aren't), it's definitely gonna be Reimu.

Why wouldn't we? The switch is basking in indies right now. The companies are grateful to Nintendo for giving them a "on the go" platform and nintendo gets a lot of money from them.

I wholeheartedly believe that Crash will be in now.

I feel more likely it’d be a character from Cave Story, which is THE indie game.

To add to my point, Nintendo just gave it's biggest IP to a company that made just one game prior. Also let me point out that this game is seeing commercial success right now

I'm sorry user but you're literally delusional if you think Cave Story have the slightest chance of getting in before Touhou Project. Like, even more delusional than Underfags.

Smash 4 had two Capcom characters introduced (Mega Man and Ryu), though admittedly they were split across DLC and main roster. There’s precedent for two same company third party reps, and I feel with Minecraft’s massive popularity both in the West and in Japan I feel like Steve is a more than likely addition.

Sans is fucking gay as shit though, Undertale sucks and is nowhere near big enough to get into Smash. Sans and Frisk also have no moveset potential whatsoever.

Touhoufags' entire raison d'être is to annoy people to death by pushing Touhou everywhere and doing cross overs with every franchise there is. They've been at it for over ten years now

I just want february to come to laugh at your wife
Sakuya is better

Alright, but if you want me to stop shilling Reimu, you'll have to let me shill this obasan instead.

Attached: Myka9q8mskk.jpg (318x159, 10K)


I feel out of those three Dragonborn is the most likely. A character from a franchise with such a heavy focus on Nazis like BJ is probably too much, even with the gun rule being broken. And while Doom has a pretty impressive pedigree I have no clue if it’s popular in Japan at all, which is a major factor. Skyrim however was pretty big over there and very well recieved.

Junko is the only obasan I'll support

Attached: junko.png (414x300, 91K)

user, people make crossovers with something because they like it, not because they care about your feefeels.

Attached: 1493061916922.png (509x361, 79K)

>Shitty shmups popular with weebs
>The quintessential, most beloved indie game of all time that’s had major influence in the gaming world
Don’t you have a loli to jack off to or something Touhoufag?

>Cave Story
>says the man who calls touhou fans "weebs"
I mean Iji and Braid were one of the first western indie games and they were in no way inspired by Cave Story. Aren't you projecting a little bit, considering how you view a japanese game to be so "quinessential"? I mean you could say the same about touhou, since it was also made by one japanese man.

The only time cave story is brought up these days is when people are suggesting indie characters for smash.
Its completely irrelevant. Touhou came first and still relevant all these years later.

Not to mention fucking Nicalis owns the rights which makes it pure cancer and also not indie.

Springman would be dope

Oh yeah didn't Quote get put into that shitty fighting game?
Another reason he wont be in. I also think 2B, Rayman and other recent guest characters wont be in either. Why would they appear in anything else if Smash was in the works?

Reimufags vs Crashfags as next villain arc please. Crash needs a good villain for smash.

Attached: 2626B1CE-30A1-4D25-ABFB-682BF7A61320.jpg (479x479, 21K)

>I haven't even heard of her before all this rosterfagging shit

Attached: 1298865182843.jpg (382x444, 14K)

Reimu would be:
-A female DLC rep
-A way for nintendo to make a relationship with ZUN who has basically been dealing with sony

But on the other hand Touhou’s relevance is squirreling away pretty quickly and Zun isn’t the bigass companies nintendo is trying to build ties with

So probably not happening

Touhou fans are also not necessarily who you want to appeal to

Only if faggots stop shilling Waluigi and Sora's stupid AIDS ridden ass

Reimu sucks. Tenshi would be a better fighter.

Attached: 1557553728427.gif (500x532, 1.25M)

Leonfags are already fighting them though
Honestly i don't think anything can top banjo vs steve

Because she's able to fit alot of rocks up her ass

Raiden is top 25? Niceee

>Wanting "us vs them" antics
No, fuck you.

Except they are most likely ex stevefags wanting to steer up shit.

Attached: 1537262763493.jpg (512x502, 146K)

out of the characters on that list, fucking 2 made it in LOL
>still taking fan meme polls seriously
holy fuck when will you learn?

Hmm, I don't see Joker and Luminary on that list. Guess tzey are deconfirmed huh?


Try out some of her games, user. They're pretty fun. Start with EoSD

But i like her

>Rex at #1
>Not Pyra/Mythra with a swap mechanic

Or PCB. Either is fine but EoSD has compatibility problems in Windows 10. If you are on W7 then yeah start with EoSD.

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Reimu about to get smashed.

Attached: 1560213856964.jpg (1838x1336, 1.49M)

>Except they are most likely ex stevefags wanting to steer up shit.
This, I don’t think people realize how cancerous these autists are, and they’re not going to just leave when SSB season is over, they’re going to latch onto some other target.

>Reimu is a murderer AND a pedo

>no travis
Nips have shit taste. Who would of thunk?

Based and purepilled

Attached: 1546723575017.jpg (1000x1425, 1.1M)

What if Sakurai decides to fuck with everyone and adds Flan instead? She hasn't appeared in anything besides her original game but is well known because of the memes.

Attached: Flan.jpg (769x1024, 76K)

If they're going for the meme pick, it's gotta be Cirno. No other option.

Attached: 1553452414360.png (909x1250, 809K)

Why do people keep getting on about getting a female dlc rep
Can't you trannys play as one of the existing women?

I just want more cute girls to play as. Is that so hard to ask?

Attached: 1558553093267.gif (128x128, 15K)

Of course there's going to be at least one girl. Also have sex

Sakuya > Reimu

Attached: 20190615032307_1.jpg (2560x1440, 410K)

>multiple hastily drawn red circles and two arrows
>caps lock and saying fuck every second word
Just imagine how hard this user is seething just because someone wants something he doesn't like in smash.
How sad must your life be.

What Smash need is a cute and funny anime swordgirl

Attached: Fs_arche.gif (135x265, 16K)

>She has a shit design and what would she even do? Shoot beams?
She'd fucking murder everyone like the ruthless lazy bum that she is.

Attached: 1471016174383.gif (200x150, 448K)

I really, really want to buy this game, but I don't want to regret my purchase in the case of a Switch port.
Think a Switch port might happen? Lots of Playism published games ended up being ported. Think Playism is sponsoring the effort somehow?

And from the looks of the tabs it seems like he was jerking it reimu anyway

Reimu. A miko deprived of her opportunity to take it easy.

>only 1-2 points out tabs
Yea Forums is fucking pathetic

If it was then it would purely be done by playism, the dev has only made PC exclusive games so far.


They made the Konosuba game for Playstation did they not?

>Starting a screencap of a meme who's primary point is jumpstarting Touhou discussion threads.

They made the megaman konosuba game which was pc only, the ps4 thing is a completely different game and developer

Touhou did for doujin games what Cave Story did for western indies.

Clearly the OP got so enraged at idea of Reimu being in Smash that he had to study her character in detail.

this is fine

Attached: 1520853294060.jpg (1618x1524, 367K)

How does it feel like to be such a fucking newfag?

>But on the other hand Touhou’s relevance is squirreling away pretty quickly
Touhou has been reclining since it first released.

Attached: 1424476267826.png (430x471, 227K)

I wish I could study Reimu.

Attached: 1554822587388.png (639x900, 648K)

/jp/ wants to invade Yea Forums
They wanted their game to be popular for normalfags
knowing zommers, they'll make it new Undertale despite being the og
We will never see the day of the light.

>/jp/ wants to invade Yea Forums
I think the number 1 thing /jp/ wants is to be left alone

>/jp/ wants to invade Yea Forums
>They wanted their game to be popular for normalfags
This is unironically the opposite of what /jp/ wants.

Attached: 1445241327743.gif (468x60, 83K)

It's actually the opposite. Yea Forums wants to invade /jp/. If this ever actually does happen, you know, Reimu getting in Smash, it's going to be fucking ridiculous.

Wanting the occasional female fighter doesn’t make you a tranny, retard

So Reimu is just the new Steveposting, right? Since everyone just mocks Steveposters now? I wish they wouldn't make it so obvious

Reimu posters existed long before the leaks and shitposters started circle jerking over Steve.

I really hope she ends up in Smash.
Her inclusion would be kino.
>hakurei shrine stage
>touhou music
The only thing that worries me is how they might model her.

Attached: 1550059991302.jpg (1280x720, 129K)


Yeah, I'm thinking she's in.

Attached: TapTrialWithFlowers.png (105x185, 6K)

He needs to dilate
You need to have sex
I think something can be arranged here

Spyro 1 sold more than all Doom games released in Japan. Spyro 1 has 56k sales. Doom series is about 30k.
Search here:

She's in. There's nothing you can do about it, it's already decided.

Attached: graphic_miru_1.png (450x720, 233K)

>bullet hell rep with the Isaac/???/Hush fight
>indie rep
>Isaac rep
Yeah I'm thinking he's /in/

>image didn't post
Simply eric

Attached: Isaac_App.png (28x33, 3K)


The Crimson Slasher

Attached: raymoo.jpg (420x248, 18K)


>14 Steve - Minecraft

who is reimu?

Attached: 1482157816908.jpg (699x699, 29K)

It's going to be Reisen, because I said so!

mass murderer

Attached: 21.jpg (982x1440, 531K)

yo wtf. sakurai posts on Yea Forums??

I just wouldn't mind megalovania in the game.

The more I learn about Japanese tastes, the more I dislike them. What is wrong with these idiots who only play arcade style games and jrpgs? These people know literally nothing about games.

Because they live in a culture that still has readily available arcades, game stores, and no reason not to visit them due to the fact that they don't have skyhigh crime and drug problems around every corner.

The reason the west lost most of their arcades is because they became dens of drugs, prostitution, organized crime. No one wanted to deal with that shit, so all of the games fled to consoles where players could play at home and didn't have to worry about being stabbed for their quarters.

So Arcades in Japan are seen as the place you go to play games, consoles are the thing you play in your off-time, and consoles are meant to be time investments at home specifically because they're the counterpart to stepping into an arcade for an hour or so. Which is why JRPGs dominate the home console and arcades dominate the drop-in-and-play action.

As opposed to what?