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The girl in the grey shirt is really hot. I wouldn't pull out.

3 on the right look like they fuck black guys

look the shirt,pls

fucking lesbians...

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What's a demisexual?

you know how weak men preach socialism?
women are weak constantly and preach acceptance towards the most retarded shit

its a incredible thing that girls can ruin literally everything

>you know how weak men preach fidelity in marriage? Strong men are too confident to care about his wife sleeping around

basically a normal person, like demiromantic
it's retarded. but you know
>Look at me i'm so special

Asexuals aren't real. She just hasn't had a good dicking yet.

>it’s women’s fault that all men are horny and will fuck up everything for everyone for the chance of a second of female attention

demisexuals wouldn't use tinder

asexuality is real but not a choice neither a "gender" it's mostly linked with psychologic issues and sometimes physical like vasectomy

>asexuality is real
no it's not


technically you are right because strong men dont get married and just get their kids born by all the women they date and have unprotected sex with, that's what nature intended

settling down with a single woman was created by the church, that's why muslims will always be superior, they know how to keep their women down and have hordes of them that all bare their seed, the west betrays itself

is that it ? well that's a fucking personality trait not a fucking gender kek

the women's fault is be too dumb for this world.
i cant believe that Yea Forums accept it

>muh magic dick
People like you are what makes girls asexual.

read you fuck, I agree with you

Is that how you justify being a literal bastard?

nobody is asexual.
if a human can do sex, he/she'll do

Well put.

cope roastie

this is your brain on /pol/

Jesus Christ what the fuck happened to Yea Forums? Why is it always full of /pol/ now? Seriously Yea Forums was so much better years ago. Now it's just this retarded shit.

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Poltics are everywhere zoom zoom.

True, i miss cunnyposting on Yea Forums and shitting on emos and furries.


/pol/ and Yea Forums have a children now,remember here...

Fuck off goatfucker.

can I have that gosling pic? I need it for my collection

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Yea Forums always used to shit on degeneracy, but it wasn't too much about politics

You’re just jelly of the bastard /pol/ offspring of cumdumps, their fathers may be unknown but they are strong.

Maybe it's the current state of men (examples: Yea Forums, gamers more generally, etc.) that makes girls want to forego sex? I don't really care whether it's a physiological, otherwise inherent or learned behaviour, but what is interesting is that it is experienced and increasingly so.

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penis envy

>years ago
Dude, GG was nearly 5 years ago, you reap what you sow faggot.

here we go,my brother

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Retard that’s a dogfucker race champion that wants to preserve whites by breeding bastards.

I really feel bad for you if you find that hot

thanks mate

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have sex
am I missing any or

because gamergate and women made games incomprehensibly soi and onion, destroying the white males excaping reality sanctuary not having to interact with people into a bunch of propaganda and theory that is the same and boring as fuck.

Gaming is political apparently, so /pol/ is a reaction to the current situation.

She's a solid 8/10.

Because videogames is full of /leftypol/ now.


What is that, some kind of penis enlargement pill?

When that one guy who always joined the groupchat started talking about trump, the group chat dissolved, why would I or anyone want to talk politics with a bunch of idiots?, sorry I meant gamers.
At least here its just shit posting, trying to get a rise out of each other or funnylolepic memes although its real bad during australia hours as this thread shows and has always been.

Having sex is an intimate act, people nowadays are letting go of real relantionships, because they're too complex, having a friend to have cybersex then masturbate to porn is way easier than trying to find a proper date.

I supposed it's what a bisexual would call themselves if they didn't want to trigger the "more than two genders" crowd

I would be behind you not pulling out while you are not pulling out of her.


She makes me solid. Would regularly visit her social media accounts for new pictures without ever adding her.

LOL fucking FEMCEL, have bond pairing!

Imagine joining a special club with their own special flag designed for everyone and then thinking they're not special enough so you make your own group with your own flag.

So... how do I find out grey shirt's Twitter and/or Instagram?

women have never liked or enjoyed sex, it's simply a tool to get what they need


that time is over. Trump was also in large party a reaction to growing political correctness. Well come to the ride user. It never ends. This is a /pol/ board now. Honk Honk.

You're the only s o y here, crybaby. Stop playing the victim faggot

nice projection, dilate.

I don't know about that (or rather I do but let's not waste time on that) but if that's what you believe shouldn't you be doubly concerned if girls don't want anything from you?

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Do you ever think maybe it's kinda dumb to solely base your opinions and how you feel about things be dictated entirely by being opposed to the thoughts and opinions of a group of people you dislike based almost entirely on memes

>girls can ruin literally everything

hello, smelly faggot incel.

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This is retarded. Children in that situation are much more likely to end up as failures. Practically every school shooter wasn't raised by their biological father.

Ideally the situation had a smart woman keeping her legs shut until she found a man who stuck around. Sleeping around and having bastard children or waiting until their late 30's and having autists has fucked the west.

Practically every school shooter was white

No, because some people don't like to be used as tools,believe it or not.

Beside, it's just as said. Nowadays "freedom" is worth more than intimacy, And .
communitarianism doesn't help.

nice projection. men decided not to have sex with women because they are no longer worth it. women have always tried to attract men and still do using make up and clothing, men simply dont want the risk involved of being accused of rape and having no way to defend themselves because if a women calls rape its automatically correct.

women are no longer staying at home to raise children, they are career hunters, akin to what other men used to do, and men have never dated other men in work its uncharted territory and the freedom of women nowadays is still reeking havoc on the social relationship ecosystem.

Hypergamy, etc, youve heard all the arguments before, women used told of a boy down the road that is great for her and she should do something about it, if she didnt she would be shamed by the other women, nowadays women want chadimus maximus dick as well as a husband, paired with the internet and internet dating, its never been easier for a top 10% genetic attractiveness male to have a group of girls on the go.

Women then try to settle in the 40s when all dried up and roasted.

How did a dead board win the culture war and where are the (good) /pol/ videogames?

A failure only by a modern context which nature doesn't give a fuck about. The chimp whip laid with 20 other chimps had around 20 kids and the one that laid with 1 might've had 1 if he was lucky.

>it's not like i want to get laid anyways!
Holy cope.

what basing all of your opinions on how you are accepted in society and not thinking otherwise because that would be emotional pain being rejected by society but being right?

Remember most people here were probably rejected by society as a young child so its been the default network system running in their brain, and so it's easier to just use logic that goes against society because society is mostly illogical. It depends on it desu.

Oddly enough I wanted the destruction of society, and society wanted to go on, but now society seems to want to destruct itself, and I want to save it.

I guess thats what you have when a bunch of chidlren decide what direction society goes in, sorry not not children, women and boys without a good father.

Sex is overrated. I only care about having a romantic relationship, rather than a sexual one.

The amazing part is that some people feel the need to define themselves as such in this particular way. I mean, you don't want to fuck anyone (yeah, as if)? More power to you. Turning this into a political matter and into a fucking part of your identity is ridiculous though. Nobody gives a single fuck about what happens in your bedroom, so why do they feel the need to flaunt it? It only make them look like fucking posers.

>Aces rise up
Aren't aces just incels who are lying to themselves?

been laid, was fun, feeling lasted a week or so then went away. More to life to sex user, but for most of the teenage year sex is like the life goal.

Sex is the roasties calling card, and once you don't want or require that to feel satisfied in life then women are gonna come after you "Why you dont want some pussie user? not like you can get it anyway lol! look guys at this loser! Now one of you other guys come after my pussy before you are a loser too! hehehe!"

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we live in a society where now, you need to be pride about everything!
look at me!!!

More cope. Yes, I have indeed heard all these incel ramblings before, and I can tell that all your great insights comes from idiots on Yea Forums and not actual experiences. Women are much like men. Most are shit but some are alright, and that's how it always were. If you can't get laid, I'm sorry, have a romantic relationship that's a you problem.

When you grow up you recognise that even if it doesn't serve you personally, a strong and ordered society is good for mankind as a whole. You would want to save it because the discomfort you feel is better than the raw, bloody anarchy of the alternative.

they don't forego it, they simply don't get any (or have some traumatic experience like being raped) and then convince themselves they didn't want it anyway because they are asexual.

And unluckily enough most people are teenager, and young teenager at that, for their whole life, particularly nowadays.

This being said, enjoy being called gay.

>there is no problem with the way relationships work in the current society

You just proved that you're the incel here, genius. Saying the good old not all women are like that is one thing, but saying that throwaway culture as a whole didn't result a massive impact on social relationships culturally, something that has been observed multiple times, just shows that you're the one without a brain and without enough experience. You're pretty much arguing against sociology here.

I could get laid but I don't fuck ugly chicks.

Is the whole sexual identity thing just something that people now use to replace what would've been their national identity or something

god bless globalism and all that

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Pretty much. It's just the same old crap about people needing some "place to belong" and needing to feel like a special snowflake. Although it sadly isn't limited to sexuality at all.

you're contradicting yourself
you're criticizing people for being tribal and also criticizing them for wanting to be individuals