Will this be the most realistic looking game once it releases for PC?
Will this be the most realistic looking game once it releases for PC?
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>once it releases for PC
incel cope redditor faggot have sex gain height back to /pol/ numale basedboy
no, the game is not realistic looking and doesn't try to do so
which is why it manages to look great
They are going to release it when it gets a remaster for the next-next-gen consoles so they can triple their profits while the interest is there
Based Rockstar. I'll be buying it again for PC. I out 250 hours into it on my PS4, that's like 2cents per hour or something
It will probably be the best looking game of all time, but I don't know about most realistic.
Shouldn't you try to get RDR1 first?
>I play games for realism
If it does, then yeah, probably. I revkon there'll be a hard upper limit to how ocnvincing the facial animations are, however.
I want to warn all you PCfags in advance though -- the story stretches out for fucking forever in the middle. It'll feel like a slog until you get to the (worthwhile) payoff in the final act of the story. At least you'll get to easily mod/hack the online to be not-shit
Never own a ps4. have modded ps3 but played vidya mostly in PC and my PC can run anything 1080p ultra 75fps without breaking a sweat and i dont believe that RDR2 come to PC.
Only retards did believe that bullshit rumor.
You are talking to gamers. You can have a cheap anime artstyle, but if it has more polygons than anything else on the market they will think it's the most realistic thing they've ever seen.
You are a literal brainlet and most likely a neet virgin who still has posters from high school on his wall while the rest of his peers are in careers and marrying.
Drink your meds, kid.
Why even care about that when gameplay is the most important aspect. Yes, tour game should look decent and the artstyle can't be a mess either, but please, PLEASE focus on gameplay.
Not enough loot boxes for ya?
More than likely. GTA 5 on pc is still one of the best looking open world games out there despite being based on the ps3 gen
gta 5 looks like dogshit now
yes once they milk the ps5 and xbox scarlet than they will release it for pc
>Source : Your delusional brain
Wow now i cant wait for TLOU to come to PC after this !!
It's never coming out on PC because... um, uh... the first one didn't so yeah it's a pattern like Smash Newcomers.
0/10 apply yourself or put your phone down and get some sleep
Your mental condition is worser than me. I have insomnia but you have delusional mentality disorder.
Lol PC cucks are so pathetic. Begging for an unfun game consoles have had for almost a year now, and is already dead and everyone has forgotten about
You can't brute force bait kiddo.
June 2019... I am... forgotten....
This game was fun af lol stick to fortnite lol
Except its not a bait, its the truth.
If your mental condition is normal. You would accept that RDR2 will never come to PC.
What the fuck do you even mean with that you retard, what do lootboxes have to do with what I said. I despise them as well, but that's besides the point
posts anime thanks for confirming youre retarded is clearly gonna come to pc but only after taketwo has milked the next gen consoles youtube.com
Woah so real................................
Its 2000+19 and anyone can easily fake this shit
If your "mental condition" is normal then you're an idiot, because that's the norm these days. If you have any sense, you'll know Rockstar will double-dip on profits. I have no doubt it will come to PC because it's so fucking anticipated.
RDR is never a PC series in the first place like GTA. Your delusion is still delusion. And its obviously retarded if they released this straight to RDR2 first but not RDR1 and RDRevolver
>RDR is never a PC series in the first place like GTA
You're telling me you believe a company hellbent on making as much money as possible actually gives a fuck about that kind of shit?
4K horse balls Pc wins again!
Do you fucks actually care about what box you play children’s games on?
They need to fix stranger missions online. Should give you more exp/money the quicker you run it. Hate waiting 10-15 minutes to turn in a wagon etc.
Unless RDR and RDRevolver released on PC first or even announced, RDR2 PC will never come.