Yea Forums has brainwashed you into thinking this game is good

Yea Forums has brainwashed you into thinking this game is good

>No indication of where roads lead
>No hint to what enemies are weak to
>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
>No warning to avoid status effects
>No clue to which items are masterworks

literally how can anyone defend this shit?

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Don't forget the lack of information as to how wolves hunt

>have top pay attention means it's trash
How's it hanging, zoom zoom?

get good zoomer

>>No indication of where roads lead
The map is linear as fuck, you have to be brain-dead not to know where to go
>>No hint to what enemies are weak to
Wow experimentation and hiring good pawns is hard
>>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
Use eyes and wolves hunt in packs
>>No warning to avoid status effects
The game tells you multiple times and to stock up on curatives
>>No clue to which items are masterworks
They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong

go play Dragon's Dogma newfags
You should know better

Stop speaking to yourself in public.

>this entire post

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Go get good zoomer instead of complaining

Ironic pasta. Not that the game doesn’t have flaws.

Those aren't my complaints, mine is that the same enemies spawn in the same locations so it gets repetitive. Autists here love monotony though.

In a few minutes, you're going to feel real dumb.

I'm not OP. You get good, since you clearly haven't played DD


Every damn time

amazing how someone falls every single time this bait gets posted

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>Why are you attacking me in my stupid fucking complaining thread stop
God shut the fuck up zoomers

Fucking zoomers, I'm screencapping this and compiling it with posts just like it that show how your generation has failed

>Not getting the joke
New here, zoomer?

I feel like anyone who gets mad at this pasta doesn't read the whole thing, or is just fucking stupid as hell

People are falling for this bait on purpose, right?

> not hint to the fire weaknesses of enemies

I ne'er e'en play'd this game and I can see this is a falseflagging thread.

yes, of course Yea Forums is a collection of autists spewing old memes at each other and calling your taste shit, which it is and you should be ashamed.

>no indication of where roads lead
All roads lead to Gran Soren

Is this the real autism?

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how is it even possible to fall for this

I honestly wish they had made the game easier. It's not right to be fighting those tough as fuck bandits in the beginning of the game. Like I spent 4 hours trying to beat them to no avail so I had to fucking uninstall. Heard so many good things from you channers about making epic Loli pawns and I really wanted to get to experience it


cope sex

>see tree
>no audio cue telling you it's large


Have seethe.

>No indication of where roads lead
All roads lead to Gran Soren
>No hint to what enemies are weak to
Goblins ill like fire
>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
Wolves hunt in packs arisen
>No warning to avoid status effects
Take care you aren't soaked in water
>No clue to which items are masterworks
They're masterworks all you cant go wrong

There are people on Yea Forums that actually took OP seriously haha wow.

>No hint to what enemies are weak to


Goblins, OP! Their kind hates thinking and shitposts both!


>he still doesnt get it
Zoom zoom

Explain the ending of Dragon's Dogma without looking it up

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you become god and then kill yourself to become the dragon and fight yourself in an endless loop


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>no indication of foes being troubling or not

There is no end.

Stereotypical cyclical Jap shit where you kill God at the end

Dragon's Dogma is a shit game but for entirely different reasons.
The open world is dead and boring. Bitterblack is such a vast imrpovement over it exactly because it's a big fucking dungeon with some secrets instead.
The damage threshold system is universally TRASH. It creates most of the balance problems starting with virtually invulnerable bandit in the beginning (who is only i think suseptible to throwblasts but the game gives you no indication about it) to becoming instantly overpowered after a single gear change. There's no feeling of organic difficulty in any way. Endgame means just stacking periapts and spammin the same 1-2 skills.
RNG-based loot is shit. BBI purification is doubly so.
Healing design is awful. Literally BOTW tier except here you can just buy dirt cheap restoratives and spam them forever.
Class balance is shit. Pure reds are worthless and warrior is the worst designed class in the game, pure blues are mind-numbingly boring awesome buttons, hybrids are better but mystic knight is still lame as shit and blatantly poorly designed because of the constant need to re-buff and over-reliance on magic cannon.
Pacing is fucked. Intro is among the worst designed ARPG intros i've ever seen, especially the horrible slog that is the road to Gran Soren. I won't even say a word about the quest design because it has some of the worst quest archetypes imaginable like the fucking escort missions.

Overall the game is a clunky unfinished piece of garbage. I really wish Itsuno to either never touch this concept again or actually spend some time desiging the sequel so it won't end up being the same giant piece of a turd.

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hows dragons dogma online? I tried it on ps4 but I can't read moon, pc has an english patch if anything that'd be a better indication of a sequel than the original as its been continually developed since its release

Do you feel stupid yet?

>No indication of where roads lead
>No hint to what enemies are weak to
>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
>No warning to avoid status effects
That's just good design.
>No clue to which items are masterworks

DD2 is coming after he did well with DMC5 desu

>DD2 is coming

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It's pretty likely user

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This, its basically a korean mmo but offline

There is something in your head. It's called a brain. USE IT!

A crummy brain? Should have been using a pail of water!

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There's aught here.

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>There's no feeling of organic difficulty
i don't get it, what is "organic" difficulty? and is there an inorganic difficulty to oppose it?

The prologue is literally straight line to Gran Soren and from there it branches out to like two or three other areas.

>i don't get it, what is "organic" difficulty
It's when the game has a smooth difficulty curve that provides you with a steady challenge instead of throwing impossible foes on your way in first 20 minutes or making you an invulnerable one punch man later on.

I tried the game 2x now, and this time made twice the effort to get as far as I could, fight as much as I could.
I could see how people like this game, it's just not for me. I have 3 issues with it, but really only 2.
1. enemies spawn in the same places, which makes the game monotonous, but that's just me. Maybe other anons don't mind it.
2. the UI is not for PC. Organizing shit is a bit frustrating because I'm using the keyboard like a controller. I'd rather organize my stuff using the mouse
3. minor: It would've been really nice if the other offline pawns levelled up too.


really? No one mentioned how convoluted it is to minmax a vocation?

it's not that hard

theres almost 0 benefit to minmaxing as all the stats are in the weapons and armor you get

Minmaxing is honestly never needed because the game throws overpowered equipment at you later.
Some of the classes have a hilariously awful stat growth though.

I pity you, I like all of the thing you mentioned. Only the healing system could be better, like having a cooldown after consuming a restorative.

>I like all of the thing you mentioned
No, i pity YOU user.

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Going to do a 2nd playthrough. Any advice on what vocation to play after warrior?

as long as you dont spend a 100 levels as a mage or a magic Archer you be fine.

play solo assassin, poke their eyes out

How fucking autistic and new are you lmao



She cute.

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I guess your first games were played on a ps3? That's when games became so easy I stopped playing. What you described sounds like an actual video game. Maybe I'll give it a go.

No you don't, also I have 400h in Dragon's Dogma PC alone, best game of my life.