*ruins your gaming session*

*ruins your gaming session*


Other urls found in this thread:


delete this you have no idea mister

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I hate those little faggots so much.

I would rather deal with a spider than a cockroach.

cute, remember that spiders are bros and actually kill real harmful insects every day

I remember when faggots modded out the spiders in Skyrim and replaced them with bears or something.

haha he's got normal people eyes

Spiders are absolute bros and should never be harmed. It's a fucking normie meme that spiders need to be burned and anybody who parrots it is a retarded pleb. Now ants, fuck ants.

t. a spider
>nooo why are you mad bro i just wanted to bite through your cornea with my horrific hairy mandibles and suck out your sweet eyeball juice

Spider a cute.

Why do developers insist on boring generic spider bodies instead of the true spook kino spider body type? Even Bloodborne lacked in this regard

Attached: Black-widow.jpg (2272x1704, 629K)

Mad cuz he beat you again huh?

Attached: a18.jpg (1024x768, 80K)

>stuck on Sword Saint Isshin for 4 hours
>spider says, "Hey bro, pass me the controller."
>he beats the final boss in one try

and so I squashed him with my shoe!

Yeah no. Not every spider. Especially not the one in the OP. Wolf Spiders are assholes.

how's it going :)

Attached: 300px-Bed_bug,_Cimex_lectularius.jpg (299x210, 22K)

why the fuck would a spider crawl onto your eyeball you crazy person

Silly, the spider was actually just ridding us of that other totally non-spider related insect in the cornea. Thanks spider bro

Bullshit. I got bit in the armpit by a brown recluse in my sleep when I was a kid. They're little satanic assholes, and should be destroyed on sight or at least relocated outside.


hanging out with my pet tarantula and playing Guitar Hero was a highlight of my childhood

>being afraid of spiders
Unless you live somewhere that the spiders can kill you don't be pathetic

Good luck, I'm behind 10,000 house centipedes.

To drink your tears while you sleep, of course.

This, any red blooded male who hates spiders is reddit

Jesus fucking Christ thats horrifying

No matter where you live, there's going to be some kind of spider that can fuck your shit up.

>ever taking your chances
No thanks, not a spider expert, so just blast every single one of them.

Yes, hardwired survival instinct is pure reddit.

>he doesn't own a silverfish

Attached: LepismaSaccharina.jpg (2000x1435, 1.14M)

>Wolf Spiders are assholes.
What did he mean by this?
>tfw just nailed one out of the park because fucker is huge

Impressive. How close were you to death?

>Randomly get bedbugs one day
>deal with them for a week
>uncle is staying over in a guest room, and i happen to catch a glimpse into his room and see a new couch that wasnt there before
>there are bedbugs essentially swarming around the legs and seams of that fucking couch
>turns out this asshole picked up a random curb couch from who knows where, brought it into our house, and got it into the guest room without anyone noticing
>yell at him to get rid of it
>bedbugs luckily didnt get a foothold in the other furniture and practically disappeared the day after the couch got thrown out

Attached: Very angry dog transforms into a drill.jpg (640x640, 51K)

fuck spiders

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WoW has spiders that look like that

I love this spider!

Attached: 1481984613317.webm (640x360, 1.18M)


I don't remember too much about it, just that my arm got really red and itchy. I got some kind of shot, and put on some kind of meds, so it's not like the flesh went necrotic or anything.

holy shit

>blocks your path

Attached: gold_striped_earwig.width-800.0361620.jpg (800x600, 108K)

Ever since the accident I always make sure to check my headphones for those fuckers.

Looks like a fucking DEELDO.

>*crawls behind your monitor, scares you shitless and makes you paranoid for the rest of your life about being there again at any given moment*

Attached: 1533001710562.jpg (1200x675, 69K)

I actually found out the other day there are iridescent tarantulas, dumping pics

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>the accident
what happened

Attached: 1553457780238.gif (333x250, 794K)

feels good to live in a country with no poisonous bugs, and only one spider that bites at all
burgers and aussies takes the L once again

>Oh.. I see you decided to wear short pants today, huh? That's understandable, it's sooo HOT today.. ahh, just talking about it made me sooo thirsy.. y'know, I think I'll have something to DRINK... come fill me up, baby... bottoms up...

wtf is that

Attached: FFFDE738-3301-41E5-814B-3276DDEF5E3A.jpg (468x345, 14K)

similar looking but different species

Attached: brazilian blue diamond tarantula artour_a aka arthur anker on flickr.jpg (862x1200, 435K)

What kind of small ass country is that? You must have way worse issues then.

>camping out in the bush with family
>everyone's trying to get to sleep
>bored in tent
>start fucking around with the flashlight
>spot the biggest fucking spider I've ever seen on the roof of the tent
>drop the flashlight in a panic
>grab it after scrambling around like a retard
>shine it where the spider was
>it's gone

Attached: fuck.jpg (250x250, 11K)

Is this just an inside joke I'm missing out on ? I don't really like spiders IRL, but i don't really give two shits about them in-game.

>You must have way worse issues then
other than expensive booze and Somalia-tier roads, not really

Attached: 1548708742090.jpg (157x250, 7K)

i have a juvenile of that exact species, spiders are cute and based

Attached: 1550831633578.png (629x767, 651K)

Are those things actually venomous, or are they just really fucking creepy looking?

as someone who had them twice i would have beaten him into a coma

There was a guy I used to follow on youtube who has a shitload of tarantulas, and would upload feeding videos and whatnot, and he had a couple of those.

I remember reading once that there are butterflies that drink the tears of tortoises because it's the only way they can get sodium in their diet

A lot of vidya spiders are toned the fuck down
I felt the same until I played Hollow Knight
Deepnest was the spookiest shit ever on my first playthrough

it's half memeing and half people who unironically get that hysterical over spiders. Does anyone else remember people getting so freaked out over Skyrim spiders that someone made a mod to turn them all into bears instead?

are they yours? what species?

this one just looks like that spider from The Future is Wild

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>the accident

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I knew exactly what I was clicking on yet I still shuddered once I opened it

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once again you disappointing me Yea Forums

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>the accident

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He looks like he drops rare loot

Yeah, no way. Spiders in Borderlands 2 were spooky since there were so many of them and they would jump on you and you can't outrun them. Luckily you can literally burn them with fire. Sure it's not super spooky, but it was spooky enough.

No they're just super creepy

Put my headphones on while biking. One of those fuckers was inside the left earphone. Didn't attack until I was halfway down the road. Got distracted trying to get the fucker in my ear and ran into a telephone pole. Shattered two of my ribs and ruined my bike.

i think all chilopods have venom but good luck getting these ones to bite if it's even possible

t. literally cockroaches
stay salty roachcucks spiderchads will take more and more of you every day

Not mine but looks like a Mexican Red Knee

Attached: mfakioglu on Instagram My Amazon Blue Bloom Tarantula, just about to take her trademark stance; rais (1080x1080, 261K)

I have murdered so many of these. No idea where they come from

Their bite might hurt you. The venom is really weak and shouldn't be dangerous to humans, unless you are allergic to it.

An ungodly eldritch abomination that probably lives in your house without you even knowing. They usually only come out at night, but you might get really unlucky like me and see this in action in daytime. They're also fast as shit, faster than you could ever imagine in fact.
It isn't venomous, but you will feel the bite, it's kind of similar to a bee's sting. That's what the internet says, anyway, I've never been bitten by these myself, just terrified for life.


Attached: original (1).jpg (1536x2048, 1.84M)

this one is really crazy looking

Attached: Antilles Pinktoe.jpg (900x960, 252K)

>unless you are allergic to it.
>tfw you won't know until it gets you
Why even take the chance? Some people just live life on the edge.

No, that's the Huntsman Spider who hunts roaches. Wolf Spiders inject venom that causes cellular necrosis.

Second part meant for

there are spiders in Borderlands 2? I don't even remember them

Attached: PurpleBloom.jpg (473x468, 46K)

>that one time you found someone fucking one of those.

Attached: 1516313498428.png (400x521, 127K)

>An ungodly eldritch abomination that probably lives in your house without you even knowing. They usually only come out at night, but you might get really unlucky like me and see this in action in daytime. They're also fast as shit, faster than you could ever imagine in fact.

Attached: 1550910528401.jpg (500x508, 26K)

i think it will only fuck you up if you are also allergic to bee stings. but i'm not 100% sure

These two fuckers look almost the same, holy shit.

Attached: 1526661419326.png (904x542, 26K)

>fetish is girls getting tangled/stuck in webs
>next to no porn of it anywhere
I hate being me.

why are Turks bothering you when you play games

I want one

I can't even look at pictures of spiders without shivering in horror, does this happen to anyone else?


Attached: ef7.jpg (500x370, 29K)

>are ya winning son

Attached: 64656.jpg (610x343, 43K)

Add in having big spiders laying eggs inside them and you're me.

It used to happen to me until recently, but this just about cured my arachnophobia entirely when I first saw it IRL.

>fetish is women being forced to endure having insects crawling in their vag and anus

this needs to be more common

I'm pretty sure that's either a pink zebra (E. campestratus) or a Chaco golden knee tarantula (G. pulchripes), they look pretty similar.

Attached: clatterclaws.webm (480x360, 1.4M)

there's that one enemy in TiTS

cool if true

>living near the forest
ah, summer

Attached: 1551375458298.png (599x658, 270K)

the drain and also from the outside
pour some stuff down the drain

>shitskin beaner family moves in next door
>absolute garbage humans, leave trash everywhere and never clean anything up
>within 2 months start noticing roaches in/around the house despite maintaining a clean home
>nothing I do can get rid of them, more keep showing up every week what the FUCK
>turns out all the garbage they left outside the house was attracting them
>other neighbors call them out because of this shit
>wetbacks start screeching in their mudman babble
>police had to show up and evict them because apparently the inside of the house was a biological disaster
>guys with full hazmat suits had to seal it off and go room by room removing furniture absolutely coated with roach shit
>even their efforts weren't enough to root out all of the bastards
>move the fuck out and never saw a roach again

God I fucking hate non-whites.

Attached: 1449540029685.png (245x267, 107K)

Thanks user, will do

Absolutely disgusting

you are a retarded fuck
all you have to do in borderlands 2 to break AI is keep jumping

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, looking at the ceiling and this 20 cm poisonous Mukade motherfucker just drops on your face.

Attached: 5850965945_ca0c3a0d35_b.jpg (1024x585, 212K)

Attached: 4534256543456.jpg (750x563, 54K)

i'll take the bite so i can keep it as a pet

>why do you stay inside all day, user?
>we need to get you out of your cave this weekend, haha :)

Attached: 06102019_ticks_Flickr.2e16d0ba.fill-735x490.jpg (735x490, 89K)

Please elaborate

t. didn't play UVH solo

Truly, I wouldn't wish a roach infestation on even my worst enemy. How those subhumans let it reach such a level of infestation is beyond me. The new place I moved to has a HOA who won't put up with that shit, thank god.

>That scene in King Kong where that centipede's antenna are touching Naomi Watts' face.

Attached: 1551737984309.jpg (640x476, 27K)

Attached: 234567897865.jpg (1620x1080, 527K)

One of my fondest memories as a child was getting back from a fishing trip with my dad and spending the next 30 minutes in the bathroom using matches to burn the ticks off of each other.

>tfw you saw one of these run across the floor the other day
I hope it gets eaten by the big spider that lives downstairs

i did
multiple times
difficulty doesnt do shit against AI either so i dont know what your point is


Attached: YtI7jG.gif (320x180, 2.03M)

spiders are bros, but these motherfuckers all need to die. my childhood dog died from one of these fucks

>the accident

Attached: 3ba61c4e446e3ec1aec65769f8d1f4d3.jpg (1000x750, 71K)

Protip, aint no spider want a piece of a centipede. Centipedes are the niggers of the insect kingdom and will thoroughly rape the shit out of anything within a 50 meter radius.

Any time I go to my sister's house, I either find a tick embedded in me the next day, or I get fucking lit up by chiggers. The worst one was 92 bites, all over my waist, taint, dick, and balls, and it was just from me taking all of five steps into a treeline going after a ball. Chigger bites are some of the most excruciatingly itchy bites I've ever experienced.


better save your spider, user

know a guy who contracted lyme disease from a tick bite
5 years down the road and it completely fucked him up.
tick genocide when

>wants to add you on Steam

>caught one of these dudes about to burrow into my dick

>drops down from the ceiling on a web strand and lands on your keyboard while you're late night progression raiding causing a wipe when you freak the fuck out

Not a chance. If there's anything I've learned from Japanese bug fights, it's that centipedes fuck everything up.

I don't have these abominations but FUCK ME they're horrifying

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (737x556, 109K)

Imagine eating those eggs

Attached: 1024px-Argas_spec_columbidae.jpg (1024x675, 136K)

look on the bright side. at least you only get chiggers instead of jiggers

The humanised eyes make it far more scary than it is or should be.

Would you rather peel back your foreskin to find a cluster of ticks all around the head of your cock OR take a shit in a toilet infested with venomous centipedes?

Not true, I live in the Netherlands, spiders are all tiny and harmless here.

Surely you meant to say "improves", right? Based spider bros deploying anti mosquito barriers around the flat make summer bearable

>Japanese bug fights

Attached: 1512776862803.png (671x774, 49K)

but they cute

Attached: Spider_Pepe.jpg (300x300, 13K)

Your spider is fucking dead.

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>wolf spiders keep getting into my house
Do I just spray raid under my front door as a deterrent?

>"brown recluses are more scared of you than you are of them :))))"
>almost all cases of bites occur in the middle of the night when you unconsciously roll over on them
you don't know what fear is until you live in a recluse infested house and go to bed every night knowing you could wake up risk to a very painful 3 months

Attached: 1560269049768.jpg (400x400, 20K)

>legendary spider

We have cute spiders

Attached: Springspin.jpg (950x633, 96K)

*counters everything*

Attached: 6346346346.png (668x593, 670K)

>live at the coast
>those guys are running around everywhere

Found 10 the other day in the kitchen. No idea how they got in.

Attached: 511337710-cangrejo-fantasma-cangrejo-fantasma-bizarro-provincia-sur.jpg (960x540, 52K)

Your hagfish scares no one, only those opposed to slime

uwu hes cute

get the fuck out of this anons house though

are they dangerous? looks cute

I love these fucks, they have so much personality

At least you ca eat hem.

One of these crawled on to my face at night and bit my eyelid when I swiped it away. Hate these fuckers with a passion.

Not the usual kind of crab infestation.

>start of the summer
>baby mosquitoes just slip through

i walked into gamestop last year and there was a fat kid who looked to be about ten with a mohawk holding a tarantula. He had a little plastic cage from the pet store but the tarantula as out on his arm. i just turned around and left

If it won't kill them, sure. Maybe try putting a towel in the door crack?

they just want to say hi user

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when they get the chance

Attached: 1492601352071.webm (592x320, 1.29M)

>not having spiders on top of the net

This one is cool as fuck

big and CHONKY

Attached: white-tailed-bumblebee-queen-bombus-lucorum-6.jpg (2769x3441, 1.3M)

A spider lived in the corner of my stairs for 3 years. I shot at him with a BB gunand pretty sure i hit his leg. Fucker looked so goofy and panicked, flailing legs around. haven't seen him in weeks.

I also saw a big centipede right above him one time and thought he was a goner, but he survived apparently.

Bro, let me in. I'm a honeybee, and I'll give you honey.

Attached: Vespula_germanica_Richard_Bartz.jpg (1499x2000, 1.2M)

what does he look like when hes BALD though?

Eat them.

>A spider lived in the corner of my stairs for 3 years
user... It wasn't the same spider.

While I hate spiders for being creepy fucks, I can appreciate them being in any other room other than my room. Ants, however, should be fucking nuked and their Queens raped with poisons.
>leave a finished plate of food/cup of anything sugary out for a minute and you'll have an entire colony crawling in it
>hand smells like shit when you crush them while swiping them away
>spraying the path they take and the hole they crawl out of with pest-killer stops them for a day before they replenish their army the next day
>crawl into your computer and fuck it up
God I fucking hate ants

No it doesn’t

Latter, just squat lol

Exact same spot, exact size every day. it never moved, pretty sure it doesn't use webs.

Ants are the jews of insects.
They should be removed. Especially anything that burrows into wood.

*Mindlessly bumps into your outdoor light until getting bored or dazed*

Attached: CD55DF4B-110A-4B5D-B585-8C088E33AAE8.jpg (1470x1370, 234K)

This one looks like a mini Shelob.

Sure dude come right on in!

>find a small spider
>take him with toilet paper and put him on a plant
i hope he's ok,i can't find him anymore

>>spraying the path they take and the hole they crawl out of with pest-killer stops them for a day before they replenish their army the next day
Waste of money and effort. Boil a kettle and pour it into the nest.


I know spiders have 8 legs but what are the two smaller leg type things at the front for? Are they feelers or something? What do they do? On these bigger spiders they are easier to see.

poor birb, those crabs look goofy af though

>play Battlefield
>suddenly hear bomber armada arriving
>actually is just bumblebro flailing around the widow

>try to kill a spider on the floor
>he outmaneuver me and hides in the tiny ass hole IN THE FLOOR PANEL

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God this.

Attached: 1549341579530.png (500x300, 26K)


Pedipalps IIRC, essentially the sex organs of the spider. Generally the male of the species has more pronounced pedipalps than the female, you can see this really clearly on 'house' spiders.

Attached: 1557520287234.webm (960x960, 416K)

Attached: fat bee.webm (1280x720, 2.37M)

Tarantulas and jumping spiders are bros.
Wolf spiders on the other hand...

>big spiders
>not small girls
shrunken woman x normal insect is underrated

so fat he pulls off the flowers

wolf spiders are the exact middle between tarantulas and jumping spiders though

>Hear a buzzing noise near my window
>Check it out
>It's a bee in a web as a fat spider is bearing down on it like that one scene from the original The Fly
>Stab at the spider with a stick, didn't hit it but it backs off and hides in some hole
>Manage to get the bee out without hurting it, manage to put it on a plant but it's still covered in web
>Somehow manages to wriggle out of the webbing after an hour or so and flies away unharmed
It was weirdly satisfying.

Attached: spider web.webm (480x480, 1.24M)

Why are they so perfect?

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I thought furries were supposed to be accepting of all people, being hated degenerates and all

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*dabs on bugfags*

Attached: chickadee.jpg (2672x1832, 162K)

>tfw no bee or moth boyfriend

Attached: mothandbee.png (546x496, 177K)

That's just mexicans.

I'm half white/black and my home is spotless. Then again I was raised entirely by my white side so ya know...

Attached: lamp design.png (1413x728, 18K)

>laying in bed with laptop shitposting
>room only lit up by laptop
>feel something crawling up my leg
>huge ass Huntsman Spider sitting behind my knee
>launch him across the room and immediately GTFO
I fucking hate Australia

Attached: 1556320227591.png (540x543, 266K)

Imagine having blue eyes. Literally subhuman arthropods.

I don't know if this is a North Carolina thing but more than anything we're infested with giant dragonflies during summer. The fuckers are enormous and curious, they just zip around you a few times.

did your black dad leave your white mom? oh no no no

fucking wanker

Attached: fca.jpg (303x300, 13K)

>tick genocide when
They are incredibly hard to kill

>see what i later discovered was a wolf spider on the kitchen floor while getting a midnight snack
>poke it with my toe so that it would go under the fridge or something and i wouldn't have to deal with it (it was massive)
>literally hundreds of baby spiders fall off its back and scurry back up its legs as it runs under the fridge
>leaves at least fifty babby spiders on the floor behind it

Attached: vidya boss that multiplies to increase evasion.jpg (599x337, 29K)

>tfw disgusted by anything bigger than a mosquito
why insect are so fucking creepy

Based user.


Attached: We_Are_All_Nazis_Here.png (498x593, 204K)


Attached: Scorpion_vs._Centipede.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

I don't have my anti-Spider bowie knife license yet

lol pussy

I hate those damn things. Too many eyes you know.

>my speed is superior, so I'm sure to win

Dude I work outside and have to deal with ticks on the regular. I don't wish it on anyone

*casually saves your crops*

Attached: iStock_3405593_LadyBug.jpg (1880x1000, 147K)

My dad is white.

>fairies stuck in spiderwebs being bred by spiders
The ultimate fetish.

*kills you*
hehe, nothing personel

Attached: reclusa.jpg (450x298, 21K)

>bleeds out of his ass onto your finger and flies away

Attached: drunk spider.webm (800x450, 2.53M)


Attached: 1445733277441.webm (450x253, 2.72M)

We aren't very closely related

>used to have no problem with spiders
>2 weeks ago feel a tickle on the side of my face waking me up in the middle of the night
>half asleep go to rub it
>turns out it was a wolf spider and my hand spooked it
>it darts into my fucking ear
>start shaking my ear and head trying to get it out
>it just gets more pissed off and goes deeper and starts biting me
>its so deep in my ear every tiny move it makes is painful and causes me to scream and yell
>when i yell it gets pissed bites again
>friend that was spending the night looks online while I'm writhing in agony
>finds out that pouring vegetable oil down ear will either chase it out or drown it
>fucker decides it wants to die in my head
>still cant get it out and ear is in tremendous pain
>go to urgent care and they cant get it out, try to flush it out with warm water but its too deep
>give me eardrops to prevent infection and follow up appt
>ear has been regularly leaking blood and pus for the past week from all the swollen bites
>go back to the dr this Thursday and if the draining pus hasn't pushed it further out I'm going to have to have a minor operation to remove it from my ear
>theres still a fucking spider carcass in my ear and I cant hear shit

yea fuck spiders

Attached: Pay_For_This.png (680x453, 536K)

Aren't hunstmen the cool badass spiders that eat all the poisonous bastard spiders? Yeah, they're massive and look horrific, but still.

To be fair that's the equivalent of a normal guy fighting a guy in a tank. There aint shit you can do to get through that armor.

lmao i thought something was up with that spider

I’m not actually much of a fan of fairies. I think it’s way hotter when it’s a normal woman who ends up being shrunk and fucked by something she would have stepped on without noticing any other day.

imagine the smell

*hides underneath your toilet seat and bites you when you're taking a shit*
*forces you to check underneath every seat/bench outside of a major city*
*makes every person live in fear*
*exists in your path*
hehe, nothin personnel... human


Dios mio

They carry diseases and are often poisonous, it's a natural reaction.

Nothing personal, kid.

Attached: Mole_cricket02.jpg (1550x740, 185K)

I know that feeling.

>Family moves into a house in a rural area
>Has a MASSIVE brown recluse infestation
>Morning routine involves getting paper towel, and catching all the brown recluses that fell into the bathtub overnight, and couldn't crawl back out
>Before you get dressed, you have to shake out every article of clothing (ditto for shoes)
>Seeing them randomly skittering across the floor in broad daylight was a common occurrence

It wasn't until I finally got bit that my dad decided to to anything about it. He started having Terminix come out once a month to spray, and we ripped up all the old shingles, revealing a shitload of brown recluses and silverfish. Apparently, the silverfish were drawing the spiders in droves. They finally went away after that, but that shit was traumatizing.


I live on an island and I've had a good 7'incher wake me up in the morning once. It was reaching from the windowsill onto my face like the scene in the Peter Jackson's King Kong.
In that just waking up state, I thought it was one of the windowsill geckos being friendly and I started to go back to sleep until I felt the legs.
Nothing happened though, its a fucking bug don't be such a wuss.

>a spider bigger than your ear crawls into your ear

no fucking way

Attached: 1556753125297.gif (250x200, 1.78M)

I would've fucking killed myself, holy shit.

Attached: 1547011571012.jpg (800x908, 78K)

not that great
its a defense mechanism
people would say that its pee because its yellow


>climbs into your urethra to give you the best brogasm ever


fat bird

Except depending on the kind, centipedes are venomous as shit.

Spiders are completely harmless! We'd never bite people.

Jumping spiders are so adorable, though.

Attached: jumping spider.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

Why not drown the fucks?

>spiders are incapable of squeezing into small spaces
>spiders are born their full size
double retard

also I'm just going off what the dr who looked in my ear told me since I obviously can't see it but the reason it cant get out is because its too big and lodged in there

my spiderbro just bit me 2 days ago
now it's a big ass red circle on my leg and hurts

>slowly pace up to the bird
>jump cut to the bird covered in crabs
holy shit

I fucking hate these niggers

yea they got the Vietnamese ones out here. Don't let it bite you. Same thing as when you're fucking with venomous snakes/sealife. DON'T fuck up. DON'T let it get you.

Why did you allow it into your personal space?

they can't do anything to a human

>tfw no friendly windowsill geckos in my life

Yes, they eat pretty much any insect smaller than them. They're also pretty docile and won't bite unless you're deliberately messing with them.

1 yes spiders are incapable of squeezing because they arent soft
2 they arent born full size but your mom was lmao

>*blocks your path*

Attached: Japanese Bug Fights - Transvaal Thick-Tailed Scorpion vs Burmese Brown Tarantula.webm (480x270, 2.87M)

it was actually one of the worst things that has happened to me
and now I have to leave for work in a factory where I have to wear earplugs to make it even more difficult to come out and let blood and pus build up because there's nowhere for it to go

why are crabs so much more tolerable than other exoskeletons? I guess it's the larger size, lack of hair, and slow, clumsy movement

they're also FAST AS FUCK


Attached: 1551050767453.jpg (200x200, 21K)

I've never seen one of those

The worst part is they're literally everywhere
They're in every single backyard in Australia
Every shed
Every garden
They're just so small that you'll rarely see them.

Serves the little fucker right. That centipede wasn't even trying to fuck with him, and he was still trying to start shit.

>right into the fucking brain

Attached: 1525409645937.png (350x350, 315K)

I love those guys!

Consider yourself lucky and hope you never do.

This, I always burn them with a match

>spider enemies are just generic tarantula looking spiders
>no Brazilian Wandering or Sydney Funnelweb style spiders
>no car-sized Brazydneyian Funnelwandering spider enemy rushing down a tight hallway towards you at 60 miles an hour

Attached: please come to Brazil.jpg (550x389, 98K)

stay jelly poop-eye, maybe you'll win in the gene lottery next life. oh wait, there is none LOL

Are they in boreal Canada?

Reminder that spiders are responsible for:
>console war threads
>wojak edits
>replies like "have sex" or "dilate"
>smash roster threads
>japan vs the west threads
and they can't possibly live long enough to be 18 or older
Spiders need to GET THE FUCK OUT

Attached: 1560684951334.png (540x540, 403K)

What if we fused invasive dickhead house insects with deep sea abominations

Attached: wiiu spiders.jpg (3464x2848, 1.74M)


Attached: QmNkIz9.jpg (894x960, 111K)

how can someone be this bad at holding a camera?

>S. coleoptrata is indigenous to the Mediterranean region, but it has spread through much of Europe, Asia, North America and South America. It is thought to have first been introduced to the Americas in Mexico and Guatemala and now it reaches north into Canada and south to Argentina.
>and now it reaches north into Canada
I'm sorry, user.

Too bad spiders are not resposible for cringy TF2 threads, it's pure human retardation.

>let fairly large blue crab pinch meat of my hand just to see how bad it is
Don't do it bros. It isn't worth it. I had to beg the crab to stop, and there was seemingly no top-end to his pinch strength.

>wanting penis venom spider as an enemy
nice to know your fetish, user
didn't think someone was into priapism

Because they are cute and goofy?

>these are going extinct while stinkbugs, mosquitoes and wasps are better off than ever

I killed about 1500 stinkbugs and 200 wasps last summer, are you doing your part?

That's what the Resident Evil 2 remake needed. I would have even accepted giant wolf spiders, just because they're so creepy looking, and they would make geographical sense for the setting.

Attached: wolf-spider.jpg (2000x1066, 94K)

>blaming spiders for this shit
Just because you niggers can't self moderate doesn't mean we are the ones behind this place's stagnation.

they're unironically loud.
but they kill bugs so its chill

>Huntsman Spider


Attached: 1481774413368.jpg (250x217, 7K)


Attached: insertname.jpg (249x249, 20K)

>Wolf Spiders inject venom that causes cellular necrosis.

You're thinking of brown recluses. Wolf spiders are about as venomous as a bee sting.

>another spooderfag

Attached: 1461787652390.jpg (2852x3954, 3.98M)

Every time I see bananas in supermarkets I'm always worried I'll see one of those fucking things.
Of course one of the deadliest and most aggressive spiders on the planet would hide innocuously in foodstuff that gets exported all over the fucking world. Assholes.

The intersection of far-rightwingers and furries has always confused the living shit out of me.


It's just a reaction pic, calm down, arachnoid


Canada here, I had a bunch of these in my appartment (kept seeing youngling molts in my drawers), but I only saw one alive once. They are really scared of the light and will run away really fast.

please be nice to the tennis balls

Attached: 3-chickadees-on-a-branch-530x265.jpg (530x265, 33K)

Furries used to be the insufferable degenerates of the 00's. Now trannies have surpassed them, and furries are pissed.

Degenerates can hate other degenerates and the world, just look at all the diverse freaks on this site.

Attached: silk.webm (500x280, 1.4M)

There has to be some intelligence behind it.
This can not be pure instinct

I aint fucking clicking

Dank god daarvoor. Stel je voor dat er zulke grote kanker spinnen en beesten overal rondlopen.


I had an ear infection once, although it wasn't spider related

It was deep enough that moving my jaw to eat, talk or even breath caused significant pain, and even the idle pain was enough that I couldn't sleep at all

This continued for a few days until I collapsed from exhaustion and woke up with small pool of blood coming out of my ear

Attached: 1493514659032.jpg (345x232, 29K)

Why would they be any different from the weeb-neet intersection?
All those tranny avatars you see in the endless twitter threads use anime avatars too, political affiliation is meaningless, regardless of how prevalent homosexuality may be in each group.

Meanwhile scorpionchads are /ourguys/ bringing old Yea Forums back.

Attached: scorpion-and-frog-720.jpg (720x524, 133K)


>This thing is related to what Anglos call "Daddy Long Legs"
Have Scientists figured out which is the most modern insect/arachnid designs, because half of them are all running models from 100 millions years ago and older

Attached: Tropic Harvestmen.jpg (1024x768, 245K)

cute as fuck

Attached: maximum spider.gif (320x240, 2.9M)

This is called programm.

>cave crickets
fuck these little shits, not only are they extremely big THEY ARE EVERYWHERE I wish I had centipedes

Attached: cavecricket.jpg (259x194, 5K)

>bro decides to give you advice because your shitposting has been lackluster recently
>you throw him

>tfw my GF got fleas from her mum bringing her disgusting dog round
Feels bad lads

Wow as a normie this image has really shaken me. Op you are such a rebellious spirit my world will never be the same.

>+10 stealth
>+20 dodge
>+vampire skill

Attached: mosquito metamophorsis.webm (900x540, 2.58M)

>asleep in relatives' old farmhouse
>bed is right next to a wall
>walls have very old and dry wallpaper
>3 am and I'm drifting between sleep and wakefullness
>lie on the back and suddenly hear a very faint crackling to my left
>dismiss it and turn my face to the wall
>hear a very soft crackling again
>slowly open eyes
>once they got adjusted to the darkness see this monstrosity
>5-10 centimeters away from my nose
>fight or flight kicks in
>throw my head and back so hard I fall out of the bed
>turn light on and smash the thing with my shoe
>don't sleep that night
>shivering for 20 minutes straight

Love spider, scorpions even those horro desert things but

>Eat all the redbacks to keep your bro safe
>Crawl over to say hi since he's been shitposting all day
>Throws you across the room
Such is the huntsman life. It can't be helped.

it looks kind of adorable though. Aside from being big, do they do anything nasty?

>that blind reach to find where the previous line is so he can place the next one accurately
my heart

No, the only spiders i have in my apartment care to never get seen, and if they get seen they stay on the walls. They rid me of other bugs so i let their webs stay there until they're evident, but i never kill the spiders. What ticks me off are ants coming from god knows where. That and finding 1 dead wasp in the kitchen's sink every single morning of summer every year. As soon as July hits i'm gonna throw so many dead wasps on people five floors below that you don't even imagine.

Attached: metallia.jpg (1256x964, 566K)

>laying in bed looking at this thread
>paranoid about spiders now
God I hate insects

Attached: orchid bee.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

>people use this video to argument evolution ISNT real

brainlets I swear

ITT: cowards afraid of tiny creatures.

I can't even put on headphones now.

You can always squash them between nail and hard surfice but do remeber to wash your hand.

they're just really big weird looking crickets so other than just exist in a large number not really

Yeah, but where's the ballpit.

arthropods run on mecha logic.
Super prototypes>Mass production vers

>moth flies towards neck

A-am I going to die?

It's in your clothes, let it out dumbass.

Big fucking wew. I would vacate the room if I ever saw a spider that big. And I'm pro-spider too.

Attached: OOH OWOWOW OW HOT HOH HAH TSSSSSS AAAAA.webm (1920x1080, 2.36M)

>see spider
>freeze up for a second
>keep staring
>realize it's not a man killer
>slowly get up and put it in a cup
>put cup outside
>retrieve later
in contrast
>see mosquito or fly
>smash the everloving fuck out of it until it's a fine paste
reeee dont touch me with your poop covered appendages and malaria you faggots

Attached: tumblr_mxd0w7GshY1rhd1xfo1_500.gif (500x208, 955K)

*destroys your fap session*

Attached: harkrank.jpg (932x1035, 103K)


Consider yourself lucky it wasn't a mud crab.

Fun fact about Funnel Webs, they leap at you.

That bee's design is pretty cool with the way its limbs fold in and out of its body

It's laying its eggs inside the walls of your skin. Soon, flesh eating larvae will hatch by the thousands, and you will wake up one day as a pile of fresh bones.

Are they solitary bees?

I fucking hate these bitches with a passion
I would make a strong argument that earth needs an exterminatus just to wipe out these sons of bitches

The older designs would have been bigger millions of years ago and just shrunk because of less oxygen in the air, right?

These bugs are pretty cool

Attached: brapposter.gif (500x300, 992K)