>would rather daydream and be engrossed with my thoughts than play videogames
>find videogames mundane and restrictive
am I too smart for videogames?
Would rather daydream and be engrossed with my thoughts than play videogames
Have Sex
Make your own game bro
but tomatoes are a fruit
No just autistic. Not even the high functioning kind, maybe like mid-functioning
Wait a second how does their knowledge of that topic go down?
But the civil war wasn't about slavery, it was about state rights in general, tomatoes are a fruit, and if you compare it to other vegetables it doesn't fit.
But tomatoes ARE a fruit.
What self-invalidating niggerfaggot moron wrote that, OP?
10/10 I mad.
>am I too smart for videogames?
You're too young and still have a very powerful imagination. Don't worry, it will go away.
but tomaotes are fruites
who made this OP image? tomatoes are literally classified as berries
Don't you know how to read a graph?
Games are about overcoming challenge. There is no challenge in daydreaming.
>it was about state rights in general
the right to own slaves, yes.
Fruits are still vegetables, you niggers.
But that's fucking wrong, moron.
Yes, that's one aspect of it, but the more accurate way to represent it is states rights in general
Less accurate because the one state right that sparked the conflict was legislation over slavery, so it really was about that one state right, so it was about slavery
The statement in the OP's pic, is factually correct as it gives the qualifier of "Biologically", but culinarily, tomatoes are considered and treated as vegetables due to their taste and texture properties being more complimentary to actual vegetables than most edible fruits. So, in point of fact both statements are true depending on whether you're being a low-tier faggotass know-it-all, a biologist/taking a biology class, eating/preparing to eat a tomato or are a cook/chef.
Actually that state had succeeded from the united states, as was their right, and would not be under US legislation. Brush up on your history, champ.
What Civil War battles would make really cool video games?
The civil war was about the confederate states' seceding though, the north fought to keep them in the union and the south fought to leave it
Not that it had "nothing" to do with slavery
Why do americans tolerate traitors celebrating their betrayal? Most traitors are stomped out mercilessly.
>moon is clouds
pretty sure they failed in that
They are an ingredient in salads made with mayo along with other fruits. It's known for its sweetness and acidity. It's a fruit.
because they have a god given right to?
Because we tolerate people in general, even those that choose to be intolerable.
It's cooked into our legal system. The foundational documents are "I have a god given right to and I'll shoot you if you disagree".
>the one state right that sparked the conflict was legislation over slavery
The 3/5ths compromise was the north not wanting slaves represented in the census. They had control of manufacturing and we're giving a bum deal to the producers through legislative domination.
Even if your fucking retarded statement is true then saying "tomato is a fruit" is still correct.
i'm no specialist, but that's a really good graph
So you have a god given right to put them down like dogs.
Sounds lame.
So use your god given right to bury them.
which are fruits
>implying people put mayo on a fruit salad
>implying people put tomatos in a fruit salad
>implying lettuce, carrots, spinach, onions, radishes, are all fruits
>implying mayo is good for anything other than placement inside a trashcan/dumpster
So the issue was that the northern states were dominating the country and the southern states had no say in anything. They had no representation in the government and decided to break off from it. Funny, that sounds like another country I know of, and slavery wasn't brought up at all in this matter...........
yes retard
Sounds like you're too depressed for video games.
biological and culinary terminology - learn to separate those.
also gamse are art
learn to compose sentences, retard.
I know, it makes fighting of the price of tea seem silly.
More importantly biologically vegetable isn't a term.
they're only vegetables for tax reasons
what point are you trying to make you chump
Sorry Mehmet that's not how things work around here, don't you have a stoning or lashing to attend?
Sure do love my tomato candy, my tomato milkshake, my tomato soda, my tomato ice cream, my tomato pie
You think the american civil war had something to do with slavery when slave ownership was at nearly 1%?
>biological and culinary terminology - learn to separate those.
That's why I said culinarily in my original post and said that it depends based on what you're doing with the tomato. Also, most games are not art but games can be art.
Not an amerimutt but didn't the Confed leader literally speak about slaves in his declaration of war?
>yfw some of those actually exist
sorry bois, the US supreme court has OFFICIALLY settled the matter over a hundred years before you newfags started posting :^)
I'm canadian, we don't celebrate attempted rebellions.
tomato pie doesn't sound half-bad
>his declaration of war?
I thought war was declared on the confeds not the other way around. But they literally spoke about slaves and complained about the government failing to enforce slavery related laws in their declaration of succession
Are people falling for this bait because it's summer or is this board really so fucking braindead
there's no such thing as a vegetable the concept is completely arbitrary, just like how there isn't a single group of plant known as trees, they're all different kinds of plants with similar features because of convergent evolution.
no one knows what the difference between a bush and a shrub is.
Now, I don't know much about quantum physics, But biologically, tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.
are you telling us your own enlightenment has made you euphoric
>there's no such thing as a vegetable
Let me lay the whole debate to rest once and for all.
Name one fruit based soup, excluding tomato
Holy fucking bait
um actually it's "botanically" a fruit
imagine having so few thoughts that when you happen to have them you get totally engrossed by them
Now, I don't know much about quantum physics, BUT the American Civil War really had nothing to do with slavery.
shut up nerd, we're talking about tomatoes
>he talks about tomatoes
>he's not a tomato
Yea Forums really will argue about anything, as long as its not video games
you're the one who's gonna be a vegetable, kid.
The civil war was about slavery, but not for the sake of keeping a racist status quo, but for economic reasons. Racism, obviously, was involved, but the causa belli was not "the south was so racist they wanted to go to war". They were still very racist though.
fuck off fruity
So botany isn't a part of biology?
That's why you can play any game and it'll be fun because your mind is the funnest game, user.
Mathematically speaking: tomatoes are fruit
State rights to own slaves.
>there's no such thing as a vegetable
There is no such thing as anything. All words are made up categories that allow us to talk about the things we attach those words to.
It helps no one to be reductive.
you get average pay if you reverse this graph
I bet you also believe that ww2 started because hitler wanted to kill the jews.
when in reality more commiefags died and gr8 just wanted power.
you're incorrect. fruit and vegetable are labels that have no consistent usage so the tomato is forever both in a very unhappy state of uncertainty that will always piss off someone when brought up at the thanksgiving dinner table... mathematically speaking, tomato =/= fruit =/= vegetable
>Now, I don't know much about quantum physics, BUT-
That's literally everyone talking about quantum physics though.
That's because quandumb physics isn't real.
This is the right answer.
Source: Am vegetable.
Nope. That had already been settled with the Supreme Court's Dred Scot decision. The north and south had always been culturally distinct, and only the fear of england had convinced them to join up, but by the 1850's that fear had faded. The agrarian south was simply no longer willing to stay united with the capitalistic northern states when they no longer had anything in common, and a great deal they hated.
>no consistent usage
Sure they do
>Botanically speaking, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems. By those standards, seedy outgrowths such as apples, squash and, yes, tomatoes are all fruits, while roots such as beets, potatoes and turnips, leaves such as spinach, kale and lettuce, and stems such as celery and broccoli are all vegetables.
They're perfectly adequately defined terms
are you claiming sociologists out earn mathematicians?
WW2 started because Hitler wanted to kill whites and steal their land and resources out of jealousy.
Who do you think is in control of education and social media retard?
>tomato pie
You mean pizza?
>making money
might wanna start over there bud
That's called maladaptive daydreaming
>am I too smart
Most of the time you are the opposite and just have a shitty ego
No, like a tomato based desert, like apple pie or cherry pie or key lime pie or banana cream pie or peach cobbler
So trannies are what they want to be instead of males/females?
Which is it Yea Forums, you need to be coherent
It was about slavery in the sense that the southern states stood to lose about 30% of their voting power the instant the 3/5ths compromise was stripped away, which the north had already tried to do several times. Worse than that really, because while under the 3/5th's compromise blacks counted for representation but didn't get to vote, while giving them the right to vote would result in them voting against their former masters. Which is why Democrats fought so hard after the war to prevent them from voting, and after ultimately being forced to allow them to vote ended up having to just find ways to get them to only vote for their former masters. It's always been about doing whatever gives more voting power, and that hasn't changed even to this very day.
The actual value of slave labor wouldn't have been worth any of that trouble. The ability to literally purchase and import more representation was though.
Tomato is a fruit.
user, you make money in the education industry as long as you're not a teacher
the best way to go is to daydream and document ideas for your own ideal video games
first develop the game theory/philosophy as the foundation of your game idea, then build on top of that while confident that you've got the groundwork for something superior
I'm far more interested in my own zelda game than the new sequel announced. Reviving Ganondorf is one bore of an idea for sure. I'd rather not even bother focusing on a villain and instead work on worldbuilding and lore, especially for each race. For instance, my Gerudo are like the ones from Ocarina but they have a mystery surrounding their snake goddess in that they are actually hiding their true nature as Lamia-Hylian hybrids. They actually have scaly skin but hide it with excessive makeup and their hair is really red feathers that they stylize to look like hair. Each race has a hidden inner world of secrets that can be discovered if you search deep enough.