Final Fantasy XIV

How Did Yoshida get away with this?

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I'm trying to help my friend farm light for his relic weapon but I feel like it would go faster if I was a tank. Currently he's a NIN and I'm DRG but my cap is level 60 since I don't own Stormblood. So I'm wondering which tank I should play and level to 60 to help out? Or if there is another class who can clear lower level dungeons faster any advice would be appreciated.

ok we all know 1.0 had better graphics but i assure you, 1.23 was the epitome of the gameplay as well because it was the closest to replicating XI, none of this fast paced responsive combat nonsense

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Thigh straps and thigh boots are dangerous on an underage girl.

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Look at this dudes.

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You ARE thinking of protecting her, right?

*Thunderer plays*
>triple casts

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Go away.

Wasn't there an uproar about the developer not wanting to add a child race?

how do i transfer appearance data from benchmark to full game

Indeed. Having good blood flow is more important than looking fashionable at that age. As she is growing, it might lead to complications later in life.

Eh, she's kinda uncute. Needs to be more like in the trailer.

Did fairy embrace deserve to become a shittier version of regen?

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You can access the (Benchmark) file if you choose to pick existing.

Don't talk like that to best bro. He's done so much for us, show some respect.


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Course. What would the transexuals do without them?

You don't have to do anything if you installed your game properly.

It's just shota vierafags who were throwing a shitfit on top of being btfo because no male viera.

>cute and funny minfilia

yes, and no matter what anyone else says, it is entirely because it would be massive annoying to make new animations/fit all that gear on, and that's it. The bodytypes are all different and they wouldn't be able to just copypaste previous races like they did with the lazy viera.

oh thanks, that was easy

i didnt realize it worked like that!


I'm a bit sad about that but I understand the reason, not much of an uproar

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Benchmark creates file in your documents folder. You don't have to do anything, just wait for expansion to come out.

>we all know
Stopped reading here. Kill yourself classicfag.

They don't know what to do with the fairy. They realize it's absolutely busted to have a free permanently active regen but they can't get rid of it either because so much of SCH's visual design is tied into it having a fairy. They could make fairy stronger, make her into a cooldown like in PVP, something you'd need to plan to use, so it's actually satisfying, or they could be fucking brainlets as usual and just make the fairy limpdick healing totem and put most healing power on SCH itself. Which is what they did. The capstone ability to summon a stronger fairy is completely incomprehensible because she's not even actually that stronger, shields on Embraces are pointless because Embraces can no longer be controlled and you can also cast a weaker succor two times I guess which doesn't stack with shield-Embrace either. In fact if it wasn't for 50 gauge gain, Seraph would probably be an active downgrade you'd avoid because you can't even Union while it's out.

All in all weaksauce display and I expect them to do major changes in 5.1 to make it even more braindead, somehow.


FFXIV classic would btfo wow classic so hard.

This botting is getting nuts
>seeing a train of the same looking lalafell warping to every quest NPC in the area

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Hello friends I want to talk to you about our lord and savior Hydaelyn. She knows what is truly best for us and only her blessing can save us from the corrupt darkness

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Just use your favorite anime character.


>people advertising their discord for finding static/pug hunting in certain Datacenters
For what purpose?

wow classic exists because current wow is a piece of shit, xiv classic doesn't need to exist because it was a piece of shit

What are people finishing up in game before EA?

Aimi is so pretty!


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How else would you find new members?

Well something needs to exist because current xiv has been utter trash since heavensward

Other games exist.

During the 2.0 redesign, Yoshi never once said he was going to change the combat from the 1.23. It was a total bait and switch to wow combat. Now instead of having cool attacks to use your tp on, your cool attacks are pretty much your auto attacks as you're constantly using them and you'll never see your normal auto attacks.

Says you, I refuse to use nothing but auto attacks.

Is DRK going to have as much oGCD spam as it currently does? I actually enjoy hitting that Dark Arts button for everything.

The logic we're going with here something good not just something.

Icelandic names. Call her Bjork Hapthor

From what I understand, GNB will kinda have this gimmick, it will have an OGCD that you press after some (all?) parts of your bread and butter combo to emulate the feeling of pulling the gunblade trigger in FF8.


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not as much ogcd spam, but there is new ogcd attacks. problem with drk now is you have to use ogcds to buff ogcds which is annoying and can cause clipping


First name 4 letters.


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so thats what selene is for


personal onahole

>Still have SMN/SCH, DRK, SAM and BLM to level up from 61 to 70 before ShB
>CTR releases in 5 days
Fucking hell, this year really has fucking awful releases dates for games I'm interested in, with some months having several games being released at almost the same time and then huge droughts.

acktually icelandic surnames are always father's name + son or dottir

Based and tanakapilled. Stay strong brother, Yoshida will be ousted from his false throne yet.

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March next year will be even worse.

Of course there was going to be a token Viera MSQ npc.

What about Shera?


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>still on Stormblood's MSQ, lvl 67
I'm gonna make it, lads

I believe in you bro

Is that fairy a lowkey Dunbine reference?

>orange hair
>similar kana to Feario

That's a cute onahole

>Only just reaching the end of HW's base story
>Still got post-story content to do
>Can't even start stormblood til the 28th

give one good reason why I should level the sylph's beast tribe quests

Are the Dotharl why Xaela attracts so many autists and degenerates or was it always unusually high even when compared to Raen and cats?

dye access and easy velvetine cloth to craft glamour prisms


>That's him! That's Janny!
>Shitposters are part of Yea Forums society, but they must be fed with (You)s. Seething (You)s!

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Cunnyfilia doesn't stand a chance

Sorry I won't be responding soon, I dropped the game after learning riddle of poop is still in. I'll probably get bored and finally stop entering the threads soon

Shame bro, I was going to pick you to be my dance partner.

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When are you gonna master Fisher, bro?

There are more than two of Minfilia.
Hydaelyn is using certain tempered individuals to locate Minfilia (1st) so that they can rejoin.
A WoL of the 1st attempts to rescue Minfilia from you on multiple counts.
It's later revealed that 1st Minfilia has some control over the behavior of Sin Eaters.

You and elezen-zenos duel in a story instance.
WoL and many other tempered interrupt the fight, claiming to have rescued 1st Minfilia.
You and Zenos fight back-to-back, killing the WoL.

Final Trial is against a nearly fully-rejoined Hydaelyn.
Minfilia chooses to defy her fate. Hydaelyn is angry.
Hydaelyn wants to kill 1st Minfilia, so that Hydaelyn may reclaim her final shard.
Mid-trial QTE is a button mash to resist Hydaelyn's control (she attempts to control you so that she can murder 1st Minfilia by hand).
Ascians 'kidnap' Minfilia post-QTE, and Solus then encourages you to "fight without any burden".

5.1 cliffhanger is You absorbing Hydaelyn's corpse. Post-credits has elezen-zenos planning to hunt Zodiark.

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>I'm sorry, I can only assume I misheard... But it sounded an awful lot like you were implying that Janny was NOT getting paid, but...

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Just level another job!

Never trust a xaela with human skin
Also that's one of the tribes responsible.
There's also a couple of harem tribes, a tribe of nudists and other crazies that don't help things either.

This better be true bro, this sounds good.

Not looking too good there Alphy.

>But he is getting paid after a fashion, yes. The eldest and most freezer-burned of hotpockets

Sounds like kino.

>WoL is struggling in a fight, falls to their knees
>hand appears on WoL's shoulder
>"I got your back bro"
>Ilberd shows up to help
Come on bros he's back.

Nice fanfiction

>Hydaelyn is angry.
nice try. She is literally incapable of this emotion.

1.23 had some good design (especially compared to ARR) but it was buried under the shittiest engine known to mankind

Other than smaller breasts and alive, she looks better than the old Minfilia. Must be the outfit and ZR.

I heard Calloway isn't singing for Shadowbringers? Is this true? She's done recording for Beauty's Wicked Wiles recently for the new Journey album

>last line of the 2nd paragraph
stop, my dick can only get so hard

>Not calling him Elezenos.

big if true

Choose your fighters

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I literally had a dream last night that the expac was here and I could play GNB. I remember going to Idyllshire and being excited to look at the level 60 primal weapons and shit.

God damn it bros I am NOT going to make it. How the fuck do I chemically induce a coma? I need to play GNB NOW.


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The main themes is a man singing this time around, it's meant to symbolize the WoL being distant from Hydaelyn, whom was the person singing the other songs.

Calloway represents Hydaelyn so there's no point in having her sing on the First.

I can't wait. TK meme is dead, all the Aya Liz cock worshippers are going to fuck off to suck some other guy's dick, MNK will return to its rightful place.

Shame about that Anantman opener though

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Her breasts will grow in eventually, likely very quickly too give how old she looks. She is gonna hit one hell of a sweet spot soon where she still looks youthful but has MASSIVE cowtits. Prime breeding age my dudes.

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ShB not having Lyse instantly makes it better

>a button mash to resist Hydaelyn's control
I call bullshit, how do you imagine this working in an 8-man trial?
Like if half of the group fucks it up and other half doesn't what happens?

There's a female singer for the second ShB theme, but it doesn't sound like Calloway

>5.0 has twice the pre-orders that 4.0 had
Stormcucks was such a shit expac.

Child race makes no goddamn sense whatsoever
Lalafells are diminutive but they're supposed to be adults. Throwing a child into the adventuring game is fuckin stupid and no responsible adventurer's guild would accept a 13 year old hunter x hunter wannabe. The only people who want a child race are pedophiles and trannies.

Whoah that's meta, never realized that's what they were going for.

10% and only magic damage now

You probably get stopped at the last second and get debuffed.
Similar how in that Alexander fight where if you aren't saved from getting killed you just get vuln down.

Dark Missionary got the same nerf so who cares?

>tfw going to see her live in September in Seattle where she's gonna perform Answers

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So something like Zenos swooping in and cutting down the brainwashed ones?

I was thinking an ascian knocking you down and then they save Minfilia. So the same outcome happens either way.
There is this. Obviously not Calloway. We still don't know if it's going to be the main theme but it's the vocal version of Crystarium theme.

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If you fail you get charmed and the rest of your party that doesn't have arthritis has to murder you.

No one will ever overlook the bad server code or responsiveness or whatever the problem was for the entirety of 1.0+, and the intial early-access tier launch killed any kind of normalfag/brainlet hype forever. The only hope for that is private servers, but that looks like a dismal hope.

He only got to do it because Uemtasu is either secretly dead or dying

If you pay attention to Answers, the male voice is saying words that the female voice is countering ie Haedalyn and Zordiark.

He's also working on 7R.

Wow Minfillia looks like THIS?

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Why do people keep linking Viera with Icelandic?
Nothing about their names in previous games is Icelandic, Frans's accent isn't Icelandic but just a faux-lisp done by an Australian VA.

If anything, Hrothgar Helion's will have the Icelandic/Norse names with their queen's name being Gunnhildr.

Wow Yoshi-P got a haircut

Answers honestly isn't very good live. They can't time her voice and the choir together without the help of sound editing.

This is before he got sick though.

If by rightful place you mean boring and uninteresting with no design direction unlike the other dps.
>SAM basically stole MNK's speed and power design
>NIN is utility but also technical for more advanced players
>DRG is straightforward, but with rome risks thrown in due to the nature of jumps
>BRD was utility, now a middleground between MCH and DNC
>MCH is raw power
>DNC is a support job first and DPS second, maximizing your partner and parties DPS is just as important as your own
>BLM is a glass canon and must know the safe zones of a whole fight to contribute to their fullets
>RDM is caster utility, can provide quick rez or healing in a pinch and is also easy to learn
>SMN is inbetween both
>MNK....just exists. Halfasses on positionals since they dont provide bonuses and even DRG gets a positional extender before MNK, Halfasses on speed with constantly slowing the MNK down for daring to do something that isn't a weaponkill, has some rDPS so not allowed to do big dick damage. MNK has no clear direction and this hurts the job the most

Also Aya Liz IS the one who is theorycrafting about anatman.


Honestly what was good about Stormcuck? The only thing of worth, which has gotten valid mixed reception, is Eureka. All other content is just a continuous worsening of previous content. Jobs were all dumbed down and the meta stayed the same. MSQ was nothing spectacular.

goobbue mount

>can't wait for more Riddle of Fire
When I pick MNK I want to play MNK not DRG.

Zenos and Gaius are the only things I liked about it.

I'm excited regardless. Last time I went to distant worlds they did dragonsong but she wasn't there performing it.

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Both shit taste. Kys

Best raids and dungeons in the game.

Do chocobos get larger as you level them up? Because I don't remember my chocobo being this tall

Viera is way too tall.

I was fine with the Doma plotline even if it was predictable as fuck. It didn't overstay it's welcome and ended when it needed to.

did you race change?

>t seething cat or lizard
Face it, you are small time.

That's the best part though.

Other races are just asian midgets.

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>makes no sense
>in a fantasy game
well coped though

Basically everything but the story was better than HW. Most jobs definitely were not dumbed down and meta DEFINITELY did not stay the same. SAM and BLM were literally meta on some fights by the end.

Why is Blue Mage so whack in this game?

Even from a design perspective it doesn't make sense. It's supposed to be a solo job but you can't get all the spells alone. What the fuck?

Too sexy, would distract from the storyline and cutscenes, there's a reason she doesn't look like this


The things I would do with a lala

Honestly I hated Stormblood, and right now I am a RDM main.

This expac had zero redeemable features. Every cutscene was lazy, the story was shit and slow that took NO risks (Gosetsu should have stayed dead), Zenos was shilled way too hard, Lyse was shilled way too hard, Kugane was a really bad hub city that nobody enjoyed, the music was just generic Asian shit with no FF flair, just God damn man.

4.X was a step down from 3.X in every fucking way. It was better than 2.X of course but that isn't really saying shit because 2.X was bereft of content in general.

I cannot wait for 5.0. This shit is shaping up to put even 3.0 to shame and ANYTHING would be an improvement over Stormblood.

But I'm a lizard and I actually love that they're tall.

>it's fantasy so there are no rules
Okay retard


>Viera is too much like Viera
Fucking kill yourself ironic weeb zoomer tranny cucks

Patrician then.

Nah, I've always been a max height midlander male

He was announced as working on 7R at the beginning of last year and went on indefinite hiatus at the end of last year.

Might not even be doing 7R anymore.

Read that one more time idiot

>Reading comprehension

literal retard, open and shut

Based ESL

>strawmanning brainlet with absolutely 0 imagination

The new Minfilia?

>these are the people posting in these threads

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It was cool in Dragons Dogma. You could be a loli with a great sword.

It's really just the cats. They're hostile to every race but themselves.

It's early and I am tired. Pls no bully. I apologize.

Redpill me on CRP, is it good for making money?

Better dungeons.
That's all I've got.

Hey no worries bro. Let's go get some coffee.

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>you could go in goblin holes if you were small enough
That was pretty neat.

ha ha no wirres bro its just a joke

Uh, bro, I think you might need to change, you don't have dps anymore


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nah cunt
>>Basically everything but the story was better than HW
>How can your taste be this shit? HW story was kino, Stormblood story was fucking garbage.

>story in 4.3 and beyond
>cool dungeons
>most of the raids
>new cool gimmicks everywhere
>job changes (at least to the ones I play)

Sorry bro, I'm not use to the changes yet.

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>It's treason, then.

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No one wants literal children they just want to fanta into the child versions of races.

ie I don’t want my wol to be a ten year old miqitten I want her to look like one

I'm still not sure what that ring on the underside is supposed to be.

Nah nigga.
>WoL is struggling in a fight
>Estinien's elf ears quiver, back in the Source
>Super-Jumps through dimensions to help out
>G'raha Exarch C'uck seethes

>(Gosetsu should have stayed dead)

Gosetsu absolutely could not have died because his entire arc was about not getting the easy death he wanted the whole time.

It's for holding your drink

lever for the chamber mabye



I want to motorboat Minifillias lewd slutty thighs.

>that dude
ait bruv

why doesn't the warrior of light just fire lasers out of his dick to decapitate the bad guys? it's a fantasy game after all.
Letting player characters sign up as 12 year olds now means that
>the scions are A-Okay with using child soldiers to fight primals after Garleans brainwashing children is shown to be bad
>the adventurer's guild is fine with recruiting kids and sending them off to die, even though all three adventurer's guilds in the major cities have been shown to be run by responsible people who look out for the wellbeing of their clients
>every single NPC you've ever interacted with treats a child like an adult
>12 year old wants to fight in our gladiatorial blood sports? Fine. Also, the other gladiators treat them as an actual threat
The twins are exceptions and are treated as such. Minfilia, It makes no sense for player characters.


>"I'm going to make him an offer he won't understand"
To this day that line still makes me laugh. I wonder if they still update that image.

I rise to join the chorus...

The elf sluts are 16 the first time we meet them, old enough

No more Estinien ex Machina please.

Must be a retard chorus.


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>those interlocking and overlapping bits
I hope we get more of those and less Revolver wannabes.


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>more Estinien ex Machina please

Even ShB looks like it’ll be a step up over some of SB’s dungeons aesthetics wise. Let’s compare the two, in what I’m assuming is for each level in ShB
Sirensong/Burning village + forest
More interesting visually then “ship graveyard”
Shisui of the leveling tides/Fae land
More interesting visually then “eastern architecture” and likely has better gear then slutty swimsuits
Bardam’s/Mining facility(might be 73 or 77?)
Bardam’s is boring aesthetics wise. Oh boy, m9re azim steppe. Facility seems to at least be somewhat interesting visually. Also cool looking last boss
Doma/Ronkan ruins
Both looks p cool. Interested to see how the ruins look in more detail
>Castrum/Living Mountain-Sin Eater Palace(might be 67?)
a fucking massive step up. Garlean shit is boring to look at for the 5th time, and the mountain looks fucking amazing. weird sin eater shit is cool too

You can join in if you want to, fellow gunbro.

Alphinaud's sensitive cock sucking lips!

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Based and redpilled

>Realize the reason why it looks so much smaller sheathed is that the blade extends out by a few inches when unsheathed


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That's alisaie.

>the scions are A-Okay with using child soldiers to fight primals after Garleans brainwashing children is shown to be bad
You mean like having Teenfilia fight with us in dungeons? WoL can easily be an exception too.

>t. Crystal Exarch
I for one like having other competent characters off doing things in other parts of the story. Gaius and Estinien are capable of doing things by themselves and don't need us to save their asses every 2 seconds.

Cat or Lizard?

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I used to think I was a good player because I outdps 99% of people in dungeons and 24 mans, but it turned out I was actually pretty trash


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Fine, fine.

It's pretty cool how good SE has gotten at making patch trailers over the years. The quality really jumps with 4.2

based retard

shut your fucking mouth. Aliasie is pure and won't suck cocks unlike her slutty brother.

Fucking kek


where's the lewd cunnyfilia art

Ear clasp on the wrong ear, it's Alphinaud.
Learn the difference, it may just save your heterosexuality...

Go on, tell us.

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Alisae wears her earring on the right ear.


Do you think we'll get to save him in the reconstruction?

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For me, it's giraffes

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Please stop posting about my husband this way. He's a top.

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I swear Yoshi is trying to get more cash shop sales wearing that on his lala

It's less that and more Estinien appearing from nowhere to save the Warrior of Light and then vanishing unseen purely as a plot device to justify 'oh no you just died but actually Estinien saved you while your eyes were closed' moments

>Time skip Alisaie

Nah son
>WoL is struggling in a fight
>Monsters and Ascians baring down on him
>Vauthry has Yshtola, Tataru and Minifillia mind controlled and is about to mating press them
>"Dear friend, it seems you are in need of a helping hand"
>Estinien super jumps through dimensions with Haurchefant clinging to his back

I like that anybody hyped for gunbreaker truly doesn't seem to give a fuck what they look like to everybody else, only that they're getting their gunblades.

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I'll save him, and all of Ishgard. Don't you worry.

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Fuck. You're right, I didn't even think of that. Checked it in the videos and that's exactly how it works.
inb4 >Kotaku >tranny

>Best raids and dungeons in the game.

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>voice gets more deeper as video goes on


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>Just got done saving up a shit ton of gil for months
>Probably going to have to burn it all on gear for Savage

I really need to jump on the new maps as soon as they're available.

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>more deeper
Come on, son.

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I bet he thanks the WoL after getting an oral creampie

Chaos and The Burn are already top two in the game.

Shisui glams were put in because of popular demand for sluttier clothes, I imagine that at least one dungeon will have something similar.

>Everyone is memeing Lyse redirecting black rose from ala mhigo to ishgard
>but it's actually going to be grampa Solus redirecting black rose from Ishgard to ala mhigo

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I didn’t realize it at all until I watched MtQ’s video of all the AF4 gear and weapons on fhyur and viera. Had to pause and look back at it a few times to see it properly

If Solus did this he'd be the best character.

Still hate Minfilia

I wish they'd add more clothes that combine slutty and cool rather than going hard one way or the other

But will they let me own a plot of land?

>Haurchefant proceeds to mating press the WoL if you're some fag who plays a girl
>If you're male, you both strip down, oil up and proceed to deliver a beatdown that any Manderville man would be proud of

MTQ is underrated. All those "influencers" and they're the only ones who bothered checking the new races' emotes.


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t. armchair raider that read about how EPIC broot justice and living liquid were

hyur midlanders

Fae dungeon which I can’t remember the name of? Only place that fits in leveling dungeons, since the initial 80 expert dungeons will all share gear, and I doubt they’d put slutty clothes in as one of the initial steps for 80 endgame

The better question would be if it really matters.

I will have you know that I was World 2nd on Living Liquid and 1st on Brute Justice
Get on my level, scrub

>imagine making cute mutts with those two

>duty roulette
>avg wait time 29m
>walk away for 5 minutes
>your registration has been withdrawn

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It's honestly amazing how active this dev team is at opposing anything that's fun and communicating with the playerbase. When one of the players tells them that their ideas in the build they've shown as promotion don't make sense, and you laugh in their face and tell them to just wait to play the game, that's not based, that's cringe and yikes, Mr. Yoshida.
MCH and WHM didn't make sense, tank gauge halving didn't make sense, and 4.0 came out, and what a surprise, they didn't make sense and had to be patched. Now MNK doesn't make sense, SCH doesn't make sense, MCH doesn't make very much sense, but again we're told to just wait and see. Fucking why? Just talk to the players. See how they actually play your game. What fucking gigabrain designed 6 heat blasts and Anatman? Why can't they take lessons learned from usability of newer jobs such as SAM, DNC, GNB and apply them to their supposed "reworks"? I said reworks but reworks MNK, MCH, DRK and AST received are really just cutting off any "inconvenient" parts. And who is the fucking megamind of the universe that looked at pets and thought "Hmmm yes, we should just put all these abilities on player OGCD, because retards can't figure out how to keybind pet hotbar". Like, what?

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Fairy land is confirmed 73 for the mining facility has to be 75 or 77 with ronkan ruins being the opposite. The 80 dungeon might be underground Eulmore, there's a few glimpses in the launch trailer of something that looks like it, and it;s not featured in the dungeon trailer from the recent liveletter at 2:36 if timestamp doesnt work

To be fair I think the only raid fight that was anywhere near as fun as those two was probably Halicarnassus

>All this hate on SB
>Currently playing through SB now to catch up
>Find the plot vastly more interesting than HW
>characters less so, but interested in the Xaela shit, and fighting a war on two fronts
Guess I'm retarded idk. But characters were much better in HW

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Work on articulating yourself instead of shitting out a pointless bitchy wall of text all over our fair imageboard.

I can't wait till a time skip turns him into a tree and it ruins all of these fujos fantasies.

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They haven't shown the 6th zone yet either.

What the fuck is this shit, is she mad?

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the reason I hate leveling tanks is because the variance in skill between DF healers is wider than my mum's vagina

I want to caress those buns

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>he thinks there's going to be a 6th zone
Oh sweaty, oh hunty...

Hello r/ffxiv

Don't talk to Alphinaud like that.


Never ever. Time bubble.


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nothing is happening to Ishgard or anyone if the damp squib of 4.55 is anything to go by

Go back to the OF.


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I would start by caressing her slim hands while deep kissing her and feeling her small tongue, after a while I would slowly lift her top while licking her small tummy all over, after taking her top off I would do the same with her bloomers and marvel at her diminutive body, following that I would finally grab her cute butt and raise her to the level of my dick and slowly slide it inside of her, filling her small bellyyou can guess the rest

Are you ready for adventures with 2p?

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>Implying Haurchefant doesn't mating press male WoLs as well

Aymeric is a full grown giraffe and brings in all the bitches, Alphinaud will be no different

Good, forever die and get no queues piece of shit kpop drone

>He ends up growing up into a second Estinien/Aymeric
Elf Boyfriends is a gift that keeps on giving.

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My cousin mains Tanks in general and is literally drooling over Gunbreaker

Are you that dumb? That wasn't hard to read at all.

Puffy vulva

Your hopes for this fight?

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What's more fun, Systolic Anterior Motion or Dorsal Root Ganglion?

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I'm hyped not just because of that.

Squall's gunblade always bugged the fuck out of me, the weapon is cool as shit aesthetically but LOGICALLY it should fucking explode the second he pulls that fucking trigger.

XIV gunblades solved this issue very elegantly. The cartridges are not explosives, but glorified aether batteries that release the shit when the hammer strikes them, which the wielder then uses to fuel bootleg spells without the need to tire themselves using their own aether or waste time channeling. Gunbreakers are glorified spellswords with magitek gunblades in XIV.

Throw in the handful of seemingly subtle DMC references and you have a job I am going to play until this game fucking dies. God damn it Yoshi you have my eternal sub forever now. I am dropping DRK for good and never looking back.

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Yeah definitely glad I don't think I'll be picking up this game anymore. Gonna turn into the same cringefest that PSO2 is now regarding playerbase costumes.

Yes. Edge of Darkness is your new Dark Arts. You spam the shit out of it as much as your MP allows, unless you wanna save it for trick attack like a cuck.

I just want Khloe to sit on my face

You're not retarded, people just having massive nostalgia boner for HW.

kill yourself

A, that it’s good, and B, that it’s the extreme fight that drops cool weapons instead of Titania

All the best characters are male elves. I don't even like elves but it's true. Aymeric, Estinien and Alphinaud are all husband material and Haurchefaunt was a great friend.

Imagine all the did nothing wrong memes if this happaned.

The patch stuff is pretty quick.

Do you think Minfilia realizes how lewd her outfit is?

He would be a tree I'd never stop hugging, gazing up at his still-youthful eyes as he prattles on about diplomacy and other scholarly jargon

"Wooow, you did all this amazing stuff again?! You're the bestest friend a kitten could have, like, ever! I'll be able to make so many super fun stories, Kebbe will be so happy!" Khloe Aliapoh exclaimed with much excitement, the kitten bounding around her stall to gather and arrange items for your reward while ou stand before the stall smiling at her cute display.

"An amazing, bestest friend like you deserves something extra special" Khloe started rummaging around in her bag, her tongue sticking out as she focused on rummaging. "Hmmm..." Khloe furrowed her small brow and repeatedly took out and put items back in, unable to decide.

"How about a kiss?" You joke, not particularly impressed by what was on offer this week. Naturally it wasn't the litte catgirl's fault, that was down to Rowena. You always seemed to get the crappy rewards when you got all three lines...

Khloe stopped and placed a small hand on her chin, seriously giving it some thought. "Ok, but only because you're Khloe's super special friend!"

"Really? Really really?" You're taken aback as your attempt to fluster the kitten backfires, not expecting her to even seriously consider, let alone agree. Though you'd gladly take the opportunity.

"Ok, close your eyes." Khloe commanded and you duly obliged, shutting your eyes and leaning your head down.

Expecting only a small kiss on the cheek or head, you find yourself freezing stiff as you felt her tiny, soft lips touch yours for a few seconds before she pulls back, a blush and mischievous look on her cute face.

You can feel the eyes of a number of people nearby burning into you. You sheepishly look up and place a hand on the back of your head, trying to laugh it off. Looking around, you see a combination of raised eyebrows, looks of disgust and even a few glares of jealousy.

"Khloe, you can't do that!"

"That's not how you kiss?" Khloe looked at you in puzzled, genuine innocence.

based and bro-pilled

Ishardians have a lot of high collars that hide their freakish twig necks


thank you for putting into words how I feel

that at 2:36 really looks fucking interesting, it almost looks like a city so yeah it could be underground eulmore or even under the crystarium/crystal tower

no clue though
the fact that it's jet black there does allude to it being underground or in some unkown zone

Cuckoldry memes

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Your time is nigh Sin Eater.

does any other cutscene come close to Fray coming back in the 70 DRK quest

don't have sex.

>Squall & Seifer limit breaks No Mercy/Rough Divide
>80's action theme "Danger Zone" that upgrades into Blasting Zone
>DMC stance Royal Guard
>astronautical terms like Nebula/Bow Shock/Sonic Break

When it comes to "cool" factor, GNB wins it all.

Attached: FFXIV_PUB_FANFESTIVAL_2019_PARIS_06.png (1767x2500, 3.43M)

o fuck

The real problem is this shit
>Like 15 Xaela actually show up
>In the siege of Doma Castle like 6 or 7 Xaela tops show up riding their stupid birds
The devs got lazy as fuck with this part and it honestly ruined it. They could have at least pulled a KH2 and used background sprites to emulate an insane Xaela mob. But no we just get a handful of edgy lizard people that we wasted forever trying to appeal to.

Also that entire bit with Gosetsu and the fishing village was dumb as fuck. You mean to tell me we fucked off to parley with turtle people and fuck up a primal while he sat there and got steppies from Yotsuyu? How fucking long did that take?

Also Alisaie straight confirmed that our 7 echo wielding adventurer buddies were ready and there to help with Susano so that begs the question of WHY DIDN'T WE JUST STORM THE VILLAGE AND CAPTURE THE CUNT TO USE AS A BARGAINING CHIP? We had the fucking numbers. Jesus Christ, we didn't need those stupid pirate hobos.

>That puffy mound

Its not really a bubble despite what Koji says. We know from Alphinaud that the time between ARR and 3.4 is a few months and HW took place over a few weeks. Stormblood probably only took place over a few weeks as well since the plot moves pretty quickly and the only thing that takes any length of time is the boat ride to Doma.

I don't know why people assume years have gone by when half of HW takes place over 2 days.

PS4 limitations, please understand

You haven't finished SB yet. You aren't actually fighting a war on two fronts since the Mhiggers actually do jack shit while you're in Doma. The Xaela also end up being useless and all the Doma stuff is dropped once you hit lvl 67 and go back to Mhiggerland. And then the plot kind of just ends.

SB would be better if it was two expansions for each region rather than one expansion for two completely unrelated regions (three with Ivalice raid).
We never had a chance to actually visit Ala Mhigo, Doma itself is a tiny ass region and most of our Far East adventure happened the other regions (especially the Steppe), and all the potentially cool major cities are combat instances ("never seen before in a MMO!").
In the end, the only properly developed areas (story/lore-wise) ended up being the Steppes and Kugane (good for xaelafags, I guess). All Ala Mhigo got was snake ladies and a bit of their lifestyle, a excuse to explain why mhigans "refuse" to leave Little Ala Mhigo, and material for rape doujins.

Please tell me Gunbreaker's /vpose and /bpose are Seifer-based.
I'm not a huge FF8 fan, but after playing through it recently, I have to say that Seifer basing all of his moves after Laguna fooling around with a gunblade in a B-movie is one of the most kino things the series did, quite literally.

>How fucking long did that take?
A few hours tops.

That's what they would do to the twins too.

WoLs power of Twenty Good Men™ works in mysterious ways.

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It's more than one boat ride. Also mass mobilizations of armed forces

>The perfect woman doesn't ex-

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Alisaie was memeing

I didn't say it was hard to read

I really like the xaela but they were just kinda wasted here.


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Neither was in the media tour or E3 builds.
There was something that might be /vpose or /bpose at the end of the reveal trailer and it resembles Seifer's stance.

/cpose is Squall's and Lightning's idle poses from Dissidia.

Attached: gnb idle.jpg (1413x924, 666K)

Wait shit, wrong image

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>husband material
Sir please do not come anywhere near my son.

>Also mass mobilizations of armed forces
>mass mobilization
Hien's army wasn't that big, that was kind of the point. It was a blitz campaign in which only one real battle at Doma castle was fought. The Kojin and pirate forces consisted of like, one boat and the Xaela were always ready to fight.

On the mhigger side, the resistance cells were already mobilized and the Eorzean alliance got their shit together while you were in Doma.


>Named Innocence because he stole the innocence of every maiden in the realm and beyond

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You get MC'd and become hostile to the raid auto attacking random players until killed and raised.

your son was the youngest student in his school and he was still pulling enough pussy that his sister was getting contact lewdness

Grant me more

how can one fatass be so based

Halicarnassus and Neo Exdaddy were dope. Maybe Kefka. Omega M and F were alright. The rest is in no comparison to Alexander.

He's MY son

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The game also implies that you just magically sneak people to help you out at Bardem's Mettle. Don't worry so much about when and how your fellow adventurers show up.

That was the most kino shit ever. God fucking dammit. Im so happy the DRK questline writer is heading the ShB story. Are you bros ready for Kino?

Now there's a story I like.

People who want FF14 classic are mentally retarded contrarians with no self awareness who think copying WoW is still some sort of peak competition in video game design.

Kill yourself.

Looks promising. Thanks, friend.

Most of the Alexander fights were also forgettable


If anything happens to the twins I swear to fuck there will be hell to pay. Don't you fucking dare Yoshida. Take any other scion but don't you dare kill them.

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Don't use that fucking meme, you're gonna curse us all, every job that tried to use it got gutted.

>Imagine being Alisae.
>Imagine constantly getting gifts from people who mistake you for Alphinaud
>Imagine disappointing everyone around you when they realize you are not your infinitely cooler brother

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11 and 12 are gold.

Clearly they're just inside your character sprite

>Urianger dies
>the twins blame it on you and leave you

Only A6, A8 and A11 were really memorable in Alexander desu. The rest is either forgettable or noteworthy only for how shit it was.

This only ends with WAR back on top again.

Chill out

>not just going with it and whipping out your futa dick
I guess this is why Alisaie likes to point swords at people, repressed dick envy

Does the JP version also have all those allusions? I'd bet it's just Koji being a memeing fuck.


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I mean the ratio of good to forgettable fights between the two series is the same

They mentioned that there will be a story reason why you can access the market board and your retainers whilst in the First.
Guessing we'll be freely moving between worlds earlier than thought.
Will have to juggle to stop the shit happening in the First and the Garleans using their Black Rose poison in Eorzea.

Can't wait til Alphinaud fucks off forever.

So these two are ok to be the same, but Alisaie Titania isn't?

The khloe story isn't mine, some other blessed user wrote it a few weeks ago, sorry I can't provide more

It'll be the same way Rowena and Gerolt get there

It wouldn't matter since Koji is part of the main writing team. This "hurr durr is it in the JP vershoin" shit is getting tiring.

We have to be able to freely go between worlds at our convenience. One of the upcoming new stuff is rebuilding Ishgard.

>who think copying WoW is still some sort of peak competition in video game design.
Wait what? But XIV 2.0+ is literally the WoW copy. Are you brain damaged?

Alisaie will die after confessing her feelings of admiration to you (which people will assume is romantic).

This will begin Alphinaud's fall to darkness.

Why do we never get the kickass animation at the start of every job reveal?

I never said it wasn't you idiot. But it's still a measure of whether it's meant to be something "important", that all languages allude to, or just something he threw in for the heck of it.

>start laughing in Japanese before the question is even translated
Must be like "Is this idiot asking what I think he's asking?"

What the fuck?

Rowena is going to team up with her alternate counterpart, Anewor, to jew the world twice as hard

Oh shit, I just realised the parallel with Guin Saga.
Now I have to make a Hrothgar WoL.

Attached: Guin.full.39534.jpg (832x1200, 322K)

Yoshida already confirmed that there's no moving between shards until the ShB main story is finished. They learned their lesson from SB.
If anything is happening concurrently on the Source, we'll get to see it through the eyes of somebody else via the RP battle system.

I don't deny the possibility of the latter, I just think the former is likely because we know that Sin Eaters are light-corrupted humans, Vauthry is hanging out with them around the water cooler and I think we'll probably end up fighting him somehow or another but I somehow doubt they'd make him fight as he is now.

Would be cool if Yoshi wasn't the king of asset reuse.

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>This "hurr durr is it in the JP vershoin" shit is getting tiring.
I can understand this for certain words or phrasing that doesn't translate well. Trust/Faith for example. But I hate, hate- hate it when going on the OF for trailer and cutscene disparity.

Apparently Emet Solus speaks more condescendingly in the JP trailer.

Attached: Angel of Truth.png (1007x607, 485K)

He heard "1.0" and lost it

did they say where these hail from? i figured they were lords from Bukyo

He knows some English but not enough to be an extremely public face and not use a translator

so we lose Haurchefaunt in the 57 dungeon, and Gosetsu in the 67. Who's 77? I'm betting mini-Minfillia


Is Hildebrand going to somehow come to The First with us, or will we encounter an alternate world Hildebrand?!


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Yoshida understands English quite well and speaks it reasonably well (for a nip, anyway). But he hates being misunderstood or giving answer that stem form misunderstandings, which is why he insists on translators.

Jokes on you, the aesthetic and continuation combo alone will keep me playing it forever. Do what you will SE, I have already won.

based as fuck

>mind control memes in my xiv
nnnnooooo not again dfo was enough damn it

Did you skip the ending of the last Hildibrand? Where they all go with Gilgamesh into a portal to a different dimension?

Didn't Gilgamesh drag him through a portal after the Stormblood quests?
Girugamesh is already a universe jumper so it doesn't take a genius to realize where they went.

I struggle to understand the community rep guy who's name I forget. With the silver hair.

Latency can be pretty shit even if it's not that high.

Even if Alisaie is Titania, it's pretty safe to assume that the dungeon on the giant golem with the sin eater palace on it's back is a dungeon that happens after the Titania fight, and we see in the trailer a shot with all the scions looking off a cliff as it rising from the earth. So Alisaie is safe until past that.

I really think people are really stretching any assumption that she's in any danger. FFXIV doesn't kill characters unless their death fulfills a narrative purpose and killing either of the twins wouldn't really do that. The purpose of the twins is to reflect how your influence can change and inspire people.
Thancred is fucking done though, literally his entire character was just to be a smarmy asshole and to try to protect Minfillia so I think the only real conclusion for Thancred's character is to nobly sacrifice himself in some way while protecting her to make up for when he failed to do so in 2.55

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BASED blufvr

"Dear Retainer, as I am still somehow able to communicate with you all.the way from the First shard I must ask of you a critical task. Whilst I am here fighting all sorts of horrible Light monsters and stopping all of existence from being erased I need you, over in Eorzea, to make your way to the Golden Saucer and enter these 4 four numbers (xxxx) for this week's Cacpot lottery!"

dude are you fucking braindead shit talking yoshi like that? he obviously knows a good bit of english you always see him reacting appropriately when english is spoken to him if you paid fucking attention you shit heap. he just doesnt have the confidence to not go without a translator like Kojima-san but there's no problem with that maybe you'd understand that if you werent some EOP mong. also he makes way more money than you ever will you little faggot retard

I hope Vauthry won't be too important because I won't be able to look at him without laughing my ass of because of these threads.

Delicious, waiting on them rape and NTR doujins

Premium Ilberd. ps4 limitations though.. I don't even know if a ps5 can handle an ilberd as powerful as this.

>3 feet tall


Thancred already came back from being super dead once

Yeah luckily he doesn't talk much. He's passable if you try to listen though.

>trial that every niggerscale is capable of doing solo
>WoL, the god slayer, the planet's chosen, brings three people along to help him
>Aymeric and Alphinaud beat their dragon trials solo but you had to bring help for some reason
>Gilgamesh recognizes your absolute power as if you beat him one-on-one handily, but at the same time he mentions your friends in his trials
>Yotsuyu just patiently waited in her room for you to contact your friends to beat her up
>Ravana as well
>Also Thordan
>Ifrit too
There's a very clear disconnect between how most of the cutscenes treat you, and how the bits before dungeons and trials treat you.

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You mad bro

Finish the last available Hildi quest already


I just got into Stormblood so I haven't hit Hildebrand yet.

So, we've already had Cu Chulain as a void enemy, and Mateus/Hashmal during Rabanastre. Are there any other Ascian overlaps where the two aren't related but on this chart? I believe Iegeyorthm is dead.

Guessing most people who switch to Viera will switch back to whatever they were pretty quick, mainly because of the height.

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Speaking of which I thought you needed the echo or something equivalent to be able to transcend worlds.
How did Hildy manage?

Why do all these people keep saying him. Being on the first is just a "reference," are they retarded? Lukile was able to figure out the location of the thancred/minfillia scene based on fucking lamps. Nothing is a coincidence. These brothers are fucking gods or some shit.

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That apparent 1k gap in damage didn't stop me, literally the only thing that would is if they go full DRK with taking/changing skills and animations.

>framing makes it look like he has wings

Don't forget to pick up a new Aether Compass if you threw it away.

are they ever going to prevent trannys from buying housing plots on alts?

Oh okay sorry for spoiling that for you
Not that it's much of a spoiler

Thancred exists to suffer, he'll sooner kill off Minfilia again to fuck with him even harder

Yeah we killed her in Heavensward, right before Thordan came in and fucking chopped Lahabrea in half.

Probably storywise but no way are they actually going to have you stuck there.

>Naoki Yoshida: This NPC doesn’t tie in closely to the narrative per se, but it is something that is in there to maintain a sense of consistency in your adventures. As you know, the world was shattered into 14 different shards, including The Source, about 10,000 years ago. When the world split into the different shards, because it was based off the same ether, each is a similar realm. So there may be a possibility that certain people, while not exactly replicated, will look similar on the different realms. We wanted to depict that in a easily recognizable form. So, as we’re starting this new adventure in Shadowbringers, we had this NPC show up. This was something that we wanted to incorporate as a reminder that while, yes, we are starting this new important quest, also, “hey look”, there they are again. So it was deliberate in that way.

>So, while they may look similar, they are not exactly the same person who follows the same path. Their fate may be different in the different realms. We wanted to depict that aspect of it as well. You will probably encounter other similar situations with other characters that you come in contact with throughout the story.

Chaos in O9

Not me, been waiting for the perfect combination of that height, good faces, good animations and no tail clipping. Before it was always one or the other.

Crystal Tower clearly works differently than Gilgamesh's bullshit

He's one of the main characters shown in the trailer, expect him to be very important, not to mention he has a unique character model

What interview is this from?

Hyonotizing Alphinaud into a sissy faggot!

>Yotsuyu just patiently waited in her room for you to contact your friends to beat her up
>Ravana as well
>Also Thordan
Time bubble. Makes no sense though, for Yotsuyu to stay put. Especially since she wasn't bound. For the others we can just assume Adventurers were on standby via airship or hanging around the Gnath since CG trailers generally show them meandering.

famfrit is in the lighthouse

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Aside from Tataru, which of the Scions are canon non-virgins? Are they just all celibate scholars?

I mean storywise obviously, yeah.
Although could you imagine the butthurt from slowpokes who take more than 45 days to finish the MSQ coming home the First to find their houses taken over by some WoWfugee?

>Time bubble
fuck off

People want something similar to the gas station attendant in Persona 4 or Gaunter O'Dimm in The Witcher 3.

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Think in the Eden raid we might be seeing more FF8 characters as bosses.
Omega Weapon

The powerlevel fluctuations are worse than comics.


What do people spend GC and Allied Seals on?

Wow, great interview. Didn't see this one. Thanks user!

You needed help on your trial cause you were up against a dragon on par with Nidhogg

Griever is practically confirmed by that side comment about fighting the WoL's imagination.

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Any goodlooking Spears that goes with this outfit ?

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The way Y'Shtola treated that Au'Ra boy makes me think that she's had some action at least.

Urianger is the only permavirgin.

Those people will also be running around as the smallest veena they can before they do.

I can't wait for them either.

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Dumb question, but is it fine to use Fantasia during the early access? I dont know how its gonna work and if others will see us with ShB stuff when they dont have access

>Start playing ffxiv after many years
>Decide to pick Summoner
>It's completely different now


It's fine friend, I don't blame you. It doesn't ruin what will likely be another mad adventure with Hilde

I know they're not from FF8 but I still really want Golbez' Four Fiends to show up somewhere. Imagine a gauntlet fight with the four of them like A6.

Attached: archfiends.png (640x480, 456K)

since we're fighting 'our imaginations', then Griever will probably be one of the final bosses. Also means we have a fair shot at getting a soken remix of Legendary Beast.

I'm hoping for The Castle myself

You. Unless the wol got some off screen we are virgins.

Marketing this time around is fucking insane.

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Doesn't Y'shtola please hordes of beastman dick?

the spear that goes with the outfit

khloe smut

The answer is always Holy Lance

Because XV piece of fucking shit is finally fucking dead and not siphoning resources anymore

Thancred, and that one chick's fucking Hoary isn't she

Early acces is pretty much the release date. So yes. You will be able to fantasia and everyone will see bunnies etc.

Attached: khloe smug.jpg (1920x1058, 274K)

thank fucking god that's over

EVERYONE downloads ShB when Early Access starts, so yes it's okay to use Fantasia.


>implying Moenbryda didn't peg him at least once

Go Dark Knight. Get to start at level 30, so you're already half way to 60. Plus you get to enjoy a great job quest storyline.

im going to miss her bros

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Aside from mobile trash, isn't XIV squares more profitable title?

Okay, thanks.

this phrase activates some prime breeding directive in my brain

I just want some FF8 glamours.

>Mfw Edea's or Ultimecia's outfit for casters

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Thancred isn't.
Minfillia definitely wasn't, how else did she get all those different groups to pledge their loyalty to the Scions?
Papalymo probably died a virgin.
Yshtola is a slut like all cats.
Krille got dicked during her time in empire captivity.

I guarantee Alphinaud is a virgin but I also guarantee he beats off to Y'shtola every god damn night after seeing her naked. He gets his own room cuz otherwise people have to try to sleep with him secretly beating off a bed over.

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Fuck you, you know it's true. It's why even with ShB Urianger will still be in the Waking Sands if you haven't cleared ARR EX's.

Is the free 5 days thing still going on? When does it end? I don't think I will play Shadowniggers but I might as well finish Stormblood incase I like the next expansion.

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FF7 remake is though

I wouldn't be surprised, its probably the closest thing they've got to DQ franchise levels of moneymaking.

Alphinaud is the exact opposite of that user

Even if she did, does that really count?

Full Squall Leonhart glamour is possible in two weeks.

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Does Yoshi actually understand English?

I've been spending them on Squadron missions and items for my Anima weapon quests

>XVhater seething
Mmm nice

That spear is UGLY
Guess I should try to get that when my dragoon is level 50

Gerolt flat out fucking mentions 2 years has passed since he first did your relic in ARR you moron.
Urianger remains there because of developer oversight. Go back to the fucking OF where you belong.

That kind of stuff will 100% cashshop items.

I'm going to marry Aimi, bros

As long as one is involved in some manner of thrusting or taking, yes

15 was ok only after all the patches it got and this is coming from someone who likes the game. They should have waited a year or more to have the game come out.

More or less. He has spent basically the last 20 years of his life playing western MMOs. He's just not good enough to actually do formal interviews/presentations.

No you fuck off, the time bubble is still there and even IF passage has been stated. Jump potion babbies will get to ShB, not know what the deal with CT is, and oops Cid is still ARR Cid.

They rented a literal castle for HW.

Glamour prisms, to sell them on the marketboard. I'm sure there might be some other item that sells for more gil per seal, but prisms get sold quickly.

>Allied Seals
ARR mount speed upgrades.

What's there to like about that unfinished mess outside of cute imouto the game won't even let you fuck.

Are there mods for this?

>That feel when you wanna try DRK but you're still on the way to Heavensward and the inky other way is being dumb and buy a level up potion.

I heard Gunbreaker and Dancer are just gonna be in ARR cities. Is that true?

More or less.
Square Enix is run by vampires. They keep braindead bonemarrow farms like FFXIV and the whole mobage division on life support, and drain away all the blood so they can infuse it into half-baked Frankenstein abominations like XV with a vascular system full of holes that hemorrhages it all onto the floor.

Me on the left

>using a mount other than the Ahriman
I seriously hope no one here does this.

Yes but you'll need to be level 60 to start them anyway.

Is this that XV-kun I keep hearing about right before a thread gets spammed with random shit?

Her Wind-Up version, which was built by Urianger, is mentioned to be anatomically correct

Ronso are pretty based

The limbs on it sort of look off.

>going to have to deal with cringe squall cosplayers fucking up tanking now

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>caring about skipperfags
They either don't care about the story to begin with, or they already did it. Time bubble in a progressing story is a fucking meme.

I wonder if they ripped it directly from Dissidia NT, textures look better than anything else in XIV.

Barry doesnt really come in these threads, this is just some other retard.

That's fine. I'm around 58 with my jobs so as long as I keep doing my dailies I'll be able to snatch em as I continue the MSQ

There's a nsfw Khloe mod that you can apply to the others smol using the trainer.

I want to shuffle her ass

I'm sticking with my Ravana barding Chocobo
>Tfw I got the item needed to craft it in the first week and sold it for 2 million gil, then bought the completed barding 2 weeks later for 100k

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Even worse, they're literally all 30 year old boomers while still being the same level of cringe they were as teenagers

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he was here a while back when the collab was announced. lets see if he's here. he can't resist this:

barryhas an incredibly specific way of writing his posts and don't summon him by bringing it up

>Not that it's much of a spoiler
Gilgamesh being around Kugane is a pretty big spoiler, guy.

GNB in Gridania, DNC in Limsa

t. zoomer

Kingcake and Franchescas for anima. I buy crafting materials since A lot o the better furniture needs materials that use scarlet sap, hardened sap and I think coke for airships.

Its Alisaie
that's what is going to makes us go full fuckit mode and flex on the light
He just doesn't want Aimi to feel useless.

where's the album

The wind-up Moenbryda being Urianger's sex toy is pretty infamous for being a Koji meme.

But sure, he might've fucked the puppet.


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Point me in the right direction before thread dies, I don't see it in the repository.

tfw I owned the pendant and ring in my chuunibyou years

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I feel like they did that just because some people complained both RDM and DNC were in Ul'dah

I wonder if most are going to be like that or if that's just an effect for the AF gunblade.

Is he like Daiz on Yea Forums?


Understand? Yes for the most part, but full on speaking it fluently like it's a second language is another problem.

>Have just started recently
>Beaten ARR, on the way to HW
>Over 2000 full if Poetics
>Already brought most of the ironworks gear and weapons I needed and already upgraded them with carbonwire.

>A few dailies and trials later I'm already full of them again.

What else can I do with all of these?!

... Whatever

Stop trying to justify fucking everything with a cop-out excuse. Time progresses, and those "time bubble" instances are what happened before time progressed. It is not fucking difficult to understand.

as many japanese developers they understand english very well but speaking is still trouble also aimi isnt useless she translates the english to japanese watchers too you dumb fuck.

I miss Yda-lyse.

No bro I'm also a boomer I just hated those fags since when they first showed themselves and the years they lingered, and now we have to see them again.

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The CE one isn't, the only other one they've shown doesn't seem like it either.

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When can I play as a voidsent succubus?

It was a joke, user.

Meant RDM and SAM fuck me it's 6am I need to sleep

>50k yen
They could get enkou with that kind of money.

Buy sets for other classes
Buy sets for your Retainer
Buy Materia to sell

Slightly annoying. Best thing about HW jobs were that they were contained to HW. Looks like I'll be dealing with 30+ minute runs with trusts so I don't need to see parties of nothing but GNB/AST/DNC/DNC

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I've just been exchanging them for gc seals myself

This might be late, but for ifrit it's mentioned that they have to set up the ritual, and another npc mentions an escape route you can use to get help, but that only one person can leave since otherwise they'd notice and kill you all as you swim through the river. At least that's how the game explains you getting help for him.

Fucking normie get out.

Roll a female Duskwight and wear the succubus horns from GC?

Oh no no she belongs to HIM now...

try to be at 2000 when you do the level 57 msq, as you'll end up in a place you can buy level 60 gear with them

otherwise you can just buy ironworks for other roles

I wish it was a bit bigger if they were going for a saw-like look.

Just run potd

>I knooow
Damn Yoshi way to cut her off.

Trusts being added to ex trials/raids when? I will play this game then.

Right after you unlock Palace of the Dead and find the right pomander.

Is there a full version of this or you just gonna be a fag and post the crop then leave

Do you plan on doing the Anima weapon questlines? Keep that shit full, you'll need those, all of them.

>>So, while they may look similar, they are not exactly the same person who follows the same path. Their fate may be different in the different realms.
Imagine meeting the first's version of Haurchefant

Nope I'm not. Just a guy who didn't like any FF except CC and XV

They show gilgamesh in kugane at the end of the first episode in stormblood

>still no tonberry outfit

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Absolutely based

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>Lvl only DPS classes
>Gunsword comes along
>Plan on making that the only Tank I bother leveling to max due to nostalgia
>Go back to leveling DPS

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Thats kinda sad

when you reach idyllshire you can buy demicrystals with them which vendor for 500 gil a piece, but you'll probably be buying shire gear by then

I don't really like JRPGs as a genre

>get to the First
>Y'shtola is wearing a slave outfit and has a pregnant belly
>She becomes a Sin Eater
Vauthry doujins made for the sole purpose of BTFOing waifufags and art commissioners when?

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At least you're based CC-bro but Idk about that XV taste. You can carry the chalice.

>can't unsheathe Tonberry Knife and it's only visible on certain CUL recipes

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That's all that was posted.

Not soon enough.

Idgaf about liking JRPGs or not XV was just a bad game, this ain't got shit to do with it being a JRPG


Huh trainer matters all of a sudden

Naturally I meant on a permanent basis and not as a temporary gimmick.

The GS horns are nice, but there's no good gear to match.

Not that user but I don't really like the anima weapons for the classes I play, the fists and books look bad.
I do really like the AST weapon but eh I don't even have that at 60 yet.
I'll save my autism for the Shadowbringers relic first and then worry about Anima, I've still got my Kaiser Knuckles at least.

Damn my dick got excited for a second

imagination is better than reality anyway

So can I dress my Trusts? I've already forced my squad to wear fetish gear and I want Alphinaud to have to see me dress Alisaie like that

Define 'bad' please
I ALWAYS see everyone shittin on XV but can't really get WHY.


Of course not. They'd have to remodel everything for the twins

2nd file is a texture. You can apply it to NPC miqote. you have to add the nipple color post screenshot on other races.

I want Alisaie to watch me dress up Alphinaud like that

>Have a urge to bust a nut to Alisaie
>An entire page on the boorus is filled with some blatant self insert Au Ra fag commissions
Not sure what I was expecting

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It's unfinished and painfully mediocre, the former is a fact since they've actively had to patch in and add DLCs for shit that is vital to the main story but wasn't there when the game launched. And the latter is it just does nothing well, it's the definition of a game that throws it's net so wide it excels at nothing. The open world does nothing for the gameplay and as is empty as it gets. The combat is easy and retard proof so you can braindead 100% of the game. The story is up to the person but for me it wasn't my cup of tea. The only thing I think the game did well was I felt like the 4 main characters were friends. Not some generic fantasy "muh friends" but guys who just like each others company

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you're a good man, user, a good man

is there a place where i can see screenshots of this

The only porn you' find are people making shit for their OCs
