Cyberpunk 2077 new details

In late-game it is possible to unlock a wall climbing augmentation. Wall climbing is possible both inside and outside, some buildings have inaccessible roofs.

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The fuck is this merch

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Anita's fem frequency

Attached: D86J6m9V4AAH5C_.jpg (1041x706, 276K)

>in the future everything even soda is sold purely on anime ass
not surprised

Nice narrative faggot, the woman on the bottom left was an artist on W3 too.

>Even the dog has cyber legs

Do people simply lose a lot of limbs in this setting?

>Have a choice to install turbo auto fapper arm
>With swappable parts
>Not taking that choice
What's wrong with you?

Source for that info?

>some buildings have inaccessible roofs
Really nigga.

>average Yea Forumsaggot is fat and has retarded hair
>this is not ok if you are a woman

It's fashionable in a "Chinese break a dogs front legs to force it to walk on its hind legs so they can dress it up like a schoolgirl" kind of way

Nobody gonna ask for source? Not a single mfer?

don't kid yourself
most people here don't even have hair anymore

Projecting, are we?


Attached: serveimage.jpg (720x960, 95K)

>first person wall climbing
Fucking gay

is this girl juice soda?

Cola means butt in Spanish.

okay but WHAT THE FUCK is that thing on the bottom right.

That's culo.

The elusive bog sister

Nicola is a male name in Italian and I'm losing my shit over here

>Cyberpunk-styled people design cyberpunk game

Cola is butt, culo is ass.

>Dying Light blocks your path

she worked on tw3 too, beat cancer and actually has meaningful art
it's only funny to point at freaks that do nothing of value.

Cola means butt in latin america.

Attached: 1536335844536.png (87x93, 16K)

>retard thumb
is this thot disease? i've seen a lot of retard thumbs on women lately

trannies are trying hard to make people hate cyberpunk

Nicola is a male name everywhere except burgers. It's a Kvas brand here, they played on that. pretty funny.

It was fine in arena.

Is there even a branching story line or just character customization in one story line?

Attached: 1533825141252.png (1000x937, 562K)

Eat my cola, pandejo.

le troll face

Will the protag be voiced?

Nothing is confirmed by my personal baseless speculation is that it's going to be something like Alpha Protocol, where completing missions in certain ways will affect others.
Witcher series already did this anyway.

>I'd fuck this merch

Only in cutscenes

is that a real life brand or is a cyberpunk recreation one?

Here is what I was always confused about in cyberpunk settings: in a world where ecology is destroyed worldwide and urban sprawl occupies basically every square km of surface area, where does the food supply come from? How is there still oxygen in the air?

You are confused because your assumptions are just not true user.
Read it up.

>where does the food supply come from?
Food factories.
>How is there still oxygen in the air?
Oxygen factories.

cola means tail in Spanish

It’s literal booty juice from tropic thunder neat

Was she the one CDPR paid for all medical expenses?

>stupid artist doesn't realize Johnny Silverhand is dead and this has already been confirmed by the devs and the one you see is some kind of AI or some shit

It's probably exactly like Witcher.
One main story and a shitload of sidequests.

I just hope the world has shit to do beyond side quests, like customizing your apartment, car, visiting bars, shit to find (not collectables).

>Silverhand is dead
Pondsmith has pointedly said "but did anyone see the body?"

>"but did anyone see the body?"

He was pumped full of lead and died on the spot, then his body was vaporized in an explosion, he's dead. The Keanu Reeves reveal and shows Johnny isn't real because he glitches out when it first shows him just to spell it out for autists like you.

I'll take Pondsmith's word over yours, thanks.

That's fine, but you're still a brainlet and wrong for not realizing he's leaving it vague for retards like you who will be surprised by the "epic twist" that he's been dead the whole time.

Are you blind ? Did you even see the trailer ?

Are you retarded?
Hologram Johnny is obviously that chip in your head, no one disputes this.
That doesn't rule out Real Live Johnny in hiding or some shenanigans about Net Ghost Johnny wanting his body back.

>That doesn't rule out Real Live Johnny in hiding or some shenanigans about Net Ghost Johnny wanting his body back.

Johnny is dead you dumb fuck, the hologram/AI version is clearly being used as a propaganda machine to rally people to a cause and to manipulate.

>but did anyone see the body?

>he doesn't know

one of them designed the tranny cola poster iirc
pretty based in my book

Literally not an argument, you're being played if you actually think he's alive.

He does know it's a blatant thinly veiled shitpost.

i would fuck her

Again I simply must trust the creator of the game over some random shitposter.

>average Yea Forumsaggot is fat and has retarded hair
>this is not ok if you are a woman

The "creator" isn't definitively saying he's alive or dead precisely so you can be "surprised" when it reveals he's not alive. It's honestly baffling that you can be so dumb and naive not to see that.

Johnny is dead
he was in his middle ages in 2020, now its 57 years later

Shiba Inu :DDD:D:D:D:DDDD


Pondsmith said that he left his death unconfirmed in an interview wth yongyea, so it is likely he is still kickin

Pondsmith has also said that life expectancy in Cyberpunk is 140, so.