Let's take a bit to respect the Lisa games for a bit

Let's take a bit to respect the Lisa games for a bit.

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Lisa? That's a GIRL name. Are you playing games for GIRLS, user?


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Play Lisa: the First

I do respect the LISA games a lot, I just wish I could enjoy them more. They're good games, but they just rub me the wrong way, personally.



Yeah, I'm thinking he's based



Based cringeposter

>"whatever" anime OP
>it's not some low-effort edit of the Evangelion OP
I'm surprised.

Why? There's only one that's good, unless you count the fan made one.

All the new projects Austin Jorgenson has been involved in have been emberassing

Why? They're terrible.

the game itself was inspired by HnK so you shouldn't be surprised

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i dunno Air Marty is being made by his brother and is looking pretty neat even if my opinion of it is only carried by this qt mummy character in one of the preview screenshots.

Attached: mummy.png (1920x1080, 1M)

Should I play these games

Just a reminder that Unbreakable is possibly close to being finished

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Are Terry, Nern, and Olan worth keeping?

Worth what, retard? You can just exchange party members.

He's useless right until late game. If you want a dead weight for most of the game then there he is.
>Olan and Nern
They're both solid as a Damage dealer and Suport, respectively. They can easily help you through the entire game. If you want to overkill shit then you grab others.

I would avoid losing any party members.

Pointless>Painful>Hopeful>Joyful>everything else