What are you going to buy

What are you going to buy

Attached: D89bH9OUwAINpup.jpg (1920x3854, 1.36M)


Shill thread

All trash. I'll buy Goose Game when it comes out.

Hows the GF, Arthur?

Already bought Cadence of Hyrule, it's pretty fun but I 100% cleared it in just a few hours. Thankfully I have a bunch of friends eager to try it.

Probably end up buying Sword or Shield for my wife for her birthday. I like the Secret of Mana series, but not sure if I have the time to go back through all of them.

God Eater 3

fuck off tripfag

Post the image.

>the b word

Attached: pirate.png (976x658, 272K)

Probably not the same chart but I can't be fucked circling everything again

green = going to buy
orange = maybe/ if on special
red = not interested

Attached: switch games.jpg (1020x2047, 892K)

I actually can't afford all the games I want.

Mario Maker 2
Luigi's Mansion 3
AC New Horizons

>Look mom im trolling on Yea Forums xD

was that you or the GF at the keyboard?

Kill yourself faggot

I was going to get Daemon X Machina, but now I'm going to hold off, it's only being published by Nintendo outside of Japan, so the IP and the game itself are not Nintendo exclusive.

Fire Emblem 3 Houses looks so ugly that Nintendo pretends it doesn't exist.

>that Q3
fuck me dead gotta live on bean sprouts and tofu for the rest of july.

Astral Chain
Link's Awakening
Ni No Kuni
Luigi's Mansion
Animal Crossing
No More Heroes

>Astral chain
>daemon x machina
>zelda link's awakening
>dragon quest xi definitive edition
>luigi's mansion 3
>ff crystal chronicles
>the witcher 3
>doom eternal
>no more heroes 3
>animal crossing
Gee Nintendo thanks for releasing fuck nothing for the first half of 2019, I love having to play 10 games, one game after another, during the last 6 months of the year

I'm getting a ton of those, but I just wanted to say that Sakuna of Rice and Ruin completely snuck up on me, I was vaguely aware of its existence before but the Treehouse footage made it an insta-buy.

I don't understand why would you buy everything on release date. You could Just buy a few this year and the rest the next one, the games will be on Amazon for a long time and they might even drop price.

Dont buy every Game than?

Why support pokemon?

I only got smash ultimate in the past 7 years. Got a break from vg, but now I need a fallback game for when I dont have friends to play smash with and Im not in mood for online.
I wanted to get pokemon as it fits all criteria, but after seeing it im definetly going to pass. It looks like shit, and the whole point of you wasting your time collecting mons got nerfed (as you wont be able to use all the ones you got for sure again).
I will get ac instead. Remember that pokemon is shit because of people like you.