How toxic are you in games? I used to call people niggers all the time but now just call them "retards" at worst...

How toxic are you in games? I used to call people niggers all the time but now just call them "retards" at worst, it's much easier to disconnect instead of dealing with shitters these days.

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I'm not allowed to be toxic in games or i'll get banned so i just make fun of toxic people on Yea Forums ironically.

I stopped awhile ago. If something is legitimately pissing me off in a game I’ll just find another match, I can’t be bothered at this point.

I don't talk in games

I mostly just try to find ways to piss people off if I'm salty, a well placed "ok?" can do a lot

I generally don't play games with toxic people and communities.

I'm not toxic at all because I have something called "empathy" and I'm not a miserable asshole

Lol shut up nerd

Used to call people faggot all the time but now doing so gets you immediate suspension.

If someone pisses me off I just do it in game like spamming emotes on them.

>even using the word "toxic"
reminder it was introduced to video games by a league of legends developer and has no real definition other than "doing something I don't like"

every time i ask people what "toxic" means i get a different response

No you retard, it's a pokemon move

>I'm not a miserable asshole
Said the faggot being passive agressive on an anonymous board.

>correcting me
umm can we not have this rampant toxicity from manchildren? thanks
hiroshima nagasaki you need to step up your moderation to prevent Yea Forums toxicity

Stuck a nerve, huh? Be better.

I turn down my graphics to see enemies better and spawncamp whenever possible

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I don't speak in video games. I just play. Probably the most "toxic" thing I do is the occasional t-bag in a shooter just to mess with someone on the other team, but even that's pretty damn rare.

consider coping with the fact that people do not want to play videogames with you

YWN go back in time and fuck britney during the Lucky video shoot

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This bitch called me a fat slut on my last United plane trip. I could not believe it

Um excuse me can we not have this toxic replying here? Reported for toxicity, Hiro will deal with you now :^)
I never get banned or reported in any game. I'm calling out the use of a stupid word which is basically Newspeak-tier.

>young britney spears
>young lindsay lohan
Dame da ne...

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It helps having access to a dictionary.

hey boo!

blondes with poop eyes are on the lowest tier next to spics and niggers.

>those people that use Blissey with toxic, double team, and soft boiled.

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If there's all-chat I type yeet after every kill. If there's no all chat like Destiny I bag and then dance emote, dab and then floss. Guaranteed fanmail or angry bags. I'm permanently suspended from overwatch because of this. Bungie gives no fucks about PVP so I'm never getting the hammer over there. I can't stop doing it because Im lonely and I like the attention.

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I don't really think it's newspeak-tier. Getting thicker skin is certainly something to strive for, but having a word to express getting slurs of different kinds hurled at you isn't bad.

>shut up nword
offensive? Would you get banned?

Games like League, Dota and Overwatch showed me that team based games with characters that have clear weaknesses are the ones that get me going.

These games leave you helpless because you play with some real lowlifes and others that already went mentally boom so they ruin your future games further. Not to forget that every character has some form of weakness and you always have to play the most OP meta at the time to win. That is toxic and it makes you toxic.

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Aguilera literally is a spic

That's called being rude. A person who uses slurs too much is a rude person. We already have a word for this. But I guess there's a long history of people being rude and this is the current year, we need to separate modern rude people in a new group just so that we can ostracize them more effectively. Henry Ford was rude, you are toxic, see.

I like to bait people into saying bannable words then reporting them. So if that's toxic then I am.

She wanted the fat meaty dick

"toxic" lumps in literally anything that can upset someone, that's the exact problem with it.
It puts rape and death threats, slurs, and griefing under the same banner as someone asking you to change class/hero to help the team better, or someone simply arguing civilly (yes, I have seen someone called "toxic" for having a normal argument before). Have you never seen an SJW call a chat toxic simply for saying black men and women weren't present on Bohemian medieval battlefields? Because I have.

Like Newspeak, it means what the person who is moderating/reporting/calling a votekick wants it to mean at the time. But what it genuinely means is "anything I don't like".

Not at all. I forgive my team mates when they fuck up and apologize when I fuck up.

Practice what you preach.

Anyone who unironically uses this word should be ignored

I used to be real bad in competitive games when I felt that people on my team weren't pulling their weight
I would call them out on every little thing they did in a pretty aggressive way

never been a troll or sore-winner though (aka "LOL GG EZ"), I really don't get the point in trying to make someone you just beat feel bad, they already feel bad for losing, why would you then rub it in their faces?

You tried but it doesn't work

calling someone who keeps hurling slurs "rude" is like calling someone who cheats "unsportsmanlike", doesn't quite communicate what's happening
>implying toxic people are ostracized

I avoid trash talking other players but sometimes I smash controllers out of rage

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>calling someone who keeps hurling slurs "rude" is like calling someone who cheats "unsportsmanlike", doesn't quite communicate what's happening
No I'd say calling someone who hurls slurs "rude" fits the exact definition of "offensively impolite or bad-mannered". If that's not enough for you, you have "very rude" and "extremely rude" that you are free to use.

Sometimes I get carried away and start taking about jews.

>Stall is my favourite way to play, seethe more

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Pretty bad when I play Fortnite with my 2 friends, we always shit on the 4th guy unless we need to be saved. Other than that I don't really use the mic

then what's your issue with "toxic"?

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This To Be Honest.

imagine having a "talent" that physically cripples you if someone else is having a bad day lmao

Toxicity is a meme.

Original person you were replying to in that way. Videogame "toxic" the way people use it now (not yet recorded in the dictionary because language evolves faster than dictionaries) is used to describe almost anything and everything someone doesn't like, that's why it's a problem word.

For example, asking someone to get out of your lane can and has been described as """toxicity""" despite nothing being malicious or harmful about it.

It literally just means "thing I don't like" now, but people still take it seriously as more than that for some fucking reason. It should be considered a joke, like how we see "tryhard" or "noob" now for their constant abuse.

I try to always be nice but if someone is acting obnoxious or worse then I have no limits. I will also instantly call you a subhuman for using the smart pistol in Titanfall 2.

In fact after a quick google I found that even telling someone to improve at the game when they complain about the difficulty is now apparently "toxic".

Drawing fanart of characters having sex is "toxic": (this website is a goldmine of what I mean, by the way)

Masculinity is "toxic":

I mostly play the chesspool of a game that is D*ta, and eveything about the community is ""toxic"", despite this I rarely go out of my way to insult someone or call them out on their mistake, especially if it's early in the game.
If people start tilting/insulting each other I just shut the fuck up and try playing the game with a neutral attitude of "whatever happens, it's fine".
If I am chosen as the game's scapegoat ("ohmaigawd you pick wrong hero now we lost game 100%") I mute everyone and play like I was playing with bots on my teams.
Recently, after a lot of games on EUW (Russia 2) servers, I'm starting to call people "dogs", but I hope it's an habit I can heal.

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I had it set to wildcard, so you can blow me if I ever killed you with it. Not my fault it came up.

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The biggest problem is how now every little slur gets censored and punished.

Everyone is a fucking weak bitch now and needs to be in their hugbox and comfort zone to function. Losers would lose their mind in a handicraft trade because everyone banters and talks massive shit there.

This progressive timeline is a fucking joke.

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Toxicity is the life and breath of online games.
Don't like? Thin Skinned? Then geeet out.

Hot like Britney in 03 you know me

Don't care what excuse you try to come up with, if you are using the tardpistol you are out of the humans club and into the animal realm, using a weapon that aims for you is the proof that you are botom trash garbage and should never touch a multiplayer game.

Tbf my experience with dota is that its the most bipolar community ever. You either get the biggest subhuman assholes or the greatest people ever. Pretty much never anything between.

It's more your fault for being an intolerable faggot. Not every place should change their rules to allow you to shit up wherever you go.

>match chat stopped working in tf2 a while ago
>stopped typing entirely
>started working again randomly
toxicity 100% cured, I haven't flamed at all since then

hey op congrats on outing yourself as one of those crying 10 year olds from cod griefer videos

Simply using a lot of slurs isn't toxic, since toxicity implies harmful intentions and/or results. In video games more often than not your common goal is to win, and to be toxic is to work against that common goal and actively trying to pull your team into defeat for example.
It's toxic to intentionally help the opposing team, or to give up early while trying to blame your team and intending to get them to give up early too.
Simply using loads of slurs isn't toxic in itself, it's what they are intended to do as provocations that can be against the common goal what might make it so. It didn't take too long for people to realize how easy it was to accuse others for being toxic, and now it's way overused.

hello reddo

Yes I call people nigger and faggot all the time. I type it a lot after dying in Mordhau or Insurgency, but I also scream it while playing MCC or other online games (mostly shooters) people who cant deal with being called bad words online are complete pussies and should be unironically burned alive so they can't pass on their weak genes.

You can still talk as much trash as you want as long as you don't say the magic words f*g and n*g

The only online game I play is PUBG mobile, so I always get matched with retarded South Asian team-mates, so I call them dumb brown people, which I think is the most cutting insult of all.

I have it set to prefer matches with Japanese (the least retarded of all online gamers) but it doesn't always work.

i operate on a talk-shit-get-hit policy, that way i can lie to myself that i was morally justified by calling someone a gaped nigger cocksleeve.

I'm so toxic I should wear a warning. I'm dangerous, you're falling.

...also call them 'shitters' but I'm not sure they get it.

Why can't you just call people assholes?

I just get extremely toxic because I'm bored and I want extra entertainment while I'm playing. I honestly don't really give a fuck, I just want a reaction out of people.

Wow you're a cunt.

I bet nobody likes you

I'm fucking Chernobyl man

I talk shit when the situation calls for it. I'm not some edgy white kid, so I don't go around calling people niggers.

I never did. Being calm is much more appreciated than yelling like an autist in public, not getting what he wants.
How very embarrassing.

I don't play online in games because I'm not a zoomer.
Even if I do I don't talk.

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Good, her accent makes her sound even more stupid than she already is.

What the fuck is being "toxic"?

I'm the type of person who gets angry if there's no allchat but also understand I'm the reason there's no allchat.

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NA online is toxic!!!

I don't shittalk very often myself but I do love to listen how people trashing each other.

A buzzword created by Riot Games to single out anything that strays outside of permitted speech and behavior

It's "struck a nerve", you dumb ESL retard.

In games I’m pretty chill. In gaming discord’s I get kicked occasionally for roasting trannies

Listen to the Britney Spears song

fig and nag?

>since toxicity implies harmful intentions and/or results
toxicity implies "anything I do not like at the time when I use the word", that's how people use it in practice.
You're even demonstrating what I mean now because you have to disagree with someone on the definition at length, and that's because there simply is no fixed definition, "toxic" just means "anything I don't like".


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a word hijacked by casuals, it used to mean bad mannerism to the point of being a dickhead but not quite being one. now the meaning has expanded to anything not conforming to social norms.

"thing that I don't like"
It's pretty much how we use cuck or tranny.


I don't use the word Nigger in video games, but that's just because it doesn't seem applicable.
I would much rather call them what they are which is an asshole.
I do however from time to time call people faggots which is always applicable since I don't need to know the race of the person is question.

>a word hijacked by casuals,
it was INVENTED by casuals, it came from fucking League of Legends dude.

Thank you user. I needed this in my life.

It was invented by System of a Down, you nerd.

I just stop playing when I'm in a losing streak or something.

REEEEEing at the teammates does me no good.

I don't mind people being toxic but I'm not really toxic myself. Don't really have a reason to bash someone trying to enjoy a video game you know?

I only insult or mock if the other team are tryhards or gloat beforehand. If we win I usually mock and make fun of them which is pretty annoying for everyone, but they deserve

moot this man is being toxic to me

I really hate multiplayer games and when my friends force me to play it I call everyone on the server zoomers and my friends get butthurt as fuck about my supposed '"toxic''' behavior. What to do?

Have the nuts to tell them "I don't want to play multiplayer games"
It's spineless fucks like you that spew shit in chat that are the fucking worst human beings on earth.

Ingame not at all, in life very. Usually comes from playing healing classes and having to chase around dumbasses who think they're the only one I have to babysit.

If im mad I just act condecending, that actually pisses people off much more than calling them a nigger or showing just how triggered you actually are

Sometimes I go on 2fort, play engineer and set up a sentry in the intel room so it's slightly less high maintenance.
I then take a random attacking player on the scoreboard and kill him repeatedly with the shotgun and do the default taunt afterwards no matter if it gets me killed.
Every single person I've done this for gets mad after a while and starts taunting after killing you. It's pretty fun, especially when they get mad in chat.
Bonus point if you don't wear cosmetics. But they call you a cheater.

i used to be chill but it became pretty much a necessity

retarded nigger faggots and cucks don't know their place so nothing more appropriate than making jokes at their expense

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In nigger six siege you can't even say retard. What a fucking shitshow of a game.

Used to say shit like get cancer etc but now I don't even use gamechat

I'll call people fags and retard in chat during like Prop Hunt or some shit, where i know people won't care. When i used to play Overwatch, i never bothered with the chat because i know people are too sensitive and tried getting people band for gg. My cousin on the other hand doesn't give a fuck and it's a wonder how he's never been banned.

>getting mad at video games
buncha slack-jawed queers

>implying I play multiplayer

I only talk if the enemy talks shit at this point. And even then, I condescendingly mock whatever dumb thing they said in [ALL]. I don't report anyone for talking shit unless they're acting like those 11 year olds who used to yell in XBox Live lobbies.

Chat in general is barely used for comms or anything, and pre game lobbies are just one retard trying too hard to tell people what to play/pick.

You're welcome, another user.

I don't broadcast any of my insults. I'll be helpful if I can but still call them retards, cunts and other things in front of my own screen.

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>tfw you'll never assfuck prime britney
why even live

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I wouldn't go so far as to say that they're lower than the subhuman races, but blonde hair with brown eyes is an incredibly unattractive combination. I can't even watch pornstars with it.

>find a video with a hot big titted blonde
>see her brown eyes

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Problem of SAY WORD MONEY STOLEN made me stfu

I stopped using voice chat with randos after high school.