You're gonna buy Angela's game, right?
You're gonna buy Angela's game, right?
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Yeah and I'm going to jerk off to her
There's a huge shortage of action games where you can play as cute anime girls
Do I have to play the previous games?
So what's the gameplay for her game like?
Action RPG. The original is pretty fun, and the new remake looks to be a good time too
Do you think they'll bring back the fact that one of her attacks is literally flashing her ass at enemies?
i'm gonna buy rice's game
I really want the class changes to bring back the costumes from all the official art for the SNES game. Let me play as an anime girl running around in a thong
So wait, I get to see this character move in real time and attack?
Hopefully they make her fun to play this time.
How do those things stay on her breasts?
boob tape of mana
Is she like the Mana equivalent of Sorceress?
Why is Japan so obsessed with her? Makes no sense.
>More tits than Tifa
Basically the ideal Japanese woman.
Reserved and subdued, but cares deeply about her family and her country and is willing to fight for it. In the West, the first set of qualities make her a boring doormat.
That's also why Japan hates Angela. She is the stereotypical foreign woman to them, which means loud, obnoxious and self-centred. Whereas in the West, Angela is viewed as fiery, cheeky and confident.
Sorceress is literally one of her classes
I have never played a Mana game, should i give them a check?
>Basically the ideal Japanese woman.
>Reserved and subdued, but cares deeply about her family and her country and is willing to fight for it.
All the porn of her is getting raped by monsters.
Is there any romance in this?
I want to, but its pretty expensive right now. Have to balance rent and power bills. Also I need to build a PC to play borderlands 3 before it comes out, so if anyone has some suggestions on making the specs in time for good price let me know
No one ever said Japs has a healthy relationship with women. In the West, we want to harness Angela's fire, not put it out. In the East, they want to destroy Reize's purity. She's seen as unobtainable, and by having her get raped by monsters, it makes her worthless. Sorta like how Western Autists love when when get fucked by pigs.
Yes but not because of her
love this style
Yes, and?
In the story? Yes. Can you date and fuck NPCs or PCs? No.
Honest question, this coming to all consoles? My friend is a huge Mana fan, and we play Secret and Legend once a year together, he'd love this shit but only has PS4.
The fisherman's wife. A true classic.
PC, Switch and PS4. Beware though, from what we know so far, the remake has no multiplayer. This could be wrong or could possibly even change, though.
I'd suggest playing the originals before the remakes. IMO the remake of Secret of Mana feels like easy mode, but it is nice having voice acting. IIRC the original could be pretty brutal for the first hour or two. They have the "Collection of Mana" on the switch now I think, or you can emulate for the speed up because some parts are ridiculously grindy like leveling up magic, but it's really worth it in the long run. Kind of like a mix between action rpg and turn based, with some gimmicky shit mixed in like an early concept for setting how party members behave in combat. "Trials of Mana" is Seiken Densetsu 3, which until the collection came out, never made it to the west. IDK if the official version might have changes to dialogue or scenes for censorship, so there is a patch for the rom that translates it too if you care about "accuracy". Think the remake of SoM didn't change character names or anything though, might be wrong.
>Remake looks good
>The collection includes trials so there'd be little to no reason to buy the remake if I buy the collection
Play the collection with one set of characters and play the remake with another set of characters. That's what I'm doing at least.
Legend of Mana will never be topped. It's too damn good.
They are asking an obscene price for her collection though.
The remake is completely remaking the gameplay, it has rolls, jumps and air attacks, will obviously fix all the bugs as well, they're going to be completely different games.
Reminder that Mana Collection is a Switch exclusive because Square lost their original source code while Nintendo still had it so Nintendo is the only reason the ports exist at all.
>He didn't see Kevin "The God Hand" doing an aerial juggle in the remake
>Ideal japanese woman
>Blond haired, blue eyed valkyrie
K. Consider that japs probably just like foreign beauties
Im hoping for it as well but the actual in game sprites rarely changed all that much
>Square lost their original source code
How the fuck does this happen ?
You'd think a company (like S.E) would save their own work for future collections and remasters....
Legend of Mana has the most beautiful graphics and soundtrack a video game has ever had, has pretty good crafting and pet raising systems and the story was extremely charming.
It also had the worst button-mashy braindead battle system ever created and that's where you spend most of your time in the game.
Overall Legend is a huge waste of potential and feels like a chore to play, hanging out in Domina or in your home while listening to the soundtrack is the most fun part of the game. Fuck this shit.
Yeah, SD3 was one of my favorite games.
Can't wait to have the pakkun lizards eat the girls in 3D
>light attacks
>strong attacks
>different movement abilitities like moonsaults, spins and rolls
>button mashy
Factually incorrect. If you are abusing the O attack stun then that's completely your fault.
>ost and art already looks good
I didn't know they already showed gameplay. That's cool too. It's been a while since I've played an ARPG probably KH3, but I might just pick this up. The visuals are really nice and cute. The story motivations are spicing up too.
>How the fuck does this happen ?
Because 20 to 30 years ago there was no reason to keep it around. They weren't planning on re releasing the games decades later, once a game was done and out it was done and out.
It was made in a time where people didn't even consider that games would be remastered, ever.
That being said, Square is infamous for being extraordinarily sloppy with their source code and originals.
Has there been any footage of magic? I wan to know if it still freezes time every instance you cast.
You can check the official trailer at around 45 seconds. Carlie cast Holy Bolt (Holy Ball) and it doesn't freeze the screen.
Depends is whirlwind spear a magic attack or is holy bolt? At 21:43, you can see it.
The game is so excessively easy you don't ever have a reason to dodge or use any strategy at all and when you beat it and unlock other difficulty settings the only thing that changes is that the enemies become HP sponges. If there might as well be a punching bag instead of the enemies and it wouldn't make a difference the game is button mashy regardless of how many moves you can use.
Does legends of mana have multiplayer too? I played through secret and trials with a friend recently and we really enjoyed them and it would be nice to have more to play
Yes but only during the combat. In the rest of the game the second player can't control shit, unlike Secret of Mana.
Whirlwind Spear is a level 1 tech. In the original, no lvl 1 techs freeze combat, only lvl 2 and 3. In the remake it does the cinematic shit, but only when you use it, not the AI (I think, some user said that)
Holy Bolt is magic. In the original it froze combat upon casting it, like all other magic. In the remake it doesn't, and doesn't for the AI either, and the AI uses magic on its own
They changed colors, at least. Which I don't even like, they were usually ugly compared to the originals. I won't be surprised if the remake gives them new costumes to differentiate class changes, I'd be really let down if we got ugly palette changes to the models
Hm, that’s unfortunate but not the worst. Do you pick up your second party member fairly quickly or does it take a while before p2 can start
Those are some lewd panties.
Not unfitting considering she canonically dresses like that for attention and runs around with her bare ass out in-game
You pick up your second party member quickly. You can recruit NPCs or use a pet.
No, I'm going to buy RIESZ's game.
I wonder if the switch and PS4 versions will be the same or if the PS4 version will be better because of frame rate and other things like that though.
>tfw her name is pronounced Reese and not Rise
Riesz isn't nearly as good
>Angela's game
She could be removed from the game and most people wouldn't even care
So I just finished the first game in the collection. Is the tree in SoM the same one at the end of this game? And that's the same sword?
I already pronounced it as the french name anyway so knowing Japan I'm more surprised that they didn't went for something even weirder.
I liked her story, and the whole thing about her nearly dying because of the cold was a nice touch compared to how most rpg acknowledge temperature, but overall I just don't find her as likable.
Too bad they'll probably get rid of this sprite in the remake.
Officially the games are all supposed to be in different universes with, to quote them, "an abstract link but no real one" or some crap like that. Which feels weird as fuck since SD3 uses some characters that have the same name as characters in SD1.
She is though. Angela is generally considered pretty terrible, if only because casting attacks are seen as shit due to menus and cast times. Hopefully changes to the combat system and buffs will make her see more use.
That said I think she's a better character than the other girls if only because she isn't 'perfect', and thus develops more. Compare to Reisz who is as another user mentioned the 'ideal' Japanese waifu, meaning she has no real flaws but also very subdued or bland traits, and thus doesn't benefit from any personality depth.
They do that in the west, porn seems to be primarily about degradation.
So what Mana games are worth playing? FFA, Secret, Trials, Sword and Legend?
God tier design, came around at the right time
Dedicated artists who have made some insane quality lewds (144 comes to mind) help spark more interest.
Other user is spot on about personality.
Riezs is a cute whore. Say something nice.
Any word on the first two Mana remakes coming to switch?
Thing is that this would imply Angela would be more popular in the West, which I can all but guarantee she won't be.
Why would you want that? Mana Collection already exists and the remakes of the first 2 games are the worse versions.
I got some footage of the remake for you right here
Because FFA isnt fun, it's janky shit that aged bad
Boy, the fairy has come a very long way. I wonder what the goddess will look like during this one scene at the end. Hopefully not a Palutena rip-off.
Is evermore worth playing? does it have multiplayer too?
FFA is super fun though. Secret is the one that's janky and aged bad.
It is, although it's not as good as SoM IMO, and no, no multiplayer. Toaster dog is best dog.