Do you think video games friends are real friends?
Do you think video games friends are real friends?
No they aren't
I met my wife through Overwatch
They are no longer video game friends if you meet them irl
Not him but
hurr durr normalfaggot got roastie color me fucking surprised
Not really.
kill all redditors
internet friends are not real friends
You can almost taste the bitterness.
No, I wouldn't slander my videogame friends by comparing them to real people.
No. Also Kyle Dean is the hottest person on that website
I don't even think real friends are real friends.
>Internet friends
>Friends in general
It always felt like upholding those relationships and spending time on conversations with them while I would actually much rather do something else was something I had to do until I just stopped doing it and it's great
What's your ideal man-boob size?
There is no need to be salty, overwatch is a normalfag game and as such has a better chance of containing normal looking/acting people, as i said, color me fucking surprised
kyle dean is sadly dead. rip. any other actors u can recommend?
Was. Dude's dead
The only thing I get from internet "girlfriends" are maybe some nudes and dirty roleplaying, and I play Nintendo games online with them from time to time. I'm going to be honest, these girls are nutcases and I wouldn't dream of meeting them IRL. I know some people meet good friends online, but those are rare.
What the shit, you guys for real?
But uh Collin Simpson(?) I guess.
Really depends honestly. Sorta, but not really. Like I have a few guys on Steam who are pretty cool that I used to game with constantly, but I've stopped talking to them for years at a time and when I come back we're just like "Oh, hey." and thats about it. I consider them distant acquaintances I have a good relationship with. They don't compare to my real group of friends.
yea forreal. just googled collin simpson, hes ok and he came out as bisexual. the guy that kyle dean had a scene with... jimmy something had a nice butt
Dang, he was pretty young too... I only remember Collin because he had a scene with Kyle and because he has a big willy. Also if you're into blond guys, Marcus Mojo is pretty gud