What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

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sex with dragon daddies

They're a bunch of furfaggots that need to burn

Nestor > your dragon husbando.


Everyone is flavor of the month except him. And he will always be memorable since he is the first dragon freed.

nestor and bubba seems to be the most memorable to most people

Is the reply section filled with furries?


I like Spyro

that weird puke green dragon you rescue in that level where everything also looks like puke

you know the one

but he is not a daddy

for now

Attached: aa0.png (1664x2048, 1.02M)

the semen

I really, really like knots.


help yourself


Looks like an average spyro discussion on Yea Forums.

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what are you sniffing user? his sweaty scales?

His musky pits.

daily reminder that spyro has a lot of daddies

wtf is wrong with you faggots

I love dragon daddies.

All dragon daddies are good user

Delbin is underrated.

Attached: DelbinTfBArt.jpg (1300x1277, 358K)

I wish he is canon

Attached: 2ac4ecb9ba0b2109a89d6c3a306f7019.jpg (1200x770, 119K)

At least the official artist drw him

>still no game where you can romance a dragon
What's with all these faggot devs always making reptiles evil?

normalfags NEVER take any beast races seriously.

redpill me on magnus, why do people seemingly like him