What's the equi/v/alent?

What's the equi/v/alent?

Attached: A187592D-BB00-4CA2-AB3F-44FCDBF8496E.jpg (640x480, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


have sex
vote trump


none of these are Yea Forums

Suck and fuck

All of these are Yea Forums

I never asked for this circa 2012

I don't get it, what's the joke?

anthony burch's buck and cuck
formerly bobby kotick's

Some of these are Yea Forums but you will never know which ones

that barrel is legitimately horrible game design. Nothing else in the game requires up arrows for input except menus, and down is only used for crouching/spinning. This is equivalent to suddenly having an obstacle you need to use the start or select button to get over in a Mario game

i know which of these are Yea Forums and you can too with my easy 10 step program

it used to be called Chuck's Feed & Seed but then Sneed bought it from Chuck and renamed it.

Attached: 1558351626001.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

Yea Forums is too autistic to have the kind of fun that sneedposting is

Attached: 1559242356803.webm (728x410, 2.88M)

Attached: 1556474327888.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

what even is this webm

Formally chucks fuck and suck.
Now you get it?

Attached: 1544795872324.png (332x332, 148K)


Why isn't the guy in the back watching

nothing because Yea Forums has not created a good meme since 2012.

Attached: 1547777095729.jpg (720x539, 39K)

why would they put "formerly Chuck's" on a completely different store? it doesn't make any sense. they only put that on there to let customers know they can still get cornmeal for their hens and they don't have to drive all the way across the county to Farmer's Mega Supply. if it used to be a sex shop they would have just changed the name and left that off.

browsing Yea Forums

Sneed was not a very smart person.

You can clearly see he's praying with Jesus's reflection in the mirror.

sneedposting is on the same level as wojaks and frogs


brand recognition. people drive past the store looking for chucks store theyve been to previously. they see sneed feed and seed formerly chucks and they know the store is still upholding the same quality assurance as before when it was ran under chucks.

What are they bitching about in the original video?

This basically, Yea Forums is the only board making good memes nowadays. Even /biz/ has stopped making them

Yea Forums is filled with too many kids. Yea Forums is where it's at.
We should just make video game threads on Yea Forums

Bet you anything it's football

Yea Forums is where all the pedos dwell

I'd say subnauticas 'Dios Mio' posting or something

pedos have always been a thing on Yea Forums, newfaggot. Go back to twitter


nah, that didn't even last long

wait until this comes out

Attached: 1543613147914.jpg (410x419, 29K)

Negan killing Glen in walking dead

Chuck sucking Sneed in the Simpsons