Why are there so few good porn games?

Why are there so few good porn games?

Attached: creamy witch titties.jpg (399x428, 29K)

translation when

Because balancing pornography with gameplay is a very intimate dance and the vast majority of the people who make those games have two left feet.


Attached: NoR translated.webm (960x540, 2.79M)

Theres none, last time I popped into /hgg/ It was just choke full of creepy loli pedo games. Most of the only good ones arent for the hentai but for the gameplay.

because you can't play and fap at the same time


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>drop factory
>ideology in friction
try those

It's hard to make a good porn game
Make it unrelentlessly sexy and it will be counterproductive to any game not built with short sessions & auto save in mind. Doing the opposite means satisfying your audience less.

but that's not a good porn game, it's not a good game at all.

also this, although deep space waifu does have a "one hand mode".

Kys redditor.

name of game?


check the flash thread

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nigga how can you see that webm and still want to play the game?
it's janky floaty trash, just look at that air dash.

because porn is bad for you user.

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>Summertime Saga gets pregnancy
>Can't fuck girls while they're pregnant
>Still no pregnancy update for Seeds of Chaos
Is there any game where I can impregnate women and subsequently fuck them all throughout their pregnancy? No cuck shit.

git gud

Truth hurts, not everyone cares for 3d realistic hentai games little pedo.

because the girl looks cute

>every game needs the same controls and very simple becasuse I am a fucking noob who canĀ“t learn

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>implying you don't want to die to every single enemy in the game to see the different animations

she does but it's hard to stomach the gameplay


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Is it out yet?

Bubsy 3D must've been your favourite game.

Night of Revenge. There is a plugin that can auto translate the text from games made in Unity.

>same controls
I don't give a shit about controls, there are porn games with decent and responsive controls, look at kurovadis, or parasite in city.
NoR is literally trash as a game, if you just want porn, go watch porn, a porn game should still be a good game regardless.

Fairy Fighting

Just watch the animations on PornHub.

The future will be modding AAA games into porn games.

This is why there is no good game that is just about porn. Look at how famous FO4 and Skyrim sex mods are, because they're a huge sandbox where you can mod in every fetish and are inherently friendly to popular dungeon-rape fantasies.

Attached: DDgDKVvV0AAv7KO.jpg (750x749, 92K)

I need the sauce on that image?

the controls of vtmb are perfect

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The people at have pretty good H game called Shrift. For an RPG Maker game, it has a sophisticated battle system.

How you got it translated?

She's so cute

The artist is a asshole for not drawing more artwork for her

Disgusting redditor, go back.

this always happened already in the past. You are just a newborn with a lack of knowledge.

The problem is, that mods lack the quality of actual porn games because modders have to work in the limits of the engine and do not understand or care enough about porn. Direct porn games will always be better than mods. Same goes for movies. SFM movies are shit compared to good porn animations. You've seen one you've seen them all. Mods are always disappointing and lackluster. They are for noobs of porn gaming.

Yes, there is the nice one or the other porn mod, but still there will always be a more satisfying porn game. I got the experience son, just trust me. If you want something right you make it yourself. With modding you will only get halfway there instead of making it right from the start.

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>Basic hentai bullshit
Sick of this shit desu

so suggest more stuff instead of moaning like a bitch.

what are some games that aren't "basic hentai bullshit"?

>Seeds of Chaos
Oh shit I forgot about this