If we're gonna get a Grand Prix every month that means we're just 4 months away from getting Nina!
CTR Team Racing Crash-Fueled
Other urls found in this thread:
>competitive matchmaking is a thing behind the scenes
Bye, fags. See you in my Lambo when I become a pro e-sport player.
Where's the NSP though
She's in!
reminder that coco is best
Does this skin wear sandals? this is important.
Preordered today on switch. Are you guys rdy for best game on best system?
>plumber boy gonna get btfo on his own console
plumber boy already got btfo by a hat girl
>best system
I just hope regular PS4s won't have issues with running it while going FAST
There should be an option to enable retro graphics with 60 fps
>BTFOs plumber and bandicuck
Enjoy your soulless censored 30fps racer with microtransactions
Where's the batteries on this bot
like I give a shit about gay as plumber boy when I can have crasj
>gay as
blessed post
I want Coco to look at my penis like that!
Daily dose
thanks doc
>only have a pc and switch
Well, I sincerely hope the switch version isn't secretly fucked up or something
>1 year later Nitro Fueled sells 30 million copies
>Sony sees this and they want to a get a piece of the kart racing pie for themselves
>they make Motor Toon Grand Prix remake
Modern Sony wouldn't actually be cool enough to do it, but wishful thinking is fun.
>only have a pc
seriously thinking about getting a ps4, but not sure if it's worth it just for ctr and persona 5
sit this one out, it's at the end of its life cycle and a 720p 30fps racing game isn't worth it
It's not.
the trash
Don't tell me people are going to now replace Steveposting with Crashposting for smash. I hope your family dies in an automobile accident.
Daily reminder that this will be the quintessential video game to test the most reliable sources of gaming. The devs have came out and quite literally said this game will NOT hold your hand, and expect you to learn the mechanics on your own, and you're gonna have to do the horrific task, of actually gitting gud. This will NOT fly with modern journalists playing the game, and will bomb the reviews.
The amount of salt you will get, will be unlike any other. Expect "UHHH.. THE CAMERS IS BAD... HA.. M--MARIO DOES IT BETTER?" or variations of this. "I CAN'T ACTUALLY CONTROL THE KART? WHAT THE FUCK? I JUST WANT TO BOOST BUT I CAN'T?" You will get so, so many variations of these cope lines. Don't let this go to waste, and you can find out with reviewers to trust.
The level of salt, I can already taste it. HURRY UP AND RELEASE.
It's already done
She's not even the best thing in the image. Look at that Dingodile and tell me he isn't the most based motherfucker in the game
imagine unironically wanting to buy a 20 year old game with microtransactions shoved into it
I hate smash players so much. I can already imagine some fat smelly neet giggling to himself while he made that thread
Can't wait to see how many youtube lets players jump on it just cause it's SUPER HARD BRO
just purchased another copy, thanks
>Always online
Big yikes.
>>Always online
kek you are running out of ideas
reminder to not take bait, you already had your dinner, don't spoil your appetite.
it's free bump
I personally hate journos, but the more prone a fanbase is to whine about them, the more autistic it is.
>vroom vroom game
>30 fps
>"The game is inherently unfair during its story mode, with the computer cheating constantly, sometimes in obvious ways like starting before the green light"
Can't wait.
a faithful remake, absolutely based if you ask me
Neither was nsane, zoom zoom.
>sonicbabs and marionigs resort to literal fake news
>ruins the roster with a bunch of shitty post Naughty Dog characters
>also adds shitty courses from Nitro Kart
I think the only real reason people hate them is because they run the risk of hurting a game's sales and word of mouth if they're stupid because a lot of people who watch reviews don't tend to think for themselves. So they see these people acting stupid and think "Oh, it actually plays that bad, nevermind." Internet Influence can be a scary thing.
>a faithful remake
what did the retard mean by this?
is this a dark souls reference
the shitposters have arrived
DAY 193
>expecting me to read all that shit
>tfw will be able to dominate all these plebs online who need the 60fps crutch
Shitters need to git gud
Fine, I'll shorten it. Reviewers are stupid and should never be taken seriously by anyone.
I've been waiting so long for a remake and now that it's coming out i can't afford it for at least another month
do you also unironically think kbm is a crutch for bad fps players
>framerate is a crutch
and here I thought DMC fans were a special kind of stupid
I'd buy it, loved that game
I have 2 copies, I'd send you one if we weren't on Yea Forums
which music are you gonna blast while playing this game?
seething banjoke
let us have this thread, you already have your own going on
why, I love it when I'm not given visual feedback at consistent, reasonable intervals of 60 times per second, what gave it away?
Kill yourself. Shadow will never be in smash cuck
Banjo is already in, you retard. The meme is dead.
For the time trials
I can't wait to see what the challenges are like
So whatever happened to the RR Type 4 race teams after that game, seeing as RR went back to F/A Racing and the other, older teams?
It's like i'm still playing on a PS1
they became the championship organizers
where is the switch gameplay.........
Oh. Neat.
why would they advertise inferior visual fidelity?
Cant say I am actually surprised but hey at least its slightly less stupid than Steve
also PRC disbanded and Solvalou went into car manufacturing
Ridge Racer 20th anniversary remix tracks
I seriously can't wait anymore. I can't play other games that much anymore because the hype is too much.
>Shitposting and browsing as usual
>See that thread
Smashfags are the most autistic group of shitters in any video game community holy shit. It's a god damn shame because it is a good series and there are genuinely creative people but the people who shit themselves over the roster and the people who make fun of the people who shit themselves over the roster by being obnoxious as possible are terrible people.
Onto a topic that doesn't make me pop a blood vessel, would you want Crunch to return officially to the series with his CNK personality?
Are these lore snippets from RR6/7? I've only played up to RR2 PSP and Solvalou was still the main name on some of the cars there (including the grey, blue and white livery).
>tfw spend entire day playing ctr
>go to work
>end up watching ctr videos for 6 hours
Gets me in the zone
>mfw I've been rewatching the same CTR clips even those that sucks at playing the game
Thursday 8pm dude
you can't get much worse than this though
Well you have to be if you wanna beat this demon
>literally waits at the finish line if you're too far behind, only to quickly cross it once you get close
what a dick
I want some grade a head smacking material.
Give me the worst gameplay possible.
why does she look so slutty compared to the others?
Mr.Cuphead has the worst gameplay ever seen in CTR
>gets blasted by rockets
>tumbles into his own beaker
>falls into the water
at first this might make you mad but you really need to feel sorry for these people. They'll get absolutely fucking destroyed and most likely will give up on a great game entirely because of it
Reminder that Rilla Roo is already in
Watch that bitch play hot air skyway on the gamespot stream
Hoping that it will hit retail stores and get leaked today sometime.
Holy shit, this is some good bad gameplay material. Like even the other worst gameplay I have seen at least *attempt* a power slide.
How does this dude still have a job as a "game journalist" after this and cuphead? This is as bad as Polygon's Doom 2016 footage
>user: if I win I get a kiss!
>Liz: Tsk, fine, but if I win I get to suck your cock
Wh-what did she mean by this...
We've seen shitshows but have we seen decent gameplay while having good footage? I'm tired of seeing hard cams
she's a model
My driving after this statement.
Place your bets when the reviews start going out, folks.
The best you will find
imagine buying this on gamecube-tier hardware
Where the fuck are the Gem Cup leaks?!
>Like even the other worst gameplay I have seen at least *attempt* a power slide.
He doesn't even attempt to JUMP.
>that speedometer
holy fuck so you can toggle it to make it look like the old one?
>watch gameplay footage due to the endless shilling on here
>its literally just ENDLESS powersliding
how is that fun?
may as well watch tokyo drift
Is € 60 a decent price for the physical switch oxide edition at my local kikestop?
Of course. I honestly wish more kart racers these days had a speedo, it just helps emphasize how fast you're going.
>Tfw you're pretty damn good at video games.
>Almost enough, or even at the competitive level from comparing your play to that of others in the scene.
>Tfw you know you'll still never hit the big times because you're unknown, unemployed, don't go to big gaming conventions, unlucky, etc.
We spend all this time gitting gud, but towards what end?
racing games have a lot of drifting naturally, user. I don't know what you expected.
Because It's satisfying as fuck. If you have played the original then you know its benefits and how it can up the ante.
>356 speedster
you play Spork, don't you
>Watch gameplay footage of modern warfare
>its literally just ENDLESS people shooting on other people
how is that fun?
may as well watch a war movie
This is so fucking good, holy shit. I love me some racers but never played this series somehow
I think that's why people like it though, it earns you more speed than other kart racers which leads to more spectacle. reminds me of games like Burnout
>he hasn't played RRT4
Am I blind or is there only 2 wompa fruit crates on the whole map? That can't be good?
Should I pick up CTR or Dogma?
CTR holds some childhood nostalgia, some memories of playing it all the time with my Best Friend so it'd be sick to pick it up, but I don't know if it'll be any good, I'm not entirely sure if it's faithful so far.
Blame Namco, honestly. Ridge Racer has always sorta been a niche franchise for years because they don't bother to market it very much. So as such sales continually declined till a failed reboot killed it for good.
CanadianGuyEh has to powerslide constantly because he has ADHD and his timing is shit
You're forgetting the guys on the carpet after one of the ramps that are carrying like 10 boxes of wumpa behind them.
I've been emulating Crash games for CTR but I'll make some time for it at some point
>implying they'll even get far enough to race oxide
they'll complain about ripper roo spamming tnt and their inability to get it off their heads, don't kid yourself
You know, since release day is closing in, we haven't seen any news about CTTR content mainly the maps. I wonder when they'll show it.
someone should add Ridge Racer Type 4 and probably just all the playstation and psp Ridge Racer games to the google crash collection just because that franchise goes so well with these threads it seems.
They already said, they're coming in GPs.
Ooh I see, hope to be lucky that you hit him then i guess.
I watched gameplay on this map like 5 times and only now I realized the skybox changes from day to night & back on the different parts of the track.
Holy shit that's cool.
Arcade racers are a dying breed sadly. At least NF is filling that void and then some.
RRT4 should've been re-released for the PS4 and not PS1 mini.
prove me wrong
They're gonna try but it isn't going to work. Crash is a cartoon character, and is still recognizable even in that version. Steve has the advantage of being a stylized human, so the grotesque version is barely even recognizable as Steve. They need to do it with someone like Alex from yiik instead.
Jesus, now I'm more afraid with online. Shit's gonna be a fucking wild show
You consider that a good time? My best time is like 2:50 and even that's not that good
>Move Me got remixed
I'm honestly shocked myself, though RRT4 is chances are the best Ridge Racer IMO both for music and control. The only middling factor is how many repeats of the same car are there to pad out it's 300+ car collection, when it's more like ~70 with a ton of stat repeats you have to play badly to unlock anyway.
>that snaking with Tiny
Man I haven't played this game since I was a kid and these are the people I'm going to go against
I was just dumping my times because I was bored and people were shitposting
>says he needs aku/uka mask and usf to pull off
>I pull it off with just a turbo canister without usf
the jump is really fucking hard to pull off without having max speed but we'll see friday if this shortcut is allowed to survive.
Week/Month 1 of online is going to be such a shitshow
>5 people who have absolutely no idea how to even drift
>1 guy who is getting the hang of it and is gaining some speed
>2 guys who are flying all over the map overlapping everyone and basically having a 1v1
I can't wait
That is way too random.
Why did you capitalize "best friend" you psycho
>we get recreations of Seaside Route 765 and Type 4 tracks adapted to fit CTR's style
Lucid Rythms is a close second
>>I pull it off with just a turbo canister without usf
It's different from the old CTR. There's no usf pad in polar pass, it's new for nitro fueled. They also changed the hitboxes of a lot of stuff, I'd take that autists' word that you can't do it without.
I know the map bounds & hitboxes are slightly different cause of some gameplay shown where some guy gets reset when landing on a border in oxide station (the first jump turn right before the really big jump outside the station).
I honestly hope they patch that polar pass one though, it seems a little bit too much, especially considering that the part that gets skipped is by far the most fun part of the track.
How long until reviews come out? I want to see crying journos
Also pretty sure you're using map skips to get 2:50, which I don't use. You cunt.
Either Tuesday or Thursday.
There is going to be an MMR system so people are matched with people of their skill level.
You'll have hardcore players flying at extremespeeds all together while also precision sniping each other with beakers and bombs, average players having a regular romp of a good time, and then the hardcore casuals sitting in the piss-scented ballpit having a slow-motion pillowfight and missing.
>Map skip
Otherwise known as a "shortcut" dipshit
i just want to see if it runs at a solid 30fps before i preorder
ye but at first everyone will be mixed up
and what's even the point of MMR in public lobbies, that should be left to ranked
Late 90's Namco in house music was a blessing. AC2 + RRT4 had some really outstanding tracks to be sure of.
The first week's going to be a trip for sure. I am expecting some good webm's though. I'm really hoping the switch version allows for recording myself.
based coco poster
Mate, I did it on the gamestop demo for myself the other day just to prove that I still had the timing down on it since it's been years. It's really fucking hard to do without max speed at the angle you'd go at for an optimal time. It's more consistent to do with only a turbo canister if you do a loopback at the turbo pad and use the angled track as a launch pad to go over the wall. Even when pulling a u-turn you still save time by doing this.
Nah, skips. Ones that won't even be in Nitro Fueled so I obviously am not practicing them.
in what way will I be able to shittalk people after I lap them?
>there's a fucking Crash manga
Well now I have something to help past the time
the psp games look fucking fantastic with emulator assistance.
cocos the best
>no coco imouto
why live
Daddy issues
Bless her heart for taking care of her mentally challenged brother instead of putting him in a home somewhere
ledditor claims to have gotten it early
It's why I didn't say RRT4 was the most 'pretty' of the Ridge Racers. The PSP's where great, and at least 6/7 looked really good as well. I just know after Type 4 they started redoing a lot of the tricks and mechanics, and not all for the best (less arcade more simulator).
Physical Chads win again
uh oh
What's he thinking about?
switch leaks
absolute madlad
Holy shit I am bad at this game.
>mentally challenged brother
t. Activision
When the Switch version will leak so we can start playing 5 days early.
I just fucking wish this franchise would come back already, doesn't help that the rumors of RR8 on switch came up empty. And the tease of a new Terrazi car in the new ace combat don't help either.
>reduced USF speed
wait, they did? huh
What are you doing to megumi??
What's dumb is that he actually has plenty of reserves and doesn't need to
>google keeps showing me coco lewds
disgusting, she is pure
Pure drifto
Just a habit, sorry.
Anyone else?
Hahaha, now try turning safe search OFF.
I love this game
All the gameplay so far shows that the game is pretty faithful. I would say pick it up, you will definitely get your money's worth with the amount of content.
I know that even the veterans have been calling the remake one to one in terms of control and physics, but part of me is still worried things are gonna be off, you know? I guess it's just feelings from the N.Sane Trilogy. Cause CTR really is nothing without it's tight controls and physics. Maybe the other reason I worry that it's bad is because all the people who play it except for the gamestop autists are TERRIBLE
DDis a great single player ARPG that'll last you easily 40-50 hours, and that's assuming you don't go back towards it to screw around with different classes/builds/weapons either. It's got repeatability to spare. CTR's going to have consent new content coming down the pipeline though, and playing it -now- means you get it all unlocked as it comes out, instead of having to try to unlock everything in one big lump sum. CTR's also an arcade racer in an era where arcade racers are very limited and null. Split screen multiplayer also means local gaming to boot.
>never knew about all this crazy shit you could do as a kid back in the day
>not even the boost drift mechanic, SF, USF, etc
>still loved the hell out of it
Replaying it has been an absolute blast. It's almost like an entirely new game.
This thread is now cute
I'm not worried in the slightest considering people have been getting mad times and jumps by playing the gamestop demo for like 2 days of practice
Retailers get the game today so it's possible. Of course he's not gonna leak shit though since it's reddit
Send Pinstripe over there to hold him at gunpoint till he does
the Question should be what is Megumi going to do to user?
>nina cortex
please, dont get my hopes up. she wont be playable until the tag team racing remake
>tag team racing remake
sounds like you already have your hopes way too high up, user.
i gotta get ps+ if I wanna do online races, right?
I think the fact that the devs are actual fans who seem to have played the shit out of the original has alleviated any major worries for me
>RR8 on switch
muh dick would go nuclear
Sadly yes. Get it quickly because the prices are about to go up.
I can't wait any longer.
There’s something funny going on in my tummy right now...
today's the last day of "days of play" or whatever the shit so get it while it's still discounted
this dude have a twitter or something? His crash stuff is cute
I hope you're right, and hopefully if there are still problems they can simply be changed in a patch.
looks kind of slow.
Do you really have to say this every fucking time I dump gameplay webms
ps4 bros, pls tell me I can play online on an account that has no PSplus but has another account with PSplus logged in on the same console.
I tried out starting one of the PSplus games belonging to that other account and it works, just don't have anything multiplayer to try it out
>look subscription prices
>1 month/7'99€
>3 months/24'99€ (8'33 each month)
wow, what a deal!
This seems fair if the payoff is that you can now maintain it as with regular reserves. Flying round tracks at the old USF speed would break the game, shit was insanely fast.
also you can make infinite new accounts to get free 2 week trials lmao
based, but I imagine that's only useful for physical copies, right?
As long as both accounts are from the same region and the main one has a PS Plus subscription, you're good.
Give me more details pls, I really don't want to give those jews any money.
Also there are WAY more super turbo pads from the looks of things. In the orignal the only tracks with super turbos were N. Gin Labs, Oxide Station, Hot Air Skyway, Cortex Castle and Turbo Track. So far I have seen ones in Out of Time, Electron Avenue and Polar Pass... so it seems like half the tracks in the game are gonna have one
First time posting in these threads, sounds like it's a common sentiment. Naughty Dog got the feel down on the PS1 but these guys can't do it on the PS4. The whole thing feels hollow. If I wanted to play a 30fps version of the game I'll stick to the one that plays better on the PS1.
yes it should let you, my brother used to pay for ps+ and id play multiplayer just fine on my free account, the only thing you might need to do is activate the ps+ account as primary account on the console
Didn't know about the extra content and future content.
I'll pick it up.
Thank you guys!
They better have a Spyro demo on it like the OG...
Holy fuck, you're going to be really disappointed playing the original then because Nitro Fueled is faster.
Reminder that everything about CTTR campaign besides the actual tracks and racing mechanics was really fun
So long as one account on your PS4 is subbed to PS+, all accounts can play online multiplayer.
Every PSN account gets a free 2 week trial of PS+ after registering, and you can share the trial too. Just make sure to turn off auto-renewal, Sony is slimy and will try to make you automatically buy a month when the trial is over.
Worked for me playing a digital copy of Bloodborne.
Literally who?
yea you're actually right, so you keep one account with all your game and keep making trial ones to play online, pretty sweet
Lads this is fucking embarrassing, can we actually wait until we've played the fucking game before we argue about the physics
Who's arguing? Wrong is wrong.
You can't put limits on autism like that, user.
>the madmen put a hairpin turn in Electron Avenue
I really love everything about this redesign but I'm not sure it'll be possible to take that one corner without losing your fire. That's some Turbo Track shit
too late they already did
Does the 2 weeks trial work if you already had PSN+ before? I got a 1 month subscription when the user data hack incident.
fucking snoy is still keeping the discount banner on their frontpage but when you click it it takes you to buy the sub without the discount
There's nothing wrong with commenting on observations that the new game is looking rough. How will they ever improve it if they don't get told what's wrong?
bad comparison, original is still faster.
>platforming challenges were mediocre at best, annoying at worst. chicken challenges encompass every bit of ire you could imagine slapped with a time limit
>entirety of "progression" if you could call it that is just a series of fetch quests or treating the character like a vending machine for the specific thing they have to sell
>dude just walk up to this thing that'll obviously kill you
>minigames were mediocre shooting galleries. bowling was fun at least
character dialogue was where the game was allowed to stretch its wings but that requires you just standing around talking to them instead of playing the game.
You better learn her name because she's Yaya.
Coco's probably wondering who the hell that panda is
>original is still faster
Keep deluding yourself
honestly yea, I feel like I have fond memories of the game but when I checked out the gameplay it was absolute garbage
so the campaign mode might be what's mainly affecting my memoery
You realize this is a remake, right? It's not a new game. Journalists can play the original game to see how the difficulty works.
she poses for bandiboy
>put the brakes on and turn around in the air
sure, turning on a dime stops your speed but it doesn't rob you of reserves unless you are on the ground.
Source: doing "hairpin" turn on polar pass as Dingodile on gamestop demo I took a better line coming from the outside entry where I could just powerslide the whole way after a few attempts, though.
post more ridge racer to dull the pain of waiting
I have bought a copy for me and 3 more for my friends
So I need to fill in my credit card every time?
Can't I just instantly delete my card info right after activating the trial instead of turning off auto-renewal?
Don't call my wife a slut please
Do both. It's what I do.
What does the ‘n’ stand for?
How did you get a picture of my mistress?
n Seminate
"neuter all men"
Where are all my science bros at?
What field of SCIENCE! do you specialize in and how are you going to use it to win the race?
What are you talking about? If you want to go pro, compete in tournaments. You might also want to stream to get noticed by some organization.
This is the only good post itt
>original CTR supposedly took 8 months to make
what am I doing with my life, I could've been making based kart racers
>everything about the racing game except for all of the racing was good
>franchises that have a very similar song to eachother
this is who me as a beginner is going to be racing against at release.
oh fuck me.
>plable baby rex
I've got a PhD on Informatics Engineering and my thesis was restricted due to being able to abuse and misuse
>Mario Kart literally spends a quarter of a century (TWENTY FIVE YEARS) refining their formula
>CTR devs stumble across far superior boost mechanics, kart handling physics and weapon balance in what should've been a one-off cashgrab
It's fucking hilarious is what it is.
I could learn the mechanics when I was 9, did they make the remake harder or are just journalist worse than a 9 years old kid?
y'all need to realize that these highly-skilled people make up 0.01% of the playerbase. most people will be at or around your level.
ummmmmmm excuse me you gamer shitlord, you know people have jobs and responsibilities unlike those children hmmm?
When do you think we'll get switch gameplay?
>playable tiger
>playable polar bear
Thats where he's from? Literally why indeed
if a kid is able to learn a vidya mechanics faster than someone who works on reviewing games the reviewer deserves to be fired or not review the game at all.
this rule is appliable to EVERY FUCKING VIDYA made
Well, children are more able to learn new things, but the important factor is that these video game journalists don't care about video games, they care about journalism, and just weren't good enough to get a proper journalist job. They have no inclination to try and be good at games.
I want to fuck Liz raw in a rundown roadside motel room!
21st June 2019
god, I hope we get a fucking xci today
I don't know if it is actual Switch Gameplay but people are saying this is.
Also do we know if the Gameplay is based off of CTR or the Nitro one?
Getting a bit concerned about the faithfulness and what not.
I hope this becomes the definitive version.
That is Switch gameplay. You can tell by the shadows and lack of AA.
Also yes it's based off CTR, not Nitro.
gameplay is most definitely from CTR and not from CNK. They stripped all the anti-grav from the CNK tracks to make it work right w/ CTR physics.
The reserve system has been confirmed to be back by the activision rep who has been doing all the events, and everyone who has played the demo has at most minor nitpicks, most of which have been resolved over time.
>it's another whining about journos thread
Cry more little boys, but remember, your entire ''''''''''hobby'''''''''' would be obsolete without us and our contributions, you would still be seen as the sad seething little incels living in your mothers' basements that you are.
baka @ deanposting
Oh right I forgot this is the contrarian board, sorry
>your entire ''''''''''hobby'''''''''' would be obsolete without us and our contributions
>our contributions
There is video evidence that the mechanics/physics have been largely preserved, the only major change (USF no longer ends when you boost) is generally regarded as a positive fix of what was originally a glitch anyway
"your" contributions have been poison for the industry this whole fucking decade.
game journalism is now a euphemism for political propaganda thanks to you, game journos.
actually they better not fuck up like they did with the jumping mechanics in crash remake
So fucking pumped for this.
We're going home boys.
>usf no longer ends when you boost
>still no Blizzard Bluff
>still no N. Gin Labs
>still no Slide Coliseum
>still no Turbo Track
>still no Tiny Temple
>still no Meteor Gorge
>still no Barin Ruins
>still no Assembly Lane
>still no Android Alley
>still no Hyper Spaceway
how do speedrunners play this game?
with the d-pad or sticks?
keep some surprises for the release, shitlord
ledditor again
where are the fucking switch leaks
I want to feed Megumi!
steering wheel
I'd rather not have the entire game spoiled before launch, god knows enough games do that nowadays as it is.
Analog just simulates dpad input, user
Being able to push buttons is way faster than moving a stick through neutral before getting to your destinstion
They shouldn't reveal everything. I'd like to experience at least some unseen content on release
Soon, Nash, soon.
I want to Sneed Megumi
oh god it's actually real
yeah I know, but usually people play racing games with a stick
This game was better before they scrapped the bottom-of-the-barrel shit characters from the era of Crash's embarrassing try-hard age.
No it doesn't dipshit. It's percentage sensitive.
>tfw have to buy game twice because I want the disc but also want to play day one
They didn't scrap any characters you faggot, what are you talking about
this game was better before they decided to not aim for 30fps when mario and sonic can do it while looking way better
This guy should put a warning at the beginning
Not soon
I want to squish Megumi's chubby cheeks!
based nashposting thread
do megumi for me please
>base model 2019 Golf
not bad, man knows his value
Unironically cuter
I hope this fat Megumi thing catches on. LISTEN TO ME, BEENOX.
There's a lot of tracks in the original with only 2 wumpa fruit crates. It's not a problem because you get 5 wumpa fruits for every crate.
Alright, that's fucking it. I had enough of your shit. I'm having N. Tropy set the release date back ten days. I hope you learn to be patient by then, you impotent sardine.
These edits are getting out of hand.
I get it. 'cause she's so fat you can't wrap your hands around her, right?
Where the fuck is Emperor Velo the Twenty-Seventhâ„¢
manlet version is confirmed
>Yea Forums laughs at incels complaining about censorship
>proceeds to cry for developers to make attractive female characters fat
That's as close as we can get to Sunset Wilds. I love it.
He is in..
I know but he's handling, I want to actually win with him
all of these were confirmed
This. I want Robot Velo so much.
Big norm is not big velo dumbass
at heart we're all architects
Even knowing that there's PS5 on the works, I went and bought PS4 Pro anyways. I'm not looking forward to whatever the fuck Sony comes up with. This all digital mentality is not gonna end up good.
It's a goddamn travesty that they made Penta a speed type and Velo a turning type despite them both having maxed stats in the originals. Watch Robot Velo be an all-round now
Holy shit, this map is amazing. Is this a new one, or was it in one of the other games? I only played the original CTR.
Bigger, dammit. The decal is a nice touch though.
Hi folks! Is the 21st yet?
That track is brand new, going to be in the first grand prix.
It's an original, I believe it's gonna be the first of the Grand Prix DLC tracks
I think it doesn't fit to have a maxed out character in a competitive perspective.
Holy shit bros this is out Friday
Can't believe it's already here
If it plays better than CNK and doesn't lag like shit on multiplayer, then I'm sold.
What I meant was that they should've both been speed.
Holy shit I'm mad now.
>/trash/ thread 404'd
I didn't even know it could do that
I hate the fact that the only reason it's coming out Friday is because Activision wants to get those servers clogged up by the kiddies on the weekend. We could have gotten the game today otherwise.
It was in autosage after hitting the bump limit and fell off the board.
>finished crash 2 and 3 remake
>not enough willpower to finish 1
Holy fuck. I just can't. It's too frustrating. There is literally no FUN in crash 1.
>The exclusive content isn't even included in the disc
>The disc is the same as the standard edition
Thanks fucking god I didn't preordered the Nitros Oxide Edition.
That is the standard edition, the electron skins are just a pre-order bonus.
I mean is kind of a child's game. It's really easy, dumb and you don't need to use your brain to play. But I still like it, back then it feeled more original than Nitro Kart
>having to buy a year membership PS+ only for one literal game
Give me a discount, you fucking jews.
Penta wasn't maxed out on all versions. He was handling in the US version
you're some hours late dude
1y was 45 bucks until yesterday
He was like the 8th most requested character from what I saw, behind Spyro, Brio, Tawna, Moe, Kong, Crunch, and Nina.
Thanks, user. Looks like I'm an idiot then.
I'm assuming that the Nitros Oxide Edition doesn't include the exclusive content in the disc anyway, right?
pay up snoyboy
So what is the "best" kart class and why?
The oxide edition probably comes with another slip in the box, yeah.
Crash 1 is fun except for the native wall and sunset levels.
>dingodile wearing speed dealers
absolutely based
what is he supposed to leak ? unlocking the gem cups and beating them takes time, also this guy is probably an idiot too and cant play
only thing that interest me is how the pit stop looks like
Dingodile. But that's just because Dingodile.
reminder that i will never lose a race against anyone in Yea Forums.
you all are going to get fucking smoked.
I bet he doesn't know how to drift
Does anybody have the image of the original bootleg Fake Crash toy?
people already uploading switch gameplay
This made me snicker more than it deserved
no es fake
It's the same fucking thing. At least bundle a whole year for people who pre-ordered the Nitros Oxide Edition, or give them a 30-50% discount.
Look at Nintendo. Talking about discounts in their games is a sin and yet, Mario Maker 2 comes bundled with a year membership for free, and the thing is already dirt cheap.
Having to spend more than a hundred quid just for one game is fucking ridiculous.
I guess if the game does get leaked, we can finally find out the whole deal about this wumpa coin debacle and hopefully put the mtx shitposting to bed. keyword being hopefully.
Way to post your own video, you fucking faggot
I ain't giving your faggotass views
>Not going 105% and calling her McGumi
>he's not sorting youtube uploads by recent for sweet leaks such as this one
user I
who PC here
>have to wait 12 months for the PC port
Who? Real Velo? He was in already... But wait... "Cutscene"? What does that mean?
idk man, I share snoy+(and digital vidyas) with my cousin so I just gotta pay 30 bucks per year and I also don't have to buy every decent-looking vidya out there because he also buys games
We don't know that yet, next to that Speed is better than accel in the original according to the top runners.
>how handling characters will be with the USF buff
They never confirmed a PC port :^)
make better purchasing decisions?
>CNK adventure mode as well
If that's true..
Fake velo isn't in that list and N. Trance is, N. Trance never had a cutscene in CNK so don't wet your pants just yet.
>twice the platinum relics and tokens to get
oh boy...
They didn't confirm PC ports for N-sane trilogy or Spyro Reignited trilogy either.
Now take a look at Steam.
ah, I didn't know that it 404's instead of getting archived, I don't go to /trash/ that often
It's because they're saving speed stats for Fake Velo, that's the only logical explanation
>ps4 fags have to buy ps+ which is more expansive than the standard game
>switchniggas get a whole year for free on amazon prime and even then it's only 2 bucks a month
Snoys you have only yourselves to blame for letting sony get away with that you fucking cucks
>Friday finally arrives
>you get your hands on that sweet copy of CTR
>start playing
>the game actually controls like CNK because Beenox
>realize that every single media and person on YouTube were sold out and said that it controls like 1999
What's your reaction?
Better quality: youtu.be
You see, that doesn't really work because people have already confirmed it's just like the original by playing pre-release demos.
Just imagine man
Never played CNK, but I hope they add alternative controls, because I never liked to throw items using the circle button.
>the demos and early builds were made around CTR's control scheme just to sell those pre-orders
>final build is actually CNK's
Sweet, looking forward to it.
Well ok, if it was a bizarro world where it DID happen. Yeah, I'd be livid.
Sorting by upload date on youtube is just pure cancer, nothing but spics posting clickbait and reuploading videos from other channels.
What the fuck is their problem?
>This shit was called CNK2
she's in
>pic related makes it in as a skin for crash
how mad would you or the community be for this being acknowledged again?
Those track designs are actually pretty good.
>beenox remakes THESE tracks too
imagine if their autism went that far
I think they would go Pokemon SWSH levels of mad.
how did they manage to make CNK so fucking slow holy shit
Why would I be?
HOLY SHIT Yaya Panda confirmed for Switch
lack of reserves, and even if they were there, the control makes it bad to handle. Sacred fire does seem to be in because you do gain the extra speed from drifting on turbo pads or using a juiced up boost canister but it can't be easily maintained thanks to the previously mentioned lack of reserves.
>all these nucrash literal whos
>no brio
>This shitty skin getting in over the Skylanders skin
I'm getting mad just thinking about it.
>Yayaposter is a Sonybro
Brio is kill.
I'm 100% sure he'll make it in later
the skylanders skin should be for fake crash
prove me wrong
Brio gave his life so that we could have bandicoochie.
I just wanna go back to 2008...
It was such a simpler time
>pic related added as a coco skin
If it was the clothing and hairstyle on the current model, I'd be game. overalls still better though
>Is older than Yea Forums
any new gameplay videos
>S Tier
Sewer Speedway, Polar Pass, Electron Avenue, Thunder Struck, Hot Air Skyway, Oxide Station, N. Gin Labs
>A Tier
Blizzard Bluff, Deep Sea Driving, Android Alley, Papu's Pyramid, Tiny Arena, Hyper Spaceway, Assembly Lane
>B Tier
Out of Time, Cortex Castle, Clockwork Wumpa, Tiny Temple, Barin Ruins, Meteor Gorge, Turbo Track, Twilight Tour
>C Tier
Crash Cove, Tiger Temple, Coco Park, Slide Coliseum, Mystery Caves
>D Tier
Roo's Tubes, Inferno Island, Dragon Mines, Dingo Canyon
>pic related added as a Coco skin
>when the characters will look better with lower res fur textures
>Switch version becomes the best of all
Uh, yes. Anything post-ND is nucrash.
Fuck, that's a 12 years old slap on my face.
I thought it would be PEGI 7?
I wonder what are the things we'll find in the bg of N.Gin Labs
that robot he fought Coco with?
Any game on 30fps should be illegal
When I was a kid I thought Crash was a retard, so it's not a retcon neessarily even if the Activision era character of Crash was shit
His robot from Crash 2 is in the background at least
at least post the animation faggot
How did they manage to fuck up CNK so badly?
>cars slip and slide all over the place, much harder to steer than CTR
>despite this they are also much slower and you can't hop anywhere near as high
>almost every single race is a blatant rehash of a race in CTR, they couldn't think of any new themes
>horrible SFX
>crappy literal who character designs that only shitposting memelords will main in NF (looking at you Zem mains)
>couldn't even match the number of tracks from the original
The only thing it has going for it is that it still looks pretty nice for the era, but everything else is a shitshow.
Being rushed, that's how.
yeah but consider the following:
Time for bed, if anything gets leaked today, let it be good. Stay safe CTR and RidgeRacerfags, till next time.
Both of his robots are there.
Vagina malfunction
>Aw come on, I won't bite!
>the same guy who did the god awful gameplay is the same guy that said cuphead was too hard and got stuck on the tutorial
Who keeps this low IQ troglodyte on the pay roll? It's like i'm watching my mother play.
CTR token challenges and Relic Races need to be for all tracks that aren't part of adventure mode I because grand prix tracks should have more value than just being for arcade modes
Hyper Spaceway had a cool theme too
I feel like music and game/tv-shows/movies should always be regarded seperatly.
Uh, no, anything after Twinsanity is nuCrash
>a Grand Prix every month
I haven't been keeping up with all the pre-release shit, what does this mean
OC. New tracks.
>yaya isnt handling but GRIP
Hotline Wumpa 2 when?
Thoughts about trophy list?
Is this like a DLC thing or a patch thing
emove the tattoos and give his gloves back and he's a great model
what this?
anything after the first game us nucrash
get that slidespinning zoomer shit outta my face
free updates bro, confirmed by Beenox
I don't care because Switch, but beating all the Oxides seems fun
They're releasing new free content that's unlocked by gaining "experience" from playing
Japanese Boxart crash skin or riot
The spyro grand prix is confirmed?
It's free updates, starting July 3rd. The first one is the Trophy Girls and Tawna and an Egyptian/Arabian level, the second one is Prehistoric level and Baby T, Baby Coco and Crash. The third one is called Spyro and Friends. After that will be Tag Team Racing stuff
very nice
does anyone know this guy's address so I can send him anthrax in a jealous fit of rage?
Who is Baby T.?
the baby trex from crash 3
The Baby T-rex you ride in Crash 3
it's also called Spyro and Friends
I hope this "experience" system isn't some multiplayer shit 'cause I don't have PS+
The baby trex that you hatched in crash 3. Hes on the boxart
get rekt pleb, it's always online
Ah, right. Thanks, Anons.
Was thinking on Baby Tawna and thought it was a weird choice.
Late Happy Father's Day Aku Aku
wholesome overload
Isn't Cortex Crash's Dad?
why dose Coco look like she's about to tell me how something is Bullshit?
>"user is such a loser, I can't see myself with him"
Technically Brio initially mutated him, Cortex just failed to brainwash him afterward.
well good. I have a thing for Megumi anyway.
His ass, it's literally fake news
Very cool
Why does it look like a jail now? There's lots of cells, and literally no audience anymore.