post your fromsoft waifu
Post your fromsoft waifu
>worst game
>most stable framerate
>best fashion
Hey everyone, this is my waifu Priscilla.
First time warping back to find her sitting down and playfully kicking her legs and realising her legs were bare nearly gave heart palpitations
>And I, of course, am also thine.
What did she mean by this?
She thinks your name is Thine.
You just did.
There is a god
Not a waifu, but best Daughteru
Very much so
>Not a waifu
Then get out.
unpopular choice but she is the OG waifu keeper.
Normalfags who call any female character 'waifu' should be permabanned.
Any one of the plant eyestalk creatures from Shadow Tower. You know the ones and you know exactly why.
My Wife!
That's adorable
fuck off newfag.
Are husbandos allowed?
Blind girls are pretty moe
Everytime i see this webm it just reminds me of a male friend of mine, and it completely kills any adorable/cute indulctors for me.
But Sekiro has horrible fashion, your statement makes no sense
Objectively the worst
Why are bored/sleepy girls so cute?
>explain my opinion to me
There is no other that comes close. Not even Gwynevere herself.
She probably was cute in her younger days, a shame we only got to see her as a granny.
>he find the ugly dragon mutt pretty
you ain't on reddit user.
I'm just gonna let you piece that one together by yourself
why does fromsoft keep making these cute girls that you cant sex with
>mfw there's not that many R34
Did they ever confirm Priscilla's parentage? Did Gwyn fuck a dragoness, or did Seethe bang Gwynevere?
tfw she literally ask if you love her
Seath fucked a god
this bitch needs a cheeseburger or two
I fucking hate french accents so fucking much
she doesn't have a french accent.
her french dub is very cute thought
Speak for yourself, chicks with french accent makes my dick rock hard. It's one of the reason why I plan to marry one in the future
This chick has literally only voice Souls games. Is she an actual actress or just some producer's fucktoy?
>nobody posted her yet
sry I don't like raisins
How does Fromsoft do it to always have 10/10 girls in their games?
Elden ring doesn't seem to be an exception.
Fug, you are right
But a lot of fromsoft voice actors are returning ones, the elden ring guy even is the voice of Gael.
>Shanalotte will never BEAR SEEK SEEK LEST you to sleep while she rests your head on her lap
I want to protect the bug lady.
That might be a dood but the trailer is a bit weird in its cuts
That red blanket thing wrapped under to prop up her boobs is lewd
The trailer cut between the guy and the girl, but it's clearly not the same character, they are probably just linked.
It may also be the player character, who is confirmed to be customisable.
Fuck off you can get her drunk
why is there no cute black girls in fromsoft games? most of them are blondes...
>first playthrough I dumped all my humanity believing it would cure her
I love Gwyndolin!
I'm not even a footfag, but she is just too precious.
you cured her...a little/
at least Solaire is alive.
Still the best to this day.
Finally I con post this pic
No one ever mentions Yorshka. I liked her.
Did not a lot of people find her?
she look like a child.
Bros before hoes, and Laurentius is the best bro in dark souls.
>tfw first playthrough
>wanted to help him
>send him to blightown
Yeah? And?
she looks too sickly and there's already a better half-dragonfu
also she got no knights
i'm the only one listening to fire keeper dialogues and Doll dialogues to sleep?
Seek Seek Lest
Maybe. It sounds like you found the audio equivalent to an anime pillow.
at least no ones can know i'm listening to it, unlike an anime pillow.
What was her deal with Gwyndolin?
Were they related?
I was seething when I realized the travelling merchant stuff wasn't in 3
>And I, of course, am also yours.
>Emerald Herald set is unobtainable
it's a crime
She's a Snake fucker remember that.
OG firekeeper still is the best one.
How can so many people be wrong?
yeah i agree
maiden in black is pretty cute
I treat Demon's Souls as a beta for Dark Souls, not an actual game.
did you played it user? i find it superior to DaS1.
I just wanna worship her toes bros...
I played it. For its time it might have been excellent, but after Dark Souls nothing really stands out. Everything DeS does, DaS does better. The very fact that DaS doesn't crawl into single digit FPS as soon as you smash a crate objectively puts it above DeS.
>he doesn't play the superior version of DeS on PC with the emulator.
you play Bloodborne? DaS1 was a beta for Bloodborne.
Go back to your crypt, old man
Not really. The focus in gameplay and atmosphere is entirely different. Despite obvious similarities, both games feel different enough to maintain their own identity and coexist. DeS not so much. The only thing it has over DaS2 is that it spawned DaS.
Demon souls feel a little less dark fantasy than Dark souls in my opinion.
i wonder how it will be with Elden ring, who seem to be a spritual succesor to dark souls.
>but after Dark Souls nothing really stands out
Dude DkS1 is not even good
>Were they related?
Seath managed to artificially inseminate Gwynevere with his seed after Gwyn linked the First Flame. Creating the first ever God/Dragon hybrid.
A forgotten Human/Dragon crossbreed experiment by Seath that Gwyndolin stumbled upon in the Duke Archives after the events of DS1.
>The Painter girl
A Serpent/Human crossbreed... the result of a Serpent-man/woman raping a human female/male.
but unironically
where is demon souls?
>3 over 1
>SHITkiro last
I love DS2 because it has the nicest armor sets and weapons
DS1 has a few good ones but not as many, and most of them are in DS2 and i dislike DS3's general lanky aestetic.
DS2 fuels my customization fetish the most
Why is Sekiro so hated by the souls community? sure it's a little different but it's not bad either...
anybody played the Kings field and Shadow towers aka the granpas of the souls?
A shame the gameplay is the worst of the 3 (even if it's still alright.)
there's also not enough quality boss and a lot of useless ones.
Whats the lore about nashandra?
Worst final boss ever, and shes easy as fuck
being weak is kinda her thing
user that's a boy.
yeah, zones arent that good either with a few exceptions
But i look at this fucker and am rock hard
also i dont really like dex heavy builts and I feel like DS3 favours them strongly in terms of damage output as well as openings which you can use during bossfights, DS1 and 2 are more balanced in terms of builts
Technically, sieglinde should be black, since she's from Catarina. Same as siegmeyer. Their models are white, though, but probably because you don't actually get to see them in game.
a corpse should be left well alone....
She was a reincarnation of Manus and seduced the poor king Vendrick.
she kinda was a bitch.
Weakest of the Daughters of Manus and the embodiment of his envy, hence all the "Want" shit associated with her. She seduced King Vendrick and convinced him to go to war with the giants. While he genuinely loved her, it's likely she didn't care about him at all.
I doubt the Catarina knight are black, none of the models were, even in DS3.
Into the trash she goes.
3 is literally the only Souls game with a final fight that is supposed to be difficult.
dark souls 2 have some very shitty boss, a lot of "meh" boss, and some very good boss.
DS1 and 3 mostly have good boss tho so it's still the weakest of the bunch. same if you count DeS, bloodborne and Sekiro.
The character creator shows people from Catarina to be black. It's up in the air really.
are the kings field games worth getting into? I have KF1 configured on mednafen + fan translation but I just haven't mustered the will to play through it yet
i dont even count sekiro as souls game because it has no rpg elements, at least very light
I don't count it because it barely plays the same
For me it's more like a "spin off" of the souls formula, similar enough but also with different things.
Elden ring seem more like the next "souls" game in term of gameplay, or like a spiritual succesor. (even if the game probably will have some DS reference beside patches and the moolight since it's also edited by Bandai. )
>nobody posted Ornifex yet
you count this "thing" as a girl?
to be fair that's probably a placeholder
I haven't finished sekiro yet, was there no moonlight?
Not yet, unless they add it in a dlc like in Bloodborne.
Reminder that even Ninja blade had the moonlight
the weapon also was dlc in DS3. i guess it's now a DLC weapon only.
is ninja blade really as bad as reviews make it out to be or is it just another case of hard game getting unfairly bashed?
also I doubt sekiro has DLC planned if they're already announcing a new game
Good taste.
I prefer the Dancer though.
Nigga Oceiros isn't a DLC boss. Unless you mean the spell version of MLGS which is only found the Ringed City DLC.
Bet you soulsfags don't even have an AC waifu.
Ninja blade is alright, all the QTE just are because of the QTE era at the time. it's far from the recent souls game but it's alriight, it was actually the first game to use the "souls game" engine.
I doubt Sekiro won't have a dlc, if i remembers correctly, Bloodborne dlc was announced after the DS3 announcement. and both came in the same year.
The Old Moonlight spell was DLC. I'm fairly certain you get the blade itself from Oceiros
It's just fucking boring. The mass amount of enemies in most areas forces you to play stealthily and the stealth gameplay is cheesy and not fun.
There are only two good things about Sekiro, one is npc dialogue/story and the second is the challenging bosses.
What are you gay or something?
Fuck i brainfarted
AC is kinda dead user, AC5 did like shit (like all the recent non souls from games...or all the old from games in general beside AC2. )
Who is your favorite girl from non-From Soft Souls-likes?
My wife Amelia is so cute
Look at that hip to waist ratio...I need me a bird gf NOW!
There's none of those beside in code vein
You just got the game wrong. MLGS is dlc for Bloodborne.
best girl
Kill yourself.
I fucking love cowtits.
1) she is objectively the best waifu with that irish accent going on
2) From needs to fuck off with insisting players warp back to a hub zone to level up and upgrade gear. Dark Souls 1 got it right by letting you do all this stuff quickly at the bonfire rather than breaking the pace of the game by traveling back to a hub and sitting through an additional two load screens.
>Serpent-woman raping a human male
user she have no personality
is she even real?
Kuro is too pure for this world
But Anri is a guy!
how is the english dub?
I wonder if that leddit clan who defended Priscilla still exists
For me, it's the Black Knight Halberd
There is only one, following me in all my games.
I always felt this was one of the biggest reaches in all of the self mastubatory souls lore theories.
Eh. Just eh.
Are you fucking retarded? Not only is it the same exact model retextured, they also sing the same lullaby the Doll sings occasionally.
incredibly based user
they used an american company for Sekiro dub unlike the other from games right?
>Pizza girl
Lmao gets me every time
that dancer with a huge ass
I don't know, but with Activison publishing it you're probably right
these enemies just highlight how Nightmares can be distorted projections of the Waking World
>hey used an american company for Sekiro dub unlike the other from games right?
Yes. They didn't use stellar british theater VAs like in the other games. But the Jap dub is very good and it is what the devs probably intended anyway, given the setting.
>tfw no cuddles from Priscilla
>forgetting her name
You dont deserve Anastacia
sekiro isnt soulsborne
I cant find any armor good looking when all the characters move like they're holding in a shit
technically it is. just a different spin on the formula.
I WANT to be eaten
Looks like a fuxkin blue raspberry push pop
is that thing even female?
Shame she aint got no fluffy tail to touch
a cat is fine too...
epic chest ahead
>ywn become a star god, elevate humanity, and live with your tall, cute, and loyal wife and have baby great ones, together for all eternity
Why live?
What? That's just about the smallest asspull in all of souls.
i would never lie to her
>not posting the one that actually likes you