>Love Witcher 2
>Be hyped for 3 and preorder
>Its rehashed casual garbage without 2s story
>Drop the game after 1st boss fight
>Everyone praises it like its made by Jesus
What went wrong?
Love Witcher 2
>didn't even finish the tutorial before dismissing the story
why are you like this
You weren't paid like the rest of us.
It was a horsing simulator
>Plays 1 hour out of a 100 hour long story
>Wow why is this story so shit
Witcher 2 was already casual garbage I don't know what you expected
oh shit cyberpunk is popular again time for "witcher was never good" brigade
poor todd cant make good games so has to put down other games. put downs aren't nice todd you should know.
You mean
>Ride a horse for an hour
>Stop when I should ride some more
>getting this mad when someone says a bad thing about "your" game
>Witcher 3 was never good
This but unironically
this is actual ADHD
>What went wrong?
Normies discovered video games.
as opposed to 2's walking simulator? There's a lot of dead time in 2 where you walk from A to B
Much less so
the whole white orchard is the tutorial area for the game you dumb nigger go zoom zoom in call of duty
>i did a retarded thing
>no one else did this rewarded thing
>everyone else is very happy about not doing the retarded thing
>what went wrong bros
I really enjoyed Witcher 2 and was immediately interested in it but I got bored of the Witcher 3 before I could get out of the starting village. I think part of it was I gave no shits about Yennefer or bobble-head Ciri.
But it might also be that I've lost the will to live and find no pleasure in games anymore.
>this rpg has alot of riding horses and is just too slow
>what went wrong bros
>goes back to collecting chickens in zelda
I kinda had the same thing with Nier Automata. I was hyped for the game, then when I actually got it, it felt pretty boring, and it took me 4 or 5 attempts to actually start playing and enjoying it.
witcher 1 good
witcher 3 bad
Collecting chickens was a better side quest than anything in W3
Witcher 3 combat is better than 2's though.
In the first hour of W3? Considering this is all you played?
While this is a truthful statement, a dark-souls like combat based on reacting to enemies is infinitely better than Witcher 3's "press button in rhythm" combat.
>Switch port announced
>Suddenly thread appears saying it is shit
why are sonyers so obsessed?
No, I also binge watched the highlights of the garbage heap
You are supposed to be playing it.
W2 is the better game, everyone agrees, but stop pretending W3 was shit
The addition of sidestep was really a good thing. Now you roll for certain attacks and sidestep for most others. This makes fighting hordes of things enjoyable. I played a lot of 2 arena and it is necessitated that you just roll/quen spam in it. As a result of that, I never used quen once in Witcher 3.
I don't agree. W3 was a lot better as a game. Story was somewhat mediocre for both.
Same here. I found boring Nier, TW3, despite being hyped. I think it's just the gameplay being way too much repetitive.
I enjoyed BB though.
>saying it is shit
It's not shit but Witcher 2 is better.
>What went wrong?
Your opinion?
I know how you feel OP. I beat it but fuck was the story a disappointment after 2.
It peaked at the Bloody Baron and was downhill and fast from there.
Gameplay was meh.
>he only played one half of the story
The Hym quest was the peak though.
>witcher 2 - Incredible story about dragons, sorceress jews, kidnapped princesses, sex and monsters
>witcher 3 - lol geralt does some shit lmao or and you get 2 girls you can romance or something lol
What got me was that there is none of the incredible follow up to the witcher 2's story. Like what happens with best kings daughter or Kedwin or Saskia.
It's like the second game never happened and that's pretty sad honestly since it was so well written and made.
But zoomers don't care about that. They just care that the third one is new and has batman combat.
is that why people praise the game?
i was under the impression that the gameplay was really good too
Nice to see people are still seething after all these years. Stay mad faggots, CP2077 is gonna sell even better
I can't really blame you. I played Witcher 2 and gave up after you break the siege. I played Witcher 3 for about ten minutes and got bored. Came back to it about a month later and just got really into it.
The gameplay is pretty middling. I don't know how you had the impression it was really good when it is endlessly exaggerated as being the worst thing on earth by some people on Yea Forums.
It's passable, average, but given the sheer length of the game it lacks depth and progression.
>Love weakest game in the series
>Can't play the others because of reasons that make no sense
Great thread OP.
The open world exploring is good, the story is alright. Probably the best stuff is in the DLC.
Witcher 2 is the weakest game out of the three. Get some fucking taste.
What I really wanted out of the last Witcher game was to be able to take on jobs between towns and just live the life of a Witcher for a while. You don't get this in either 1 or 2, because you are so focused on the super linear narrative.
I was not disappointed. I got exactly what I wanted.
Did you like Skyrim?
If yes, youve found your problem
how's the dlc for 3
haven't played it since release but considering going back
>witcher lifestyle
>witcher senses
>walk along red glowy trail
>kill monster you've killed 20 times already
Fuck off.
Its the height of the Witcher series.
I actually didn't use the witcher senses until after I found what I was supposed to. Stay mad, sperg.
The story was much more interesting in third game but they dropped the ball with combat and fell for the open world meme. I've got 120 hours in W3, did almost everything and I have no want to replay this game ever.
Better than the main game.
>this nigga
End yourself kike.
In what possible fucking way was W3's combat absolutely anything like Batman.
>raging this much that somebody didn't use a mechanic you are throwing a tantrum about
>kill monster you've killed 20 times already
>Eskel, Lambert, and Geralt use the phrase "another day, another drowner" several times
You're kind of an idiot, aren't you?
How would you know if you didn't play the fucking game
>tranny cyberpunk poster who never played w2 and thinks withcer 3 is the best game of all time
You’re one of them you nigger kettle
Counter-intuitively it's the DLC that doesn't have a new region that's the best one. Probably the best quest line in all Witcher games.
>it's the false flagger from resetera who tries to steal other peoples memes
Have sex
>What went wrong?
Your mother dropping you on your head when you were a but a tyke, you absolute mouthbreather
Why would you assume I never played it?
Witcher 3 is greater than 2 by leaps and bounds, but by no means do I hate 2.
Sounds like you need to dilate if other peoples opinions get your boypucci this discomforted, fucking tranny.
If the story was the only thing you cared about then you were absolutely right to drop it the story was ass, and they ruined or dumbed down every single character, plotline or development from Witcher 2
I played through Witcher 2 twice, once for each path. Now answer the question, dipshit.
>What went wrong?
I can't believe they brought back Letho, one of the best villains ever who had perfect closure in the last game only to do absolutely fucking nothing with him and reduce him to less than a side character who says lines like "Women are better rulers" after dealing with the Lodge the last game
What a pile of shit this game was
>one of the best villains ever
How the fuck was he one of the best villains ever?
Because you can drink vodka with him?
you werent hit as a child until the stupid left your body.
HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU ENJOY and love W2? its fucking terrible. i am trying to play it for years now and every time i try gameplay makes me depressed how bad it is
>who had perfect closure in the last game
>where he either dies, invalidating your complaint, or just kind of fucks off with no real direction
Your taste
I pity people as delusional and contrarian as you op
I don't why people bought that shit. I played 1 and it was god awful. It wasn't worth the $0 I spent on it. Boring, terrible game. I haven't played 3, but if it plays like 1, it must be awful.
It's literally the same, even the devs said it.
>he actually played the first two garbage games
That's not an answer. In what way is the combat like Batman?
I understand user, I maybe played to the end of the orchard, I killed the one fucker and took his head to El Spaniard but that was it. The game was boring as fuck, forcing it back to third person really takes you out of the setting. I couldn't just play the game, I had to wrap my head around this boring, bullshit setting that it expected me to give a shit about with one excessively long cutscene at the beginning.
I think that's the game's biggest flaw. The Witcher 3 is not a good game, given that if you've only played it and not the shitty first two you won't have a good time.
It's funny when CDPR "fans" shit on the previous games.
>not enjoying each game
i bet this sóyboy didn't even make it past the beast
>22 friends
LOl how many of them do you speak to regularly
Main story is average. DLCs are fuckign great though.
Side quests and characters are really good.
The game does handhold you throughout which is a bit annoying, if you could turn off the minimap it would be heaps better
honestly haven't been keeping with the game at all, didn't know much except for the genre and a few webms here and there, was just kinda sitting in the bottom of my backlog
given what i've read here i'll remove it, especially since it's so long of a game
Are you me? Identical experience.
I played enough into the game to finish some quest for some fat fuck about his daughter or some shit and was so unbelievably annoyed and bored and unimpressed I stopped right after it.
I think the problem is after TW2, I played literally all the souls games, and then I played TW3 which just felt and played like skyrim teir afterwards.