Will there ever be an RPG-cyberpunk game made? Because Cyberpunk 2077 is not and RPG anymore
Will there ever be an RPG-cyberpunk game made? Because Cyberpunk 2077 is not and RPG anymore
Why did you delete the other thread
Because he is being found out as an anti-CDPR shill hired by resatera/Anita.
They never promised that every class would be playable. In fact I remember them explicitly saying that because they wanted to make a focused narrative, that a lot of the classes like cops and media wouldn't be playable.
Yes, it’s called Cyberpunk 2020
The fact that they’re not saying or hyping anything other than the storyline should alert you. I was upset yesterday but I don’t really care anymore
where are you getting any of this info
Tell me what happened? Seriously, why are you making these threads? Any news?
>Changed the game info on twitter from role playing to action adventure
>Removed most classes
>Classes themselves are just dialogue options
>Any news?
Yeah the game fucking sucks is news.
You can literally play as corporate and nomad you fucking idiot
No you can't.
Oh right, it's an RPG now because you can be nomad, my mistake
I hope it's an Epic exclusive so someone can pay for my pirated version
Is that top left image actually real? They said RPG?
Its an "rpg" the same way Deus Ex HR is an "rpg", namely it isn't one.
>>Removed most classes
>>Classes themselves are just dialogue options
OP of the last thread here thanks for reposting
Fucking jannies are trying to stop you criticising a game
Its already confirmed to be epic exclusive, you can pre order on GOG and Steam but its a timed exclusive to epic.
>AAA devs still insist on having voice acting for everything
This is why you'll never get a truly indepth rpg out of the west ever again.
I miss when gamers had standards instead of just mindlessly consuming whatever flashy thing is in front of them
Yeah, V having a voice doesn't make any sense, there won’t even be multiple voice actors. It’s all because of normalfags
Yes, Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a normie game, just look at Witcher 3. Even the RPG mechanics it did have barely mattered. Cyberpunk 2077 is for the GTA/Red Dead/Skyrim/Witcher 3 crowd, if you like first person RPGs you should be getting excited for The Outer Worlds.
At this point i believe that someone really hired shills like you to smear Cyberpunk
U cant tho
Skyrim is actually good though, thanks to the modding community
And what if they did? Nothing you can do about it white man...
>Skyrim had more RPG elements than Outer Worlds will
based retard
reminder that resetera is full of pedos
>Bitching about Trans options in Cyberpunk
I mean... Part of Cyberpunk is using technology to escape reality and alter who we are most basically. It fits no matter how bad you want to incite the trans = cancer flag in peoples heads.
why are you guys so obsessed with trannies? It's pathological at this point
Play Koikatsu
Because they are infesting and ruining video games.
Cyberpunk is also about future that makes us uncomfortable having society that we today see as sick and perverted.
You will never be a woman.
My ass
>Seriously, why are you making these threads?
Here's a small fraction of his sun autism. He'll never stops until mods will start doing their job.
>Multiple people rightfully share the opinion
>I-Its the same person, autism!
Christ all Mightly son..
Fair enough, but of all the disappointments of CP2077 you choose that? It's not even of any consequence, literally just limited to making your face more feminine/masculine if you want.
Could have complained about the weather, the non-explorable buildings, the lack of a third person option, etc etc but you devote half of the fucking "cons" side to bitching about trannies
Honestly reevaluate your priorities
Did this guy get raped by a CDPR employee or what? Holy fuck.
CDPR gave into trannies and now we are coming for them..
>multiple people
>(((multiple))) people
Ain't nobody got time for this shit
Im not wrong.
Weren't the classes more or less a minor stat modifier in the tabletop?
Hell of a stretch to say that allowing feminine facial features on male characters and vice versa is giving into trannies.
It's hardly the bare minimum for placating them.
Its giving in, give trannies an itch and they'll do a mile.
Nah, sorry I lost that screencap where mod explained how you shit on every flavor of the month and then move on to next.
It's a shame those pussies don't want to range ban.
I never said any of those games are bad, they're obviously good otherwise they wouldn't sell millions of copies, they just don't appeal to people who want a deeper RPG experience.
Dont deny me (you)s you fucking bitch. Do you think this is some kind of fucking joke? Why do you think I do this day in and day out, fuck you.
Reply to me right now.
Simply a miserble fuck who has nothing else to do with his life.
Horrific fate, if you ask me.
Respond now.
Fucking respond
Left side was never promised. Why do the mods let /pol/ have raids and we get banned when we try it?
>All these seething incels with unrealisitic expectations
This game isn't a life simulator go play the Sims
>"multiple" people spam a factually incorrect easily refutable wall of greentext accompanied by picture with same filename
you're not just wrong, you are also either fucking retarded or criminally dishonest
Play Shadowrun NOW
Fucking respond to me!
I'm stepping out but when I get back you better have given me a (you)
Literally the same autismo pattern every single thread. With mods even confirming its one autist.
I wonder if that's Barry or the RE2 autist (or maybe they are the same person too)
I think a fair number of people are put off by the fantasy elements in Shadowrun, although personally, the fantasy stuff is the only reason I got interested in it. It's really too bad that the HBS Shadowrun games never got much of a modding community.
He literally can't stop making threads, even now. He only shitposted about muh sun for so long because we knew next to nothing about the game. Now that we have more details, and they're going to keep coming until release, this board is going to have at least two of his shitpost threads up at all times.
they were supposed to save gaming, wtf happened.
Where my fucking reply
Do you think you're fucking smart? I have your IP.
Breh the fuck on the what was promised section? Cause god damn after it was known that shit would take place after another corporate war, which i think would mark then 4th and the books only cover and take place only during after the 3rd one, would be a huge fucking siren to let even the dumbest of nerds that they are not going to follow to strongly the pen and paper shit. Since with it being after another war gives them essentially a blank canvas and the leeway to muck about shit in some ways. If anything i hope that at laest actions take will allow like subclasses outside starting combat classes that will essentially mix at last the most interesting parts of each class for the bit of more free form role playing shit like a first person rpg would best benefit from.
It's probably the same guy that used to whine about the sun and other retarded shit
Oh. Have you played it?
>when you are such utterly insufferable obnoxious shitheap of a parody of a person you force a Yea Forums mod to descend from heavens and make an official fucking statement about your faggotry
Its the ultimate (you) and what we all strive for.
The face of a man that knows how much he lied but he still wants coke and whores.
Will this shitposting keep on going on until we see the new gameplay demo at Gamescom? Or until release?
CDPR aka white niggers
We have to go deeper. Ask yourselves, will this kind of obnoxious spamming make anybody think the game is bad? No, instead people are starting to hate the poster, and by extension other people who are complaining about Cyberpunk.
Their aim is not to make people hate the game, but make people hate the people who hate the game. It's ingenious, all the legit criticisms about the game will be drowned by one or two autists posting about SUN, CUT CLASSES and WE ARE NOW HERE.
Imagine giving a shit.
Imagine thinking cutting classes IS NOT a legitimate criticisms.
it's not
it's whining about devs not doing something utterly unfeasible
>hurr it's unfeasible
each class could be a game on its own
Those aren't really classes though. They'd be completely separate story paths. CDPR are writing a specific narrative with paths, not a freeform story - that'd be pretty much impossible.
Are you having a stroke user?
Just play the tabletop
>Just play the tabletop
I'm on Yea Forums I don't have friends.
not an argument
I went into detail about why that is in a few threads, but the replies to that were your current caliber, so I'm not even going to bother talking to a wall with down syndrome
no, it's boring and stupid
I want every advantage of a video game and everything cool about tabletop without the bore
They are making a game with a story, not freeform sandbox in which you can play any role you wish. What you are asking for is very different kind of game.
"Then why aren't they making a game I want?!" you ask. Because doing your dream Cyberpunk game would require insane amounts of work, not to mention that it'd be pretty hard sell. I'm sorry that you can't be dickgirl loli working for trauma team, but you can't have it all.
>I'm sorry that you can't be dickgirl loli working for trauma team
That's what the P&P is for
then better become a billionaire so you can open a studio that will dwarf Rockstar Games, pump it with cash up to the fucking ceiling and have them slave away for a decade to make you game you will fire up and throw your fucking hands up shouting HOLY FUCK I STILL CAN'T DO 10TH OF WHAT THOSE PNP NERDS CAN, WOOOOOOOOOW YOU'RE ALL FIRED and then blowing your brains out
>I love cdpr's dick in my mouth
that is not an actual argument user
>the retarded shill that is shitting on CP2077 is a Obsidianshill
Whats a RPG to you?
what are your favorite RPG games?
OP doesn't even play video games.
I can't wait for this game. Loved Witcher 2, 3 and Thronebreaker.