>Yeah, I do list my PC specs on my Steam profile, how could you tell?
Yeah, I do list my PC specs on my Steam profile, how could you tell?
it's like toguro fused with one of those rundown twins
>why yes I do only put my PC specs and nothing else in my steam profile, how could you tell?
i only play nintendo games
S o yboy cope
consoletard who turned into a pc faggit starter pack:
>listing specs on any profile that isnt tech support forum
>rgb shit and windowed case
>calls his pc "rig"
>tower on desk
>upgrades pc every 2 years redundantly
Waistlet lol.
order from best to worst body types
athletic/fit>skinny>body builder>skinny fat>fat/obese
Christ you are a homosexual.
absolutely love the
>we think
Yeah, my steam profile is blank and only says 'hello' in the info box. How could you notice?
live in a society
I don't understand why people do this. Can someone explain?
forced meme that originated late 2018/ early 2019
>not having a blank/privated profile
This is how fattys and out of shape people cope, OH NO HE SPENDS 1-2 HOURS AT THE GYM 5 DAYS A WEEK WHAT A LOSER.
>Proceeds to watch tv for 6 hours while churning fast food and soda
no u
lol no I've seen that shit for like half a decade
And you spend a lot of time eating.
Based and musclepilled
Tall Fit > Tall normal > Tall skinny > Tall fat > Short normal > Short skinny > Short Fat > Short Fit
Nope. My Steam profile just says one quote from a character I like. It seems like you couldn't tell.
>Implying Chad cares about what a 4-foot washboard thinks.
>Of course my profile consists of 5 boxes detailing how much I love Ghost Recon Phantoms the now unavailable game.
>t. plays on a laptop from 2011 with integrated graphics
stay poor
Stop bullying manlets.
mental illness
>Why yes, I do have 2hus on my profile background, how could you tell?
>tower on desk
what's wrong with this?
skinnyfat is most common body type in the world right after skinny
i honestly dont know how twink boys in their 20s can be my weight and never work out but have a flat stomach and chest and look good shirtless but me? skinnyfat despite being the same weight and height and also working out
>never work out
Pretty sure they do.
different metabolism, you just need to work out more and eat less than they do
nope, they said they dont. hell even at the swim parks you see these guys all over the place, twink mode looking young people as well as body builders being the only ones shirtless all over the park
so it really is genetics
Absolutely disgusting
Well, I do work out for it so don't get discouraged.
note that these guys are in the young mid 20s and if you dont look like this at that age, it kinda isnt worth it since girl go for money more often after 30 anyway, and also they arent even flexing to show off the muscles
also forgot to mention that whenever i did that, i just ended up looking like a starving african child, most skinnyfat i have ever been at 120lbs
>But really, anyone can get that a body. You just need to decide to do it - it's not an illness or disease - it's a lifestyle decision, a consumer choice.
>People don't look at a fat guy and think "wow, this guy is so fat. He must have some kind of genetic disability. What a poor fellow."
>Nope. We think: "oh, that guy spends a lot of time eating."
What... is this? I can't even comprehend the hypocrisy I just perceived. Is it even hypocrisy, or something else entirely?
*anyone can get that fat body
Sorry, had a small aneurysm.
worst fad ever
you'd love to know eh consoletard
nice projection former consoletard. was that what you had before you built your """rig"""?
99% a guy drew this or a girl whos in denail about having affection towards ripped chads
when they say they don't work out
they mean they don't go to the gym
they 100% work out whether they know it or not
wasn't this guy using roids and was already going bald?
>"oh, that guy spends a lot of time in the gym"
Also the fact that they're really attractive because of that. Of course the fat fuck who made this comic doesn't want to acknowledge that.
100% a /fit/cel manlet posted this
Of course he was juicing. People who think you can pull off Arnold Schwartzenegger builds going full natty haven't lifted a day in their lives. Now whether or not steroids is bad is another debate entirely, but it's disgusting how many ripped meatheads claim they don't use supplements.
Good for him.
someone post the /fit/ edit
Wait is this perspective fuckery, how short is the guy on the right
he's average Yea Forums height
6' vs 5'11"
do you even think before you type? how does that make any sense? I have my pc on a little desk because letting it collect dust on the ground is fucking retarded
Guy on the left is 6'4" and he looks to be at least a foot taller
based consoletard
completely oblivious to the irony of his own post
>go swimming
>thinks anyone gives a fuck what you're doing
is this the same person who thinks people will make fun of him at the movies if hes alone
162 cm I believe
>t. consoletard
how russian is that guy?
Hehe dumb consoletard
>different metabolism,
>so it really is genetics
Bullshit excuses, the guy is just lazy.
>Mfw I'm interested in steroids but too much of a brainlet to find out where to get them
I'm at a good weight but I really need to trim what I have. I do a pretty physical job that keeps my cardio and upper body up but I have a fat gut.
>t. consoletard
Steroids aren't for trimming, they're for bulking. You'll still have to run/swim a lot to get rid of the gut. As far as buying them, find the biggest meatiest jarhead in your gym and ask. If he won't tell, find the next biggest, etc. Eventually one will spill the beans, though usually they'll be more than happy to sell you some of their own supply.
Why is this animated, its fucking annoying to read
This literally makes no sense and it's pissing me off.
>A consumer choice
>Scarfing down Mcdonalds isn't a consumer choice
>Thinking getting fit or decent exercise is a social thing than being about having good health
This dude is probably in his 30s and has the self esteem of a high schooler.
>why yes i do have my pc specs on my shirt, glad you noticed
Why yes, of course, I do play video games. Why do you ask ?