Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Anonymous 06/16/19(Sun)20:05:22 No.466750997

Attached: 1560747242701.png (1083x745, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rapier

>New thread
>Not even 450
Fuck off retard

Also the fuck with
>Anonymous 06/16/19(Sun)20:05:22 No.466750997


Attached: ad129b801934ff839d97be20ce80b473931d48e9.png (1117x1366, 331K)

Requesting a slain Nakoruru laid peacefully on the straw bed on the right

Attached: Nako.jpg (1609x1024, 354K)

Resting since the other thread reached limit.

This is my first time using digital.

It fucking shows. Judge me, dickwipes.

Yes there's a lewd version. Look it up in the other thread

Attached: Sketch17134341.png (800x1280, 658K)

it was awful last thread and it's awful this thread

there you go

Attached: reload suzie.jpg (1000x900, 131K)

i don't know how to reply cross-thread, but here you go

Attached: CLIPStudioPaint_YRKUYrQmlt.png (712x892, 257K)

Oh my god this is amazing.


Requesting Bruce and Rebecca fighting a zombie gorilla

Attached: Bruce_Rebecca.jpg (1575x787, 155K)

Requesting link the twink sitting in his computer chair raging at an opponent in an online game.

Attached: 426ac01f52a0ce09fed07a5a6a7666f487d1d897.jpg (600x800, 90K)

Requesting Susie with a nice, big robutt.

Attached: image.jpg (611x759, 79K)

Requesting a village from Animal Crossing filled with nothing but cross dressers/tomgirls

Attached: Bullies.jpg (900x630, 174K)

Requesting normal Gruntilda with a mech suit based on her Game Over form. The reverse take on it would also be cool.

Attached: Gruntilda reference.jpg (1139x1107, 162K)

Requesting black P3MC getting it on with Yukari, because she has a great ass. Ideally both of them nude.

Attached: jamalkun wants to tap dat Yukari.png (944x1824, 1.82M)

moor poof

Attached: poofy amitie.jpg (1000x900, 78K)

Requesting yandere Pauline covered in blood, wearing Peach's crown

Attached: Pauline concept.jpg (1421x1400, 961K)

Requesting Shygirl in overalls just like Mario

Attached: SnoopCrow_So2.jpg (1080x1920, 117K)

Requesting the boys from Age of Empires dancing because they are getting a new remastered game.

Attached: pull my trebuchet.png (1254x982, 1.12M)

I want to say thanks to the artist who made this Popoi, you did a very cute job!

Attached: 1560760662286.png (1542x1500, 1.18M)

Requesting a Viera dancer dressed like the figure on the card, poses don't have to match either reference.

Attached: VieraDancerRequest.jpg (2000x2000, 2.94M)

Thats an excellent Popoi.

Requesting Zealot of Lust becoming one with user.

Attached: __zealot_of_lust_shadowverse_drawn_by_ell_ellnun__b5695cdff2e31edc8780435e0a2ac7d9.jpg (667x800, 650K)

Requesting Xemnas as a mecha pilot

His voice actor does "Malzel" in Armored Core For Answer and uses his Xemnas voice for him, so I can't help but picture him as Xemnas every time he speaks:

Attached: Xemnas_KHD.png (2256x2898, 2.33M)

Attached: rider.png (615x1098, 154K)

Reposting this masterpiece.

Attached: 1560724785842.png (805x673, 426K)

Canonically ancient, stuck to old beliefs, wants to fuck up the world because it's not how it used to be
Requesting boomer Duma drinking a monster energy with sunglasses on

I wouldn't even be mad, he's a Chad

Should I make a better reference or is this just a boring request
I mean I don't know what else to add, it's a full body pic of him

Attached: 728bf97bab39cec85d92c3260ed80407.png (1600x1920, 1.99M)

Mislinked, reply meant for

Requesting Riesz from Trials of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 3 in spats.

Attached: Riesz.full.114671.jpg (1600x2262, 2.41M)

Requesting Ms. Millions version of Queen Ophiuca.

Attached: Queen Ophiuca Millions.jpg (1417x1341, 461K)

Requesting other Yea Forums girls with loose bangs styling them like in this pic.

Attached: __hibiki_and_verniy_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ikashun__4b74defeb2dbffc6810ec84a9862f68f.jpg (686x970, 88K)

Requesting cute hairbun covers over Mei/Rosa's hairbuns

Attached: Black_2_White_2_Female_Protagonist.png (455x1100, 338K)

Requesting a fusion of Dragon's Crown Sorceress and Peach casting a spell raining turnips

Attached: Sorceress Peach ref.jpg (1064x1487, 277K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi", giving one of her gloves to the viewer as a duel declaration, doing an elegant rapier thrust attack, doing that "shaking the dust off the shoulders" gesture after winning a duel/next to the corpse of her opponent or anything else related to elegant fights/dueling you can think off.

>Character reference:
>Weapon reference:'s_Rapier
(any other rapier is fine to)

Alternatively, doing that "cheers!" gesture while holding a glass with a bubbly liquid similar to "Champagne", but with an small arrow pointing to the glass and a message that says "Soda", since i dont drink alcoholic stuff.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1557721173074.png (349x488, 164K)

Requesting Cirno wearing Tharja's outfit, it can be in Cirno's color scheme

Attached: cirnja.jpg (1122x890, 182K)

Requesting this comic, with Miriam as Pharah, Aradia as Mercy, and Shanoa as Ana.

Attached: mommy.png (1581x2526, 3.47M)

Attached: rider.png (1107x1579, 426K)

>page cirno

Requesting the Stalker from Deathgarden straddling someone she's caught. Explicitly lewd or not. PoV is important.
the game is lame, don't get it, I just want this huge elk lady to tell me to stop trying to take her mask off, even though she's very cute under it

Attached: 1559341886087.png (1346x1052, 778K)

Requesting Lara Croft fighting a cyborg version of herself from a doomed future

Attached: Lara Croft reference.jpg (906x900, 94K)

Requesting "I came here to laugh at you" but with Erdrick/Loto

Attached: 1532358765456.jpg (2960x1202, 521K)


Requesting SMT's pixie design reacting to a penis being pushed in her face with disinterest/disgust.

Attached: 2cc360d09ec402aeb5024db2b577b38f52d5bf47.jpg (480x640, 84K)

requesting Gordon freeman as an evil crash bandicoot scientist like N. brio, N. Gin, N. trophy etc

bonus points if you include dr, kleiner as as an obj_motherfucker and a pun name for gordon

Attached: 530-90_534c9910aaa59.jpg (530x523, 33K)

Requesting trap Wo-Class with erect dick (bulge)

Attached: Standard_Carrier_Wo-Class_Full.png (717x1050, 861K)

Give me it

Apologies for the slowness, I had to sleep. Hope you see this bro.

Attached: Layla.png (2236x2652, 2.06M)

Requesting this but with interest.

Alternatively a look of fear as the shadow of a penis looms above her.

Fuck you too

Requesting Serene from Riviera the Promised Land (pic related) underwater.
(Without the lemons and the Ramune bottle)

Attached: A3C49662-3895-40F8-9FFF-76874B03202E.png (510x534, 16K)

thanks for the brown cutie friend, you did real good
great work keeping with the style and the blushing/dripping makes it feel really suggestive

btw is bep(?) your artist handle?

Attached: 1478254807_PbHB5lPX.gif (204x204, 52K)




Requesting Trynda screaming like in the left image

Attached: 1550095540197.jpg (2195x915, 401K)

Requesting Nessa getting her butt massaged

Attached: nessa.png (521x514, 128K)

Thanks for the kind words! It's short for "bepisode", my Tumblr id

Just finish drawing Nessa, can't wait to see her in game. Hope you guy like it.

Attached: done no watermark.jpg (453x700, 89K)

Where are the delicious brown?
And don't give me that pokemon flavor of the month

Attached: 1557616341052.jpg (576x768, 118K)

No one cares outside of dignifying you with a response, catfag

Give outfit ideas to draw for Miriam

as a non drawfag, why is Otter-Chan, an anime character, used to promote a Yea Forums thread?
Is this a parody of an videogame related joke using anime characters or what happend?

requesting cute innocent girls looking at the viewer

Attached: 1560777544866[1].jpg (902x860, 115K)

Either herself presenting her game while wearing this, or people presenting her while she stands smug like that one image of her with Beck and Yookalaylee but not surrounded by failures this time.

Attached: 1.jpg (600x600, 43K)

It's video gaes

There are two Kemono Friends games though, one's gone now but the other one is active even now.
Other than that I just think it's plain and simple no sliding, no tanoshii allowed.

Very cute
I'll do it sometime soon

Attached: Cat_Kagura_2.png (1024x1024, 880K)

>Otter can read now
She leveled up her INT!

Requesting Nina Cortex from "Crash of the Titans" and this other goth girl as two great friends listening old heavy metal vinyl records. That or both playing with a ouija board.

Attached: lesbian-satanism.jpg (2044x844, 605K)

Cool. I'm awful with references, but something like this but with cute girls instead of an aging Vanna White. Maybe Miriam on a stage or pedestal.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1000x785, 314K)

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

Requesting fem Corrin, Wii trainer, and Zelda all either groping Banjos man tits, fingering him, and giving him a hand job in the pants. With Kazooie saying "Banjo! This is Molestation AND Rape!" And Banjo replying with "Not if I like it!" With an aroused face

Attached: pixlr_20190616184733428.jpg (2048x2048, 1.17M)

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

It feels like the one keeping this place moving died
I can’t believe one user was 50 IPs

Great puyo

requesting Akira Howard from Astral Chain doing a Jojo pose

Attached: akira howard.jpg (2944x3392, 2.02M)

>brown eww

Requesting any Warcraft character imitating Uncle Ruckus and singing "Don't trust them new nagas over there!" :

Attached: naga.jpg (719x581, 34K)

Requesting too many tikis.

Attached: n9u8vt0cct431.jpg (750x1334, 207K)

That's great, really good. She looks so much better with big breasts. Thanks a lot for the draw user

>any Warcraft character

It would only work with an extra-blue Naga since Ruckus is an extra dark negro who's 102% African with a 2% margin of error.

requesting isabelle getting bellyrubs

Attached: c2d.png (802x997, 286K)

like under her sweater

was gonna draw this but i forgot i don't draw for tripfags

Hope you draw Kagura too. She's so good

San Diego with apple-shaped pasties or swimsuit

Attached: San_Diego.png (674x1024, 804K)

Requesting a draw of Bea as a big-butt wide-hipped loli with nice thighs

Attached: Bea.png (480x400, 234K)

her posing like a pin-up on a giant plate of curry, like it was a bed and not real curry
adult usalia could be nice to see

Attached: D5_Usaria.png (514x602, 237K)

Requesting Doomguy chasing after or hugging Sheath from Namco x Capcom thinking Daisy his pet rabbit was transformed.

Attached: Pet.png (1271x1772, 2.63M)

Requesting Veronica from Dragon Quest XI sucking dick while in this pose.

Attached: 238B132F-1EA5-4D9B-948C-75738829755C.jpg (1920x1080, 276K)

gonna request even more workout Tifa for my autismal collection

Attached: tifa reference.jpg (1437x1024, 995K)

>literally just got a delivery
>uses that delivery in the reference
That's fucked up.

Requesting "Guess I'll die" with a DQ Boy of your choice. Bonus points if they're glowing with energy like they're almost about to explode.

Attached: Guess I'll Kamikazee.jpg (2552x720, 374K)

Attached: 1542914585976.gif (290x296, 183K)

indeed it is evil. Very evil.

I can't believe it. Nono is fookin dead.

Attached: 20170927005116.png (494x375, 350K)

Do you have more of that? is it part of this?

Attached: DICE DE jpg.jpg (1849x1888, 644K)

Requesting left side reference but with Elizabeth. Draw her wearing the same military uniform please.

Attached: u r dead.jpg (2112x1064, 424K)

yes and yes

Requesting Anabel and Looker lounging by the beach. Anabel also wears a black sunhat and Looker’s outfit will be a white muscle shirt and brown shorts.
Reference: (Anabel takes the place of Kidou Yuuto and Looker takes the place of Fudou Akio)

Attached: 0A0F8BAB-1320-420F-9E6E-EB04A50A3B6C.png (1111x646, 263K)


Attached: 22ac075aaab2aa5b09953a.webm (500x692, 963K)

taking some /vr/ requests

Attached: rider.png (546x546, 120K)

Does this count?

Requesting modern Asha With some parachute pants.

Attached: MW4_Kaneko.jpg (1280x1024, 452K)

anyone doing commissions?

Megaman 2077

Tawna being smug as hell and saying "I lived, bitch"

Attached: tawnabandicoot.jpg (300x677, 49K)

>bdf’s pivix

Requesting a Shuten (left) teasing an Ibaraki by licking a banana in front of her.

Attached: banana.png (1920x1306, 3.36M)

Yeah, hit me up at fiverr.

Also taking cute requests.

your budget?

Fuck off maldraw


Requesting some coloring:

Pic related color references.
Please and thanks!

Attached: My childhood.png (1642x820, 1.56M)


Attached: rider.png (538x522, 95K)

Requesting Ilsa at her ideal wedding. If the scenery is too much I would be okay with just her in the wedding dress that she described

Down for Ilsa wearing Rosetta's "All Her Jazz" costume too

Attached: IlsaWedding.jpg (484x1632, 364K)

Doesn't have to be exact but as close as possible, with the sides of her torso exposed to stay in the Erune-style

Attached: Rosetta_All_Her_Jazz.png (960x800, 122K)


Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)

Based! Thank you so much