What's your opinion on this, Yea Forums
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Looks jank as fuck. Still looking forward to it, but not gonna lie, it's killed some of my faith in the game.
>posts the shitty sequel that has nothing to do with vtmb
Every fucking time
who u gonna call?
I'm finding it impossible to get excited for it. I was prepared for it to be jank but this is just as bad as the original without any of that game's charm or atmosphere. I still want to see more gameplay before I judge it too hard but I'm not impressed so far.
>no third-person view
fucking bullshit
will still buy it tho but its bullshit
>hot Tremere chicks
>jank out the ass, again
>weapons are pickups
>nothing to make up for it
>weapons are pickups
so it's like a beat em up?
Meant guns. Melee you can keep, I think.
But yeah.
You can deny it all you want but it's going to have characters from the original regardless user.
they announced the game and opened pre orders. its a kickstarter.
I don't know how they expect to finish it in time though
Is there actually trannies in it or is this just a meme?
I find it weird how jumping off a building causes no masquerade violation whatsoever. If I strutting on a sidewalk and I saw a fucker leaping off a 5 story building apartment I would be shitting myself.
i'm still not sure about that. maybe you can keep a gun if you really like it and buy ammo for it somewhere, or choose to use and toss, otherwise it wouldn't make sense for there to be a preorder gun if you don't get to keep it.
i think you can choose pronouns during character creation or something. i don't really care about that, although using it to virtue signal when the game looks even jankier than the original isn't reassuring.
It's clearly unfinished
I'll wait until they show more footage closer to release before I decide whether I'll buy it or not.
what's your opinion on this
same here my man
Apparently you're invisible in alleys.
It did not look very good.
And neither did Obsidian's game.
that's stupid
>high gen fresh blood is obsessed with his mortal machinations instead of instantly 180'ing because DA BEAST
It's so easy to spot the retards who know nothing about WoD.
Disciplines are even more dumbed down than first game. Combat is even more jank than first game -- shomehow.
go back to making threads about cyberpunk
>retards who know nothing about WoD
so everyone defending this atrocity of a game
I'm hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. Some no-name company, janky gameplay when the game is due in less than a year, looks as bland as fucking Vampyr (and even then, that game at least had the gothic London to please the eye, VTMB2 has sewers and barren streets).
Why not show off some cool characters, or an intricate quest, or interesting combat situations instead of this mishmash of blandness.
I'd like to say that I expect them to fix it so it looks less shit, but knowing game companies nowadays it has probably already been sent off to the publisher and they're now working on dlc.
I'll wait a while before deciding whether it's worth getting.
The only people who evidently know nothing about the setting are the ones posting the same fucking splat NPC and pretending as if it doesn't fit the tone of the game. I'm sorry that you're so ridiculously sensitive, but the tranny boogeyman has nothing to do with why this garbage is and will be shit.
I hate the SUPER REALISTIC HIGH DEFINITION GRAPHICS meme. The game is going to run like shit and look bland as fuck.
is anyone else a little disappointed with the neon disco club we saw in 2's demo? it still has a silly dance but not close to the same atmosphere at all
you've never a single vtm book in your life
we are agreed the game will be shit
>you've never a single vtm book in your life
Point out a single inconsistency that Rudi provides to the setting. He's a high generation, freshly recruited Kindred. Not to mention he's a fucking Brujah, if he wasn't fighting for some retarded shit it'd make no sense.
This, I hate this "muh realism" approach that limits animations and character expressions. The first game's facial animation looks miles better 15 fucking years later because it went for exaggerated/stylized but quality animations, which goes a long way in making the characters feel memorable and alive (I still remember the little pout that Jeanette makes, the new game will never have something like this).
It looks jank, but I'm in the middle of replaying a vanilla Deus Ex run right now so I'm pretty tolerant of jank in service of something that works. It looks promising, I'll be keeping an eye on it.
he's a gangrel
you dumb shitbird
More generic triple A trash. They always take worn out mechanics from between 10-20 years ago, mash them together, give it a new coat of paint and call it a day. Fucking tired of it.
> triple A
Yes, mechanics wise if not visually/technically. Literally everything you see in that gameplay trailer has been done a thousand times before by every AAA studio under the sun.
That's why I hope VR improves. I'd like to play the original VtMB in it at some point. At least it would offer something new instead of what feels like every game just being a rehash now.
"AAA" label in games has nothing to do with gameplay mechanics, it concerns the big publisher behind the game and a large budget. VTMB2 is as mid-tier AA as they come.
>Not to mention he's a fucking Brujah
Holy fuck
Paradox is not a AAA studio you smarmy skullfuck.
I thought that was the excuse too, but another playthrough had him jump directly onto the street. And as soon as I thought "oh well, maybe nobody was looking at that moment", he went on to wallrun up a building RIGHT in front of someone.
My general worry for the game are those facial animations and the writing. I can live with a level of jank, and I imagine mods will eventually come out to fix optimization problems and put the goth music back in. But man those faces need work.
Stuff like weapon pick-ups or a stronger focus on abilities and hand-to-hand combat suit me fine.
Why was the demo on a fucking controller? This game looks like it's lacking soul, and not in a good way, I much prefer the stylized characters from VTMB, also the level design is shit.
i hate elves
i hate draculas just as much
can I get the footage without a castrated numale talking over it?
what are you even on about? publishers exert pressure on developers to change/add certain gameplay mechanics all the time. the more money laid down on a project, the less willing all parties involved are to take risks, that's why damn near every AAA game these days is just a rehash of a thousand games that came before it.
Here you go fag.
The game is so janky that it's unbelievable. Even the way how the game was presented smells of jank all over.
Firstly the game gets announced just a few months ago and immediately the announcement gets dropped with preorders without anyone knowing anything about it and where it's already being released for next year, and then secondly the overall play/movement of the game movement, everything just look raggedy from the dancing to the way how combat looks and the way you lock on to enemies when swinging.
I really want to be excited for a VTMB sequel, but come on, just look at the game.
>Why was the demo on a fucking controller?
For those cinematic smooth camera movements. Additionally, game journos probably never play with keyboard and mouse, as these devices are too complex for them to handle.
Yes, the more money involved, the less risks they are willing to take. This doesn't make VTMB2 an AAA title, though. It may have the same problems of being bland and uninspired, but it LITERALLY isn't AAA.
this is why keep coming back to this place
Not him however my outlook as someone who's played a lot of oWoD and not this new shit is that the writers of PARADOX as in not white wolf if that they believe they can upturn the setting however they wish. The game was always about setting up your own STORY Inside of a METAPLOT. As in you have the sabbat, the anarchs, and the camarilla and they have some solid characters, mostly legends, but beyond that all that mattered was the titles and how they interacted. You knew what a Prince and Bishop were, who they controlled, and the rough reach of their power and HOW they got there through white wolf's fairly intelligent conjecture about maintaining power among things that, by all means, can all be independent killing machines. That's a metaplot. This character whom unnamed princes are afraid of starting a crusade (with what resources? With what political ties? With what fucking message?) Is a PLOT as in you have dramatis personae. Nothing is interesting about him, how he maintains power or draw, or even his identity.
To me the writing is not shit becaise he's an edgy brujah, but because there is zero going on that I can work with. It's a binary. Rudi does the thing or he doesn't, that's not a story, that's infantile fixation on character traits to tell a story.
It seems to be a symptom of these fucking lawyer subhumans who think that if you buy a setting and an idea that you can do with it whatever you want, like star wars, and people will just go with it.
I've played in the world of darkness for years and I have a fistful of political climates all over europe with fleshed out princes. Why do my princes, who are of ranging seniority and power, care about this fucktard that the writer admittedly wrote in because he was inspired by his irl gay muslim nigger friend in Copenhagen?
Show don't tell, motherfucker, no prince cares, and no player cares about your OC character with no background
>I really want to be excited for a VTMB sequel, but come on, I just criticized fucking everything that was in the 1st game, so why would you take me seriously?
VTMB was janky, things like picking up nothing and then a phone moving into your hand a few seconds later, dresses on characters moving to their default positions when being drawn first, all the bugs, characters spinning in the air when you send them airborne in combat, the whack ass cutscenes, it was loaded with Jank, but it didn't take itself as seriously as this new game, it's atmosphere wasn't gritty realism, it was cold and dark, with boisterously electric party scenes, and lots of comedic lines of dialogue that sounded like things people could say in a conversation. The original VTMB was cool, as if it was a natural part of it's being, the new VTMB is trying to emulate what's cool, and it's sort of obvious that it's unnatural. layer on the cheese in the new game and things won't feel the same, the characters are too serious, you're looking into the uncanny valley, and they fucking hate you, not a stylized vampire with a tight smirk on his face.
Stop ragging on the Jank, the original had it, it was just able to cut through that thanks to it's somewhat cartoony appearance and cheese, the new one, it's more obvious because it takes itself too seriously.
Never directly link to a Rock Paper Shotgun video or article especially when there's a huge amount of viable alternatives. If you didn't know, RPS used to be great back in the day but then they went and drove away most of their original talent pool of writers and replaced them with trannies, feminists and cucks.
Now they're Kotaku-esque clickbaiting, antigaming fucks who prioritize the injection of shitty politics above all else. Don't give them traffic or reward their faggotry.
>the first game was janky, so it's okay when the sequel does that 15 YEARS LATER too!
Not to mention the fact that people don't love the first game for the gameplay, they do so because it had cool characters with great VAs and animations, amazing atmosphere and insanely good music. Did you notice anything of sorts in the demo shown? No? Why do you think that is, do they perhaps hide the good things from us?
your post will mean nothing to the marketers who create these threads
end your own body
Sad and true, but I'm happy if one or two people read it and then refuse to post RPS content from this point on.
he dissed the game for spastic faggot playing it on a controller
he crossed the line when he dissed the dance
The fight at the drug house where the enemies are just firing their guns from the top floors even though they're shooting at the ground gets to me to most. Come on, they better be fixing this shit, the combat, the AI, the janky controls and you locking yourself on targets as you swing at them.
They're positioning this game to be as appealing as possible to the mainstream market, makes me wonder what's been lost because of this.
>replaced them with trannies, feminists and cucks
>If the intent here is to follow a Soulsian “hard is good” philosophy and apply it to the survival genre, this is misplaced. Souls games are about reaction, movement, and practice. You can’t practice finding a piece of bread. If the intent is only to keep the player feeling oppressed, strapped for time, exhausted, hungry and weary, well, that doesn’t mean I won’t also resent having to spend so much time doing the most boring species of meter-management in what could have been a captivating mystery.
>Hunger is the worst offender. You can enter abandoned houses and loot them, or even burglarise “healthy” houses. But there’s never any food in the kitchens. There are abandoned houses and free beds everywhere, but you can only sleep in some of them. Put all this together with the samey character models and the clumsy combat, and Pathologic 2 starts to feel less like an interesting failure and more like a budget Skyrim.
This is an actual review by modern RPS, the site that produced one of the best articles online on the first Pathologic. What a fucking shame.
>this fucking zoomer thinks that autistic eurotrash shuffle is comparable to rivetheads slam-dancing at 4am on a filthy santa monica pier
I've rarely felt such total contempt
>rivetheads slam-dancing at 4am on a filthy santa monica pier
Fucking S O U L.
I doubt the original person who asked a while ago about changing the fov in VtMB will see this, but you can change it by doing "fov #" in console and have it not go back to the original setting after zooming or changing between first/third person by also changing "default_fov" to the same number.
They somehow made the combat system even worse than it was in the original.
Realism was a mistake.
VTMB2 better have jailbait demon hunter girls, and giant squids.
it won't
Not that stuff like pic related was 100% important, most people probably didn't even see it, but I don't know if the devs for 2 will have enough self-awareness to not take it 100% seriously.
>watch trailer
>criminal gang of drug dealers
>almost all of them female
this inclusiveness bullshit is getting retarded.
>rock paper shotgun
why do these trannies keep spamming their channels in here ?
So, I'm about to start my first ever run through of VTMB. What clan should I do?
Not gonna lie, I do dig the looks of the game, the non-realistic graphics.
Yeah, it sucks, I think the combat is the biggest reason why, is just slow and boring, the first one enemies went flying if you hit them correctly, if they at least had the competence to implement Dark Messiash melee combat, which had fucking demon form, no excuse to remove warform from animalism, and maybe, FEAR or The Darkness gunplay, VTMB2 would at least look fun, but I guess is too much to ask in the current industry.
Bloodlines writing was amazing, basically the perfect parody of 2000's culture.
Personally I would go with Malk, but, I would say gangrel is a the perfect choice for beginners.
just don't bother
read the descriptions and pick whichever one sounds most interesting to you. some people will say don't play malk or nos first, but they're fine if you feel like you want to play them.
I'm gonna go with Malk. Schizophrenic vampires sounds like fun.
Don't specialize in a single build, social builds get fucked mid game, and combat builds don't get enough rewards, maintain a good balance, also, certain weapons will inflict different damage based on the enemy type.
>VTMB2 will not have a tentacle demon constraining a female asian hunter
those videos made me realize I don't care at all for the world of darkness setting being adapted to the modern times with eastern european club dancing, parkour and backflips in the middle of fights.
All I wanted was a charming game with goth scene, rich 1990s LA assholes giving missions, great facial animations, mix of humour and seriousness and a plot that doesn't talk to you like you're a baby or a gamer.
It looks like the new game won't have any of this
stop dancing
Why do the rebellious youngsters even exist when their Elders are very set in their own ways and far more powerful than any modern vampire?
the beckoning/psychology
don't open it. you'll know exactly what i mean when the time comes.
we will still have VTMB 1
open it
So it fits setting better
I could look past jankiness and horrible combat, but atmosphere and theme is gone completely. Even LA in the first game had this surreal goth vibe in every district, almost Gotham like. Seattle in this game looks like a shitty postcard, no soul at all.
People walking around in flip flops while there is a christmas tree on the square, with a shitty retro neon mainstream club nearby.
The quest giver vampire in the club looks like your regular Stacy but with a nose piercing which reminds us she is a vampire.
Voice acting is soulless and disgusting.
Why are we fighting generic NPCs with pipes? It almost looks like Postal at night because how clunky and silly it is.
General tips.
-Pick any clan aside from Malkavian or Nosferatu because they spoil and lock out big chunks of the game respectively.
-If you're going to play a social character (high seduction, for example), make sure you put SOME stats in combat. The latter chunk of the game is stupidly combat heavy. My first playthrough was Toreador, which was really fun at first but became a drag because I ignored combat until it was impossible to stealth around it.
-If you have the GOG version or the Plus Patch, look for a hatch early on in the Hollywood sewer mission, because it skips a huge dumb combat corridor that will only eat up your resources and give you no experience in return.
-Pay close attention to some of the dialogue because there are chances to make extra experience and money in there.
-Avoid buying guns. You often can find them in missions soon after by killing enemies armed with them.
-Seduction will let you feed on club girls free of charge.
-There are actually something like 7 endings that really do depend on what choices you make, though the most important choices appear toward the end.
-Activate as many missions as you can at once; it saves on backtracking.
Top kek
> otherwise it wouldn't make sense for there to be a preorder gun if you don't get to keep it.
Didn't know that, makes no sense then
>therwise it wouldn't make sense for there to be a preorder gun
The preorder are just skins, I guess they work like in MMO, they are automatically applied to the equipment, the moment you rip that pipe from the wall, it turns into the severed arm.
You know what's funny? Outside of pre-order bonus, almost no promotional material is referencing bloodlines. Not a single returning character or nod to the original(outside of the dance and newscaster thing). There's barely any nostalgia pandering.
I don't get the stop sign
I'm really looking forward to it, I liked the first one a lot even though that was janky as hell too, this one doesn't seem that much different.
That being said, I wonder if they'll put in as much effort with the weird malkavian shit as the first game did?
ranged in VTMB sucked anyway.
I wonder if its the stop sign you talk to as a malkavian?
I'm hoping that it's just a line of sight thing in the final game. Like in VTMB you could feed on people in the middle of the street as long as nobody was looking at you. I wish that they would implement some sort of mechanic where you can violate the masquerade in front of homeless people and not get penalized because the homeless either don't care or would just get called crazy if they told someone else what they saw you doing.
Nah. The guns you get early are okay against humans, except the shotgun which is pretty good all around until Hollywood. Then you get the Colt or auto shotgun which can be turned to full auto, and if you have a decent number of points in ranged they're really good.
I think anyone who has an issue with ranged weapons probably didn't put points into Firearms and also tried to use the weaker guns in the first area against vampires which is not what they're meant to be used for.
Malkavians are insane but see the truth in all things.
It is, I think he meant he doesn't understand what it's going to be used for. Unless you decorate your haven with it, wouldn't make sense as a melee weapon.
>fits the setting
My favorite new meme. A thing in a game is shit? It's actually intentionally shit, by design. Applies to everything Cyberpunk 2077 and VTMB2.
was it autism?
How did they manage to get away with this?
Yeah, props to them for not pandering to nostalgia and not including VtMB1's charm or atmosphere. Power to the gamers!
Nothing because the people that made Rudi got the boot when Paradox acquired the IP.
maybe it's a shield
Paradox is triple A with Its revenu of 222milion $ and being stock traded
Seems like it'd be the same thing as the sarcophagus in that it's just decor for your haven, yeah.
Yeah I'm not digging it at all. I feel like the art direction with the environment and characters is vastly inferior to the original and the gameplay barely being above the original doesn't help as well.
It's coming out in less than a year and it doesn't look good at all.
I liked the first game but wasn't a die hard fan, and just like vampire media in general, so it looks interesting to me. I can understand if you were a big fan of the original and this doesn't work for you though.
Looks bad, still gonna try it out because I've been waiting nearly two fucking decade for it.
I'm fine with it. They just need to fix the animations.
>Paradox is triple A
Bad post.
They didn't have to get away with anything. Because nobody gave a fuck. Political correctness was a punchline for a joke, not something everybody took super seriously.
>two fucking decade
what's wrong with jank?
witcher 3 is shit btw
Time fly.
I'm willing to give it a chance. For old times sake. It's probably going to be jank as fuck, but it's more VtM. That's something. Maybe I'll pick it up on sale or something.
And Tremerefu is cute, so that's another reason to check it out.
> forced to play as a thinblood
It won't live up to SOTN at all but nothing will it seems. I'm sure it'll be fun still.
>what's wrong with jank?
It doesn't feel good to play and needs to be strongly compensated for.
>witcher 3 is shit btw
why not? Arma2 is janky as fuck but getting the drop on an entire squad with a m249 feels amazing, so is STALKER but doing a clean sweep of a building, again, feels amazing
Oh, wrong thread, lol
u mad alt-dog?
Yeah I noticed that when no one replies to genuine posts, just low tier bait and counters
But Yea Forums like every other board is full of nothing but shills
>witcher 3 is shit btw
What even made you say that?
c2077 has racemixing, trannies and fags yet Yea Forums shills for it because its ''adequate''
dunno I just got used to it by posting on Yea Forums, when someone insists a game NEEDS high production values to be good you can rest assured he likes shitter 3
>when someone insists a game NEEDS high production values to be good you can rest assured he likes shitter 3
That's not what he said, there are several low budget games that aren't janky
there are also several janky games with cult following, what's your point?
What's YOUR point? You are being very confusing right now.
That jank =/= bad and that witcher 3 = shit
Okay but this is a VTMB thread, no one brought up the Witcher 3 until you did.
there are fans of that ''game'' randomly shitting on everything on this board so there's a 50/50 chance I trigger one
>there are fans of that ''game'' randomly shitting on everything on this board
You are insane.
Seems to be opposite to be honest. I've seen more contrarians shitting on CDPR games than I see Witcher fans shitting on other titles. In fact weebs are the one who are putting their dogshit games on a pedestal who hound threads that is anything related to a western game.
this is cringe af. basically telling players not to role play how they choose
we all are bucko
not at all. fans of shitter 3 shit on everything from witcher 1 to new vegas to old classics like deus ex or gothic. do an experiment yourself and when a person shits on aforementioned games or other RPGs, just mention witcher 3 being shit, 50% chance they sperg out about awards and reviews
also nothing triggers a witcher3fag like souls games, I'm not exactly sure why because I never played them
>Call a game that is beloved by several people shit and get mad when people go ahead to defend it.
Whoa... what a novel concept that is unheard of you triple nigger.
The models somehow look less realistic, less "human", than they did in the original.
Can you talk about VTMB2 now or...?
>If CDPR panders to trannies its ok
>if VTMB does it its shit
joggin the old noggin
>aforementioned people call other games shit
>n-no don't call my fav game shit
sure, it's pretty hot, concerned about SJW shit appearing in it but tremere-fu is cute so you shitposters might be wrong this time around
>republican voters shitting up vtmb threads constantly
This franchise was never for your brand of loser in the first place, they've been making fun of you since the first game. Why are you chimping out only now?
CDtrannies are the new furries of the internet
I'm a CDPR fan who doesn't mind tranny shit in your game. It's almost like the people bitching about tranny shit are doing it in both of these games and are nothing more than vehemently repressive shitters who are akin to Christcuck /pol/tards.
I guess you haven't seen threads being thrown around about how the west is dying by SJWs because both CDPR and Paradox have surrendered to trannies.
1. Pick whichever clan you want to. Ignore anyone who says otherwise. The people who always post "never pick Malkavian or Nosferatu for your first playthrough" have LITERAL autism and/or OCD.
2. Make sure you have the Unofficial Patch installed. THIS IS REQUIRED TO MAKE THE GAME PLAYABLE. The GOG version comes with it preinstalled.
3. Pick a type of combat (Unarmed, Melee, or Firearms) and stick with it. If you spread your points between 2 (or all 3) of them you will regret it. You need to have 1 of them maxed out (or close to it) by the end of them game or else you'll be underpowered. If you spend all your XP building multiple combat types then you won't have many points for other stuff, and it's the "other stuff" that's the fun parts of the game.
Now now, don't go throwing the word tranny around for other titles like it's an insult when the very game you're defending is purporting the same shit with prounouns and gender fluidity, you fucking retard.
I think it's a pretty fair suggestion to newcomers that they don't play Malk or Nosferatu first, I don't think anyone's going to go ballistic if they do, but it's a reasonable thing to say so that your first time playing the game isn't spent very confused at the wording of all the lines/frustrated at the level of strictness in regards to how you move around respectively.
Seems about right.
Is CDPR pandering to trannies? All I know of is one interview where dev is talking about character creator and interviewer keeps buggering him with questions about representation.
Is this the gameplay video played by a non-retard?
I think the thing they were raving about was just that you could choose your pronouns or something.
>there are fans of that ''game'' randomly shitting on everything on this board so there's a 50/50 chance I trigger one
Do you not see the irony of this post?
>Is CDPR pandering to trannies?
No, it's a false narrative that some obsessed shitposter is trying to create. Don't acknowledge him.
They said that once, I hope they changed their mind
No it was great, it just took a lot of investment into 2 different skills. Even the revolver was good when your stats were good enough.
The thing everybody is raving about was the dev letting an unfortunate slip that they are thinking about implementing a Saint's Row type character creator where you can customize your body type and add some special features to your character. The journalists immediately jumped the gun and assumed that it allows you to play as a tranny with 675 pronouns and 54 genders. Nothing of the sort was ever stated.
The animations, especially combat, need some work, but as long as the RPG elements are great, I can look over that.
This is how CDPR depicts trannies, as ugly degenerate whores who go on ads for pc points.
The degenerate that is Elihal from Witcher3 isn't much better either
Interesting, I didn't even know it was that much, thought you could just pick whether to be called him/her regardless of gender.
Either way, journalists exaggerating and going crazy over something that small seems unsurprising.
The gameplay clunkiness is just brand loyalty.
VTMB gameplay was complete and utter garbage.
I hate that you can see that fake frown women do when he starts crying.
>tfw futafag
>feel incredibly uncomfortable by this knowing the political context behind it
Stop politicizing my fetish, fags.
Now you got that garbage gameplay with garbage politics too! this game was a monkeys paw doing for sure
>cant play as a monstrous looking vampire
why is this bros
>ugly degenerate whores
rudi has nothing to do with VtMB. Please stop posting this
jank is ok, VTMB was janky as fuck.
what really killed my enthusiasm was the skyrim questmarker compass
1st person only is bullshit too
It's a bummer, really.
are you celebrating pride week Yea Forums?
Much like the people that made it, that cake looks like it's going to give me aids
Yes I celebrate it by hyping cyberpunk and VTMB
A few months ago they outright said there were no quest markers at all. Now they're in and they can't confirm whether they'll be optional or pseudo-optional. The game really is in alpha, no way it will be ready in time.
Do they explain why the thug with the bat has a Trump mask on?
The most painful point about this is that at 19:30 during OPs video the NPC says "I stashed it in a yellow tent by the highway", The text says "over there" instead of "by the highway" because they were to lazy to make 2 dialogues to make sense.
Who the fuck describes a tent and its location via speech when he can physically point at it since its 10m away?
Lazy fucking design, the entire fucking moment
>raised by single mom whose best friend since she was 16 was gay
>grew up in the middle of 90s gay culture
>like I was growing up in a crossover between sex and the city and will and grace
>taken to see two pride parades by the time I was 10
One had a solid rendition of raining men though.
Because Trump is an evil person.
collect both your braincells and stop posting
This franchise used to belong to goths and metalheads long before this pink haired liberal crowd showed up. Get off our lawn, kid.
That writer just didn't know that IPL cannot into gameplay. Pathologic was pretty awful walking simulator with some UI decisions that belong to early nineties, The Void was trying to ape some cool mechanics (Okami paintbrush combat) and failed miserably at that, their other games were just some shit hastily cobbled together, what should you expect from Pathologic 2?
Sure, IPL can spawn a dozen NPCs making these trademark pompous autistic speeches and people love it for being kinda exotic, but expecting good gameplay from their oevres is the same as expecting good gameplay from the shit regurgitated by Suda51 or any other genius maestro that comes into videogame industry thinking weird stories are enough for your game to be good.
That said, the word Soulsian is pretty fishy.
>The Void
Was that this "artsy" game with naked chicks? It looked... interesting on the screenshots.
I want to fuck him, bros
>rock paper shotgun
As a representative of the cutest clan, I for one, want to see more Thaumaturgy shown off next time!
It looks like an underfunded successor to a series that needs way more money and staff to fully realize its world
First dude shown in their big E3 trailer and they can't even lipsync his dialogue
its not about naked chicks they're barely even in it
not everything is porn you fucking incels jesus fucking christ
>asking for Yea Forums's opinion
whats the goddamn name of the first song in the nightclub ive been looking for it for days
other videos have longer version
Combat looks bad. All hope is on the good writing. Tho, not so sure about it after hearing these dialogues.
its nowhere
probably made by Rik so we'll have to wait until the game is out unless they release the track early
but yeah its been fucking stuck in my head for days and its driving me absolutely goddamn bonkers since the full song is impossible to find
I haven't been keeping up with the news about it, but have they confirmed which clans you'll be able to play? Mainly I want to know if you can play Tzimisce aka best clan although I'm 99% certain you can't
take me now
Have they said if there will be others as well or is that it?
No sadly we still can't be Tzimisce.
On release we get Tremere, Ventrue, Malkavian, Toreador, Br*jah.
Most obvious candidates for the free post-release DLCs are Gangrel and Nosferatu, nobody knows if they'll add another clan afterwards yet to coincide with the third paid DLC.
The silver lining is at least that the game has confirmed mod support from day 1 so we'll probably eventually get all the clans even if they're modded in later by fans like they were for the first game.
Be honest, in a scale of 1 to 10 how much sjw VTMB2 is looking
The dance songs better be in an easy to replace file type (mp3, ogg etc.).
exactly what i thought, i seriously didnt expect the experience the same fucking thing i did with isolated, its a goddamn fucking earworm i love it, cant wait
Future clans will be featured in DLC. Supposedly free DLC, if they are to be believed
looks gay. plus I thin it's available on epic store so it's hard pass even if it eventually comes to steam.
Its grown on me. I want the whole song
For now, judging from the gameplay itself, maybe 4/10? There is a random chick with a male voice attached to her, but I assume that's a programming bug. But, with how the developers are handling the whole situaion, I honestly, wouldn't be surpised if the Tremerefu reveals herself to be House Carna and the game pushes Anarchs with "orange man bad" narrative onto you, as the only viable choice.
>How SJW
Like a 9, the original being like a 6 (or 3 if you ask anti-sex appeal SJWs)
>How ruined by SJW shit
We don't really know yet, I think. Hopefully it doesn't get too annoying. This definitely isn't a game you should pre-order, and not just because of all the SJW shit that's bound to be in it.
Name a major spiritual or direct 'successor game' and then name a dev they should have collaborated with to cover their own obvious weaknesees
wait this is real??? I thought it was some faggot OC do not steal self insert bullshit
-get install
its real but made by some faggot OC faggy writer who has since been fired
Well that kinda sucks but if it has good mod support anything is possible I guess. People were able to mod new clans into the original and that game didn't even allow it, but they still managed.
Gameplay itself? 0 as of now, but I expect a 3 or 4 which by all means isn't bad. Just don't go full retard.
cyberpunk and bloodlines 2 will let you be trans if you want for whatever strange unholy reason
thats about it, though you'll see a couple shitposters acting like its the end of the world and we're basically forced to suck futa cocks
To me it seemed that melee weapon are temporal only too. On one of these videos guy picked up baseball bat from the first 2 thugs and then opened door and immediately had to pick new melee in form of pipe from the wall.
unbased retard
Yes, It's from the V5 rulebook. It has nothing to do with VtMB, though
If Cyberpunk allows you to be trans, the same shit can be said about Dark Souls or Saints Row 3/4. Because, there won't be more to it.
>character design doesn't seem motivated
>every parkour move looks like a literal spaghetti man tumbling up a wall, and is extremely underwhelming by all standards.
>overall underwhelming physics. there's no "oomph" or snappiness to any movements at all.
>its like they at first tried to make a "game movie" where gameplay is literally just pressing buttons as timed and prompted on screen and tried to turn it into a fluid combat experience at the last minute.
hard pass. even hitman 2 had a more interesting atmosphere and set of npcs that literally served the sole purpose as background characters and creating ambience than this. and the gun play just makes me rage. it's so fucking bad and noodle-like and underwhelming.
and aren't you suppose to be a vampire? why is this guy treading shady alleys and randomly shooting up a bunch of hobos and thugs (an disproportionate amount of them being female characters that look out of place as fuck and were probably added due to "muh feminism" and "equal representation" in the most uninspired way fucking imaginable?
the absolute state of people who'd give this shitty game a chance.
you guys are making it seem like Bloodlines1 was a flawless gem and this is a brutal step down ito oblivion
>we're basically forced to suck futa cocks
I don't see the problem desu
Don't. Lots of the malk nonsense dialogue is foreshadowing for events in the game, without this knowledge it will just be complete nonsense.
Play anything but malk and nosferatu
Always put some into unarmed combat or else feeding in combat will be impossible.
Ngl the song is growing on me
making it a choice adds replayability
Can Vampires reproduce sexually? Or are they sterile? Cause Beckett says Thinbloods can. And if Thinbloods reproduce is their spawn a thinblood too?
Also how strong are the kuei jin? Do they have disciplines? Cause they seem to be not from Cayenne's blood. If we pit a say generation 7 kuei jin against a generation 7 toreador who would win?
Anyway I heard that the world of darkness has mages and werewolfs besides spirits and fae, if we pit a mage, a vampire and a werewolf in an arena who would win?
Neither this or the original seem to be capable of doing the masquerade itself justice as gameplay element.
They are selling it on Epic™ store so I have as little faith in this game as the devs them selves have. I don't think I will even bother pirating it from looks of things, the faggot was jumping to and off roofs right in from of everyone so it seems that masquerade aspect has been dumbed down along with combat and dialogue.
It just seems to fucking shallow.
How is that a bad thing ? Feels exactly like a malk.
because without it it's lulrandumb with nothing more to it.
I legitimately argue against going Nosferatu first. This clan recontextualizes the entire game and if you don't know the mechanics and map layouts well, you may fuck yourself over very quicky by triggering Masquerade violations. Also, you flat out can't talk to some plot-relevant NPC's. It's actually pretty challenging to play as a Nos first time around without knowing what this game is all about.
They nailed the atmosphere 100% which is what gives me hope for this game. Jankiness can be fixed but getting the style wrong cant.
Yeah I'm getting that feeling too. People are complaining because the gameplay looks janky as fuck, which it does, but the original was like that as well. I will say though that I'm not sure how they managed to fuck up the facial animations so much. Maybe those are just placeholders, but the facial animations in the first game were fantastic and good thing too since one of the best things in that game was the dialogue. Bloodlines 2 will sink or swim based on the writing
kuei jin don't have generations. They're cannibalistic hellbeasts that are more akin to wraiths than vampires.
That was about Pathologic 2 though, in which the gameplay was... okay?
A game being in the ebig store doesn't necessarily mean it will be bad. You're right about the rest though. I like the idea of adding more vertical traversal, but it seemed like he was doing it right in front of everyone.
That's not what's happening at all, people are showing cutscene about the art direction, writing, and gameplay elements, such as the weird decision to make weapons limited use power ups
For the same reason why they couldn't get Bush out of their mouth in 1.
And the writing is what I'm the most concerned about. Especially with those devs. I may yet be surprised, but for now, I am not getting my hopes up. They are the type that seems more interesting talking about pronouns and Trump than telling a good Vampire story. But I'm am not judging them too harshly just yet.
And honestly, where was the last time we've gotten legitimately good writing in the videogame?
>Can Vampires reproduce sexually?
Not unless they're Thinbloods
>Cause Beckett says Thinbloods can
Yes they can and the children are "Dhampir"s or half-vampires, and there's not really much said about them.
>Also how strong are the kuei jin? Do they have disciplines? Cause they seem to be not from Cayenne's blood. If we pit a say generation 7 kuei jin against a generation 7 toreador who would win?
They're cursed by a different Chinese god, basically lost souls cursed to have to drink blood for "Chi" while being stuck in a corpse. Guessing on who would win is a bit harder, Kuei Jin don't have "generations" in the same way kindred do and have similar weaknesses but there are difference. Certain types o Kuei Jin have weaknessed to either Wood or Metal for example, knowing that would give a Vampire a pretty big advantage.
>Anyway I heard that the world of darkness has mages and werewolfs besides spirits and fae, if we pit a mage, a vampire and a werewolf in an arena who would win?
Mage would be killed almost immediately, between Werewolf and Vampire it depends on how old they are.
Young Werewolves could tear apart a fledgling pretty easily but an elder vampire would be able to kill a werewolf.
>you guys are making it seem like Bloodlines1 was a flawless gem and this is a brutal step down ito oblivion
why are you saying it's okay for developers to set their standards to shit if the original game was shit>
imagine a doctor who was medically negligent and resposible for the deaths of 10 people. is the new doctor who replaces them objectively better because his medical negligence only caused 4 people to die instead?
There were maybe 2-3 jokes at Bush administration in VtMB1. And afterwards they made a joke about liberals by introducing Damsel, And a bunch of other jokes at liberal Hollywood's expense. Bloodlines was shitting on everybody equally.
not him but this is a crappy analogy because it implies that everyone loved the doctor killing 10 people and wanted to keep him around
If you think about it, VtM is just about sacrificing being a real person for superpowers.
A vampire v werewolf v mage fight is entirely dependent on who's fighting. Most werewolves are way stronger than most vampires and young mages get killed by a strong gust of wind.
But then there's archmages and antediluvians. Not sure which of the two would win (probably the antediluvian) but the werewolf would get annihilated in a femtosecond.
Is it really a sacrifice if you never had a choice?
this looks even jankier than the original and i didn't realize that was possible.
the dialog is very basic. it has no flavor. this crap literally has nothing going for it.
to the people who are saying that VTM:B has always been leftist: that's partly true, but leftism in 2002 was a whole lot different than it is today. at least it was reasonable back then. modern leftists would whine like crazy if they played the original--the women are too sexy and the anarchs' t count is too high. today's leftists are fucking weird.
Well, yeah, that's the point of VtM.
My first playthrough was with a malk, and I loved it for that exact reason.
They are zombie ghosts from chinese hell, who use magical kung-fu and drink energy from the living, positive or negative energy.
>Bloodlines 2 will sink or swim based on the writing
They should have showed more dialogue instead of combat.
plus there were a ton of WAYCIST and hilarious caricatures.
gotta say hype has been killed. vtmb was a clunky buggy mess but 2 seems way worse and I don't think they have enough time to fix that
Will VTMB2 have mods? Will Wesp make more autismal patches for it?
>people don't start getting hyped up and start dancing in a circle around you
confirmed shit game
>Mage beating anyone
friendly reminder to magecucks
Combat looks a bit crap, but the original's was worse. Didn't enjoy Bloodlines for the combat, anyway.
In its main menu there is a mods option
VTM:B was an anti-establishment satire. Everybody is a shithead, everybody is over the top, everybody is crazy and the fledgling PC is the only one sane here. It didn't try to paint Anarchs as those glorified freedom fighters or Camarilla as the oppressive evil. And it let the player form their own opinions about the whole situation. Jack flat out says that in the tutorial. I really, REALLY hope this will be the case of VTMB2. Although I am preparing for disappointment.
Pure troll image
the devs simply don't understand bloodlines.
i feel sorry for the people who are still hopeful, still holding on to that hype. what is there to be excited about? clearly it's all garbage, and staying in denial about it will only worsen the pain when they actually play it.
Seething glorified leech
HEY NOW, who you be callin' racist my man?
GODDAMN, get your pasty meth-head looking cracker ass outta here before I show you why they call me GAT LARRY mofugga blat blat blat
>literal superhuman monsters weaker than Bruce Lee
Hilarious racist caricature or not, Fat Larry was the coolest bro in that game. Everybody loves this guy.
And to balance the karma, they've made a joke about officer Chunk, who was adorable.
Yeah, the club looked too clean and modern. The Asylum was this really dingy, almost gothic cesspit.
>VTM:B was an anti-establishment satire. Everybody is a shithead, everybody is over the top, everybody is crazy and the fledgling PC is the only one sane here. It didn't try to paint Anarchs as those glorified freedom fighters or Camarilla as the oppressive evil. And it let the player form their own opinions about the whole situation.
exactly. the people acting like it was some commie screed because there were a couple of bush jokes are either retarded or being disingenuous.
>I really, REALLY hope this will be the case of VTMB2. Although I am preparing for disappointment.
let it go, bruh. it's over. any more exposure to this travesty will only make you feel worse.
The guy in the video said you're a thinblood "at this point". So do we advance up generations later on? That would be cool I guess (although it will probably be handled poorly. Getting away with diablerie is nearly impossible)
Yes we join a clan later.
it's literally soulless.
I find those janky as hell gameplay sequences played by spastic retards kind of reassuring.
I wouldn't bet on the possibility of the game being good if what they showed looked like a super-polished AAA game. You'd know that it'd mean everything else beside the technical aspect would be shit.
Yeah I agree, Bruce Lee should be at least around elder tier
>can kill LaCroix
>can kill the Kuei Jin
>literally cannot kill the Anarchs no matter what you do
really makes you think
God I want to fuck Elsa. I don't care she's taken black cocks, white man has tamed even more savage lands before.
>I find those janky as hell gameplay sequences played by spastic retards kind of reassuring.
>the combat was shit in the original too, that means it's the real deal
it doesn't work like that.
yeah lmao he's so strong he literally cooked his brain to death while exercising
>glorified stuntman
But you can give Nines a well deserved middle finger. After which he begs you to join his club of retards.
Also, you can't kill the Camarilla off as well. At this point it's quite obvious that LaCroix is not in charge of Camarilla anymore. Strauss and the Tremere are, he's just coy about it.
based and elsapilled
sjw trash. Loved the first as lad, looks like it's time to let go.
they need to release it
She's fucking terrible at acting, though
Not at all. It's because I know the day is getting closer. Tick, tock.
I like this post this chart along with the rambling.
she has married a white man and have beautiful white babies
Antediluvian vs Tarrasque. Bring it. Who wins?
Where do mummies fit on that chart?
yeah she's a fucking porn star what do you expect lmao
Oh thank god someone else. I was afraid to say i liked it.
I don't get the hate for nWoD.
A tarrasque because a creature with a minus THAC0 can only be hit on a 1
i cant get it out of my head
browse the thread theres lots, one day it will come
He's a filthy thin blood with low charisma
That's true, but, generally, every vampire that survives the first few weeks might as well have wanted it.
So how in the fuck my Nosferatu in VtMB 1 was more charismatic and a better dancer than that guy?
Laughing mine ass off at thy embarassing display, knave.
lmaoing at ur lifes
>porn "star"
>in 2019
They're all shit. Not just at acting but at absolutely everything. Can't dirty talk, can't look like they're enjoying themselves, fuck they're not even good at sex. Not one of them can properly deepthroat. That's their one fucking job, being able to suck dick. The guy can make up for the rest. But no it's just bobbing for apples all day long. 99% of the professional porn industry is a joke, places like facial abuse and amateur stuff are the only things worth watching
How the fuck is a Nosferatu out in public not an immediate masquerade violation?
>can't enter all buildings
aaand dropped
its the gimp suit
bitches love a smelly retard in a gimp suit
Didn't like the first game, I take it? You like shitposting, though
You couldn't do that in the first game either. Hell you can barely do that in any game
I think its a cyberpunk shitpost but I honestly can't tell anymore
because its based on real world
I know this exists just to troll mage powergamers but it really doesn't much sense when mages and hunters are just two different flavors of human. A mage can be ghouled, have true faith, and get /fit/ like the strongest hunters and a hunter can awaken.
What are changelings?
I always assumed that people at Asylum were so stoned out of their asses that they never realized/noticed. The game performs some epic mental gimnastics when you are forced to talk to plot relevant NPCs.
I mean, if you were to bump into a Nos in real life, would you try to rationalize that away ("he's a burn victim or something") or immediately go "yup, that's a vampire"?
>implying the Camarilla didn't lose their shit over this video
Wait, so you can enter any building in Cyberpunk?
d'you reckon it was the start of the government attack
Nah, just some schrecknet autists
Humans forced feed fairy spunk.
We've had people responsible for the leak taken care of. It's just a good cosplay, nothing more. Don't fret over it too much.
Nah, and that's the point of the shitpost
Fucking Ventrue
daily reminder jalan-aajav, 5th gen methuselah seraph of the sabbat, got taken out by like 15 homeland security agents
don't you love V5
I am still salty about Tremere getting a tactical nuke to the face.
>Now 15 shotgun blasts to the head; oh, that's trouble
I will be playing an obese black MTF transgender quadriplegic vampire.
What clan is recommended? Which is the most inclusive?
Tzimisce. You can't get more inclusive than that.
Malk, maybe Tizimisce but they are not playable
>Hurrrr this alpha footage is not so good
Wow what a great observation guys.
I loved reading the character sheet origins
>Voyeur Website Model
>Maybe you weren't the prettiest girl in school, but you could still make dirty old men sit up and beg. And pay for it. Hey, it beats Taco Hell. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Social, Physical, Mental
Hope they're back in the game
>tfw you could wipe out most vampire havens by swatting now
they don't want to offend the twitch streamers like that, they need them for marketing.
You mean this "PRE-ALPHA" gameplay. That designation has absolutely no fucking meaning. It is a disclaimer to brush off criticism before release
>You're a ninja. Hiiya.
There was a strange sense of innocent fun to that game.
>Swap the priority order of your attributes to Social, Physical, Mental
I never got that part, what does it mean to swap priority order if you are the one picking where to spend points?
How do you think calls like that are even handled?
Does an emergency operator take someone seriously if they call complaining about a vampire haven?
Do they have special ant-vamp SWAT teams or does Sgt. Everyman just load up on crosses and hope for the best?
How is the incendiary ammunition business doing?
>Dwayne LaCroix is Sebastian's great great great great great great great nephew and he's been keeping him close to make sure his real family is well off financially
How cute!
every clan has a priority order for stats when you start the game
3, 2, 1 points to spend in each category, these backgrounds switch which you get more points for during char creation
>these charts where someone who has only basic knowledge of OWoD claims that elder vampires are more powerful than the equivalent level werewolves
My guess is that if you mention vampires the call gets redirected to the technocracy and they send a squad of captain americas with power armor and super UV lights to the place
get outta here you fucking furry this is a vampirechad thread
I don't know about that one. Some of the histories gave you extra points in certain stats or buffed your disciplines, while others let you start off with specific weapons, etc. Maybe it gave certain attributes more weight?
>antediluvian literally brought to a standstill by a single pack of werewolves
Get rekt you fucking jew.
Who the fuck is that guy? Does he inject Onions into his veins or some shit? Holy shit...
That's what it does?! I can't believe i never tried one of those profiles before... Damn, now i need to finish my current gameplay and create another chracter to try this out.
It's the amount of points you get for each attribute. In original tabletop you were given a set amount of points for one attribute (7,5,3 IIRC) and you could assign this amount any way you see fit. For instance - you could role a Tremere that had 7 points to spare on Social attributes, like subterfurge, 5 on Mental, like history and 3 on Physical. And so on. In Bloodlines, it's much more rigid and every clan has their attribute placement set in stone - I think Tremere for instance have 7 points in Mental, 5 in Social and 3 in Physical. So Histories serve to change those around and bring them closer to a P&P.
money down the drain. vtmb is a product of its time, the first one came out when goth was on the way out, liteally just about to fall out of fashion so it could still draw from that zeitgeist
this new game has the aesthetic of the social network + vampires(of seattle, a tech city). all the characters look junky, they hired amateurs to shit out a game to bait nostalgia out of a cult classic to create marketing hype so some teenager who has never even heard of the first one can buy it (that's who its for)
gameplay looks lame, wasted their money on shit voice actors apart from maybe 3 who were in the first game & don't turn down any work
the game is just developed by a team that lacks the necessary talent to pull off a title like this, and they clearly don't have the budget to achieve the vision the game director had envisioned. (and obviously his vision was shit to begin with)
>antediluvian literally brought to a standstill by a single pack of werewolves
Who? A fucking Ventrue Methuselah killed an entire pack of the furries, and that was immediately after waking from torpor
>doesn't know about the week of nightmares
Get out vampire kike!
Cool! I didn't knew you could get around the specific placement of points, definitelly gonna try it after the current gameplay (messing around Gangrel, this thing can kill anything, it's absurd...).
Yeah when you start a new game look at the base amount of free points you're given and their categories, hovering over them and reading the blurbs about Social, Mental, etc. will also say something different for every clan that implies the default order, Tremere excelling at mental disciplines above all others for example so they get 3 free points in Metal to begin with.
If you go back and pick a history the weights will change, i.e. 3 social 2 mental 1 physical instead
After character creation it doesn't really affect anything since you're just spending XP anyways
I actually kinda want for Bloodlines (and VtM in general) to become a kind of a period piece. Let the metaplot take place from the 80's to 2000s. And progress the timeline beyond that. I actually would like to see a sorta prequel to Bloodlines set in the 90's. That would be something.
Do you?
GET OUT *turns skin to silver* VAMPIRE *teleports behind you* KIKE *directs sunlight at will* SHITS! *absorbs all damage*
why the fuck are furfags always like this
Imagine wasting all that blood. Fucking thinbloods are retarded.
>*grips your furry balls and squashes them*
80s bloodlines would be based
>shit voice actors
Except half of these voice actors we've heard ARE THE OLD ONES.
>Samuel = Sebastian's VA
>News + that other guy = Brian himself
>Tremere video = Tung's VA
>Malkavian video = Gary's VA
The only new VAs we've heard are ones in Brujah/Ventrue/Toreador trailers (toreador's being great), Dale's Rick and Morty VA, Elif who is voiced by same VA as Ciri, Christina Hendricks and Prince Cross who has decent voice as well.
Therefore, out of them all, only meh/shit VAs were:
>one in Ventrue trailer
2 in total.
I'm not going to fuck her acting skills.
When will vampire shits learn their place?
>Country Club Lothario
>We're living in the age of soccer moms, and don't you know it. Yeah, hubby might be pulling down 7 figures, but you got an empty day-planner and a grin that drops panties like putts on a par 3
Ugly Bethesda style UI, with massive arrow saying "GO HERE!" Not overly fond of that. But that aside, has some potential, will keep an eye on it
They said there's gonna be backgrounds. Like being a cop or barista
This shit's not gonna fly in today's climate.
I hate #currentyear
People got too traumatized by Dale's tired face and 15 y/o voice that they're now labeling everyone as Dale.
But you'll have to witness them while doing it
What a stupid bitch
shill for shit
Because we went from FUCKING JACK to this guy. No wonder everyone's traumatized.
At least Tremerefu is cuter than Strauss. Much dumber than him, but still cuter.
Speaking of the absolute madman, have they mentioned if he'll be in the game
>The latter chunk of the game is stupidly combat heavy.
That's what ruins it for me, and why I can't say i love the first game. It's so good up until then, and I usually like to play high speech skill based characters, so imagine me at the end that very first time. Just railroads you into combat no matter what.
That and the game was always a bug riddled mess.
I'm glad that Andy Milder is back, but at the same time I felt that he was bit too off as a Nosferatu. Both Neil Ross and Bradley had that Nosferatu edge to their voices when they were voicing Gary and Tung. Andy just doesn't have it and it feels odd to hear Sebastian's voice on a Nosferatu without that extra effect that makes Nosferatu voice distinctive.
I liked Neil's voice in the Malkavian trailer though. It gave huge Heath Ledger's Joker vibe to it.
Yeah giving you so many options before hand and then taking it all away towards the end in exchange for a boss rush is the worst sin that game commits. Although even then if you do all the side missions you can get enough XP to afford both high level social and combat skills, provided you know what you're doing
>Ignoring jack and nine's advice
You deserve it.
This. Sebastian's voice actor isn't the problem. It's just that his voice doesn't fit the character he's voicing.
If he is then it will just be fanservice, and unlikely to be a good character. Jack, Beckett and Pisha seem like the most likely characters, if any, to make an appearance though.
just mute it lmao
I can't remember which clans have it, but pick the bloodlust history. You get extra points in combat stats at the cost of increased chance of frenzy. If you're any good at the game you will NEVER frenzy.
>in a game with modding support
>and that will therefore most likely have sex mods
I think that the main problem with Samuel's voice is that it's too... normal. Too Sebastian instead of Nosferatu. Nosferatu all have rougher voices, and with Samuel's own disfigurement, you'd at least expect of him to have a more nasal voice.
>muh gameplay
who gives a fuck? the combat in the first game was a fucking chore but the story and characters more than made up for it. hopefully this one also delivers in that aspect.
Isn't Samuel also a thinblood?
>first game was a fucking chore
The combat was fine.
So is Slug, yet he sounds like stereotypical Nosferatu. That's not the point. Mine argument was that he spoke too perfectly fine for disfigurement he has. Just look at him. Look at his nose in particular. There is no way he wouldn't at least have a nasal voice.
It's jarring to hear someone with face like this speaking in perfectly fine Sebastian tier voice.
The Noseferatu.. You treasonous maggot.. I'll have your head you sewer rat!
Honestly the combat looks somewhat better than the original, but then again the original game is almost 15 years old. As long as they capture the feel of the original I'm sure it will be alright.
The combat was borderline RNG. I would go into a bossfight and get my ass handed to me while barely scratching my opponent, then reload, try again doing the exact same thing and win while only losing about a fifth of my health
what weapons were you using
Can someone explain to me what the deal with mages is? I recall there was a while there a year or two back you couldn't talk about vtmb at all, because it would be flooded by mage power levelfags.
Indie game
Only casuals care about fucking gameplay in RPGs
It's what happens when you introduce characters that can turn back time and mindfuck you to death and just fuck around with reality in general
All of them. This wasn't a one time thing. It happened almost every bossfight, at least every time I didn't win on the first go. I didn't change my strategy but I still won in 2 or 3 attempts regardless, no matter if I was using melee, guns or thaumaturgy
>toreador's being great
Any news on her's VA?
She kinda sounds like Jaime Murray.
I'm joining the Cammies this time and you can't stop me.
It's because of background dice rolls. Your damage being compared to their soak ability, and then some added dice rolls, blended with the aforementioned, with each hit. Most RPGs do the same thing. I'm not really qualified to tell you about it, though.
they should replace bruce lee with james bond
Tzimisce are not playable, sorry user.
I am proud of you.
What do you mean "this time?"
Speaking of Cammies. They keep saying there are different 'factions', does anyone know which those would be? They're not listing examples and it's giving me the feeling that they're just the clans.
Hopefully they go cammie, anarch and sabbat. Plus an unaffiliated route
I'm pretty sure it's the standard set of Cammarila, maybe with some in-fighting available, like with Tremere (I still hate the lore change) fucking creator's pets Anarchs (I'm gonna dust those motherfuckers the minute I see them) or independent. I doubt Sabbat will be in the game, because V5.
those are sects
I think the factions aren't anything pre-existing, probably power cliques within the city.
I went independent in the first game
I'm going Sabbat because I'm still pissed off that we couldn't be one in the 1st game.
We know that there are 4 of them.
-Camarilla (spoiled in an interview).
-Anarchs (obvious one).
-Sabbat (because who else?)
- Pyramid? (since Elif, one of the faction representatives that wanted to meet us represents said Pyramid)
>No Gangrel.
Pyramid is still part of Camarilla. If it's still a Pyramid we know. Or unless it's a deal similar to Strauss/LaCroix power struggle.
And I wouldn't put my money on Sabbat - again, V5 happened.
Does Deb of Night return? Has anyone heard anything?
But you could side with sabbat in 1?
>80s bloodlines
I didn't even know I wanted that
she said on twitter that they haven't asked her back
Only in a Plus Patch mod. And it's a very buggy and half-assed route.
Since you become a clan later on, maybe each faction represents a clan as well?
>Brujah = anarch
>Ventrue = camarilla
>Tremere = pyramid
>Malkavian = sabbat
>Toreador = ???
The game looks junky, however that's mostly because it's being played with a controller.
Still, I like it a lot. It doesn't feature the same goth atmosphere, but it still catches the feeling a Vampire game is supposed to have.
I REALLY hope they improve facial animations, though, right now they're even inferior to the ones in the first game.
If we could go with the Sabbat, I'd expect a Sabbat specific bloodline to be in the game.
What did V5 do, I don't follow the tabletop.
Isn't Pyramid now kinda BTFO with only few loyalist remaining to them? Anyway, point is, Elif represents Pyramid out of 4 we are meant to meet in the game. So other 3 have to represent something else. What? We'll see.
No. You could not. They originally did wanted to make it an option, but due to cucked development it never made it in.
how fucking new are you
Nah. Seems you can go whatever route. IGN journo was Brujah in his demo and he met with Elif, Pyramid loyalist. There is also only 4 of them.
The Sabbat kinda... fucked off to the Middle East. They are a non-issue now. Now it's all good Anarchs vs evil Camarilla. V5 doesn't even let you play as a Tzimisce. It's stupid.
I actually don't know how closely B2 will follow V5. Mitsoda doesn't seem to care about the new metaplot that much, but who the fuck knows. Still, Elif talking about the Pyramid is weird.
Shit. I hope they get her back. Listening to her on the radio is one of the things that made the opening of the game very memorable to me.
What do you mean "fucked off to the middle east"? All of them? They just one day got on a plane and flew off?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't devs said somewhere that Sabbat ARE THE THREAT in Seattle? Not to mention that Brian said that he won't follow V5 that much. Ffs, you already have Pyramid crap when it shouldn't exist as well.
Yes. All of them. Stop asking questions. Shut up. Play Anarchs instead. You'll love them. I know V5 does.
I actually have no idea - I don't follow dev diaries that closely. But I hope so - because, by Cain, the V5 lore resolutions are retarded.
>implying Penny isn't just Dale's alias
Well, it IS 2019.
So they basically pulled a Poochie
You will love Dale
>imagine being embraced with that haircut
>imagine being embraced while still in puberty
>imagine forever being stuck with your puberty voice
Dale should just wait for the sunrise to end his misery.
Or... he should pay the visit to the same hairstylist as his friend Dominic.
Nothing much because in tabletop your ST will probably ignore that he even exists anyways.
If he puts bag over his head and never speaks in his life again, then perhaps I'll consider it.
So in the WoD reality is fluid and every human(and only humans) contributes to reality via a sleeping seemingly divine part of their souls called their Avatar. That Avatar can awaken during a severe trauma or after a great inspiration or enlightenment or whatever and that human can now (in theory) manipulate reality at will...after hundreds of years of training. Most newly awakened mages can barely light a cigarette and are killed by a sneeze.
The wankery comes from the fact that, in theory, mages can do anything and mages work on human timescales as opposed to the immortal timescales of other splats, ergo a 500 year-old mage is way more powerful than your average 500 year-old elder vampire, even though reaching that 500 years is way harder than it is for a vamp, usually a mage is killed(or dies of natural causes), erased from history by paradox, or loses interest in earth all together and fucks off to space by then.
And even an archmage who could create parallel universe and shit can be killed by a neonate if they forget to bring their foci, toys, familiars, and wonders on an innocent trip to the supermarket.
Something similar happens to hunters too.
I think you're exaggerating, unless you kept spamming the same melee combo direction without switching it up and relied on RNG for that. The RNG is actually pretty minimal unless you're doing something wrong.
If you've ever played Devil May Cry, then you know how in that you're supposed to use different combos to keep building the style meter. VtMB works in a similar way by giving you different attack combos depending on which direction key you're holding when you start, and mixing it up makes it harder for an enemy to block while not giving you low dicerolls with each hit.
He does read like a bunch of writers had an unspoken dare who would put the biggest amount of left-wing approved, politcally correct traits into one character. Because that's not a character. That's a bunch of buzzwords pretending to be a fleshed-out character.
Was he intended to be a Breaking Bad reference or is that a coincidence
I really hope this garbage flops
i hope it does just well enough to get more people to play the original
The entire combat section is just downright unacceptable. The enemies were all just awkwardly standing around waiting to get punched. This shit won't be ready in under a year.
So I'm not big into VTM (I love the PnP what little I played and absolutely loved the games) how are we suppose to be strong if we're Thin Blooded, that means we're the lowest of low and I'm pretty sure you can't become stronger because you're not a earlier generation right?
You know, I think the combat previews look janky, but it still gives me far more interest in the project than a big high-budget video where they pretend that every single interaction and combat encounter plays out with perfect cinematic precision.
>one message that was sent from every faction
Do they all speak with one choice? What kind of writing is this?
>I actually like gobbling shit
Get some standards
We join a clan later. Diablerize possibly
Oh, so he was written by one Gentleman Gamer. A small-time youtuber who somehow got his way into writing for Vampire books. That explains everything.
It's like asking Angry Joe to write a story for the next Legacy of Kain game.
Honest jank is better than a staged video that looks nothing like the final product.
Here is another White Wolf writer
Yeah this. I don't know why devs insist on making such scripted "gameplay demos" that might as well be cutscenes. CP2077 is a good example of this, nothing in that video felt natural. Just get someone who handled a controller once in their life to play it instead of whatever cripple they brought in for the Bloodlines one.
>every fucking time
There have been VtMB threads weekly since the game released over a decade ago
Get a fucking grip you autist
>vtmb threads now
recently clan quest added a sabbat route, with new (very well written IMO) NPCs, hub, quests, skips horrible shit like warrens, kuei jin temple, leopold society and hallowbrook.
it's worth a playthrough
Thin Bloods aren't much stronger than a normal human and their disciplines are weak.
But they're still stronger than a normal person and even a weak discipline will wreck a human's shit.
Is there a big jump in power between a thin blood and a low generation vampire? Because if so I wonder how they'll do that in the game, whether it will be the true start of the game with everything before basically being one big tutorial, or will it be just a slight upgrade
White Wolf presents: Tyrone Sue, the character everyone likes including you
Yeah there is a pretty big jump in power, namely in a thin blood vs a low gen vampire its in the discipline. Thin bloods usually don't have full access their clan's abilities.
It'll be a straight upgrade.
>You know what's funny? Outside of this blatant nostalgia pandering there's barely any nostalgia pandering.
This is my assumption. What would you spend money on besides clothes if you couldn’t buy ammo and weapons?
>disciplines are more dumbed down
Wrong they are way better now.
How do you recon?
Do we have any details on disciplines yet? The stuff they showed in the demo looked weird to me, he seemed to select one ability and then used it in 3 different ways without any other input. Are different discipline abilities just mapped to different buttons now, instead of being individually selectable?
>in addition to advocating for fellow mortal minorities
>he no champions gangrel kept out of havens and feeding grounds by sprawl
>stands up for female kindred in cities run by traditionally misogynistic elders
>and encourages the adoption of progressive norms over tradition wherever possible
>some might think Rudi's combination of practicing Islam and queerness contradictory, but few challenge the "Bear Gangrel" with this notion
This is a joke, right? Just some cool dude taking the piss out on the current insanity, right? This wasn't meant to be serious, right? Right?
I really like that song.It is groovy as fuck
Yep I'm thinking he's back
>virtue signal
This is a term only bullied teens and sociopaths use
threads sure do go to shit when the burgers get out of school
>all clans have unique disciplines
>all disciplines now have at least two uses. Many before were just a lame buff that got slightly better with each point
>thin blood disciplines can be different each playthrough regardless of clan adding better variety for clans
>environments will made with thin blood disciplines in mind allowing for cool new ways to accomplish objectives instead of having to rely on stealth and lockpicking everything
I could go on
When did they? The thread has been pretty consistent for the past 11 hours
Please do, this sounds interesting
>these are the anons shilling for this shitty looking cashgrab sequel
Is the humanity dance thing real? I never knew that
>People are still this mad about Witcher 3
They will be even more mad when Cyberpunk 2077 is a huge award winning success and this greedy piece of shit will flop and be forgotten after a couple of weeks
>If you have morals get help
Commies are insane
stop pretending
Pretty sure it's Wesp screwing with the game.