Kill paarthurnax

kill paarthurnax

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stop judging games based on your penile response to the visual queues.

>kill paarthurnax

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Paizuri first, Paarthunax later.

How many layers of mods are in that pic?

Why don't you paarthursnax on my dovahcum?

kill altmer

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Here's what's gonna happen. Using my very peculiar collection of mods, first I'm gonna forcibly make you a follower. Then we're going to see Paarthurnax, and I will let him ravish every single one of your holes until you get -30% move speed modifiers from the each. But that will only be the beginning. I'm going to force you to drink a very special potion that into the dumb ugly cow you already are. And then I'm going to leave you there with Paarthurnax, bound and screaming, for 48 hours (not because I'm so merciful, but because that's the limit in the mod settings). When I return, I'll slowly walk up to you, to hear you quietly mumbling "k-kill paarthurnax" over and over again. And then I'll whisper "No...".


Why would I kill party snacks? He's a chill dude. Just hangs out on his mountain watching the world. Live and let live, OP

unironically based.

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Imagine taking the time to write this, and thinking "I'm gonna get so many 'based' replies hahaha I'm such a funny genius"

How about I spank you for being a bad girl and wanting me to kill paartunax instead

I saw Paarthy as my only true friend in the game, he's the only one who understands my plight, can't believe that bitch actually expected me to kill him


That's the whole point of the thread, right, OP?


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The time of the Blades is over
The rebirth of the Dragon Empire is now bitch

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This hothead has lost his composure

Is there even any reason to kill mario?

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Pot, meet kettle


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Do it

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based and redpilled

Cringe and bladepilled

dont listen to this guy he's not based

mod list that got you to achieve that look of the game please ?

yeah i want to know as well. looks nice and a bit gritty, not like those super polished plastic skin mods

>arms clipping through the sleeves
Why haven't you run the bodyslide?

Cringe, based onions senpai.

*fuck paarthurnax

This, although this way it looks like she ripped part of her clothes and is almost naked

Yep, me thinks he's based

I downloaded a mod that let me kill her instead.

based retard poster

Back in my early 20's when I was a good looking boxer with a ripped 6 pack body my 40 y/o milf boss at work had exact tits like these. Got an sms from her the week after I told her I found another job saying we should go out and have a celebration beer. Ended up fucking her later that night. Still think about them tits from time to time.


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cringe and edgepilled

No way I'm going to kill Mario wtf lady

I'd bully her.

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you too? nice

Okay mommy.

I unironically just played/finished Skyrim for the first time this week

Why did Bethesda think anyone, ANYONE, would fucking kill Paarthurnax?
Why did Bethesda think having my character literally read an elder scroll just to get a flashback was a good idea?
Why did Bethesda think those claw keys constituted being used more than one single time?
Why doesn’t this game ever let me complete a quest in more than a maximum of two ways?
Why is the civil war shit so awful?

Please tell me the expansions have better writing

I never even got that far into the game.

You would do your bro in over some boobs?

Wtf are you me?

Unironically based and cringe simultaneously

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Why would anyone ever side with the Empire? They try killing us, their "leader" (general Tulius) is a limp dicked cuckold, we watch Ulfric giving a moving speech the first time we enter the Blue Palace and the entire game is set in a way that strongly antagonizes the Thalmor, with the Stormcloaks being the open opposition towards them.

No thanks, I got the mod.

Why would anyone ever play the civil war quest line?

Why are Elder scrolls elves so disgusting

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exactly, i dont udnerstand either. people say stormcloaks just weaken the empire and make it better for aldmeri dominion. but why do imperials let thalmor even inside the empire if they are still agaisnt them ?? seems to me like obvious choice

I don't know you but those battles are fun as fuck to me

I also happened to fuck a 40-year old something milf boss

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mod list?

Also this conversation in the game is the most confusing thing in the fucking world. Bethesda's writing has always been shit, but this scene is completely fucking retarded. Delphine's tone is a mix of hostile and friendly at the same time and you can't roleplay in any way that makes sense even if you just go with the flow.

Had Bethesda actually thought out the consequences of the Red Year, the Stormcloaks would be less viable. Dunmer should be fucking flooding the eastern half of Skyrim, which would put Ulfric’s nord nationalism at serious conflict with all the non-nords whose country just exploded. Dunmer and the Empire might not get along, but at least the Empire isn’t trying to kick them out of Skyrim.

Instead there’s one single city with one single alley that has some dark elves who complain that Ulfric doesn’t care much about them. They’ve chosen to live in the same city as an actual espouser of Skyrim as an ethnostate.

Don’t post my gf here, thanks

Will never not be mad at how they pronounce “Nerevarine” in ESO

Install requiem

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That would be an interesting scenario that would arouse some moral conflicts, but still, they're elves so who gives a fuck about them

*blocks your way*

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based and cringepilled

Let's see:
>forcibly make you a follower
Many mods, from Mia's Castle to simply EFF.
>I will let him ravish every single one of your holes
I think even basic Sexlab Framework can do this trick, just remember to install dope creature animations.
>until you get -30% move speed modifiers
Wear and Tear for NPC.
>force you to drink a very special potion
Being a Cow with SLIF.
>I'm going to leave you there bound and screaming
Might be Defeat, it has the bounding function. Or, maybe, one of the countless position mods that work with Sexlab.
>then I'll whisper "No...".
The Paarthurnax Dilemma?


seems they updated the script extender for the newest SE, gonna try it now

>who gives a fuck about them
Dunmer are based and ever since Morrowind I always play one on my first playthrough of a new TES. And as a big fucking boomer Morrowind fanboy, I hate that Bethesda literally destroyed most of their country without bothering to deal with the consequences.
The dunmer are a bunch of xenophobic, conservative tribalists who tell anyone who even sounds like they’re not from Morrowind to fuck off. And in Skyrim they’re all suddenly refugees who have to suffer the same treatment. How the fuck does a writer create that scenario and NOT explore it?
Based on their history with the Empire and the way Ulfric treats them, along with their cultural tendencies, they should be living in ramshackle refugee villages around Skyrim because they’re too proud to turn to either side for help.

But nah lol gray quarter is all you get. And maybe one dark elf living in each major city.

Don't copy my bio again or I'll get my part time lawyer, part time sex worker involved.

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them tits, tho

You'd betray the brotherhood for them?

absolutely fucking BASED and REDPILLED

imagine going to all this effort and not including the vore mod

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What, like The Division?
cues, you idiot

Ulfric is a piece of shit but the Stormcloaks are the correct side

For some reason though there's no option to overthrow Ulfric and lead the Stormcloaks yourself

Even though as dragonborn you have a very strong claim to be the High King of Skyrim, or even Emperor

grunkle stan?

Yeah no that gay as shit nigga. Ain’t nobody play Skyrim fo dat shit. Skyrim 2: we wuz kings better let us do that one gimmick that’s become increasingly more prevalent since the release of the previous installment in the series.

kill dagoth ur

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>literally the god of boypussy

>tfw can't join dagoth and drive imperial dogs out of morrowind

>Vvardenfel explodes later expelling EVERYONE from Morrowind

Thanks, Azura?

2bh his dialogue comes off as super cut-contenty. It really seems like you were supposed to be able to side with him, or at least usurp him after he’s dead, but it doesn’t happen. Plus “false sunder” and all that.

Where do i get gigantic penis sword?

The conflict of Morrowind was always kinda set up in a way that meant killing Dagoth Ur would fuck over Morrowind in the long run, I can’t say Azura is super guilty here. Maybe not fucked over specifically by destroying the shit out of it, but the dunmer as an independent people were on their way out no matter what if Dagoth lost.

They’ll be back though, trust my my dad works for bethesda and he says VI is gonna be Morrowind 2

Ok brb

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omelete du fromage

Join the strongest daedra prince

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isnt delphine like 50 or older

I want to hug paarthurnax

Who gives a shit look at those titties

>abusing bugs
Knew you Skyrimtards were always shit.

kill tevin

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> More than 7 years since launch
> Its still not okay to play in a way I find fun
Jesus Christ user

Post webms Sex mods

Reminder that Paarthurnax was Alduin's 2nd in command. His name means Ambition-Overlord-Cruelty. Scheming is like breathing for dragons. After you kill Alduin, he leaves to assert lordship over all the other dragons. This was his plan all along. He was playing the long game. Convince some of the mortals to take out Alduin so he could be king and conquer the world. And by not killing Paarthurnax, you are playing right into his hands.

Kill Paarthurnax, retard.

Deactivate one of the Towers?

It's not a bug, it's a feature. Bethesda would have patched it along with all the other exploits they patched if it was a bug. It's not hard to implement a cap.

My fucking sides oh fuck

because they're not supposed to be attractive to humans since they are of different race, imagine being attracted to our ape cousins or even monkeys

How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence.

But elves are supposed to just be Straight upgraded humans. Warhammer manages to do it properly

The point of killing Alduin was to prevent the end of all things, not to kill off some random danger to mortals. If maybe potentially Paarthurnax was up to some shit, that’s for the people who come after the events of Skyrim to deal with. Killing him out of sheer paranoia serves no grand purpose like the preservation of the universe as we know it, it’s just fearful betrayal.

Technically it's actually because Alduin choose not to end all things that the Last Dragonborn was chosen by Akatosh to kill him. Alduin was supposed to consume everything so it could be remade in the next kalpa. Alduin chose to rule over creation instead of destroy it so Akatosh punished him for his arrogance.

It's not a betrayal if he already betrayed mortals first by using them to be king of the dragons.


>mfw i see 1:05

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god I wish that were me

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This is becoming as overused as the constantly regurgitated words that it makes fun of. Way to make yourself look like a faggot.

I want a Summerset game just so I can finally find some reason not to hate the altmer. They’re so shitty in every one of these games, I have to believe a game about them would give them some depth. Albeit if the next game really is in Hammerfell, maybe that’ll give me a reason to pick redguard for the first time in this entire series.

each time this fuckin thread comes up, i hope your here to post this, you legend

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I know I'm going to hate this fucking thing within a couple of weeks at most, but for now I still bust a gut every time.

Is Skyrim Special Edition worth playing unmodded? I have the game installed but I'm in a foreign country for a while and the internet is too shite to download mods.

>Get the mod that lets you kindly remind them that you're the Dragonborn, and invite them to go fuck themselves if they have a problem
>Proceed to hatefuck her with my shota Dragonborn

That's how I solved that little problem.

Yeah, but if you can, get the basic stuff. Unofficial patch and live another life are small and do a lot.

>Why would anyone ever side with the Empire?
Because hadvar questioned your execution but couldnt disobey his superior for a complete stranger, offered to do you right in regards to your burial and was actively protecting you from a fucking dragon.
Meanwhile, the stormcloak guys tell you to jump from a stone tower into a burning fucking building without even untying your hands.

tfw no akavir game

>not because I'm so merciful, but because that's the limit in the mod settings

The Red Year doesn't even fucking make sense, it's such an easily preventable scenario it's actually hilarious.
Here's a fucking idea, instead of using some retarded magical boondoggle to keep the meteor afloat, get some fucking miners inside that thing and reduce it to rubble while it's still floating.

Four at most. Bijin for the face, minidresses for the tits with some bodyslide for cleavage and an ENB for the horrible orange hue.



>internet is too shite to download mods
The download speed from Nexus is garbage, so it takes forever even with good internet.

Its a religious thing plus psychology of dependance.

You could try using the in-game mod browser to download some simple shit


>bf keeps desperately trying to get me to play some awful oc donutsteel quest mod that I’ve seen clips of and looks terrible
guys help

>48 hours only because that's the most limit

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One of the most annoying aspects of Skyrim was how extremely few quests/factions ever actually gave you a choice about whether or not to do what they want. You cannot actually refuse to kill paarthy, all you can do is just not progress the Blades questline. You can't actually tell Delphine to go fuck herself. Another example would be something like the Daedric Prince questline where you catch some lady eating corpses in the crypt, and then she asks you to help her out. There's no option to be repulsed by her disgusting demonic behavior. All you can do is ignore her.

>Bethesda would have patched it along with all the other exploits they patched if it was a bug

good one, vanilla skyrim is basically unplayable without the unofficial patches

Congratz, you've managed to arouse me.

>playing a dedicated religious dunmer and refusing to do any outright villainous quests unless for boethia/mephala

>molag bal forces me to murder an innocent man just for stepping into a house
>then tries to get me to mindbreak a boethia worshipper
>obviously not going to do that
>can’t warn the worshipper, can’t report the death to a guard, can’t try to cleanse the house, can’t even refuse the quest and get it out of my quest log

No idea how shit like this is allowed unless Bethesda’s writers don’t know what RPG stands for. Even if you’re not a roleplaying autist like me, lots of people probably don’t want to murder innocent people for the glory of the king of rape, yet you can’t say no.

>tfw reinstalled skyrim again, this time with the brap mod
My fartslut will be the cutest, the cutest!


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Any of the traveler quests in Morrowind are great examples of this. You can tell them to fuck off, to help them or just lure them in the woods and murder them for their stuff, the game gives you no prompting on how to deal with them.

who here /goodfortunegang/

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you can kill that cannibal immediately and finish the quest

Bethesda seems to think that all the "choice" you need is which quests you choose to do, even though you can always choose to do all quests in all playthroughs. It's really fucking annoying how like with the aforementioned quest in Markarth with the cannibal, once you catch her, all you can do is lie to the Priest of Arkay and not reveal the cannibal's existence. And then after the cannibal asks you to trick the Priest into coming to her Daedric shrine to be used as a sacrifice/meal, there's no option to warn him, to take a contingent of markarth guards over to her hideout and burn the heretic, nothing. At least she's non-essentially so you can kill her, but all this does is fail the quest and result in an unsatisfying non-conclusion.

Yeah, you fail the quest. There's no actual path for a non-cannibal in that series of events other than just breaking the questline by killing the character.

>beat alduin
>beat every threat the game has to offer
>everyone knows who you are
>can have every hole skyrim has to offer
>can even use bend will or some illusion spell to get any hole anyways
>kill harmless old geezer dragon THAT helped the men defeating alduin the first time
>for a 50yo wench part of an organization that couldn't even protect uriel septim VII from some retards
>blades dont even exists anymore
>helping blades expanding would probably cause aldmeri to backfire
>and some time in the future greybeards too

Here she is...

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>Way to make yourself look like a faggot.
You do realize that it's random anons reposting the vocaroo, right?

I married Ysolda bro she can keep her saggy titty I already married the best

10/10 taste


No way lady.

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What's the matter? You can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?

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He looks like he fucks dragons.

No, sir

What's the best enb

Why is there a "destroy the dark brotherhood!" quest but no "destroy the thieve's guild!" quest?

thieves guild dindu nuffin
they good boys, never hurt anyone

What's the best gameplay enb


I already got that one, I ain't shtoopid

This, but unironically.

That shit was fucking annoying. Everyone in Riften fucking hates the thieves guild and you have paladin-style characters like Mjoll who want to clear them out, yet the game gives you no option to play as a non-dickass-thief and fight the thieves.

The fucking worst guild quest though was the Companions. No option to fight against the werewolves and side with the silver hands. Hell, the silver hands are literally just another generic bandit group, with the only difference being they hold silver weapons. They even attack you just like any other bandits even when you encounter them while not being a werewolf. It's total bullshit.

Based and Dragonpilled

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>No option to fight against the werewolves
Have the companions ever done anything wrong?
I thought they were honorable warriors, but just cursed to be woofs. It's been a long time.

>reinstall skyrim
>want to clean up the game's visuals with retextures
>no complete retexture packs available
>have to download dozens of smaller texture packs for various things here and there
>everyone on Nexus is a fucking autist and serious business about their "intellectual property" and will never ever agree to contributing their work toward a single overhaul pack that would actually make things manageable by end users without having to comb through the games texture by textures and matching things up

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I want to see your WAIFUS

Blades sucks

That's why I never download this game

They're still monsters though. The player should still be given some sort of option to fight against abominations. What if I'm roleplaying a vigilant of stendarr or some sort of holy paladin or monster hunter? Seems like a major oversight to me.

>They're still monsters though
Monsters do bad things, the companions don't.

that mod author attitude is 100% unfiltered cancer
I always end up just getting SMIM and nothing else due to not giving a fuck

If you complete the questline then they all quit being werewolves except Aela

I hate violence do you have any onions or milk?

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Yeah but in order to complete the questline you have to become a werewolf yourself.
I don't think what I'm saying is unreasonable. Silver Hand shouldn't have just been renamed bandits with silver weapons, and you should've had the option of joining them and purging the werewolves. It shouldn't played out more like a micro version of the Dawnguard DLC where you get to pick a side.

The more I think about how disappointing Skyrim’s characters were, the more I feel tempted to write a companion/quest mod to show Bethesda how it’s done

Please convince me not to, I don’t want to put a bunch of time and effort into writing lines for a thing that’ll never get made because I can’t code

If anyone choose to kill Paarthurnax for that worthless whore then you're a fucking dick.
No debate.

is it just me or does her tits become bigger each time someone starts those threads?

I've had Skyrim since 2012 and I've never played modded.
Started a new campaign last week... 130 hours in, still no mods.

I've only just started playing Fallout 4 with mods.

t. useful idiot

I try to do that, but then I see how good some of the clothing/armor/weapon packs look. And then after I install them, it looks jarring having crystal-clear items with the same old muddy vanilla textures for the scenery, and so I want to replace those, but then you have different texture packs for draugr caves vs cities vs landscapes, etc, and none of them match up and because they're not unified, you can't just download an LOD set to go with them, and so on.

I don't know what the skyrim mod community is so fucking shit about this. It wasn't nearly this bad in other games. Even ones that center around Nexus like New Vegas

The worst part is how anal they are about permissions for old mods that the author has abandoned years ago. The dude isn't around anymore, nobody can get express "permission", so no one can use them in a pack or port them to SSE? Come the fuck on.

Stop being such a lazy faggot, bitch!


>playing skyrim without mods
Jesus, why? Not even SkyUI? Default interface is a fucking abomination.

And don't even get me started on trying to play a mage character with vanilla magic, where even at level 100 destruction with all perks, your fire blasts aren't doing jack shit and the only way to actually beat anything is to tediously stunlock for 5 straight minutes.

I'd kill Paarthunax for Tamriel, not some bitch from a useless dead order.

Call me gay, but I like boobs that aren't comically oversized.



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Paarthurnax is of more help than a whore part of a dead organisation that got rekted by elves (embarrassing).
Why would you want to be willingly part of that?


How would killing Paarthurnax be "for Tamriel"...?

That actually seems like an interesting rp
Do you just level crafting skills like alchemy only?

>he married the first slut he saw
lmaoing @ ur life right now, you're so afraid of becoming an incel that you settled for a used up single mother, the most basic bitch there is.

What would you serve in your comfy Skyrim inn?
Me, I'd serve mudcrab legs

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super gay.

this is my new favorite skyrim picture

ignore those Yea Forumsirgins, that's how ot objectivly is:
medium tits>small tits>big tits>oversized tits

If masturbation was guided by a skill I'd be 100 years ago.

ultra gay

Ysolda has children?

They look fuckin' hideous.
I wouldn't that shit anywhere near my establishment!

>Drug dealer Orc fucker


This guy here, he gets it.

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No, not "Nice," you big idiot.
At that point why not just be with a dude?

Would you rather a futa?

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he cute

Healing,smithing,alchemy and enchanting. Never attack only hide behind stronk wamen let them do all the heavy works

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Check your test levels.

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I want to cum inside of Alduin-sama!

DAMN Alduin looks like THAT


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And part3

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That's the body of a man.
With a body like that she'd be fucking YOU.

>Check your test levels
Maybe you should yours first

His waifu is a human.


>With a body like that she'd be fucking YOU.
god I wish that were me

Fuck off

You mean cues? It's not a line at the DMV.

List your best sexy mods and mods for intercourse so I can have a good time in Skyrim tonight. I like these big tit mods

>and I've never played modded.

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>this is a woman in her 50's

>the blue one
oh no, she's cute
damn you

>tfw no longer can play skyrim because of all the disgusting porn mods I have have forever ruined that game for me.

Once you have gone trough a game where you can go trough being raped by a bunch of insects, enslaved by just about everyone, bred like an animal by animals, drugged out of your mind and used like a toy and generally see any degenerate fantasy you can think off played out in poorly synched animations, you can never truly look at anything in Skyrim the same way again.

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How does one even "play" Skyrim, it's barely a game

This, there should've been an option like this

Go out do quests and shit, fight against creatures etc.

Stormcloaks follow Ulfric.

But what if the Dragonborn was a Redguard (nigger), no one would wanna support that.

y-y-you got anymore user?

thanks, user.

ulfric can eat my asshole
the guys probably gay anyway

You are the motherfucking Dragonborn, user

Follow the marker, press a button to strike, pause the game to heal.

cringe but also 100% correct and /thread

Dragonborn, faggotporn...

No self-respecting Nord would serve under a Redguard (nigger).
Absolutely NO...!

Why can I never get sex mods to work right? The animations always fuck up.

Outlaw Talos

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It ain't worth it m8.

That's just how they do in Skyrim.
As long as you do the appropriate movement near something then it will happen.

Based and scalepilled

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But I really want to install high king and legally rape all of Skyrim as an orc.

Plenty of hoes in skyrim, only one partysnaxx

Are you running FNIS before lauching your game?

Yeah. It's been a while since I've tried, but I was definitely running FNIS.

Is Skyrim popular in Japan?

China/Korea like it, don't know about Japan

As popular as any other Bethesda game, meaning a small but dedicated fanbase.

I'm going to do it Yea Forums, I'm going to install Skyrim for the 4th and final time and finally complete the rest of the main quest after Elder Knowledge. This time I won't get bored and install mods to further enhance my Skyrim experience only to then uninstall the game right after. Wish me luck, bros.

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because papyrus is as robust as wet tissue paper and can barely handle the base game
throwing script heavy sex mods on top of that brings it down like a ton of bricks

You can pretend to go through the quest and when you're about to kill the priest, turn around to kill everyone else.

Do niggers like Skyrim?


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you fucked up,should of played a playboy

you can install the game and not play

Any good alternative games then?

>imagine being such an incel loser that you need to have overly sexualised women in games because you're too much of an incel get women in real life

Why not just play fallout 76 instead? I hear they're adding a new Battle Royale mode, sounds like fun to me.

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masturbation is singleplayer sex

Master baiter.

I dislike battle royale games, they don't sound like much fun and the core gameplay loop is RNG based. Maybe next time, Todd.

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>I dislike battle royale games... the core gameplay loop is RNG based
>hurr durr i dont wanna improve my rng skills because im a lazy faggot that wants to win without any effort

well said bro.

Ill kill Paarth if you and the fat old man can wipe out the Thalmor in Skyrim.

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The main quest takes like 3 hours with fast travel, less if you don't kill everything.
You can do it user.

I've never even seen this, because I've never done the main questline. I don't know who the nax is. But I did clean up every other piece of content.

BAD luck.
Fuck YOU...!

>not playing with mods that disable fast travel

Based, what's your mod list?

Every questline in Skyrim is short as fuck, with the Companions and College of Winterhold feeling like quest mods.

If you don't want to use fast travel then why go through the effort of downloading a mod?

The entire game lacks synergy.
Everything feels fragmented and exists separate from one another.

Because most mods that disable fast travel also implement other survival gimmicks as well, making them a better deal than just not using fast travel.

Maybe the american ones

>kill paarthurnax
>kill her, behead her, strip her naked and jerk off to her big tiddies as enhanced by mods. then maybe kill paarthurnax

is there any other game more true to an rpg experience than skyrim

But why do you feel the need to download gimmicks?
Why not just pretend?

For example, your character is walking barefoot and steps on a "pebble" then just go rest near a tree for 23 minutes.

Didn't she have a son or something?

>kill Alduin and Miraak, I'm the fucking savior of time itself
>join the Companions
>'Who is this guy?'

Ok ok i'm going to kill that goddamn dragon but FIRST...i am going to need to spend some quality time with those milkers.

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Morrowind, of course, because muh spells.

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>Install mod that disables fast travel
>Just end up using console to travel instead

You have to if you want to finish the main quest.

My theory is that all protagonists in The Elder Scrolls series aren't just one guy but an collection of others existing simultaneously.
A time and space glitch, or some shit.

Is there an equivalent of the nanakochan mod for fallout 4 but in skyrim instead?

for your own mental well-being I suggest you stop browsing this board, let it rot
pic unrelated

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>kill her, behead her, strip her naked and jerk off to her big tiddies as enhanced by mods. then maybe kill paarthurnax
I did this in Fallout 3 to NPCs I didn't like, usually raider chicks.
And I'd play as Ada in RE4 just to watch Mr. Chainsaw chop her head off.
Nice to see I'm not the only one with this fucked up fetish.
anyone watched this?

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>Stop judging games based on your penile response to the visual queues.
the heart of the penis knows, and his judgement isnt biased.

You have issues. Seek help.
Beyond that, its nice that an RPG allows you play as a psycho. Show the flexibility and univerality of the gameplay system.
But still - its fucked up.

People know the difference between reality and fantasy.
This debate has already been done to death.


At first it was pretty based but after the zoomer Boomer and weird sounds it became pretty cringy

By the grace of God, I am more mature and can fight off those thoughts now.
Any boner I get from such things is officially not welcome in my mind.

Any mod that makes Bosmer girls cuter? Fat tits and big ass mods need not apply

Cringe, based,kekistan'd, redpilled, onions and enlightened

aesthetic elves or ethereal elves

I haven't played Skyrim since Bruma was released in 2017. Any mods I should get?

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That doesn't actually solve the problem, just like disabling quest markers doesn't solve the fact that the quests are all designed with the use of quest markers in mind.

The issue is that skyrim's quests take you every which way, constantly back and forth from one side of the map to the other, within the same questline. The devs never saw this as a problem, because they assume you're using fast travel between places you've already been to. If you just play with fast travel disabled, the game just becomes incredibly tedious.

If you're going to have a large game world without being designed for fast travel, what you need to do is have most quests designed to happen in particular "zones" so that the quest givers, dungeons, other NPCs, etc are all in the same close-by area. Rather than someone in Windhelm coming up to you and telling you to go clear out a draugr dungeon that's half way across the map.

This way, you can stick around certain hubs doing localized quest lines for all the side quests and daedric quests and such. The main quest should still be designed to have you go to a particular hold and do some quests, then go to another hold and do some quests there, and so on for all the major cities, as a way of encouraging exploration and seeing most of the map for those who focus on the MQ.

I think a game that does a good job of this is New Vegas. Oftentimes, the quests you're given are for local areas rather than traveling and crisscrossing the entire map over and over. So you can actually reach a new town, do the quests that are for that town because all the NPCs and objectives are within reasonable walking distance, and then move on. I liked how you could do stuff like hang around in Freeside for quite a while doing all the quests for those characters.

>survival gimmicks
I don't know what people see in these. They're never fun and engaging. The only result is that you have to carry around extra bullshit and check hunger/thirst/sleep/whatever meters. You never actually feel like you're just trying to survive in the wilderness. You just feel like an asshole who gets pop-up notifications to sleep in a bed or eat another sweet roll.

How is Beyond Bruma, btw? I haven't played skyrim in a very long time and I'm about to start a new game and do all the decent quest mods and new area mods and stuff. I saw that there's an alternate start patch for bruma to let you start there, so I'm thinking about doing that.

Also how is beyond reach? I never hear anything about that one.

Bosmer girls are slutty right? Look at Bosmer males, they're manlets and merlets. So Bosmer girls like to find tall Man races to put the Wood in Wood elves.

>they're all manlets
but skyrim fucked this up and bosmer are normal height in that game rather than being santas little helpers like in Oblivion.

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I don't know how many times I've seen this posted but I just can't get bored of it.


>female bosmer are taller than male bosmer in Skyrim
This is so bizarre

>How is Beyond Bruma, btw?
I liked it. Manages to catch that "Oblivion" feeling pretty well. Quests and dungeons, of course, are much better than in original Skyrim, but that's not really much of a compliment, is it?

>no option to tell the blades to fuck off
>permanently have "kill paarthurnax" there clogging up my quest journal

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Male Bosmer have always been shorter than female Bosmer, they have always been shorter than the standard height since height was a thing.

Bitch broke her oath of protecting the dragonborn and staying loyal to him. She deserves to be discharged and replaced with someone who knows their duty.

Well shit, never knew that. As said though, female bosmer are the default 1.0 height in Skyrim, the same as most other races.

the voices sometimes cut out in the game. anything that can fix that?

Okay, but in Skyrim they aren't nearly as short as they should be. That's my whole point. In Oblivion they were straight up midgets. In Skyrim you can barely tell them apart from altmer except by seeing they have brown eyes.

Makes kinda sense.
The native homeland of the Bosmer is full of tall trees, and shit. Meaning, if they're smaller, they can climb trees and navigate around quicker. This being an advantage since they seem to prefer archery.

racial body morphs
one of the best mods I've added
tfw playing a petite khajiit girl getting violated by big burly Nords and Orcs

is glass armor the best light armor?

I want to FUCK one of those shiny golden Altmer goddesses!

Does it misalign SL animations?

Then wouldn't female Bosmer be even shorter?

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a little bit, get the subtle option if youre worried about it

Glass armor is the worst. I don't give a fuck what it's stats are, it makes you look like a gay power ranger

>didn't throw in a yikes
one job faggot

>'she got stuck on some terrain, guess I'll go stare at some horse gen-and my game crashed.'

Play the main quest to completion but do it but with hardcore rape and enslavement mods installed and no save scumming. YOU COWARD.

My theory takes into account that the Bosmer have natural gender roles.
That means the females won't have to be small and nimble since they won't need to do the fighting.

That's the unfortunate reality, I'm afraid.
Real life armor (used for fighting) don't look nearly as good as ones imagined up.

Paarthunax is a cute girl (male).

Why do supposedly-heterosexual men like playing as girls who get raped by burly, strong men?

absolutely based

I'd argue that they are watching the violent rape as pornography, rather than playing as the victim.

Reminder that I always win

Attached: Herma-Mora.png (1080x1080, 1.02M)

yea, that's it, that would be weird if you actually wanted to be the girl haha.......

Because it's not about self inserting. It's about feeling absolute control and dominance over the PC. Just knowing that this beautiful young woman on screen can and will be put into as many brutal, sadistic, and lewd situations based entirely on whatever sick whim you have at the time.

I guess what I'm saying is that Molag Bal is a pretty cool guy and I both empathize and share his worldviews.

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You can accomplish the same (and so much more) in an easier ESP-less way by using RaceMenu's BodyGen function. Least known, most fantastic "mod" out there.

yeah but only applies to pc
based and rapepilled

How many dieties have claim to the Dragonborn's soul at this point? Are they all going to fight over it when he dies? Who wins?

he forgot the elder dragon

... no? BodyGen applies automatically to _every_ NPC. Are you thinking of RaceMorph presets?

I'm the fucking DragonBorn you will respect my decision you bitch

Dragonborn is just a soul-slut.

*visible confusion*
explain further

I'm pretty sure the Dragonborn is an avatar of one of the Aedra.
So the Daedric gods are getting Jewed over.


From the RaceMenu page:

BodyGen randomize

>There is now new syntax to the previous feature to allow randomization of all actors of a particular gender.
>To setup an initial BodyGen file you need to create two ini files at:
>The templates file outlines BodyMorphs by name
>Here is a sample:
>Sevenbase=7B [email protected] | 7B Bombshell [email protected] | 7B Natural [email protected] | 7B Cleavage [email protected] | 7B Bcup [email protected]
>[email protected] | [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]:1.0, [email protected]:1.0

>The morphs file defines what morphs should be available to what ActorBases, here is an example:

>For the new All feature, this would say:

You can add in races and even morph specific actors. You'll notice some of the syntax above as ranges (0.1:1.0), so you can also have randomly bigger, smaller breasts on the same type of body, etc. It's really powerful. I don't have a picture of my Skyrim install on this machine, otherwise I'd show you the diversity you naturally get in body types for little work. It also works on SAM / other RaceMenu enabled morphers if that's your type of degeneracy.

Many have claim, but it already belongs to one.
The only way to "have" him is to increase his life span in hopes that his adventures will include doing something for them.

And yes, that also includes SOS morphs.

Fuck you Todd

No way, hag.

There is a mod specifically for that.

Gib screencaps

Oh, and one other thing that people get wrong about BodyGen all the time when they set it up: you _DO NOT_ need separate BodyGen morphs and templates for each mod you have that adds NPCs. The specification of the folder for where the mod goes (that filepath) only dictates PRECEDENCE of the BodyGenData files being used, meaning it's best to chose only one esp at the way end of your list (like a bashed/smashed patch). It dynamically assigns to all actors, so all NPCs that have morphable meshes* (just build all yours in BodySlide already familam - often people recommend to work from 'zeroed' sliders, as BodyGen morphs ON TOP of what you've exported) will get the adjustments according to the rules you specify in your morphs file.

Want tiny Bosmer females, big booty Reguard, and huge milk tiddy Orsimer? Easily done. Want to exclude old people from being sexy? Piece of cake.

Of course there is

There's also mods modding that mod to make it better, and mods modding that mod mod to make it more stable and consistent with the DLC.

Modding is a hell of a drug.

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>This is your brain on mods. Any question?

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It's absolutely fantastic. When she starts arguing, you use your dragon voice to tell her to shut the fuck up.

I honestly don't understand why Bethesda couldn't give us an option to eleminate the blades once and for all, fuck bethesda, lazy bastards.

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this guys art is FUCKING LEGENDARY

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Bethesda doesn't make RPGs (or, at least, not anymore) they make CPGs (Character Progression Games).
So, don't expect meaningful choices with real consequences, however you will be disappointed.

Odahviing is best girl.

Bruh its been posted already

I’ve played Skyrim so many times but I’ve only ever killed him once just to see what happens
And I quickly reloaded the save from before
I just can’t kill him it’s not even a debate in my head

You can name one of my sperm paarthurnax when it's in your mouth. And then you can say paarthurnax is dead.

Neat, thanks user

It's common for people to like the "bad guy turned good" trope.

I want sorenova to come back and post a video where she laughs at my peepee in montage parody form

Reminder that Alduin is Akatosh is the Dragonborn
you are literally fighting yourself

I'm hearing the song!

Well of course you have to cook and butter them and serve them with a blue and red mountain flower sauce with side of juniper berries. Come on.

What? Alduin is Akatosh's son. So is the Dragonborn. You're fighting your sister(male).

It's not even just that. The dragon war was thousands of years ago. If it were something that just happened, that'd be a different story, but it's so far removed in history that I have a hard time harboring any animosity toward Paarthurnax over it.

nope, Alduin IS Akatosh (well more like an aspect). But thats nothing, you know who else is Akatosh Talos

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Talos isn't real.


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Nigga I ain't reading all of that. Next thing I know you'll be telling me Akatosh and Auri-El aren't the same and Talos enjoyed fucking elven women. Tis bullshit.

Funny that i hve the exact same thing on my resume

>Next thing I know you'll be telling me Akatosh and Auri-El aren't the same and Talos enjoyed fucking elven women
Subtle way of revealing your power level. This nigga secretly is a Marukhati.

>Next thing I know you'll be telling me Akatosh and Auri-El aren't the same
well literal fucking Monkeys got super butt-blasted about the main human god being an originally elven god, so they did a crazy ritual and literally ripped the poor thing apart, so yeah, while Auri-el and Akatosh used to be the exact same thing, they are now more like fragments of the same original god, just like how Alduin or TLD are

Kill Delphine.

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Yes, mommy.

Skyrim actually gave us two cool dragon bros

do you seriously believe that the poster you are replying to doesn't know this?

Talos is just a watered down version of Shor anyway. The only true pantheon is the nordic pantheon and auriel is a punk loser.

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No whites to their eyes. It makes them look like animals.

Is killing phaarthurnax canon or not?

Kill Hermaeus Mora

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you mean ysmir, right?

uhm, Akatusk is the only real god, everyone else is a fucking impostor and probably a nigger too

Talos wins since the Dragonborn is just a shard of Talos' soul. We're basically fucking over the Daedra.

calm down, ed-boy

Wait for the always online sequel.

Take me with you.

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So how many nubile Thalmor women have you slaughtered while playing Skyrim?

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Bitch, I LITERALLY just signed up to kill vampires yesterday. I don't have time to hear you out.

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No! I like his voice.

>joins you whether you want her or not
>refuses to ever wait, guaranteeing she'll ruin any and all stealth attempts you make
>resurrects literally everything before it can even ragdoll and hit the ground, littering everywhere we go with ash piles
>have to go through the entire fucking DLC to get her to leave

Attached: SS rage.png (363x328, 210K)

>not just gagging her and turning her into a fannypack
Poor form.

Not enough.

Self-insertion fags can't understand the concept of viewing your in-game avatar as just that: your avatar. A vessel to be controlled and put into situations for his viewing pleasure.

>starting at a man's ass all day

Is this something new?
I don't recall this being an option when I modded it, albeit that was a long time ago now - the modding scene in general seems very slow at the moment.

>Playing in 3rd person

t. tranny

It's been around for like four years, it's just that barely anyone knows about it and the author of it provided NO documentation. It took a long time for people to actually figure out how it works.

>not staring down at your own breasts ingame


>the author of it provided NO documentation
I wish people were more willing to share information, it's been what? Almost 10 years? And there's still no good tutorial for creating your own armor/quest mods.

what the fuck

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Is there some sorta download for the default races and the most popular bodytypes? I kinda want to see that in action and change things as i see fit without having to reinvent the whole deal. Filetype based search and replace is my friend.

Again, sadly not a ton. You can likely use this CBBE setup on SSE with no problems if you rename one of the folders like I specified above (again, this author makes the mistake of including multiple files for each ESP which you DO NOT need to do - in fact, I'd recommend against it).

You can at least look at the files and see how they're defined. Change the 'morphs.ini' file to delete the entire Ghouls line and replace 'All|Female|HumanRace' with 'All|Female' and you should be able to at least see the variants load in your game.

A note: so long as BodyGen is active, it will create one set of morphs per actor per save. This means that the same actors always have the same body - a good feature! It also means if you decide you like BodyGen and want to customize your own morphs and template, they won't be applied to NPCs you've already loaded on that save after you've made your changes.

Alright, it's a foregone conclusion that those of us who aren't cocksuckers for the Thalmor and bitches for Mirakk like Serana. But the real question is: Cute and funny Serana, Tiddy Serana, or Booty Serana?

Attached: cute-and-funny-serana-4.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

>Akatosh's son
thats just alduins autistic manner of speech, hes probably a shard of AKA, the head honcho god thing just like akatosh and the dragonborn are

Thanks bud.

i dunno. they all look the same to me.

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Cute and funny. Why would Vlad wait 30 years to vamp his daughter? It just doesn't make sense from a lore perspective.

I dunno man, I'm kinda diggin the cute and funny but Asanagi-style bottom heavy Serana.
>Why not both?

Attached: cute-and-funny-serana-6.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

Is LE still better than SE if you want to use sex mods?

You're absolutelly correct, user.
Internet and 4chin is one massive demented cesspool of autism. It used to be better when retarded memes like "based" didn't exist. The nigger lingua corrupted internet and we are forced to endure it.

Actually where do people learn how to create mods for skyrim?

I mean, he did get a ton of replies

Let me bite you.

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Didn't Serana become a vampire by getting raped by Molag Baal himself?

Yes, and...?


The way I found out to mod Skyrim (and the gamebyro engine in general) was through DEEZ NUTS

You obviously can't make her too small and thin, she would have died.

Why would I want to become an overgrown leech?

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fuck yeah homie
it just works!

Any mods for this experience?

...Huh. Good point. Then again, since it's a daedric prince (of rape)(an domination) it would make sense that he would keep her alive so he could (and rape)(and domination) her. You can't rape or dominate a smol-thicc corpse.

just use your imagination nigga

Did you ever heard about Zeus?


is this ever actually confirmed, or is it just an assumption people make because she says the experience of becoming a vampire "wasn't pleasant"

They dropped the rape from recent games.

alright, thanks

And so I, Thromgar Iron-Head do firmly say, with the utmost connvicshun, that Alduin is real, and he ent Akatosh!

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Even if he didn't, when you die Molag Bhaal rapes your soul for eternity. That's basically how Vampires work.

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>orc is bigger than the nord

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I thought I grew out of my faggy Hot Topic phase nearly 15 years ago. But every time I play Skyrim I make an edgy vampire slut and fap to her succing helpless victims.

Is there a good vampire themed animation pack you like best?

Also, what time do ya'll use for the animation steps? The default is way too fast.

woah nelly

Attached: 81201-1540084362-259665464.png (1019x1080, 1.43M)

That's a huge bitch.

>tfw can't turn skyrim into a porn game
>tried modding it for two weeks straight to get rid of the crashes but something always broke
>know it's not worth the effort and just give up
No it just taunts my dick because I could never get everything to work right.

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Is ESO any good?

I just set all animations to max and change manually.
Mostly because its easier to screenshot and make webms that way.

poor retard


>those high elves

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use mod organizer 2 smoothie


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>they're smaller, they can climb trees and navigate around quicker
isnt that the opposite way around?
if they were bigger they'd have bigger muscles meaning they could climbs trees better and faster

What's the least painful way to mod Skyrim to get something like that?

there are games that don't even have the convenience of a mod organizer of any kind. git gud.

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that would increase their weight, and a bigger frame is harder to navigate on tight spaces. could work if you make it lanky and hollow boned, but that sounds like a bad build to be honest.

What has better waifus, Skyrim or Fallout 4?

Fallout 4 has severe sameface and less mods in general.

only that in the way Skyrim works the taller the character the faster they walk.

Good luck. It really makes a difference.

I usually just use the waifu animation packs like Pretty Combat to be honest.
There's a mod on loverslab that lets you fuck and drain people at the same time, but I think it's LE only.

>Want dragon boobs
>Google "Skyrim dragon boobs"
>Get boobs on scenery

I wonder if you can reskin them.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1000x562, 224K)

>mod organizer 2
You mean that Vortex program on nexus?

fallout 4 has piper

I had an easier time making attractive characters in Skyrim than I did in Fallout 4. I also think that things like Ordinary Women and Bijin blows any of the custom Fallout 4 waifus out of the water. Fallout 4 does have much better facial animations in general though, so that counts for something.

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Has anyone ever been able to make an Orc girl with a prettyish face?

Looks like a knife-eared crackwhore Barbra Streisand.

Is there a mod that turns dragons into anime girls?

Skyrim has quantity for sure. And I find it easier to make cute girls in Skyrim than Fallout 4.

Conversely though, making attractive males is way easier in Fallout 4. Like this was pretty much the default male face with 1 or 2 changes.

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Polished turd thread?


>Orc taller than a Nord
>Ayy Elf

its confirmed, or more precisely we know that the very first vampires were created when a woman was raped to death by Molag, so everyone just assumes he did the same to Serana

serana > piper, despite all the logical inconsistencies

Attached: serana.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

No, it's a shoot the Solitude Birb bread.

Defeat on Loverslab

Molag Bal isn't called "The King of Rape" for nothing.

It occurs to me that maybe Molag actually wines and dines his victims first, seducing them very lovingly. He fucks them with grand passion and caring... but doesn't stop even when they beg, and then it becomes rape.

And the first vampire had simply orgasmed to death because Molag was so into fucking her, literally dominating her to make her feel pleasure. But now the poor bastard has the rep of being the worst of the worst princes when he just wants people to enjoy having sex with him.

Attached: cute-and-funny-serana-3.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

No you retard, you just download mod organizer 2 manually and unpack the files into your skyrim shit and will organize and help you install mods

Hey fuck you user, I'll fuck your ass

>worst of the worst princes
He wouldn't be if he would get the point after first few times.

no bully

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He turns people into vampires so that he can ravish an regenerative body over and over again.


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user you..
>Could had married Lydia so you have Kynareth as your Waifu.
>Could had married Aranea since she love you without the azura's shenanigans.
>Could had married Aela since she's on full daddy issues mode after skjor's deathYes, aela is younger than Skjor, if not the same age as the Twins
>Could had married Taarie since she has the best waifu voice.
>Could had married even Sapphire since she's literally Tsundere Jolyne Kujo and reunited her with her father in Solstheim.
You Had to marry with the cum dupster of all drug dealers in Skyrim, Khajiit feel pity for the used goods.

He loves hard, user. And wants his partners to love him hard too. Just gotta fuck and breed the resitance out of them, then they'll see how good it feels to submit to him.

See? That's love.
>First I'ma fuck ya. Then I'ma kill ya by fuckin ya. THEN I'ma revive you as a vampire so I can fuck you some more and you can take it without havin' to stop.
>We can do this the easy way or the hard way, the choice is yours.

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Is this more your speed?

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"What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"

this is still a major complaint with skyrim but being able to say no to the king of rape probably wouldn't stop anything