Hey Yea Forums help me out i'm trying to decide what i should jerk off to and can't figure out if this guy is attractive or not
Hey Yea Forums help me out i'm trying to decide what i should jerk off to and can't figure out if this guy is...
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that doesn't answer the question now does it
I thought that was an ugly chick at first.
link the video first so i can decide for you
i unironically just jerked off to bbc porn. time for bed now
can't decide he has a lot to choose from
wrong you got a 98 the year you were born faggot
nah hes ugly bro
How about jacking off to
shit man are you sure i think he's kinda cute
got any links to someone better my dude
You have shit taste
so help me out and link me some good shit
Gross, just jerk off to hentai like a normal person
This twink needs a haircut and a shower
He looks kinda crusty
nah fuck /adv/ i asked them the other day about something and they didn't help for shit
it's all on the pp, op, looks don't matter as much as how cute the pp is.
i'm a mixture of both it needs to look good and have a good pp
god his lip bite is so gross in these videos
absolutely not attractive in the slightest this guy
nah bro the lip bite makes him kinda look autistic which in turn makes it hotter
jannies remove literal gaming threads and this fag asking for gap material gets to keep his thread.
i paid the jannies off
here bro let me give you actually good twink fap material.
this is one of my more favorite amateur videos. the guy on the right has a very cute face and he has a nice cock. his friend is pretty ugly to me but the guy on the right is prime twink material.