Just bought this since it was on sale.
This shit is comfy as hell. I could just swing around the city for hours.
Why did Yea Forums hate it again? Its an amazing exclusive.
Just bought this since it was on sale.
This shit is comfy as hell. I could just swing around the city for hours.
Why did Yea Forums hate it again? Its an amazing exclusive.
Who the fuck cares
Where the fuck is Evangelion 3.0 +1.0 already
I traded it after 30 minutes. Pure autism game
gta spiderman is better
I don't think anyone hear was very vocal about hating it. We just made "You knew?" jokes most of the time and then forgot about it.
Is Anno still depressed?
It was probably the retards who try to make Yea Forums turn against any popular games.
it was a playstation game and you need to hate everything playstation
It was good, shame the DLC was such wank.
There's your answer right there.
Tendies rail against any and every game not available on their Fisher Price toy, especially if the game's good
Because it's a Sony exclusive. Gotta keep that console war going, you know. Also because it's a Marvel game, and Marvel is SJW Soiboi shit now so you have to hate everything associated with it and nitpick every little flaw you can find in it.
Not a bad, the combat gets repetitive, the sneak missions are horrible and the boss fights are pretty lame. It's a solid game though.
Look at the catalogue and ask yourself why there are 15 autistic Smash DLC speculation threads up at all times. That's your answer.
Also this
Reception to Spidey from the people who actually played it was actually primarily very positive, though. Most of the whining was either people upset it was an exclusive or people just fishing for (You)s.
Same thing looks to be happening with MUA3.
Yea Forums is a nintendo board they smear every sony exclusive
>shit stealth segments
>MJ is a retard and a bitch but chills out near the end, still retains the retardation though
>Miles jumped straight from Watchdogs, able to hack anything with his phone and is so bland you question why you're not just playing as Spider-Man right now
>swinging is still under-developed and missing a load of tricks and little details
>plot is mostly shit with too much focus on Mr Negative, Sinister Six is wasted, and the spider should have bit MJ to subvert the fuck out of expectations
>typical open world fluff that the devs didn't even attempt to combat
>no team up missions with smaller scale heroes like Daredevil
>forgettable soundtrack
>cel shaded costume makes you wonder why they couldn't make a whole game that looks like that similar to Ultimate
>playing as Pete sucks, it's just a cheap way to info dump on the player
>DLC was a huge waste of money, absolute shit
>Black Cat's mission was only there to advertise the DLC she dosn't even show up
And it goes on. It's a solid effort but it's clear they weren't chasing the comics they were chasing the MCU and I'm probably going to skip the next game as I don't want to be forced to play as Miles again.
>Why did Yea Forums hate it again?
It has a brown co-protag
It has a female co-protag
It has a female villain you don't get to personally demolish
It's a Sony exclusive
This game was basically tailor made to trigger Yea Forums
thats not bait you fucking ape those are genuine criticisms.
user those are completely fair criticisms of the game and I agree with you. Despite that, it was still an enjoyable game to me.
>playing the victims again
I hate consolewar faggots so fucking much. Yea Forums shits on every fucking game every day. Where are you being?
Even if combat is kind of silly it's probably the best Marvel game of this generation.
I'm happy that they brought Yuri back to voice Spidey, I actually loved his version.
>can't refute a single point
It's all opinions anyway, I gave my honest assessment of how I feel about the game and if you don't like it then that's your problem dude.
Don't get me wrong I certainly enjoyed it enough but it's nowhere near the best Spidey game like some people claim, way too many issues for that many of which will definitely be repeated for the sequel.
Name a better one that didn't come out 20 years ago in the PS2 era
the last open world spiderman game before this was web of shadows and depending on the version it was a pretty good game.
you sound like a dumbass
It doesn't matter, he's not attached to it.
you sound like a shill cocksucker who cant take criticism
I honestly think Shattered Dimensions is a better Spidey game for pure Spidey fanwank, Web of Shadows was pretty good as well for an open world game and had some pretty unique shit going for it. Both titles dripping in personality that I just don't get from PS4-Man which feels like a failed script for an MCU movie. Going by your reply to the other user here though you just sound like a PS4 fanboy.
muh criticism
yes? this is a thread about discussion of a video game you fucking mongoloid. Its not a thread for you to spew unrepentant insomniac cocklust with a side of sony lubrication. kill yourself and your cancerous fanboyism.
>though you just sound like a PS4 fanboy
how i have more than a ps4 fuck boy and yes all those unique qte you do
look you salty fuck you posted a list of opinions and i called you a dumbass get over it
Oh, so you're just retarded, or likely not a primarily english speaking person. Because you cannot form a complete sentence.
Fuck off from the thread.
Once again you're proving your retardation I'm the new IP that responded to the opinions, not the one who posted them. They were fair criticisms and all you did was go NO U UR DUM LOL instead of try to actually counteract them, the basis of fanboyism. You're blinded by your fanboyism to the point you cannot even discuss a game. You autist.
Yeah I enjoyed the game but MJ and Miles needlessly dragged the game down just like everyone expected them too. There needs to be a mandatory crash course on writing women without making them come off as petty bitches, since that seems like a common trend among terrible writers
so you cant handle any other options other than the ones you posted you snowflakes
Despite all this it was still a lot of fun. I thought the swinging was pretty good and it worked rather well with the aerial combat.
>>swinging is still under-developed and missing a load of tricks and little details
>Norman will embrace the Green Goblin persona
>some version of Venom will appear
>very likely Morbius as well
Who else is everyone wanting to see on the villain front for the sequel? I'd love a proper take on Kraven, myself.
You didnt present an opinion you god damn calorie thieving troglodytic triple nigger. Opinions were presented, you said LOL NO, and that's it. No counter argument, no reason why you think its wrong. You resorted to ad hominem like a fucking baboon instead of discussion. So now I'm going to repeatedly shit on your posts because you're an idiot 2016 tourist who doesn't understand board culture, and needs to either FUCK OFF or lurk more.
It's fun but how little the enemy variety is keeps me from continue playing.
Plus for an open world, there's very little to interact with it aside from beating up criminals
After the final DLC, I dropped this game for Smash.
I'm a storyfag so i'll buy the obviously coming sequel for the story though and the hope they add more things to do than rely on muh achievements.
>DLC was a huge waste of money, absolute shit
>swinging is still under-developed and missing a load of tricks and little details
i dont know what more you want the swinging was good
>no team up missions with smaller scale heroes like Daredevil
how is this a bad thing they want to set up spider-man not other heroes
>cel shaded costume makes you wonder why they couldn't make a whole game that looks like that similar to Ultimate
ok so
>playing as Pete sucks, it's just a cheap way to info dump on the player
what did you want to do as him swing around as spider-man for so people can find out how he is
>DLC was a huge waste of money, absolute shit
nice opinion i had fun whith them
>Black Cat's mission was only there to advertise the DLC she dosn't even show up
from what i here from guys like him it's not a 1000 hours of game play so they hate it
Opinion discarded, I bet you don't even have a PS4 you retarded nintenfaggot.
Why does every shitposter have to be a nintendo fan
See this is an acceptable post. You're addressing the persons opinions instead of being a fucking faggot. You are ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT.
Feels nice doesn't it?
It was all about the main plot which was just fucking terrible, had more Screwball, the costumes didn't have their own powers, and it didn't add anything new save for a different badguy in each pack. Absolute waste of time.
I liked Screwball, at least her mission in the main game.
>i dont know what more you want the swinging was good
Still underdeveloped vs Spider-Man 2 but as I said a solid effort and the best we've got since that game. Lacking, but solid.
>how is this a bad thing
New York is a hub of super-hero and villian activity in the comics and Spidey shares his city with a lot of people he teams up with frequently, PS4-Man is supposed to be an experienced Pete yet he's basically all alone? fuck off he is when shit got crazy he would have been joined by the likes of Daredevil and Cage at the very least.
>what did you want to do as him
Play as Spider-Man instead, the moments in the lab were good, the moments in the homeless shelter were bad.
>Still underdeveloped vs Spider-Man 2
i think you need to go back and play that game again fanboy
fuck off
I'm not even a fanboy I think SM2 is terribly overhyped with the swinging and the soundtrack being its only good points but even then the swinging has a depth that the PS4 version just dosn't. One fact is from the demonstration of PS5 tech utilizing Spider-Man where they had to actively slow down Spider-Man because the game couldn't load as fast as he could swing, meanwhile in SM2 you can bolt through the city in seconds if you're good at swinging.
fuck off election tourist
>the swinging has a depth that the PS4 version just dosn't
what the hell are you on about
Well I gave you one fact already, another is the lack of air tricks, while PS4 has some it's missing a load from SM2 which makes swinging much more enjoyable.
Playing through the 2nd dlc now and man, I kinda wanna fuck Screwball. It's that voice. Unf.
That's because you're either underage or a movie fan who don't care about the subtleties of Spider-Man. It's the little things in vidya that separates the MGS2's from the ME:A's.
I really wish Shattered Dimensions played well. It was fanservice: the game, but it was an awful game.
Swinging is fun. Everything else is shit. Holy fuck just trying to get spiderman to climb up a wall without the camera spazing out and fighting against the bumfuck controls is fucking infuriating.
It plays aright, similar to the PS1 games and I still play those so it isn't a hard adjustment for me but I can get why some people can't like it.
Imagine being such a poorfag that you can't enjoy having 2 consoles at once, but have to "choose sides" to make yourself feel better on the games you're missing out on.
So this is something that's really been grinding my gears, but can anyone explain to me why Peter becomes such a little bitch when it comes to MJ and Felicia? The former walks all over him and he simpers like a crushing teenager, and the latter literally uses him and betrays him, and not once does he get angry at her or call her out on her shit.
I mean, what the actual FUCK, Parker? To that end, he never blows up on Sable for the sheer utter incompetence and stupidity she commits, or gets pissed at her for trying to kill HIM. The guy has the patience of a saint the forgiveness of Jesus Christ himself. It's frustrating as all hell. Like, dude, get deservedly pissed at least ONCE.
because it requires owning the best console on the market
Yeah I agree, It's only the parts where you have to play the game that are bad.... oh and the story. the story was bad too.
Peter was always a poonhound who'd let Felicia walk all over him. It's been implied numerous times over the years that the best sex either of them had was with each other.
Then along came Silk
>It's been implied numerous times over the years that the best sex either of them had was with each other.
I can dig that ofc, it just makes me rub my temples seeing the guy have no respect for himself. Repeatedly.
Hated her at first because of her dogshit origin and intro, but her ongoing was surprisingly not shit.
I got my PS4 for this game alone.
Absolutely loved it but I've always been a spider Man fan so my opinion cannot be trusted. Swinging could have been more skill based, it's too easy but other than that the game is great.
Beat ng+ and all dlc on ultimate, got platinum and I still Replay it.
I loved this game. Stop letting morons on Yea Forums shape your mind.
The whole game seems to care more about setting up a sequel story-wise. Barely any solid conclusion for the villains. They just get sent to jail, big whoop.
it's a shame she's had one of the worst debuts in Marvel as the OC who also had Peter's powers but is so much better at webbing and spider sense, is the chosen of for the big event, and Spider-man really wants to fuck her. It just reeks of Mary Sue and she doesn't deserve it, fuck Slott.
>Calling a game "comfy"
Pedo and/or tranny
Just bought it as well, can confirm. However God of War is surprisingly dogshit. When you strip away all the pretty imagery what you have left is a worse game than GoW1-3.
Not OP but I'll bite, what's wrong with that classification? I'd easily apply it to games like Stardew Valley or House Flipper. It's just another term for a relaxing vidya after all right?
I took so many of these screenshots. That bit was so awesomely creepy.
>W-Will I get time off if I talk?!
>You won't if you don't.
>excellent build up on the first half
>fucks up and kept slipping after the sinister 6 meets up
Wasted potential. What a shame.
Why user all games should be made for mature hardcore gamers such as myself. A mature hardcore gamer such as myself needs to get his self worth from BEATING games, I don't enjoy the process, games being enjoyable is an absurd concept for a mature hardcore gamer such as myself
>It was all about the main plot
that's not true at all
all 3 dlcs were centered around Hammerhead and his gang, who were never in the base game
that has always been his character
he laughs everything off as a joke, that doesn't mean he isn't worried or angry, he just tries to never show it in front of others, especially his enemies
but he still blows up when his loved ones are directly threatened, and he did in game at both Oto and Li
By sneak missions you mean the ones where you control MJ and the other dude? Then yes, those missions were the weakest in the game, but I enjoyed doing stealth takedowns with Spider-Man a lot and trying to take down enemies without getting spotted.
I think the problem with the combat is that the most basic combos are mostly what you tend to use because they're so effective, I try to use gadgets and moves that I usually don't use during combats and it helps me to make it feel less repetitive and more enjoyable.
I do agree on the boss fights tho, they act more like bigger regular enemies for the most time than real boss fights, Tombstone and Taskmaster were a dissapointment, but I enjoyed the Shocker boss fight.
>Why did Yea Forums hate it again?
Because it's a PS4 exclusive
Most threads about it are mostly positive though
I wish I could disagree with you but I think you're right. And therein lies the problem for me. It's one thing for him to be such a good person, he's Spidey and I love him, but it's just... not unrealistic, but stupid. Especially to see it play out in the game, I simply cannot imagine anyone putting up with all of that shit and not having anything to say about it. At all, which he doesn't. It's a startling character flaw.
And ofc I'm talking about Felicia, MJ, and Sable here - because strangely enough it only happens with the women. He doesn't snap, doesn't lose his cool, doesn't get annoyed, not once. All of the little things are completely separate from his encounters with Li and Otto. Shit, rather than making him seem perfect, it makes him come across as pathetic, and that bothered me because he has every right to blow up when it's called for. But he doesn't and rolls over instead.
It kinda feels easy to do everything early on. It's not a bad thing, but it doesnt sit well with me for some reason. Like theres a lot of things you could do but its immediately handed to you on a silver platter.
>I think the problem with the combat is that the most basic combos are mostly what you tend to use because they're so effective, I try to use gadgets and moves that I usually don't use during combats and it helps me to make it feel less repetitive and more enjoyable.
the issue is that most people don't realize half the gadgets are purely for setup, and that makes them seem useless
something like web bomb + concussion blast is as good as a suit power and way more spam-able, yet web bomb on it's own doesn't do much for you
anti-grav + trip mines, or electric webs + impact are also good combos that you can use to clear out waves as fast as suit powers without the cooldown issues
the show was shit anyways, only good bits were the last couple episodes and the movie
cel shaded games all suck, this artstyle needs to die out
>And ofc I'm talking about Felicia, MJ, and Sable here - because strangely enough it only happens with the women. He doesn't snap, doesn't lose his cool, doesn't get annoyed, not once. All of the little things are completely separate from his encounters with Li and Otto.
Li and Otto are killing innocents, Felicia is just using Peter to steal shit, they aren't exactly on the same level
the swinging was fun but the combat got really repetitive to the point where i would start every fight with the spinning move to try and incapacitate as many enemies as i could at the start. Also the street crimes and bases were kind of repetitive as well.
When did I say they were? I said they were entirely separate, and my point was that of course one is going to make him snap and the other isn't. The issue is that while the other doesn't make him snap, and it shouldn't like Li and Otto do, he doesn't react like a self-respecting person to Felicia using him, lying to him, and betraying him; or MJ walking over him and insistently getting herself into dangerous situations because she feels like a damsel; or Sable completely fucking up, constantly, and constantly trying to kill/nab Peter despite the city falling apart around her.
He calls none of them out on any of their shit. You don't need to snap to do that, but the guy doesn't get annoyed, pissed, or tired, He just... takes it. Like a bitch.
The easiest thing to do is launch them in the air with that uppercut along with the skill that knocks them all back, then you just yank them up and beat everyone without touching the ground
how well does that work against the mercs? that was the one part of the game i had trouble with because of the flying guys although i don't really see myself going back and playing the game again for a few years. doesn't seem like the most replayable game specially with how easy it is to platinum.
Jetpack guys you can just fling to the ground or you can instantly kill them with a finisher which builds up incredibly quickly. I usually just flung them into the ground, dealt with someone else until I got a finisher, then finished the jetpack guy.
I would just zip to those fags and beat them up from there
if you are having trouble clearing things out, use the gadget combos that I stated here
>batman by rocksteady
fucking trash stupid bamham xD
>spiderman exscusive for ps4
Its an amazing exclusive
same games but batman is better in every way
explain me this shit
no one here is trashing Arkham though
I like both tho
who are you quoting, you are the first mention of Batman in this thread
You just described 99% of spiderman games
I agree, it's disturbing how much of a doormat modern Spider-Man is
>Why did Yea Forums hate it again?
I didn't hate it, I just hated the writing and the segments for MJ and Miles.
yeah man as a lifelong spiderman fan i really thought that those rocksteady games make me feel so much like spider-man just swinging around in manhaten hearing that quirky spider-man dialogue figting those spider villians. Asylum is still my fucking favorite spider-man game.
Prototype 2 is my favorite spiderman game. Lets hold hands.
The game seems ok but it looks like it gets old after an hour. Just an opinion.
Be sure to get the DLC user.
it wraps things up really nice and Silver Sable kicks ass. Black cat is also sexy as hell.
Imo the game shines in these huge setpiece missions where the gameplay is varied as much as possible. Good example is the into kingpin fight, albeit a low-key version of what you get later in the game.
Play the game and affirm your opinion then.
But everyone says the DLC isn't worth it
The base game is enough
i want to romance Silver Sable
git gud
you gotta work around the limitations
sadly, you just should try to climb walls very occasionally.
It took me a while to get the hang of freerunning (even tho its just holding r2) but if you employ that tactically with traversal it's all super smooth. I have some problems with landing exactly and stopping.
I like where the DLC goes
the DLC is more of the same, but it wraps up the story. You get to hear what MJ is going to do and how Miles is doing + some more JJJ shit. Some really good setpieces and two super hot ladies. That's plenty for me.
She's such an unlikeable cunt though. A literal tsundere in the worst way.
For me it's pretty much cheating because I get to play as Spiderman. I give everything a break because I just want to feel like Spider-Man
>You get to hear what MJ is going to do and how Miles is doing
literal who cares
>the sneak missions are horrible
How? I found the stealth stuff to be fairly easy. Only missions I hated were following the drone ones.
I got my PS4 recently with Bloodborne and FNaFVR. Just got tbis Friday and beat it today. Genuinely fun. Gonna work on collectables but I’ve got the dlc loaded and waiting for me.
I do wish the story was better paced though and you were more encouraged to go out and explore the world instead of heading to the next missions. Also the cutscenes sometimes just ran on way too long and had the whole “this feels like a fucking movie” thing going, but when I got back to swinging and doing all the cool Spider-Man stuff it was pure kino
>I do wish you were more encouraged to go out and explore the world instead of heading to the next missions.
the game literally doesn't let you progress if you haven't done enough side missions,
Spider-Man even says he should explore the city more before moving on
at some point you have to admit you are just searching for shit to nitpick about