Be honest. What was your reaction?

Be honest. What was your reaction?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I was pretty excited. I kinda expected it after I saw Super Lucky's Tale revealed for Switch honestly.

"is that a jiggy, well I'll be damned banjo's actually in smash. "

Finally Steveposting can just die

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Once I saw the jiggy I just started getting happy. I'm not even that big of a Banjo fan but I was just full of joy for some reason.

Pretty cool because it BTFO stevekeks

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I saw the Jiggy, and was just excitedly telling my friends. After the joke bit with duck hunt tho, I was just laughing and clapping in delight. It was just sort've heartwarming to see them there finally.

>they did it!
>the music is so good
>the voices and moves are the same as the first two games, how nostalgic
That's it. The moveset isn't very exciting though, but I'm happy they're in. I'm more excited to play as Hero (another character with an awful generic name)
And seeing Microsoft in the credits is fucking wild. Sony when? Please save Kat from that hell

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>fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck nononononononononono
>Yea Forums is going to be unusable the next few hours
And then Yea Forums literally did break for about the next 20 minutes

It's not fair I thought we had won

Honestly the only character that made me in awe. Banjo is like 20 years old, long-dead, and a western franchise. I'm surprised he got in, and with how old it is, it's like he's been resurrected.

Also stevezoomers btfo. The only good character reveal honestly in Smash. So good.

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Spine froze solid once I saw the Jiggy bounce by. Put my hands on my head and just watched in pure joy. I couldn't stop smiling for 3 hours afterward, kept rewatching it.
I know it's not the cure to cancer, it's not solving world hunger and it's not gonna change my life, but it was so heartwarming to me to finally see Banjo and Kazooie in Smash. Hell, it's heartwarming just to see them again, period.

Happier for my friend than myself because he loves B&K

My reaction was to immediately laugh at stevefags.

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thought it was cool and was happy for those that have wanted him in forever

also fuck steve and those hideous pictures

Nope, here's your Snoy rep

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I laughed at the fact it happened, and I'm satisfied he got into the game. Now all we need is another wild card pick for a ton of controversy and I'll be content. No female fighting game character please.

>Grew up with the N64
>Never got around to playing Banjo because I mostly played Goldeneye, Pokemon Stadium, Smash and DK 64
It was a meh from me. Maybe if I played it I would've cared more.

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>Yea Forums is gonna lose their shit
>I'm glad someone's dream gets to come true

You'll make it some day, buddy.

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>oh, the leak was real
>I don't care but good for the guys who wanted him

not with that cliffhanger of a third game he's not.

Utter disbelief because I had convinced myself it was never going to happen in an attempt to avoid being disappointed. It's still surreal to me and I have to remind myself that yes, it is real. Banjo Kazooie is my childhood defining game, so seeing them in a game again after all this time fills me with so much joy. Smash Bros is a celebration of video games, and I am really happy my favorite duo is here to party.

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I have zero nostalgia for this character, the move-set looks promising tho

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I would take that too, why not. Anything other than the recent generic americans they use as main characters, even Kratos is slowly becoming one of them. But Kat deserves better, I'm still pissed they cut the online from GR2 so soon after release


"Huh. Neat."

>Oh this slideshow again, are we getting another villain?
>What was that thing bouncing across?
>Oh right, is one of those puzzle piece things from banjo
>That fake out joke isn't as funny when it's already been done, you know
>Okay, that's pretty cool. Good for all the banjo fans
I never played them, but some close friends absolutely love the Banjo games, and I was happy for them

When the jiggy bounced across the screen I muttered "no fucking way" and had the exact same stupid grin on my face as I did throughout Ridley, the Belmonts, and K Rool

This. Followed by, "this is actually a clever trailer, banjo is actually pretty ok, could've been a lot of worse. Wish he hadn't broken Yea Forums so I could talk about nmhiii."

happy that it actually happened, not as much as to see banjo in.
Im glad i guessed his moves and stages is just everything i dreamed on, it tells me the developers really cared, but me personally dont actually care that much after so many decades shitposting and broken dreams.

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About time.

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>Another rival?
>Wait. Donkey Kong again? Maybe Dixie or Funky...?
>Oh shit, they actually did put Banjo in. Neat.

>oh cool Banjo is in
>oh wow theyre just fucking with us
>oh cool Banjo is in
>i never played his games but Im happy for people who like them and wanted him in the game

>donkey kong scene starts again
>"ahhhh, nooo, fuck it, Banjo is fucking in"
>Rare dudes all cheering
>that screenshot

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>Oh banjo is in
>Thats nice i guess

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>What the fuck, another smash trailer?
>Wait, what, another rival? Porky, maybe? Just glad they're putting more baddies in.
>What the fuck, donkey kong???
>Maybe haha funny rivalry with cranky?
>What the FUCK was the noise.
>Start laughing really hard with the duck hunt bait.
>Start laughing harder knowing Banjo is in.
I have no idea why I was laughing, but I was. Very hard too.

Pretty damn hyped, even though I was more a Blast Korps and Jet Force Gemini guy during the golden age of Rare.

I had a big grin on my face, they recreated the characters really well. My nephews were split, though. One of them has played the first two through Rare Replay and he enjoyed himself (he's big on platformers) so he seemed happy. The other was unimpressed with the Direct as a whole, and I think he was bitter that the characters that got in weren't his sort (when we play Smash he plays Bowser and Little Mac exclusively, and honestly not well).

I don't know why but Banjo surprised me way more than ridley or k rool did. like, he was THE never ever character

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It felt like the Ridley and K. Rool trailer in how surreal it felt. When I hear people talk about something so often for so long, I always write it off as something that will never actually happen. Another thing that made it feel surreal was the character/s themselves; while I can't say I was ever a huge fan of the games(I like the first one better at least), there's always been this small fascination I had with them, that lingering "what if?" feeling whenever I heard people talk about them. "What if Rare didn't get bought out? What if their popularity wasn't killed in the crib? What if they became a real household name like other nintendo properties?"

So seeing B&K run around in their n64 designs was really cool, it felt like a glimpse into an alternate reality where their relevancy never dived off and they stayed with nintendo. And I'm glad a lot of people were really happy for it, they're a genuinely nice character design and their music is fantastic.
also fuck them, their Wonderwing special is basically what I wanted as a Speed Booster side special move for Samus

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Banjo is the prince of never ever.
The true absolute king of never ever EVER is Geno.

I thought it was nice. I was more excited for DQ, but I think both of them were a long time coming.

When I saw the Jiggy, I just said "oh cool, it's banjo" and then watched the rest pretty happily. My favorite reveals were K. Rool and Joker.

Pretty much this, it was just too perfect.

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Really happy.
Just kinda sperged out after the jiggy saying fuck yeah a bunch of times.

>ohh>"yes">grin>smile>massive satisfaction>refresh Yea Forums>He's in

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>for the love of god I hope smashniggers will finally stop flooding this board with their bullshit every day

Needless to say it did not happen, and will not happen until Nintendo reveals every character AND explicitly make it clear there will be no further DLC.

>jiggy bounces in
I was literally pic related in an empty house while screaming "YES!"

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something about banjo's face in this pic looks very wrong to me. He looks great in game but there's just some uncanny shit going on here.

I'm just glad the Steve and Banjo shit is mostly over. I wish Stevefags would just fuck off though. Literal cancer.

Exactly the same user. I've put zero hope into them. Now I have to stop the urge about thinking of a new Banjo game. But maybe we'll get the Rare Replay stuff on Switch

I'm super glad for his fans but honestly just glad it wasn't Steve. Not that I having Minecraft representation in the game would be bad, but if they got in before Banjo or instead of Banjo, people dont realize how much worse shit posting on v would of been.

>huh, more smash. maybe it's banjo
>dk's mouth... it's fuckin banjo
>start dabbing on all of my friends who doubted my prediction over the past week

i lost my fucking mind, dude.

>oh shit its banjo
>oh ok good its banjo

I had a dumb smile because I really liked the original game. I don't even play smash but I'm glad he got in since we might be getting a remake on the switch.

I've spent months of my life telling banjofags they're just as pathetic as geno shills. I was happy, surprised, and regretful all at once.

I thought the duck hunt dog fakeout was just a fakeout for the sake of fakeouts sake. Everyone already knew it was Banjo, even if they didn't see the jiggy they knew his likeness in the silhouette wouldn't have gone amiss. Anyway, I don't really play Smash anymore so I wasn't too hyped, but I was happier to see someone who wasn't a generic anime swordsman.

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Same, his snout extends way too far away from his jaw. uncanny valley type shit.

I almost cried. I admit that.


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I didn't really have a proper one because once I saw the jiggy I flipped the fuck out. Spent a good 30 minutes rewatching the trailer to see everything it had to offer though.

Tears of Joy

I never played banjo but god I was happy for the people who waited for so long I know that feeling.
because i wanted dragon quest hero for so long too

I'd smash sue

After years of constant crushing disappointment, mental preparation that it would never happen, and people laughing at Banjo fans for wanting to believe he had a shot in hell, Sakurai made a miracle happen.
I was just laughing with a single tear in my eye. Probably the happiest a game has ever made me.

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It may be too late but download the rom, run it in an emulator and give it a go.

The game has too much charm, it's worth it

Daily reminder Isaac got so mad he was shafted to Assist Trophy again that he caused an Earthquake in Japan, delaying the Nintendo Direct for like three weeks

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>Trailer starts
>"uh. Dixie?"
>Jiggy bounces across screen
>"I'm imagining things. I'm just seeing what I want to see. That wasn't a Jiggy"
>Kazooie's shadow
>"no. I won't get my hopes up"
>Banjo/Kazooie silhouette

I won't front, I was the biggest onions onions Bing Bing wahoo manchild for the rest of the day

God damn my face hurt for like an hour after the high came down because I was smiling so much.

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>there was a stevefag who preemptively made a thread making fun banjobros, the stupid thing >reached the bump limit with OP BTFO
good times

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>Utter disbelief because I had convinced myself it was never going to happen

Can someone explain this to me? Why would an N64 icon be impossible? The only thing keeping him out was he hasn't had a game in like 10 years, and hasn't had a good game in 20.

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Sakurai once said something like "franchises that have no future are rarely considered." So that on top of belonging to Microsoft made Banjo seem unthinkable.

The biggest reason was because Nintendo's direct competitor, Microsoft, owned the IP. There was also
>Rare's disinterest in the series
>hasn't had a game since 2008
>before Banjo there were 0 western owned IPs in Smash
>the fact that if Microsoft were to get involved in Smash, people assumed it would be Chief or Steve
and there's also

The fact that Microsoft owns him you fucking idiot

Banjo's trailer was great and all, but what did you guys feel when you refreshed the site and saw this?

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An odd quiet sentimental feeling of joy where I went stiff and breathed strangely.

Not as surprised as I thought I'd be. I never played Banjo so I didn't really care. Happy for Banjofags though.

Even with the leaks I still wasn't really expecting it so I flipped out. I didn't really care if he got in or not, but I always considered Banjo super unlikely so I was really shocked. The love shown for the series in the trailer melted my icy heart.

1, he's a MS character and it wasn't really clear if Nintendo and MS where chummy enough to do something like this

2, if they where, Steve would have made more sense from a corporate perspective cause he's the hottest shit among the kids these days

>go to grant's twitter immediately after the direct
>he posted a video of him sitting at his computer with a smug ass grin holding a banjo doll
>"we're home"

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He only found out in February.


I wonder if we'll get any Japanese composer arrangements of BK songs


>Jiggy jumps across screen

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>Sony when? Please save Kat from that hell
You know the situations are nowhere near similar.

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I knew about a split second before the jiggy bounced across as soon as I realized it was all Rare characters. But then I was operating from a “could this trailer possibly be for Banjo?” mindset

But I was grinning like an idiot and immediately jumped on here to take part in the blowout

literally the first non-jap to get to do an arrange afaik
that's a pretty fucking big honor considering how xenophobic-lite Japanese are when it comes to this

>tfw missed the jiggy because a distraction happened for like four seconds, just heard the noise of it bouncing by
>got the full surprise experience

Of course he lied, he was under NDA.
You know who else is lying?

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>villains trailer plays again
>"huh? another villain? who could it be?"
>jiggy bounces by
>pic related

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Sony would probably rather burn their entire company down to the ground that give Nintendo anything even if you could argue it benefits them too

This is the only anime swordsman that I'll tolerate in Smash.

You have to hand it to whoever directed these reveal trailers.
The K. Rool fakeout was pretty funny to begin with, but retreading it with Banjo was absolutely fantastic.

I was at work, so I had to contain my emotions, but I nearly cried tears of joy when I saw them. I always preferred Banjo-Kazooie to Mario and Zelda as a kid, and I always wondered why they didn’t put them in Melee. It was always sad to me to see the franchise and characters neglected and forgotten, since the two Banjo-Kazooie games were flagship entries in the N64 library. Seeing them in Smash after 20 years of waiting gives me hope that we’ll someday see Banjo-Threeie.

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>Finally Steveposting can just die
There are still two empty character DLC slots left ya know. More than enough for MC Stevie

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Fuck them for making me think for a half-second that we were actually getting Porky or Sephiroth though

>anime swordsman
He's an otaku luchador with a laser sword

Completely missed the Jiggy because i was too busy paying attention to K. Rool sleeping. Had a slight chuckle at them reusing the same gag with the duck hunt dog. That was about it i honestly dont care about banjo and never played the games. There are FAR worse characters that could have gotten in the game though.

I can't believe Garcian is in, bros...

Pretty sure Grant confirmed that other Banjo-Kazooie arragements would be left to Japanese composers.

I didn't really care but I was glad others were happy with it

i was watching the trailer with someone else after not having slept the previous night, after seeing the DQ rep video i thought that was it. then the next smash reveal trailer for banjo started and i had no clue what to expect. i didn't even process the jiggy bouncing until the person next to me pointed out a jiggy just bounced. the next couple of seconds until banjo showed up felt like time slowed down as i began to realize banjo just got into smash.

at this point i'm not picky about who gets in anymore, the never ever trio is in and that's all that matters

The last two will be Sora from Kingdom Hearts and Solaire of Astora

This is the first western composer to be featured in a Smash game:

>t was when E3 had moved to Atlanta [1997]. Nintendo had a party in a museum, and we all got hideously drunk. I saw [Rare founder] Tim Stamper talking to Miyamoto, and I introduced myself as the composer of Banjo-Kazooie, totally drunk. He just looked at me with the blankest expression, he couldn’t tell what I was saying. A while later, I was in the bathroom—and this is embarrassing—I was trying to pull down [Donkey Kong 64 designer] George Andreas’ trousers for a joke. I was on my knees and I looked up to see Miyamoto staring down at me. That was the last time I spoke to him.

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same as K.Rool, exasperated wheezing and jumping with a stupid ass grin on my face.

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>Villian pics montage
>"Huh. Wonder what villain they'll be adding."
>Jiggy flies by
>"Oh shit I missed that what was that--sounded like a coin?"
>Banjo & Kazooie silhouette
>Genuine smile on my face
>"Oh they actually got in! Holy shit that's cool. Banjo bros are gonna' be happy."



>lied for years
Sakurai said the DLC was finalized and chosen by Nintendo around Ultimate's release. Not only that, but Grant himself said he was contacted by Nintendo only a few months ago, and wasn't told about what he was expected to work on for some time.

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I truly have no words for how happy I was. Even when the leak had credibility my instincts and past experiences told me to prepare for disappointment. Hell, even when the jiggy bounced i couldn't believe it, it might've been a piece of a golden banana or something, maybe they decided to put the silhouette and all we get is duck hunt trolling us not revealing anything just to fuck with us because why not. I was so conditioned to be discouraged and so used to disappointment when it came to this franchise that when the bear and bird dropped down and the title card was revealed my brain shut down to the point and I was screaming and crying with joy so much that I didn't even pay attention to the moveset and missed the trailer to BOTW 2. I have finally remembered what hope and joy genuinely feel like and Sakurai will always have my gratitude for potentially helping to bring life into a franchise that has been dead to me for so many fucking years. Pic related is to all of the anons that have died waiting for our friends to come back home.

plus my favorite pick getting in motivated me to try to get into dragon quest so that is another positive.

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I didn't care for Banjo that much, but good for the people that finally got him. His moveset looks interesting tho. I was more weirded out with K. Rool chilling in DK's house. The Duck Hunt bit was pretty good. But it was all worth it or gif related.

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fucking excited as all hell

Heh, cool.

>Friend was busy and couldn't actively watch the direct, only check skype occasionally
>Previous day we're discussing who's going to be revealed
>His heart is fucking dead-set on Banjo
>I warn him to temper his expectations, but he's having none of it
>Decide fuck it, why not, give myself over to the hype Banjo's going to be in
>The direct begins
>Smash right out the gate
>Asks me if it's Banjo
>"... You sure you don't want to wait until we can both watch?"
>Says he just wants to know if it's Banjo
>"No. It's dragon quest guy. And like... three costumes of other dragon quest characters, I think?"
>Can read the fucking disappointment in his response
>Direct continues
>Dungeon builder in links awakening cheers him up because he's a massive Zelda autist
>Direct's basically over
>"Well, to be fair, Erdrick WAS among the costumes. Some leaks said both Erdrick and- oh shit more smash!"
>Jiggy bounces across the screen
>"OH SHIT, OH SHIT, user!"
>"More smash?"
>Send him a screenshot
>We're both losing our shits
>Then fucking Breath of the Wild 2
>Loses his shit harder
>Tells me to stop talking he wanted to see that trailer for himself
>Check Yea Forums
>Oh shit right Yea Forums's gonna be unusuable for a few days
>Laugh at that one stevefag thread made just after the dragon quest reveal
It was a good day

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>Laugh at that one stevefag thread made just after the dragon quest reveal
Is there a pic or archive of this?

What's even sweeter is that this shoves a massive piece of shit at the spurgs and memelords who creamed their jammies whenever they said "BanJo's JusT a DuCk HuNt clOnE! NeVeR EveR!!" I was mostly happy to see them get in with so much love. The utter annihilation of the haters and Stevefags was just the perfect salty seasoning to this buffet of winning.

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I was the guy that wanted Jak and Daxter, and honestly I don't feel as BTFO as stevefags. Banjo boomers got their never ever, and I still can play as a dynamic duo. Still if they revealed Jak and Daxter, I would never play another character again.

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I wanted him in, but I didn't really feel excited by the reveal. Probably because he came after Joker, which threw me for a loop and a half. Who the fuck would ever think Persona 5 would be involved so Banjo was just like "Yeah, why the fuck not."

I like the character a lot, but his moveset seems whatever. Hero's moveset looks way more fun.

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The game feels like shit I want to play Slap City instead.

then go do that why did you even open this thread

I wanna suck them toes

"No fucking way...they actually fucking did it." When the Jiggy bounced by. Followed by idiotic grinning and giggling through the whole thing.
The rest was a teary nostalgia trip because of the song.

I wished it didn't happen for the sole reason that it broke Yea Forums. I own smash and play but there were other cool switch games I liked that got shown.

Freaked the fuck it at first but then, but quiet satisfaction
Knowing in the end my childhood favorite game is back and haters got BTFO
it feels so fucking good

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bittersweet, happy a piece of nintendo's history is back home but also disappointed I can't troll banjofags anymore
60% good 40% not good so overall good

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Because I'm disappointed by this game and I want to talk about it :c

>Jak and daxter
Fucking chad

but you just said you want to go play slap city so why dont you go do that again. go kick someones ass with that duck man or something.

I immediately began shitposting on Yea Forums

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If it means anything Jak and Daxter would've been badass.

I wanted to play Slap when I saw this revealand I did. Right now I'm working on computer problems.

Nintendo needs to not only buy Banjo from Microsoft but they need to buy Jak from Sony too. Naughty "We don't use the word fun" Dog is incapable of making another Jak game without killing the series further than it already is. Imagine if Nintendo was in charge of a Jak IV. They could make it so Jak is going back to the past with the classic collectathon gameplay, and going to the future with GTA style missions. They could address many plotholes introduced in Jak 3, and also explain basic things we should know like who his mom was. Two open interconnected worlds with shit to do besides looking for green eggs on a timer would be GOTY. Of course this is never going to happen, and Sony is either going to let the series rot, or make an ungodly sequel that makes Jak transgender, and changes Daxters voice actor to Eddie Murphy.

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He did. the absolute madman did it.

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Are you me? That’s the exact same reaction i had, the grinch leak destroyed all my hopes and seeing him in so much as another video game still puts me in a state of disbelief, i never thought smash could make me happy ever again after that december direct, but man did sakurai prove me wrong

>"Oh, nice."

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>Grant Kirkhope is now forever cemented as the first non-Japanese composer to do a new arrangement for a Smash Bros. game
Not even David Wise got to do one for K. Rool, that's some shit.

I just want to play a new game but i don't want actual rare to touch the IP.

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>Those little sneak in melodies from each of the B-K worlds

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Perhaps retro could work in that shit? Maybe enlist some guidance by the Playtonic lads and grab Grant to do music since the madman still loves making Banjo-kazooie music.

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Which ones do you hear? I heard Treasure Trove Cove, Rusty Bucket Bay and maybe Gobi's valley but I cant quite put my finger down on the others.

is dk using his sm4sh model here? that doesn't look like ultimate dk

I honestly thought that it was going to be Gruntilda.

Does anybody have the story of when he met Miyamoto? Drunk as shit and undressing a coworker in the bathroom?

In this order after about halfway
>Treasure Trove Cove
>Freezeezy Peak
>Grunty's Tower
>Gobi's Valley
>Rusty Bucket Bay
There's probably the others in the portion that's after the fade out, this is probably only like a third of the song going by the trailer and what the other songs uploaded ended up becoming.


I giggled like a crazy person and probably rewatched the trailer six times.

Unexpected but happy, wanted him since N64, im just a pessimist so i never expected it to actually happen.

Because everyone was constantly putting absurd rules and making fun of the people who wante it.

>No nintendo ip
>No Actual Games
>Dead Franchise
>Never Ever
>Not relevant

But in the end the bird and bear are in smash
nothing could me make this happy
im still in disbelief.

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Cried happy tears, like seeing an old friend again.

Thanks fellas. I miss this Rare

>Miyamoto staring down at me.

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The second i saw the jiggy is the second i was on cloud nine

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Thanks, user! I've been raking my brain trying to find the segments. Knowing Grant he'd stick in 3-4 more bits. Hell the mad bastard made Banjo-land one of the most Kino tracks in Nuts & Bolts.

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I got choked up and kept saying "holy shit" over and over
happiest I've felt in a long time

None of the dlc characters have been interesting to me

It wasn't that surprising, and I don't really care one way or the other about Banjo himself, so I didn't really care.

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>Someone posting the twitter feed
>He began playing the music, took a banjo kazooie doll and said "Banjo...Kazooie...Were home!"
Absolute fucking kino.

Holy fuck my sides. This makes it even better

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This is why nothing they'll ever do will ever take the joy out of this victory. All their bullshit was flung right back at them after all the garbage they flung before. They were wrong, and no amount of shitposting will ever erase that fact.

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>Playtonic lads
They might as well get that guidance from the A hat in time crew, or get the original boys back together and kick those that shat up what made BK good for YL

>Yea Forums is gonna explode!
Yes, I'm that guy

>Zoomers pretending to be boomers and reddit are going to love this
Yea Forums is nothing but newfags now. You literally killed all interest in posting in Yea Forums smash threads. Good luck to nintendo when all the so called Banjo fans demand whatever the echo chamber that the nu-smash community thinks is a good idea to add to smash now.

You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation

>New villain. Porky?
>DK? But...
>King K... RARE
>Rest of the trailer is just "He's in, he's in, I can't believe he's in!"

Felt magical. Didn't even see the jiggy.

I mentioned Playtonic because a lot of the Glory days Rare boys now work for Playtonic. Hat in time peeps would be sick though.

Steve has been reborn.
You'll get assist trophy'd next time, banjocucks

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It's strange because he hasn't had any new games in ages. And this won't quarantee any either.
But it makes other people happy, so I guess it's alright.

if you think ridley or k rool weren't based you are a banjo bandwagoner

please post the link

I was watching with friends and I was the first one to make the RareWare connection when I saw K. Rool. I immediately shouted "it's Banjo!" and the rest or my friends joined me with the hooting and hollering.

>false flagging this hard

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You know i kinda wish that back at development both yooka and laylee has been girls.
Yooka design as his name sound and look more girly to me.
Also it would be good to not entirely copy banjo kazooie to that extent and give room to more creativity
But im happy that they are making more games about that pair.
and that they were not asking for more money like several kikestarters is a good feeling.
maybe they improve over time.

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We did have Banjo Threeie, it just wasn't good as a Banjo game. Fun game overall tho

*hides this thread, which slipped through my Smash filters*

welcome home boys

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You never know, they might be working on a new game. They were planning a new Kid Icarus game around the time Pit was announced for Brawl.

It's a stretch but I think Click Clock Wood's spring is in the introduction of the song.

I jumped up and shouted "NO FUCKING WAY" when the jiggy bounced. Then I had the biggest grin on my face the rest of the vid. I teared right the fuck up when I saw Grant's vid of him saying they were home though.

I haven't' played smash since gamecube so I didn't give a fuck.

I don't give a shit about Banjo but I was happy for everyone who really wanted him. To me it seemed like lots of people didn't really believe he'd be in when he always seemed like the safest guess for DLC. The trailer was also pretty well done, I enjoyed it.

My heart sank for a moment when i heard it, because i couldn't fucking believe what i was seeing. Then i saw the attention to detail (And how fucking good Kazooie's model was) and it finally clicked that "it's not a joke, it's real...holy fuck it's real...this BETTER mean a new game Nintendo!"

Shocked and so fucking happy.
Really fun trailer with the Rare characters all together, and the ending shot with Banjo and Kazooie striking a pose in front of the other characters was pure kino.

I'm also glad that both Erdwick and Banjo got into Smash so that the Stevefags can fuck off. They've tried to come back with different shitpost characters to root for but not nearly as annoying as before E3.

>More DK
>Are we getting Cranky or Dixie?
>Was that a Jiggy going through the screen?
>Oh it's Banjo, okay. -_-

>What was your reaction?
So many cute foot pics are gonna come out of this.

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Forgot to add, after i was done watching the direct, i immediately googled what most smashtubers reactions would be. Then came to Yea Forums to see the fallout

those toe beans...

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Happiest I've been in a long fucking time, it was probably the highlight of my whole year. I'm still on cloud 9. I missed Banjo so much.

The way he squeezed his toes down in the trailer at the camera drove me crazy. I really was happy to see a clear foot shot in there. I'm glad so many artists had the same idea as me. In fall I'll be deep in the camera viewer under Banjo.

I liked it. I don't think the way they announced it could have been any better. I'm also really happy minecraft didn't get in

I smiled but ultimately I don’t give a fuck. I don’t play party games.


user im not saying anything but some things hints at a new game.
>That part in the reveal were banjo was about to enter grunty lair
>Amazon germany leaked a possible new game.

I bet it's a remake to test the waters.

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“Isn’t that the banjo guy? Ok”

Honestly that picture just felt like a big welcome back. Smash, I feel, has evolved into a celebration of video games rather than a party fighter amongst a companies big shots. It feels like the only place video game characters can be what they just are, video game characters, and Banjo’s trailer just made me feel that way. Not to be a sappy fag or anything, but I just felt like a lot of love went into the trailer

It's the amiibo.


It's basically like Unreal Tournament's lore about big companies doing competitive combat recreationally as a sport, but with a lot more companies, and no gore.

>First reaction was yelling FUCKING FINALLY WELCOME HOME!
And then i went
>...holy shit there's gonna be so much Kazooie porn finally....

>seg dog

The crux of Steveposting was the idea that he'd get in instead of Banjo. Banjo getting in has utterly obliterated that, there's a reason all Steve threads now just get a handful of replies making fun of them and then die.

We need a successor to subspace emissary to utilize all the characters together. Like an MCU kind of thing. Fleshed out personalities, interactions, and gameplay approaches.

It could be that or a sliver of the main theme.

>That part in the reveal were banjo was about to enter grunty lair
That was just an obvious nod to the camera pan and music change when you start walking the bridge in B-K, just like the giant Ivysaur pancakes stint at the end.

>just like the giant Ivysaur pancakes stint at the end
That really should've been snake sleeping instead

All those characters in the back played an integral part in Nintendo's history even Sonic for the Nintendo vs. Sega rivalry and eventual partnership, this is like it's saying that Banjo-Kazooie is just as important to the company as these other series.

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>That son of a bitch

>meta knight
>bowser jr
>cpt falcon
nice integral part of history faggot

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>Trailer starts
>Villain slideshow
>Sakurai said something about being a fake are they hinting at metal sonic
>Cut to Kong's tree house
>I'm getting Deja Vu, we've done this before
>Another Donkey Kong character?
>I mistook the jiggy for K Rool's crown
>Start screaming and shouting like a Basedboy cuck
>Banjo revealed as duck hunt
>It's not Banjo
>Get mad for getting my hopes up
>Banjo kicks duck hunt in the face
>Scream and freak out like a Basedboy cuck even louder
>I never thought I'd ever see him again
>Ignore move set as i'm so excited
>Direct ends
>I'm still exited and I needed to calm down

>oh ok he's in

I don't particularly care about them.
I knew it was impossible, but I wished the trailer stopped on duck hunt, like a fuck you to leaker and all, but that's too "mean" to do I guess.

>Confusion for a brief moment seeing the villain line-up again, thought we might've been getting Porky
>See DK yawn and realise that's obviously not what it is
>See K. Rool on the floor and immediately know exactly what's about to happen
>See the Jiggy
>Gif related is me for the rest of the trailer

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>Actually nonironically falling for the fakeout
>The fakeout that was replicated 1:1 basically from the K. Rool trailer he recognized
Are people actually this stupid?

Yes. Watch reaction videos and people get angry over it all the time.

Why is DA CUNT facing the wrong way?

Prob but basically it was just a paragraph about how stupid people were for ever even thinking Banjo could get in, basically what you'd expect.

I was happy for the Banjofriends who got their dream character in finally, and although I haven't ever played it myself I was super excited to see him finally in just because he looks so faithful to his series. It looked like everything was crafted with love, and no matter what it is, that just makes me happy.
After the fact, i also got pretty happy at what this could mean for Ninty and MS's relationship now, which opened up a breadth of new possibilities. On top of that, I'd be stoked if another MS IP got in as DLC, like Halo or Minecraft. I know you guys are prolly tired of the grotesque Steveposting and shit, but I genuinely do like Minecraft and wouldn't mind getting a character or stage for it in smash; but I won't whine if it doesn't happen. I'm just glad we already have what we have.

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K. Rool had his 'treasure' stolen by Joker in Joker's reveal. In P5 this would mean removing the 'malice' from his heart, so naturally in the next trailer he's DK's friend.
Smash 4's trophy description even hinted at it.
>North America Whereas Mario often squares off against Bowser, Donkey Kong must fight against King K. Rool. He's a big croc with a big attitude...and a tiny crown. He probably could have been Donkey Kong's most trustworthy animal friend. Think he'll ever have a change of heart? Not likely.
>Think he'll ever have a change of heart?

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“He doesn’t deserve it”

>"They're not actually putting K. Rool in???"
>"What??? It was Duck Hunt?? They're not putting in Banjo?!"
Fucking really?

Fuck I just got done shit talking a guy at the beginning of the direct about Erdrick getting in and Banjo being never ever
Meh. The music is nice I guess

Damn, didn't know there were non-obnoxious stevefags out there

I figured it was Banjo from second one. The re-use of K.Rools trailer just kinda grabbed me for some reason.

If I'm being honest I was talking to someone over discord so didn't catch the Jiggy so that slipped me. Had a big smile on my face the entire time and actually shed a tear. Prior I didn't care if he got in but I didn't realize just how much I missed him.

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Damn, Smash lore is deep.

They were just tired from having a DBZ fight and went inside to chill. They're relationship is practically Mario Kart tier now.

They're all from N64 or earlier franchises even if they debuted later

>Mario (Arcade)
>Mother (NES)
>DK (Arcade)
>Kirby (GB)
>Animal Crossing (64)
>Ice Climbers (NES)
>Zelda (NES)
>Star Fox (SNES)
>Wario (GB)
>Sonic (Sega)
The one exception is Inkling, which is odd until you look at what number Inkling is.

Evil never dies

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once I saw the jiggy I started jumping up and down screaming and nearly shat myself

The fact that Microsoft's name is in the credits instead of Rareware irritates me.

Does the Inkling feel out of place there to anyone else? The other characters there are, or come from more classic series. She sticks out to me

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Honestly something Minecraft themed could be pretty creative. Stage hazards, intractable blocks, stage theme switching between the three worlds while the stage is a differently rearranged setup each time. It would be neat to see. But holy fuck all the drama this past year's completely caused a schism.

>30 years old, still game as a hobby
>I've written off Banjo as a thing. Growing older and seeing console wars and all that just prepared me for the fact he was dead.
>Character Wishlist threads constantly asking for him have me roll my eyes
>Just want something cool like Wonder Red or whatever, at least he was kind of recent so he has a better chance
>Realize he won't happen either
>Don't really know who I want because a lot of my choices are what I called Banjo tier of never-ever
>"I wish people would shut up about Banjo. Dude is gone and honestly he's not THAT important anyway"
>Trailer happens
>I can't fucking believe what I'm seeing
>Get misty eyed to the music
>Fucking seriously have I been lying to myself for all the years or something
>Genuine swell of joy in my chest as I can't fucking believe a character from my childhood got revived.

Grant is owed all the props in the world. The reveal music is what really REALLY got to me. I have this awful feeling he's going to be shit tier but I don't care.

As soon as I saw the trailer starting I knew they were coming and went batshit crazy

>which is odd until you look at what number Inkling is
Holy shit that's clever

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>I have this awful feeling he's going to be shit tier but I don't care.
I'm fairly certain they make DLC characters viable at the very least, and broken at the most early on. Otherwise people wouldn't buy them to play them.

I’ll never be able to talk about the n64 games again without shit like haha kazooie poop on me haha because of this. Forever tainted by zoomers and their miimiis


Enjoyed the games when I was younger but not to the extent that I would lose my shit over this. It played like every other collect-a-thon at the time

I did

well I mean, if you spend too much time on Yea Forums that's kinda inevitable in all honestly; this place is the hive of terrible Steve shitposters.
I just think it's a charming little game with a lot to pull from!

Totally, I think it could be really unique in Smash's setting. Funnily enough, while the shitposting here on Yea Forums has gotten worse than it's ever been, everywhere else I look more people are returning to Minecraft as genuine fans. It's kind of heartwarming

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>The one exception is Inkling, which is odd until you look at what number Inkling is.
They really planned this out long term, didn't they

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When the jiggy came out, I just started laughing uncontrollably, I didn't even know how to react.

>The one exception is Inkling, which is odd until you look at what number Inkling is.

Wait that is agent number

Oh my god.

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>Can act out of Shock Spring Jump
>Wonderwing seemingly gives total invincibility (and will probably still be good regardless of what the catch is)
>Projectile game looks solid
>Grenade shitting shenanigans
>Potential disjoint on moves that use Kazooie
They'll be decent at worst, guaranteed.

nice trips

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I know plant was free for a grace period but isn't he considered total shit?

>Dedede and Meta Knight both antagonists/nemeses/antiheros and later deuteragonists of the Kirby franchise
>Wario being the anti-mario since the gameboy, Wario Land and Wario Ware franchise builder
>bowser Jr becoming a separate character in the GC era and becoming a secondary villiain since
>shitty arcade rep, i'l give you that one
>Nintendo's answer to "lol mario kratt is slow" ads from SEGA in the 90's
He's got a point with the integral part, you're just too fucking stupid to see it.

>I was more weirded out with K. Rool chilling in DK's house
So I hear everybody saying this, and I'm not familiar with the rivalry between the kongs and krool since I didn't play the DKC games. Why is it weird? Is it not like Mario and Bowser?

I think plant might've been Melee Pichu 2. Meanwhile Joker is dominating from what I hear.

Yah I mean there's not that much content or games out there depicting them hanging out so I guess it was just kind of jarring. Fits with the humor of Smash though, didn't really bother me too much


Tbh i felt nostalgic as fuck when i started seeing the moveset animations. Still wont be buying it since i dont give a shit about smash

First game K. Rool is in he tries stealing the entire banana horde to try and force the Kongs into starvation, fracks the shit out of the mountainside for metals, refines them and manufactures weapons and materials at his factory which he designed so it'd spew heavy pollution into the surrounding forest and lake, melted the ice and snow from the mountain tops (that's why there weren't any ice levels in Donkey Kong 64 or Donkey Kong Country Returns), and then in a last ditch effort was going to bombard the island with his ship's cannons destroying as much as possible. That's all canon in DKC1 too.
What'd Bowser do in his first game, turned some midgets into boxes while failing to get laid?

It fit. K. Rool and diddy kong first appeared in a Rare game

>Character gets K.O.'d
>Splash text in the bottom left saying how they died or got K.O.'d

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Turned the midgets into bricks but otherwise you're spot on.

To be fair, turning them into boxes would make it harder to get laid with them.

This shit just feels complete.

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K. Rool is a slightly more sinister character than Bowser. Outside of Sluggers he's never portrayed as being "frenemies" with DK, and none of the games he's in portray him with any sort of "hidden depth" or positive qualities, which Bowser has.
Of course this is obviously due to the Rare buyout leaving the character with no real room for expansion since DK 64, where Bowser was equally as 2-dimensional. In an alternate universe K. Rool probably has just as much characterization as Bowser, if not more.

Give me one good reason a Metal Slug character wouldn't be perfect

>variety of easy skins
>random crate spawning on a timer or something; laser gun, ammo for weapons (can be stolen)
>blade neutrals
>rocket launcher up air
>shotgun forward smash
>machine gun down air
>Gun/grenades/parachute on specials
>Metal slug tank final smash, prisoners appear at the end to drop a weapon crate and some HP
>map has a boss tank that rolls in and has random secrets that can be shot to drop food items

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>In an alternate universe K. Rool probably has just as much characterization as Bowser, if not more.

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because i want an advance wars rep

"Oh, the leak were real I guess, neat"

Alright, thanks. Paints a clearer picture. I had a feeling there was less rivalry and more enemy vibe. Maybe Smash is giving K.Rool that personality you mentioned.

>"franchises that have no future are rarely considered."
>rarely considered
he was a guarantee then

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That'd be magnificent, though most likely if they did do that it would be whenever Steve died.
Imagine how he'd be interpreted in the trailer animations; they can make a huge joke out of Steve being entirely deadpan about everything, kind of just minding his own business the hole time one of the only time his deadpan expression would be in a taunt, in which he hears a hissing sound and freaks out

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I know that Joker disqualifies the "real guns aren't allowed" argument (even though Joker's gun technically isn't real) but I still doubt you'd have a character straight-up firing a shotgun.
That aside, a MS character would be great and fit into the game well, even if it's pretty much impossible.

add the 4 secret characters, mewtwo, bowser, dedede and marth, and you have the entire planned smash 64 roster

In an alternate universe you might get laid lmao

I don't get it? Thanos? 6000?

"Nice. The leaks were right after all. Also the Stevefags are gonna lose their shit so bad."

>but I still doubt you'd have a character straight-up firing a shotgun
God, this is why I need the Doom Slayer in Smash so badly

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so much potential

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this would suit Doug's face more.

Hot damn, I didn't know that. Also I don't got a program to add to that.

Not doing a lot of good toward the hole "steve fanbase" situation

...fuck, i swear it was an accident

>see donkey kong
>get hyped that funky kong is finally in smash
>see the jiggy go by
>"oh its banjo"

Attached: disappointment.gif (180x240, 1.12M)

actually that whole second part was a giant typo. I meant
>one of the only times his expression is broken is when [...]

For sure was hyped, but cos I'm not a spastic hungry for attention I didn't scream like aaaa fucking autist. I let out one whoop but aside from that I was grinning from ear to ear and when the music was released I just put that one track on repeat for an hour.

I was pretty surprised since I thought Nintendo was far too bitter and stubborn to put a first party they lost to a competitor on their system. I also stopped watching the Direct half way through to go to the park, and made sure not to spoil it for myself by coming here (though I didn’t expect their to be anything to spoil)

Were Steveposters even genuine? I thought it was all trolling/irony from the start, especialy with that deliberately awful model.

This entire thread is fucking cringe

>Oh shit another villain
>Porky leaks are real!
>Wait are they playing the wrong trailer?

Attached: bocc.jpg (40x40, 1K)

Your entire life is fucking cringe

Then kindly remove yourself from Yea Forums so the cringe levels would lower to acceptable levels.

It's amazing how such benign things can turn into what are basically cults, and even more amazing how many people will rally behind something bad because it makes a different group of people angry.

>The Hero
Well you are suppose to name the main character.

As with most things, it started ironically and then a load of autists got way too into it.

Oh hey cool, Banjo's in that game I don't even play.

>The one exception is Inkling, which is odd until you look at what number Inkling is.
Sakurai with the quadruple digit iq plays

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>Slapped my knee a little when I saw the jiggy
>Let out a little "oooohh"
>Remained seated with a smile
>Because I'm not a fucking chimp dancing for e-dollars

he looks like hes wearing a giant diaper, cringe.

Interesting. I have no idea why reading your infantile reaction makes me want to punch someone but I do. Very hard too.

What do you mean by number? I don’t own smash btw

>shiteater thinks “diaper” every time he sees a pair of shorts

idk why, prob hindsight bias, but the thought that you legitimately were expecting a Funky reveal is hilarious to me rn

go to the smash website and check the list of fighters

t. diaperfag

"Oh cool banjo guys did it"

Then I continued to cry because I'm an unironic waluigifag.

My first reaction was to come here and laugh at the Stevecucks until the site died.
Now I'm looking forward to playing him because those animations looked nice as fuck.