Everyone who says they aren’t buying these games are lying. No matter how much we protest, we are all still going to buy and play the games and then come online and complain or act like we didn’t. Just about every person that owns a Switch will buy Sword or Shield. It’s the next must have title. THIS IS AN UNAVOIDABLE FACT.
Everyone who says they aren’t buying these games are lying. No matter how much we protest...
Well, I'm not.
I'm not lying. I don't even own a switch.
but i dont own a switch and i dont drink soilent either
Are you projecting?
I was planning on it until treehouse.
Now if I bother wasting money on it, I'll get a used copy. I don't even own a Switch but if I get one it'll be for Astral Chain and Animal Crossing, not Pokemon. They can stay on their comfy pelago island resort.
>being a fucking adult and playing pokemon
No I won't. Fuck you.
I also didn't buy Gen VII.
Not everyone is a stupid cuck with no self restraint like you OP.
I'm not, there's tons of shit to play. I skipped gen 6 and I had nothing against these games, I just hadn't bought a 3DS yet. Now I have a reason to skip it, so it's even easier
I didn't buy Let's Go. or either version of Sun/Moon sooo yeah...
Thanks emulation :)
the pokemon series has a lot of potential but gamefreak keeps pissing it down the toilet with nearly every single title
the mainline series has achieved greatness a few times throughout the course of its history, but for every one of those games there's two or three entries varying from middling to complete trash and the series hasn't had a truly great title in seven years
Would it be safer to just keep all my Pokemon on Sun right now, where they all currently are?
>X was okay but something felt off about it after coming off of how great Black 2 was, chalked it up as to being Gamefreak's first mainline 3D game so it wouldn't be perfect
>ORAS took more from Ruby/Sapphire than from Emerald, no Battle Frontier and a whole lot of other things just made it seem like less of a remake than HGSS
>Sun being both super linear and hand-holding put me off from pokemon for the rest of the gen, outright ignored USUM completely
>Gave zero fucks about Let's Go Pee because I stopped giving a shit about Pokemon GO long before Johto pokemon were ever added
>>X was okay
>>the pokemon series has a lot of potential
No, it doesn't. It's never had any, the series has NEVER had a decent game, because it's an RPG series designed for children, it's cripplingly easy, the plot is about as interesting as watching paint dry, and the combat animations are lazy.
I get it, when you were 10 whatever Pokemon game came out at the time was the best thing ever. I really liked Blue, hell, I even owned fucking Yellow. But you really should've grown up.
I skipped gen 7, glad I did because while gen 8 looked better out the gate, they fucked up again
>Everyone who says they aren’t buying these games are lying
Kek, I haven't bought a Pokémon Game since XY and that's was only because I can't hack the 3DS at the time. LGPE wasn't even worth pirating, and Sword and shit looks even fucking worst.
>I really liked Blue, hell, I even owned fucking Yellow
Literally worst games after Sword and Shield, you fucking retard lmao
>tfw saving for a switch to get the game
I'm not, I haven't bought a pokemon game since I was 14, because I'm not a gigantic faggot and that isn't changing now.
XY did a lot of things that the series couldn't have feasibly done before the transition to 3d, I think it was more of an experimental/growing pains type of game rather than a 3d take on a normal pokemon game
the focus on customization/fashion afforded by a player model, interacting with pokemon more directly than before because they exist in a 3d space, etc.
XY definitely did some things I wish they'd carry over into new games, most notably the stadium training minigames letting you actually EV train in a way that isn't running from battles and using consumables
thanks for the reply user, really means a lot
If we're speifically talking about "right now" then yeah, no point in putting them in the bank. Home won't even be out when Sword and Shield release.
I've stopped playing pokemon since x and y but what's wrong with not wanting to buy something because it's not going to be enjoyable?
Reminder the best pokemon game was the one you played as a kid, 10 years from now we will have people on this board fondly remembering S&S, and you really should stop taking this game series for literal children seriously.
nah im good
i don't think I'll miss much
I bought everything up to ORAS, but skipped Sun and Moon because I was sick of the downward slide the series was in.
Pokemon will get my money back when Gamefreak starts fucking trying. I loved the franchise but I'm not supporting this crap, especially now that it's $60.
>Everyone who says they aren’t buying these games are lying. No matter how much we protest, we are all still going to buy and play the games and then come online and complain or act like we didn’t
These are the words of either
>a brainwashed consumer
>a person who’s justifying his purchase of a low quality game with bad reasoning
>all of the above
Seriously man, you guys cannot expect something to change if you continue to spend money on it. Why do you even want the game anyway? Looks like absolute low effort garbage.
Do you actually buy games that you don't want? Are you soft in the head?
Does project64 automatically upscale games?
I haven’t bought a pokemon game since I was 12 and I’m not starting now.
Maybe I’ll play it if the switch ends up with a decent emulator.
>ea says speak with your wallet
>everyone assumes this exact arguement
>no one buys the new battlefield
People do have limits to what they'll take from corporate abuse. Sales are definitely gonna drop a lot
I'm not because I never cared about pokemon
>then why post in this thread?
>"Everyone who says they aren’t buying these games are lying."
Based Pokeshill
I bought a game in every gen from R/B to X/Y. That doesn't mean was was willing to accept slop like S/Ms no gym battles. I'm certainly not going to accept less pokemon and a supersize me gimmick.
Go back to your containment board.
It's not that they're lying, it's just Yea Forums and /vp/ represent such a microscopic percentage of the Pokémon-buying public at large. The moms Christmas shopping this Black Friday aren't going to give any shit about the national dex or whatever it is they're currently going apeshit over.
Im not you weak willed faggot
>didnt buy ORAS because they turned out to be shit
>didnt buy SM
>didnt buy USUM
>didnt buy LGPE
This isnt any different, and if they think people like arent pilling up they are mistaken
>well the children will buy it
The children already make the smaller majority of pokemon buyers, and those numbers arent growing, if they keep this bullshit up even Pokemon will start to choke.
>no gym battles
Totem pokemon and Island Kahunas
Of course we won't, nigger
I don't even own a switch.
Good thing I don't have a Switch then.
Was planning to buy one for SwSh and AC but now I have no desire to at all.
Last Pokemon game I owned was Blue and my parents bought it for me because I was 10. Last game I played was Pokemon Snap but my mother rented it from Hollywood Video. I like checking out and posting in S&S threads because it's a funnny trainwreck and Pokecucks need to be bullycided.
user, we've heard people like you say this every year now, that this new entry is the death of Pokemon and it's dying, blah, blah, blah, and yet it keeps selling.
This board and /vp/ cried and cried about Let's Go and it ended up selling over ten million despite being a $60 console game on a system with a much smaller install base than the 3DS.
Put up or shut up. I'm tired of this Boy Who Cried Wolf routine, when I see Sword/Shield fail to sell 10+ million in 2019, then I'll believe you, until then, nah.
>BUYing things is radical!
>you should FIGHT THE SYSTEM by BUYing things!
>Show all these nerds and conformists on Yea Forums how COOL you are by BUYing our products!
Are part of a list of things titled 'not gym battles'. Now you have to go back.
>half the thread is people saying they don't own a switch
>posting LGPE
You know this game got stuck at at 10million units right? It has been a whole fucking year. These motherfuckers had KAAAAAAANTOOOOOOO and nostalgia behind them, SS doesnt, but hey, deniers will keep going until it happens. I bet you thought no pokemon news video could get an over 50% dislike ratio until it happened.
Interesting, what kind of things should I buy?
The worst thing is that it will never make a difference because even though I plan not to buy the games, I know it will still sell. GF has way too many defenders. Too many people who some how think that putting all the models in is too much work for tiny little GF to manage, despite the fact that the 3DS held basically 800 pokemon just fine. If they needed more time, I wouldnt mind waiting. If they needed more people they could of got a bigger staff. But people blindly just buy their games because thats how powerful the brand is. Even being an avid pokemon fan myself, I really do want to buy these games, but I feel if I do, I lose any right I have to voice my anger about their choice, because GF doesnt seem to have any interest in listening to fan critique. They know they can get away with this shit easy peasy.
The whole point of a novemeber/december big release like pokemon is to move consoles during holidays, just like smash was there fo 2018, if people here aint buying the switch for it the game is failing its job.
Holy fucking massive projection batman! Get some fucking standards you fucking uncultured plebeians. I'm one of the biggest pokefags out there and I'm not buying this shit. Fuck anyone who does
Swore of Sword/Shield when I saw how fucking awful the design was. It's not the graphics -- it's the entire, empty, bland aesthetic, the lazy gimmicks they keep employing to try to keep the series relevant.
I wish GameFreak would hand the series over to Nintendo proper. It would be amazing to explore a world like BotW, catching Pokemon unique to certain areas, endemic to only a small, hidden cave at one corner of the map. So much better than the shit that is Pokemon today. Give the series to a competent developer and it could be one of the most fun, engaging games EVER.
>Maybe if I keep saying it they'll be tempted to buy it!
>"haha you know you are going to buy LGPE"
>didn't buy it
>Kantofags and GOfags buy Let's Go en masse
Duh, how the fuck can we fight that in the first place? Even with lots of veteran Pokefags all boycotting, we can't compete with the buying power of KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfags
Never played a single pokemon and never will, just here to laugh.
Haven't bought a pokemon game since gold. Gonna keep it that way.
I haven't bought a pokemon game since black and white nigger, and I don't intend to start again any time soon
X and Y looked bad, but SwSh make those two look like god's gift in comparison
If you add in the rest of the pokedex then sure
I haven't bought a single mainline Pokemon game since Pearl. Explorers of the Sky was my last one period (I'd probably buy a Switch release if they turn back the old recruiting system).
Try speaking for yourself. Also have some fucking self control.
I'm not 12, so, I don't buy kids games.
Are you buying a copy for me? If so fuck off.
I’m afraid, little faggot, that you’re wrong. I won’t buy a butchered game.