Rhodoks must burn

Seriously is there any faction more OP than the rhodoks? Everyone says the nords, but I had an army of 160 huscarls and couldn’t take a rhodok castle full of seargants and sharpshooters. I hate sieging nords, but I completely avoid sieging rhodoks until the end. Also what are they supposed to be? The French? Italians?

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Vaegirs are the real faggots

They are also hypocrites

What's wrong with them?
They are stupidly easy to defeat so at worst they are a minor annoyance

literally just get 2 different cavalry types and pincer /hammer & anvil them

French would be more like Swadia


Rhodoks are meh in campaign but my favorite in multiplayer, since almost no map for regular play really involved cavalry.

t. anally devastated Swadian

That's every faction in the game, nigga's talking about seiges.

Don't use your own men. Become the marshal, get retards to follow you, hurl bodies at the walls until everyone's dead on one side. Move your huscarls and swadian knights and shit to the bottom of your army so they can sweep up whatever's left after all the enemy's good units are dead. Buy a seige crossbow and snipe their sharpshooters yourself. That's pretty much it.

Funnily enough, in MP Rhodoks and Nords are some of the best balanced. Vaegirs and Sarraniggers can suck my cock.

>not always speccing bows exclusively for seiges

I'm fairly sure they're supposed to be English since they basically have to rely on ranged weapons and pikes to defeat swadian knights and that they were also initially part of the swadian kingdom. That'd mirror French and English medieval relationship fairly well.

I always thought of swadia as more of a Germanic faction considering they’re in the center of the continent

>the only native NA servers that are alive are TDM and sometimes Duel
>most of the maps on TDM are made to cater to cavalry and archers
>NA Duel is exclusively turboplebs fucking around with their buds or 4000 hour autists that look like they're constantly having a seizure

why can't there be another melee combat game that's as satisfying and dense

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Threadly reminder: "Fuck the khanate"

I like to keep my lords fresh and at full strength so they can defend the empire from attackers. I usually do most of the sieging myself. I’m also a bit of a roleplay fag (makes the game more fun). I wouldn’t want to send my lords and their men to the slaughter anyway.

Fighting the khergits in open field is so annoying because it just takes fucking forever for the battle to end. There’s always just a couple of horse archers riding around shooting and no one is fast enough to catch up. Fuck the khergits

I respect that. It really does help though to have a lot of high tier ranged units at the top of your army with some mid-level shits with shields and backload your good melee dudes at the bottom. Generally I would have my archers stand back a ways from the wall and hold the melee units until most of the enemy archers were dead, then send them forward.


Do people actually play the game for the multiplayer? I’ve been playing nothing but vanilla singleplayer for years. Such a great game. So ready for bannerlords. I want to be able to have children. And I hope they add some more politics to the game. Ie alliances, trade deals, and perma-death of other lords. Executions would be dope. I hope it’s not just warband with better graphics, but if it is I guess I can’t complain too much.

Swiss-Italians. Also, if you need to siege them just load up on a million high tier archers and outshoot them. When you run out of ammo, retreat and do it all over again.


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mount and blade was never good


Imagine being a novice and jumping into a CSGO match against 15 year veterans. That's how multiplayer is

Which user been up to date with their update post, is it seem like the wait finally over, will we finally get a release date at gamescom?

The famous English crossbows and pikes.

t. dumbass who's never heard of Italy

I got bored with the singleplayer after around 600 hours, I play exclusively for multiplayer now.
Please don't speak of butterlord, I can't handle it

For some reason army AI handles using crossbow alot better than using bow. And rhodok sharpshooters are the best crossbow units, that's why sieging them even with huscarls is pain in the ass.

Just fucking mix Nord huscarls with rhodok sharpshooters, add some swadian knights and khergit horse archers and Bam, you have ultimate army

I don’t use different types of troops because there’s really no point for me since I play it on Xbox (gay, I know). The max amount of people on the field is 100 and it’s hard to get the number of archers and infantry on the field equal like 20/20 or something. It’s just not satisfying for me to see like 20 archers and 20 infantry and manage those 2 units. It’s be cooler if I had 40 archers and 60 infantry or 30 archers 30 skirmishes 40 infantry. Plus 20 heavy infantry just aren’t enough to breakthrough in some sieges. It’s better to have a horde of huscarls just plow through to the spawn. Since the archers will run out of ammo anyway.

This guy is not wrong.

It's not hard to git moderately good though. Just grind the duel server all day. After about 40 hours of getting your shit stomped you might win about 10% of your matches.

Is there multiplayer where you control armies and siege castles like singleplayer? I play on my Xbox and I know there’s loads more stuff on mount and blade PC.

I try to refrain from multi-culti armies for morale and roleplay purposes

You might wannna check out the dev blog. A lot what you're hoping for will be in the game, example being executions of npc's and them excecuting you.

>control armies
not in native but napoleonic wars has commander battle which is pretty dope
>siege castles


No I mean where you have a kingdom and there will be other players with their own kingdoms in calradia. basically just singleplayer but with other players controlling the factions. That would be so dope.

Where my sandbois at

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this is rhodok soil

Dune coons are weakest faction next to vaegirs. All sarraniggers will be purged

Infidel shit

Use your own rocock sharpshooters. Even on hard campaign when the have 80+ sharpshooters, they won't deploy them all at once so if you bring 60 of your own you can out gun them, retreat and repeat till empty. You can even have them hold fire and use them a shield while you snipe them, then have them barrage whats left. It's so fun. They're so good.

Love getting 'caught' by them while raiding a village. Same with when they siege you. Such a good bad guy.

Yeah on the open field but at a siege cavalry sucks

Say that to my marmalukes, feg.

>and them executing you

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Using rhodoks isn’t an option unless I’m with the rhodoks. Cause I’m a faggot

Is like to see them try. I’m so autistic I have a character on hard campaign where I haven’t lost a single battle.

Well you could also beat them in field and let the AI mashal (make someone else marshal if you're king) take their land since the auto battles don't know how horrible sharpshooters are and only cares about numbers.

That’s what I usually do. I give most of the land to my lords while I keep a city or 2 to pay for my army wages and food

well then you got it covered. Go hard and beat all their lords in the field and they won't be able to take land back.


Rhodoks get fucking obliterated first every playthrough. And i use Swadian sharpshooters over rhodoks because they train faster.

In warband quantity > quality

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>anti Rhodok thread

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Nords get the rope too


2023 when turkey exists for a century.

>stack mamluks
>make loads of cash from prisoners
oh no no no

Rhodoks best allies

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You're chilling in the spire when this dude walks up and slaps your ass, then demands a relic. What do you do?

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Ask why you posted in the wrong thread.

gremlin nob his face in

is a clash of kings a good mod?

Yes. If you haven't played the retail Viking Conquest expac tho, it'll probably take some getting used too. Its the best "Game of Thrones" game I think we'll ever get.

>If you haven't played the retail Viking Conquest expac tho

thats a world of ice and fire mod that uses VC assets i thought?

Yeah, just saying that Viking Conquest play's differently that Native Warband. The limb wound/severe system thats in VC and Clash of Kings

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Really can't stand multiplayer. I have close to 2k hours and still get my shit kicked in. I've gotten to the point where I can match the epileptic morons who play but blocking, feinting, kicking and attacking for 5 minutes isn't worth it, so I'll run from a fight and try tagteam them.
Napoleonic Wars is even worse for it as the bayonet is the weapon of choice, and it only has two attack directions, which are easy to tell apart.

AWOIAF is genuinely terrible. I appreciate the massive effort that went into it, but the game is purpose built to be a slog. Not "hard but fair" just straight unfun. It takes at least 20 hours playing peasant retard dressup in some nobodys army to even start your own warband

Clash of kings doesnt have wound system, just awoiaf

>No qt Rhodian gf to cook you pasta

I'm a brainlet, thought they were the same mod. I've been using AWOIAF

What's your username, fag?

easy mistake to make. How do you cope with the startup slog of awoiaf? I have only managed to will myself through it once

Q4 2120

I can never decide if I want to raise charisma from 5 to 6 and get leadership 2 and read the book for leadership 3. Feels like wast not to, but I crave more powerdraw and will barely make powedraw 8 by level 34 where the levels start to slow down so much.

I love having maxed surgery and engineering.

Its never felt like a slog to me really. I just play through the intro missions then carefully pick fights until my handful of recruits are demigods.
Also pick a faction, its easy access to troops


Yeah plus or minus a century

Origional map unironically had more soul than Warbands

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why do they exist

Stardate 44678.1




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is floris still best mod?

Whats the difference?

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Is starting a civil war fun? I kinda want to try it but none of the causes for any of the claimants seem that just, or atleast just enough to rationally start a war over.

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try them in floris they are even more op as hell

drunk courage. Fuck king Yarogleck and fuck Sea Raiders

Why do the Vagirs insta die in all my playthroughs? It always ends up being Nords vs Rhodok vs Sultanate vs king harlaus in a single castle in the edge of the map

How to win a siege in MnB:
~Become a big guy. That is lvl up on vaegir or other noobs castles before going all out on Rhodoks. Lvl up these athletics and health skills.
~Buy/loot the biggest shield you can find. And a long range weapon with good overheads attacks. I like hammers because you can make prisoners with them.
~Siege a castle. When the fight starts, run to the ladder first while blocking arrows with your shield. Once at the top, jump wherever you can, you can glide on the npcs heads. The goal is to get out of range of the archers.
~Destroy the enemy from behind, start by the zone around the ladders to let your army in. Prioritize powerful targets to save your army some men. Gg.
Also sometimes archers can be in annoying places that are not easily reachable, buy a bow or crossvow for those.

Vaegir units kinda suck on paper so the AI loses most of its battles.

>playing middle-eastern indie games from the 90's
but y tho

Is playing a female warlord Cringe or based?

Because it's __fun.

Italians had a knack for pavise shields and foot militias, I'd wager it's based on them.

Swiss as well as italian

>not wanting to conquer the old world as a literal nobody
Are you a tranny?

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well, no, I just don't play garbage looking games. I probably can't even run it due to how ancient it looks

you sound like a very superficial person, or, as I like to call it, a fucking retard.

They get gang banged by Nords, Swadians and Khergits from every direction.

So the border kingdoms (Nords, Rhodoks, Sarranids and to a lesser extent Khergits) go to war with fewer other factions, their armies get killed off less, their fiefs raided less so their prosperity stays high and the lords stay happier and don't desert.

Starting position strength from safest to most dangerous:

don't be rude, user. it's okay to be poor. not everyone can afford a graphics card from the post-bill clinton era

>that one throwing axe near the end
Fucking kek.

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>single player warband

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Definitely. I fucking miss Swadia being central and always stretched over multiple fronts, but not being so stretched out that it's literally impossible to defend.

>landing headshot with throwing axe at fucking archers/crossbowman in multiplayer
is there a better feel than this?

>he doesnt know the ultimate strat against rh*d*ks

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Husband is much more useful then wife. Free garrison and can rebel when ever you want.

Rhodoks and Khergits are pure cancer.
The game would be much better without these broken as fuck factions.

*slaps your wench's arse*

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Isn't non-noble women meant to be hardcore mode though and early game is literally hell.
I've only ever tried noble

nah they are mix of italians and maybe some swiss
>mountain country
>plenty of ports
>xbows - italians were famous xbow merc

it doesn't look good but its pretty good and there is nothing comparable

should i play floris or dickplomacy bros?


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Nah it's fine. You need more renown then man to become a vassal and they won't give you a fief automatically when you join. This is good since fiefs suck. Some lords have dialogue making fun of you and you can get into fight with them for +renown and -relation, but sometimes they'll attack with their army instead of a duel so it's a gamble. You can also totally ignore this and once renown is high they don't talk shit anymore. Also, they only attack you if you're under powered too. I save scumed and got more troops and talked to a guy and he didn't attack me unless I had very few.

>There will never be a Yea Forums-bowl Moutain Blade edition