Western gaming thread

Attached: The2019WesternGamer.png (1022x703, 567K)

Take me back

Battlefield V is the greatest multiplayer game ever made

>people grow up

Where does this BLACKED obsession come from?

>growing up means to worship SJW culture

uh no i think you got it backwards there bud

dubs and we all go back


I like how you can tell the guy who made this wasnt on Yea Forums in 2007

white people
they can't get enough of it

>caring more about political and social causes as opposed to mindless childish hedonism isn't the pinnacle of growing up
yeah I bet you were a conservative at 12 too

a lot of /pol/acks are into interracial porn

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Is this a rage meme? You can smell how frustrated the OP was about liberal guys

Beginning time travel sequence...

>a game that got praised on Yea Forums nonstop
>suddenly sjw culture
?????????????? you gamergatefags make no sense

its a hell of a lot better than being on Yea Forums now

It's almost how most people who proclaim the degradation of modern society and praise the "good old times" were young children back in the "good old times" and have no right to remember them properly.

Being frustrated about retards being retarded is a normal thing.

Black people feel bad about themselves so they force it as a meme

Lefty white males encourage it because "muh oppression"


/pol/ is forcing it as a meme so that the can claim every other board is cucks

I'd rather go back to the early 2000's where I used to stay up all night with friends playing HORSE on THPS2.

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I still play those 2007 games on the pic because they're still fun. In fact I can't remember the last time I bought a modern game. Everything just looks plastic and soulless (hate to use this buzzword but it's what it is)

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>wojak pic
>"marxist commies"
>like you're some sort of fag, "haha"

lol so true. You can tell we're in the apocalypse, can even see it in gaming

>caring more about mindless political and social causes is growing up
>enjoying life and taking it easy is for kids
Boy, growing up sure sounds like a lot of fun.

based....and redpilled

jews pushing interracial and incest porn

This is like saying Japan pushes rape porn

>taboos need to be pushed